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Marlene Johnshoy

Own Your Space - Online Safety Ebook for Teens - 0 views

    From Richard Byrne's blog: "Own Your Space is a free, sixteen chapter ebook designed to educate tweens and teens about protecting themselves and their stuff online. This ebook isn't a fluffy, general overview book. Each chapter goes into great detail explaining the technical threats that students' computers face online as well as the personal threats to data that students can face online." It's free, downloadable, and it looks to me like it should be read by any student with internet access - and their parents and teachers!!!
Marlene Johnshoy

Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories from ... - 3 views

    " access eBook contains 133 chapters with over 850 pages documenting best practices, strategies, and efforts by teacher educators, professional developers, researchers, and practitioners. It is divided into seven sections that address pedagogy, collaboration, field experiences, preservice education methods, professional development, digital tools, and equity issues. Chapters are presented as innovations with supporting materials that could be easily replicated or studied. (v1.02)"

Teaching, Tech and Twitter: Ignite a Flipgrid Fire - 1 views

  • 5. GridPals! An incredible idea from Bonnie McClelland, GridPals connects classrooms across the globe creating virtual pen pals. You can take advantage of GridPals using Flipgrid One. However, if one of the GridPals teachers has Flipgrid classroom then you can become CoPilots on the same grid giving both teachers access to the educator dashboard.
    • vaguevara
      REally want to investigate this!!!
  • The beginning of the year, at parent conferences, a send-off to the next grade are all ways to get families involved in encouraging and supporting their kids.
    • vaguevara
      I will use this as a bridge to communication about what is happening in the classroom- Have students teach introductions to their parents, and film them doing it!!!
  • ONE of the PVLEGS expectations to focus on at a time
    • vaguevara
      Yes-- try not to assess everything at once-- overwhelming for student and teacher:)
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Flipgrid film festival 
    • vaguevara
      I would like to use this for trablenguas and shorter interpersonal activities-- Great to share out with class, and also for student-parent-teacher conferences
  • Flipgrid video and a QR code link to the video is stuck on the map? Geography, history and oral reports all rolled into one.
    • vaguevara
      Love this idea, for student work during field trips
  • 7. Computer science shareout
    • vaguevara
      I will also use this idea to garner self-evaluation of discreet tasks and longer project work.
  • Claudio Zavala Jr. and Scott Titmas
  • rubric
  • The Global Read Aloud is a set 6 week period that spans from early October through mid-November and teachers all over the globe read one book and connect with other classrooms all over the world. 
    • vaguevara
      Wonder if there is a readaloud in Spanish... will investigate
  • 10 Ways to Enhance Math Lessons With Flipgrid by Sean Fahey.
    • vaguevara
      I'm sure a great deal of this is transferable to WLs.
  • background knowledge
    • vaguevara
      This could be a way to have students construct the anticipatory set!
  • 1. Virtual vocabulary word wall When working on a unit have your students record a video describing the meaning of important vocabulary words. They can hold up a card in their selfie video with the word written on it so the words are easily accessed by other students. 
    • vaguevara
      Love this! Great way to kick start the year!!!
  • The Educator's Guide to Flipgrid (2nd Edition).
    • vaguevara
      Will ad this to my list of ebooks
    Overview of Flipgrid and all the ways it can be used in the classroom for interpretive, interpersonal and presentational modes.
Marlene Johnshoy

101 ways to ditch that textbook with Google - 2 views

    Free ebook from Matt Miller
Beth Kautz

Resources - iBooks Author in Education - 0 views

    links to widget creator, handbook and more resources for using iBooks Author
Marlene Johnshoy

Create your own E-Book for your iPad - 0 views

    I don't have an iPad or a WordPress blog, but this looks like a lot of fun! I wonder if it would work with an iPod Touch or iPhone? Android phone?
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