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jeff veek

prewriting strategies - 0 views

    This website helps you in pre-writing a paper. It tells you to jot down ideas of how you want the paper to go, with the subject, and the main ideas that you want to have in the paper. It makes you write questions down for your paper, and you should answer them, it would make your paper work really well, and read well for your reader. In this website, I have learned a lot of how you can make your paper better, before you even start writing it. It gives good examples that you can click on and see how easy this pre writing should be, and it breaks it down really easy for you to learn it quickly. This website is credible it is an educational site from the university of kansas.
jeff veek

goal - 0 views

    Summary: The site I found is a power point that lists all of the components of the rhetorical situation and defines them. Audience was clearly defined and the author gave examples on how to write to a specific audience. The author said that an audience is needed when writing on the rhetorical situation. Without an audience the writing will lack purpose and therefore not do anybody any good. How is it useful? The site was very useful and helped me gain a better understanding on the audience's role in the rhetorical situation. The site had good examples educating on how to write to a specific audience. The author asked questions that the writer should consider when writing to an audience. The author would ask the question and then briefly describe the question in further detail. The author would ask a question like "To whom am I writing?" then answer it with description on the different kinds of audiences you can have. The author also informed that you need to research your audience; you need to know specific information so that you can write something that will interest them. Why is it useful? The site was a very easy to read document. It made finding answers quick and easy. Everything is organized and the information is well explained and backed up with examples. If I were writing a paper on rhetorical situation I would use this site. I found what I was looking for in a matter of seconds and found a lot of information on the subject in question. How is it credible? The information in the site was written by Alisa Cooper from South Mountain Community College. The site was probably used as a study guide for her students. It would not be a very good study guide if the information was false. The website is also a .edu meaning it's for education purposes. Why is it credible? The information in the site was taken from a book called Reasoning and Writing Well 3rd Edition. If the teacher drew her information from this book the information must be accurate. Eve
    The goal is the purpose, motive, or reason for writing. there are two basic types of goals, general, or specific. I found this site useful it helper a lot in helping me understand goal. This is credible it is from South Mountain Community College.
wesley nells

pdf document - 0 views

    After reading this PDF file i was able to understand the rhetorical situation even better than before. I like this link because it gave examples and visual aids that help me understand rhetorical situation. Therefore i think this site is good.
Miguel Rodriguez

modality - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary - 0 views

    Modality Summary This is about as close as I can come to finding a website that describes modality. I chose to use this online dictionary because all of the other websites I tried completely confused me and led me down a path of frustration. Modality means, according to this online dictionary, "The quality or state of being modal" which translates to me as something physical being used for a purpose. That is as close as I can get to the description of the term "modality" How/why useful This website is useful because it is a dictionary. Any word you don't understand you can look it up. It is also useful because it separates the definitions by category and gives examples that help understand the definition. How/why credible This website is credible because it is a dictionary and most of the time you resort to a dictionary for reference. It is also a well known dictionary making this a very credible website to use for this assignment. Citation Modality. (2009). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved November 10, 2009, from
wesley nells

Proofreading - 0 views

    The term proofreading became very clear after reading this website. the website not only defined the term but it also gave examples of proofreading and tips that would help with the proofreading strategy as well. The website aslo seemed to be very creditable because it was published at the University of North Carolina.
wesley nells

Editing and Proofreading Strategies - 2 views

    After reading this particular piece of information, I have concluded that it has many helpful pointers in regards to editing any particular written document. It gives various examples in grammar, punctuation as well as sentence structure. It also gives basic easy instruction as to how and why certain editing techniques should be used. The reason that I feel that the credibility of this particular article is not in question is due to the facility from which it was generated. In closing I feel that anyone who has been given the dubious task of editing a particular document will find this document easy to use both from a reading aspect as well as in application
    After reading this URL i was able to understand the term editing. The website also gave reference to the term proofreading as well. I believe that the information provided was very creditable because the information was published at the Colorado State University.
wesley nells

Students' drafting strategies and text quality - Cogprints - 0 views

shared by wesley nells on 10 Nov 09 - Cached
    After reading this URL i was able to understand the concept of drafting even better than i already did. the information was very clear and i found it to be very useful. The IRL was also very creditable because it was reference to have been published at the University of South Hampton.
wesley nells

pdf document - 0 views

    The inforamtion provided about the word genre was not provided in a website nor a power point but in a PDF file in this link. I beleive that the information is good however because the term genre is not the only rhetoric term provided in stead there is an entire list of terms and their definitions. There fore i belive that this site is good.
wesley nells

ABC's of the Writing Process - Contents Page - 0 views

    This website was very good for the term revising. However the website did appear to look a little older than all other modern websites it still obtained some really useful information. The website was able to defin the term and give examples of the term. the website also provided tip that made it easier to understand the term and its meaning. Although the website looked to be old and out dated the author however did seem to be very knowledgable which there fore made this site creditable. The author of the website was A.E. Lipkewhich, Westmont Schools (Edmonton Public Schools).
wesley nells

power point - 0 views

    This URL did not come in the form of a website but instead a power point. This power point made the writing process easier to understand. The term that was most clear for me to understand was "prewriting. The power point made this term easy to understand becsue it showed examples of prewriting and different ways a person could brainstorm their indeas. However the power point did not have an author labeled. But i do believe that the information provided is creditable based on how it was written and how there were no grammatical errors or "flashing bears".
michael eads

Some Ways to Read Actively - 0 views

    After reviewing the six simple steps for active reading, I felt that it covered all the potential issues that may arise when reading.By incorporating note taking and highlighting when possible it involves the reader more fully than just skimming through. Credibility only questionable due to no other citations other than the .org in the url.
michael eads

Active Listening Student Conversation - 0 views

    The information that I gained from this website was very helpful. In addition it was generated for classroom purposes at Penn State so the credibility of this would not be an issue. It gives various senarios where active listening would be used and how a person could benefit from using these simple steps.
wesley nells

What is Rhetorical Context? - 0 views

    After reading this website i now understand the rhetorical term context better. This website was very good because it have a definition of context. The website also gives examples of context in a rhetorical situation. I believe that this website is creditable because it is stated that it is from the University writing center. therefore i think that website is useful and creditable enough to use as a reference.
wesley nells

The Rhetorical Situation - 0 views

    After reading this website i had a better understanding of the rhetorical term audience. The website was also a good resource because it gave examples of audience and other terms as well. The author of this website is named Dr. Lee Mc Gaan. Because Mr. Lee Mc Gaan is a doctor then he has to obtain a Phd. So therefore that is what i believe makes this website creditable.
michael eads

Pre-writing Techniques - 0 views

    I was suprised to find this information where I did. I found it on a college website and the subject I was looking for was right at the top. In addition it takes you through the whole pre-writing process, starting with directed questioning to get you going. It then moves on to freewriting to get some of your ideas on paper, followed by brainstorming which could be incorporated into the freewriting process. This was a short but very helpful listing for the pre-writing process.
ethan spelde

Proofreadiing strategies - 0 views

    Summary: Proofreading is another very important part in having a good paper. Before you proofread take a second and have nothing on your mind so thing in the first revision that slipped your mind wont pass your mind this time How and why is this resource useful? It is useful because it gives you definition, examples and some tips on how to proofread the paper better. How and why is this resource credible? Its credible because it is a education site and also because its from a skills book Citation: Fog City Fundamentals: A Proofreading Skills Book, SFSU English Department
michael eads - 0 views

    I liked the no nonsense easy to read format that this was presented in.From the beginning it starts by asking the reviewer to slightly change their mindset in order to do an accurate revision. It gave various examples as to how various life situations can affect your ablility to do an honest revision, even if it means that you have to rewrite certain sections which you previously thought were ok. It pretty much gives you the dos' and don'ts of revising so in the end you will have a accurate and thorough document
ethan spelde

Editing Strategies - 0 views

    Summary: Editing strategies is basically deals with everything else that you need to look at as far as sentence structure spelling typos grammar and basically how your paper is set up and how it was written How and why is this resource useful? It is useful in that it begins and tells you what editing is and then fallows it with what things to look at when you are editing. How and why is this resource credible? This site is credible in the since that its from a educational website and used by colleges for there curriculum. Citation: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 The Write Place
ethan spelde

Revising Strategies - 0 views

    Summary: revising is not just reading it over fast while you have a little break. Revising is where you dig and pry at every little thing to smooth out all the rough spots as far as grammar, punctuation, spelling, correct tone, ect. How and why is this resource useful? This site I found useful because it starts out and gives you a brief description on what revising is then goes into helping you almost revise a paper as far as asking you all the questions you ask yourself as you go threw the paper. How and why is this resource credible? This sit is credible from the education its used for and where it is from which is a educational site. Citation: last updated August 6, 2000
michael eads

How Do You Proofread Your Own Work? - 0 views

    This was a very useful piece. It gave various examples as well as reasons to proofread the document that has just been completed. In addition it also gave a number of other websites, that can further answer any questions that may arise. It gives directions in a linear format just as you would encounter them in your text. This website is credible due to all the resources that are available to you in this one site.
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