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Leslie Camacho

The National Career Development Association - 0 views

    What are the advantages of guiding workers to collect stories directed at organizational career management? Expressing accomplishments in story form is a huge advantage because a compelling, engaging story is memorable to the manager making a promotion decision, while people who aren't telling stories may be forgotten. The decision-maker gets to know and trust employees through their stories, which may also help establish an emotional connection that inspires investment in their success. (And, by the way, the same storytelling principles that work for other employees also work for your own career progression.)
Leslie Camacho

Writing Success Stories | Harvey Careers - 0 views

    Whether you call them CAR (challenge, action, result), STAR (situation, task, action, result), PAR (problem, action, result) or OAR (opportunity, action, result) stories, these stories are a critical component in your resume, leadership addendum, positioning statement and other marketing collateral, as well as in your interview.
Leslie Camacho

News and Announcements for September - 3 views

Happy September, This month I would like to welcome Amanpreet Kaur to our group. To view her profile or become her Diigo friend, go to "members" and click on her name. It's that easy. This mon...

started by Leslie Camacho on 03 Sep 09 no follow-up yet
Leslie Camacho

Profiles of the Long-Term Unemployed - - 0 views

    "Although some employers report trouble finding workers, about 4.4 million Americans have been looking for jobs for at least a year-and that doesn't include the ones who have given up. Here are some of their stories."
Leslie Camacho

'Unbillable Hours' by Ian Graham Will Make Law Students Reconsider - Careers Articles - 0 views

    "Early in Ian Graham's new book 'Unbillable Hours,' a John Grisham-like true story of his work as a corporate lawyer and how he helped get a murder conviction overturned, he quickly comes to the realization that working at a big Los Angeles law firm wasn't the best career move. The money is great -- $120,000 as a first-year associate -- but as one of his colleagues points out, working 260,000 billable hours per year comes out to $40 an hour, or what he pays his cleaning lady."
Leslie Camacho

High School Graduation Rates See Small Boost, Report Finds - TIME - 1 views

    "High school graduation rates are one of education's perennial bad-news stories. How bad? In 2008, there were 1,746 "dropout factories," high schools that graduate fewer than 60% of their students. "
Leslie Camacho

Stop Asking Me My Major - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 1 views

    "One of my best friends from high school, Andrew, changed majors during his first semester at college. He and I had been fascinated by politics for years, sharing every news story we could find and participating in the Internet activism that was exploding into a new political force. Even though he was still passionate about politics, that was no longer enough. "I have to get practical," he messaged me one day, "think about getting a job after graduation. I mean, it's like my mom keeps asking me: What can you do with a degree in political science anyway?""
Leslie Camacho

An Educator's Story - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    "I met Dorothy Walker in my first year of Shades Valley High School, one of several schools in the Birmingham, Ala., area. Confident of little and terrified of much, I entered the honors section of her 10th-grade English class. Known to us simply as Mrs. Walker, she began by using the prescribed curriculum to shape and mold us as her students. Without my realizing it, she began teaching me a lesson that took me three graduate degrees, 24 years of service in higher education, and countless life experiences to understand: the enormous impact educators can have on their students."
Leslie Camacho

The National Career Development Association - 0 views

    Sheila is a claims processor at a major automotive company. Due to recent declines in the economy, she has recently been given notice that her position will terminate in two weeks. A despondent Sheila makes an appointment with the career consultant employed to assist with terminated workers. Upon hearing Sheila's story it might not surprise you to hear that the counselor plans to consult various websites during her work with Sheila. As professional career counselors, we are practiced at using career-based websites to assist clients with finding resources for taking interest inventories, engaging in job searches, finding occupational information, and creating resumes. However, Sheila's counselor is not looking at these types of websites. There are other beneficial websites that may not be as apparent or as frequently used. There are many websites that have information on career development theories that may be useful to counselors who are working to resolve the dilemmas of their clients. Below are several websites on the theories of cognitive, sociological, trait-factor, and on diversity issues that Sheila's counselor, and many of you, may find useful.
Leslie Camacho

Small-Business Owners Fight Tax Assessments - - 0 views

    The bad economy and the deteriorating commercial real-estate market have motivated some small-business owners to fight their tax assessments. Ann Jones of Columbia, S.C., thought there might be a mistake when she received a property valuation from Richland County in January. The co-owner of the Dog Eared Corner LLC, a pet-grooming company, saw her commercial property's value assessed at $287,000, after she had just bought the three-story building three months earlier for only $210,000.
Swati Mehra

10 reasons to invest in a play school franchise - 0 views

    Young entrepreneurs often choose to go for a play school franchise, rather than experimenting with other industries. This rising trend tells a singular story: investing in play school franchise is lucrative!
tech vedic

Techvedic-Career: Expect something fun and outlandish on April Fools Day. - 0 views

    Expect something fun and outlandish on April Fools Day.
Leslie Camacho

Reply All Horror Stories: The Button Everyone Loves to Hate - - 0 views

    "I answered my phone recently to hear a friend shrieking in my ear. "Check your inbox for the email I just sent you," he wailed. "And please, please tell me I didn't hit Reply All." What happens when we hit "reply all" by mistake? The result can be very embarrassing to say the least. Elizabeth Bernstein offers some tips on how to avoid making such a potentially costly mistake. You know that feeling: You hit Send-and your heart nearly stops. This shouldn't still be happening. After almost two decades of constant, grinding email use, we should all be too tech-savvy to keep making the same mortifying mistake, too careful to keep putting our relationships and careers on the line because of sloppiness. "
Leslie Camacho

For the 'funemployed,' unemployment is welcome - Los Angeles Times - 0 views

    Michael Van Gorkom was laid off by Yahoo in late April. He didn't panic. He didn't rush off to a therapist. Instead, the 33-year-old Santa Monica resident discovered that being jobless "kind of settled nicely."
Swati Mehra

What Matters the Most When Choosing Your Playschool Franchise? - 0 views

    when looking for different #franchiseopportunitiesineducationsector, make sure to keep all these points in mind.The right playschool franchise should add more value to your preschool business.
Swati Mehra

How to Choose the Best Preschool Franchise? - 0 views

    If you dream of running your own playschool and being your own boss, it will be required to choose the best preschool franchise. So how do you determine that you are choosing the right franchiser brand?Consider the following points when setting up your preschool and looking for the right brand to tie up with.
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