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Marlene Johnshoy

7 Tips To Give Constructive Criticism In eLearning - eLearning Industry - 0 views

    A good reminder that everyone needs positive feedback along with the critiques...
Marlene Johnshoy

Technology Integration Matrix - 0 views

    The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students. The TIM incorporates five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments: active, constructive, goal directed (i.e., reflective), authentic, and collaborative (Jonassen, Howland, Moore, & Marra, 2003). The TIM associates five levels of technology integration (i.e., entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion, and transformation) with each of the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments.
Martha Borden

Digitally Speaking / Voicethread - 4 views

    Great source of information, examples and ideas about using Voicethread for digital conversations.
    thanks for sharing Roxana. I really like how this blog discusses the language and cultural uses of using voicethread to create learning communities. It provided me many practical examples I can use in my classroom to help students focus on langauge development while using the technology. This post puts the focus on learning not on the technology. The handouts are great supports that help students stay on the learning track and because of this, the coummunity of learning is built. I was a little concerned by the deficit language used on the scoring rubric for asynchronous content. I will probably use something similar by change the wording to be a little more constructive, as meaning can be lost online and harsh wording can be misinterpreted.

Introducing a New Teaching Model:Flipped Classroom--《Journal of Distance Education》2012年04期 - 0 views

    A flipped classroom is a classroom that swaps the arrangement of knowledge imparting and knowledge internalization comparing to traditional classroom.In the flipped classroom,the roles of teachers and students have been changed and the class time should have a new plan.Information technology and activity learning construct an individuation and cooperative learning environment for learners to create new learning culture.Based on the analysis of literature of flipped classroom and some typical cases,we summarize a flipped classroom teaching model.We also describe the challenges in the implementation of the flipped classroom teaching.The paper provides an innovative way to reform teaching in Chinese schools.
    This article is on the subject of the flipped classroom applied to Chinese language.

Inside VIPKID, Cindy Mi, and $3 billion startup's teacher community - Business Insider - 0 views

  • But, she said, she and fellow members of the Teachers of Color group have called for VIPKid to act "proactively" by teaching the company's parent customers about diversity in America, involving teachers of color in the construction of the curriculum, featuring teachers of color in advertisements in China, and releasing a statement to the company's Chinese customers explicitly supporting teachers of color.
    • afarachnps
      Online tutoring like the kind offered by this company, VIPKid, from China to the US, can offer great opportunities for targeting interpersonal communication. However, perhaps due to the synchronous nature of the interactions between tutors and students, cultural and racial stereotypes can interfere in many damaging ways. Does interpersonal communication in the language classroom, real or virtual, open up students and their interlocutors to situations for which we as teachers may not always be prepared?

Teaching, Tech and Twitter: Ignite a Flipgrid Fire - 1 views

  • 5. GridPals! An incredible idea from Bonnie McClelland, GridPals connects classrooms across the globe creating virtual pen pals. You can take advantage of GridPals using Flipgrid One. However, if one of the GridPals teachers has Flipgrid classroom then you can become CoPilots on the same grid giving both teachers access to the educator dashboard.
    • vaguevara
      REally want to investigate this!!!
  • The beginning of the year, at parent conferences, a send-off to the next grade are all ways to get families involved in encouraging and supporting their kids.
    • vaguevara
      I will use this as a bridge to communication about what is happening in the classroom- Have students teach introductions to their parents, and film them doing it!!!
  • ONE of the PVLEGS expectations to focus on at a time
    • vaguevara
      Yes-- try not to assess everything at once-- overwhelming for student and teacher:)
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Flipgrid film festival 
    • vaguevara
      I would like to use this for trablenguas and shorter interpersonal activities-- Great to share out with class, and also for student-parent-teacher conferences
  • Flipgrid video and a QR code link to the video is stuck on the map? Geography, history and oral reports all rolled into one.
    • vaguevara
      Love this idea, for student work during field trips
  • 7. Computer science shareout
    • vaguevara
      I will also use this idea to garner self-evaluation of discreet tasks and longer project work.
  • Claudio Zavala Jr. and Scott Titmas
  • rubric
  • The Global Read Aloud is a set 6 week period that spans from early October through mid-November and teachers all over the globe read one book and connect with other classrooms all over the world. 
    • vaguevara
      Wonder if there is a readaloud in Spanish... will investigate
  • 10 Ways to Enhance Math Lessons With Flipgrid by Sean Fahey.
    • vaguevara
      I'm sure a great deal of this is transferable to WLs.
  • background knowledge
    • vaguevara
      This could be a way to have students construct the anticipatory set!
  • 1. Virtual vocabulary word wall When working on a unit have your students record a video describing the meaning of important vocabulary words. They can hold up a card in their selfie video with the word written on it so the words are easily accessed by other students. 
    • vaguevara
      Love this! Great way to kick start the year!!!
  • The Educator's Guide to Flipgrid (2nd Edition).
    • vaguevara
      Will ad this to my list of ebooks
    Overview of Flipgrid and all the ways it can be used in the classroom for interpretive, interpersonal and presentational modes.
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