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Matti Narkia

Artemisinin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Artemisinin (pronounced /ɑːtə'misinən/) is a drug used to treat multi-drug resistant strains of falciparum malaria. The compound (a sesquiterpene lactone) is isolated from the plant Artemisia annua. Not all plants of this species contain artemisinin. Apparently it is only produced when the plant is subjected to certain conditions, most likely biotic or abiotic stress. It can be synthesized from artemisinic acid.[1] The drug is derived from a herb used in Chinese traditional medicine, though it is usually chemically modified and combined with other medications. Artemisinin is under early research and testing for treatment of cancer, primarily by researchers at the University of Washington.[7][8] Artemisinin has a peroxide lactone group in its structure. It is thought that when the peroxide comes into contact with high iron concentrations (common in cancerous cells), the molecule becomes unstable and releases reactive oxygen species. It has been shown to reduce angiogenesis and the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in some tissue cultures.

Learn To Identify Prostate Cancer - 1 views

Cancer is one of the most affected diseases across the globe and among the various types of cancers that can affect the human body, prostate cancer is considered to be the most common type of cance...

signs of prostate cancer prostate cancer treatment cancer research scientific research

started by anonymous on 10 Feb 15 no follow-up yet
Matti Narkia

Berberine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    "Berberine is a quaternary ammonium salt from the group of isoquinoline alkaloids. It is found in such plants as Berberis, goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), and Coptis chinensis, usually in the roots, rhizomes, stems, and bark. Berberine is strongly yellow colored, which is why in earlier times berberis species were used to dye wool, leather and wood. Wool is still today dyed with berberine in Northern India Berberine (BBR) is a natural compound with up-regulating activity on both low-density-lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) and insulin receptor (InsR). This one-drug-multiple-target characteristic might be suitable for the treatment of metabolic syndrome.[12] Berberine has been tested and used successfully in experimental[13] and human diabetes mellitus.[14][15][16] Berberine has been shown to lower elevated blood glucose as effectively as metformin.[17] The mechanisms include inhibition of aldose reductase,[18] inducing glycolysis,[19] preventing insulin resistance[20] through increasing insulin receptor expression[14] and acting like incretins. Berberine has drawn extensive attention towards its antineoplastic effects.[43][44] It seems to suppress the growth of a wide variety of tumor cells including breast cancer,[45] leukemia, melanoma,[46] epidermoid carcinoma, hepatoma, oral carcinoma, tongue carcinoma,[47] glioblastoma, prostate carcinoma, gastric carcinoma.[48][49] Animal studies have shown that berberine can suppress chemical-induced carcinogenesis, tumor promotion, tumor invasion,[50][51][52][53][54] prostate cancer,[55][56][57][58] neuroblastoma,[59][60] and leukemia.[34][61] It is a radiosensitzer of tumor cells but not of normal cells
Matti Narkia

Induction of Ovarian Cancer Cell Apoptosis by 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 through the Down... - 0 views

    Induction of ovarian cancer cell apoptosis by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 through the down-regulation of telomerase. Jiang F, Bao J, Li P, Nicosia SV, Bai W. J Biol Chem. 2004 Dec 17;279(51):53213-21. Epub 2004 Oct 12. PMID: 15485861 doi: 10.1074/jbc.M410395200 Overall, the study suggests that the down-regulation of telomerase activity by 1,25(OH)2VD3 and the resulting cell death are important components of the response of OCa cells to 1,25(OH)2VD3-induced growth suppression. Progressive shortening of telomere associated with cell divisions limits the life span of normal cells and eventually leads to senescence. To become immortal, human cancers including OCa are invariably associated with activation of mechanism that maintains telomere length. Approximately 85-90% of cancers show reactivation of telomerase. The present study shows that telomerase in OCa cells is down-regulated by 1,25(OH)2VD3. Down-regulation of telomerase is due to decreased stability of hTERT mRNA rather than VDRE-mediated transcriptional repression through the putative VDRE present in the regulatory region of the hTERT gene. It is known that the inhibition of telomerase may lead to a phenotypic lag during which cells would continue to divide until the point at which the telomeres became critically short. This phenomenon may explain why the apoptotic induction by 1,25(OH)2VD3 needs the treatment for more than 6 days. As mentioned in the results, no detectable shortening of telomeric repeats was observed in parental OVCAR3 cells after 9 days of treatment with 1,25(OH)2VD3 (Fig. 4D). This is likely due to the fact that the short telomere (about 3 kb) in OVCAR3 cells is very close to the minimal length required for survival and that cells with detectably shorter telomere may have been selected against apoptosis. It has been shown that transformed human cells enter crisis once the terminal restriction fragment of the telomere reaches a length of about 4 kb. This is insufficient to protect chro
Matti Narkia

Mitochondrially Targeted Effects of Berberine [Natural Yellow 18, 5,6-dihydro-9,10-dime... - 0 views

    Mitochondrially targeted effects of berberine [Natural Yellow 18, 5,6-dihydro-9,10-dimethoxybenzo(g)-1,3-benzodioxolo(5,6-a) quinolizinium] on K1735-M2 mouse melanoma cells: comparison with direct effects on isolated mitochondrial fractions. Pereira GC, Branco AF, Matos JA, Pereira SL, Parke D, Perkins EL, Serafim TL, Sardão VA, Santos MS, Moreno AJ, Holy J, Oliveira PJ. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2007 Nov;323(2):636-49. Epub 2007 Aug 17. PMID: 17704354 doi: 10.1124/jpet.107.128017 The present work shows that berberine is accumulated by mitochondria of a mouse melanoma cell line, leading to mitochondrial fragmentation and dysfunction, accompanied by decreased cellular energy charge. When the effect was compared with the results obtained on isolated mitochondrial fractions, it is observed that regardless of the system used, berberine is toxic for mitochondria. One major limitation of the present study (as in many others) is the lack of knowledge of the real concentration of berberine that reaches mitochondria in intact cells. Although we do not possess data regarding this aspect, it is wise to speculate that mitochondrial berberine concentrations will be much higher than in the bulk cytosol due to electrophoretic accumulation. We believe that the range of berberine concentrations accumulated by mitochondria in intact cells is within the range of concentrations used on isolated mitochondrial fractions in the present study. The present work not only provides insights on the mechanism by which berberine interferes with tumor cell proliferation, demonstrating previously unknown effects on mitochondrial physiology, but also raises a note of caution on the use of berberine as a nontoxic "natural" over-the-counter medication.
Matti Narkia

MedlinePlus: Prostate Cancer - 0 views

    The prostate is the gland below a man's bladder that produces fluid for semen. Prostate cancer is the third most common cause of death from cancer in men of all ages. It is rare in men younger than 40. Levels of a substance called prostate specific antigen (PSA) is often high in men with prostate cancer. However, PSA can also be high with other prostate conditions. Since the PSA test became common, most prostate cancers are found before they cause symptoms. Symptoms of prostate cancer may include Problems passing urine, such as pain, difficulty starting or stopping the stream, or dribbling Low back pain Pain with ejaculation Prostate cancer treatment often depends on the stage of the cancer. How fast the cancer grows and how different it is from surrounding tissue helps determine the stage. Treatment may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy or control of hormones that affect the cancer.
Matti Narkia

CancerGuide: Steve Dunn's Cancer Information Page - 0 views

    CancerGuide is a cancer information page written by Steve Dunn, a fellow patient. I strongly believe, and indeed I know from personal experience, that information can save your life. This page is dedicated to helping cancer patients find the best treatment for their disease by finding, and understanding, the best and latest information on their disease. The focus here is on technical information. While this page does offer links to the best cancer information sources on the net, what makes this page special is no holds barred help and information about things on and off the net from someone who's been been where you are now. The information on this page is information with a point of view, not information sanitized by committee!
Matti Narkia

Benefits of Vitamin D Supplementation - Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Vol... - 0 views

    Benefits of Vitamin D Supplementation Joel M. Kauffman, Ph.D. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 14 Number 2 - Summer 2009 Clinical trials show that vitamin D supplementation at higher levels than previously recommended is beneficial for many conditions. It decreases the frequency of falls and fractures, helps prevent cardiovascular disease, and reduces symptoms of colds or influenza. Benefits are also seen in diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, Crohn disease, pain, depression, and possibly autism. Sunlight does not cause an overdose of vitamin D production, and toxicity from supplementation is rare. Dose recommendations are increasing, but appear to be lagging the favorable trial results. A number of common drugs deplete vitamin D levels, and others may limit its biosynthesis from sunlight. People with adequate levels from sun exposure will not benefit from supplementation. While dietary intake is helpful, supplementation is better able to raise serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D , the major circulating metabolite, to the level now thought adequate, 30-50 ng/mL. Where there is inadequate daily sun exposure, oral doses of 1,000-2,000 IU/d are now considered routine, with much higher doses (up to 50,000 IU) for rapid repletion now considered safe.
Matti Narkia


    Age, stress, and poor nutrition can sap our immune system of its effectiveness. Influenza provides one example. During young adulthood, when the body can mount a robust immune response to this common virus, influenza is rarely fatal. Among the elderly, however, the virus is associated with significant rates of death and hospitalization (Nichol KL 2005). The impact of aging on the immune system is profound. As people age, a number of critical immune system components are reduced or slowed, including cellular response, response to vaccines, and antibody production. At the same time, susceptibilities to infection and cancer are increased. Some of this increased susceptibility to disease is linked to chronic inflammation, which is associated with many disorders of aging (Ershler WB et al 2000; Hamerman D 1999; Taaffe DR et al 2000).
Matti Narkia

artemisinin / FrontPage - 0 views

    Artemisia Annua (Sweet Wormwood) is a shrubby perennial native to China. The leaf of the plant contains up to 0.04 percent Artemisinin. This herb has been used over the centuries by Chinese medical practitioners. Artemisinin came to the attention of the World Health Organization in the 1970s when Quinine lost efficacy against malaria. Artemisinin is the only drug effective against malaria and hundreds of millions of doses are prescribed for that purpose every year. The artemisinin molecule has an affinity for iron, which the malarial parasite sequesters internally. Artemisinin enters the malarial parasite and combines with sequestered iron to create Reactive Oxygen Species, rupturing the parasite. Like malarial parasites, cancer cells concentrate and sequester high levels of iron. Moreover cancer cells overexpress cell surface receptors for iron-containing compounds like ferritin and holotransferrin. Therefore, Artemisinin has a high affinity for cancer cells, and upon entering the cell combines with intercellular iron creating ROS-mediated apoptosis. Artemisinin is the only chemotherapeutic agent that lacks the tertiary amine necessary to usher the drug back out of the cell. This document is based on the research of Dr. Henry Lai and Dr. Narenda Singh at the University of Washington,and the medical practice of Dr. Ba Hoang of Vietnam and San Jose, California. There are a few points of divergence among experts studying Artemisinin, therefore more than one protocol is outlined below.
Matti Narkia

PSK: A Non-Toxic Polysaccharide Drug - 0 views

    If you're from Japan, you're probably wondering why I've listed PSK under alternative therapies. In Japan, PSK is an approved anti-cancer drug with 20 years of research behind it. PSK sales in Japan account for hundreds of millions dollars worth of sales each year. But in the US, PSK is little known, is not used by mainstream doctors, and until recently nothing like it was readily available. Now a nutritional supplement designed to be identical to PSK is available in the US, but very few mainstream doctors, and actually not many alternative practitioners are aware of it. So in the US, PSK has the status of a little known nutritional supplement or alternative therapy. Which is too bad in light of its proven benefits, easy administration, and lack of toxicity. Before I start sounding too much more like an advertisement, let me confess. I really am excited about it, but I have no financial interest in it; I'm not selling it.

How does doctor decide Lung cancer treatment - 0 views

    In this video, Dr. Ramakant Deshpande explaining How does doctor decide Lung cancer treatment for different stages of Lung cancer. Lung cancer and its adversities can be lethal, if remains undiagnosed or left untreated. A multidisciplinary approach can successfully eliminate the cancer from lungs and patient may resume normal life after recovery, says Dr. Ramakant Dehspande, Chief of Thoracic Surgical Oncology, Asian Institute of Oncology. Lung cancer There are different sizes and stages of lung cancer, which are treated differently. Broadly, specialists categorize various types of lung cancer into two basic forms Non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. The staging of lung cancer helps in deciding the severity of the disease, course of treatment, and chances of survival. Detection of cancer at an early stage increases the chances of successful treatment and full recovery of the patient. A small legion located in one area is known as the first stage; a little larger tumor is called stage 2; spread within the lungs is called stage 3, and if it spread to other parts then termed as stage 4. Doctor Profile: Dr. Ramakant Deshpande MS; FICS; FAIS; DHA having experience of 31+ years and is a Chief of Thoracic Surgical Oncology, Asian Institute of Oncology. - Padmashree award by the President of India in 2014 - Lifetime Achievement Award at the Indian National Critical Care Society Annual Meet at Jaipur 2014 - Lifetime Achievement Award by Zee Maaza TV in 2019 - Senior of Robotic surgery at the Asian Cancer Institute - Established the Minimally Invasive method of Thoracoscopy - President of the Indian Society of Oncology - Director - Asian Cancer Institute - Ex Tata Memorial Doctor This video is under the "My Health My Right" Initiative of MedicoExperts - A Global Virtual Hospital. For Inquiry Call or WhatsApp us at +919769516280 #lungcancertreatment​ #MyHealthMyRight​ #lungcancer​ #lungcancerstages​ #MedicoExperts​ #lungcancertreatmen
Joseph Reynolds

Asbestos in Your Home | Asbestos Exposure - 0 views

    Asbestos is lurking in many homes. As long as the asbestos is not disturbed, it is safe to be around, but if the asbestos is released into the air, it can be ingested.
Matti Narkia

Cancer immunology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Cancer immunology is the study of interactions between the immune system and cancer cells (also called tumors or malignancies). It is also a growing field of research that aims to discover innovative cancer immunotherapies to treat and retard progression of this disease. The immune response, including the recognition of cancer-specific antigens is of particular interest in this field as knowledge gained drives the development of new vaccines and antibody therapies. For instance in 2007, Ohtani published a paper finding tumour infiltrating lymphocytes to be quite significant in human colorectal cancer.[1] The host was given a better chance at survival if the cancer tissue showed infiltration of inflammatory cells, in particular lymphocytic reactions. The results yielded suggest some extent of anti-tumour immunity is present in colorectal cancers in humans.
Matti Narkia

Scripps research team solves structure of 'beneficial' virus | Eureka! Science News - 0 views

    D structure of the virus, known as Seneca Valley Virus-001, reveals that it is unlike any other known member of the Picornaviridae viral family, and confirms its recent designation as a separate genus "Senecavirus." The new study reveals that the virus's outer protein shell looks like a craggy golf ball¬-one with uneven divets and raised spikes-and the RNA strand beneath it is arranged in a round mesh rather like a whiffleball. "It is not at all like other known picornaviruses that we are familiar with, including poliovirus and rhinoviruses, which cause the common cold," says the study's senior author, Associate Professor Vijay S. Reddy, Ph.D., of The Scripps Research Institute. "This crystal structure will now help us understand how Senecavirus works, and how we can take advantage of it." The Senecavirus is a "new" virus, discovered several years ago by Neotropix Inc., a biotech company in Malvern, Pennsylvania. It was at first thought to be a laboratory contaminant, but researchers found it was a pathogen, now believed to originate from cows or pigs. Further investigation found that the virus was harmless to normal human cells, but could infect certain solid tumors, such as small cell lung cancer, the most common form of lung cancer.
Matti Narkia

Cancer Treatment: The Ciritical Factors - - 0 views

    Determining the best way of treating cancer remains highly controversial, even among mainstream oncologists. What may surprise the reader is the large number of documented therapies that have been overlooked by establishment medicine. The fundamental objective of this book is to encourage the expedient transfer of published scientific findings from the research bench to the clinical setting where the patient may benefit. This is the concept of translational medicine, which means translating knowledge from the laboratory side of medicine to the front lines of patient care. Physicians who practice translational medicine react uniquely when informed about a novel therapy. Their curiosity first motivates them to evaluate the new approach in order to reaffirm safety and efficacy in the context of treatment that is appropriate to the patient's condition. The dedicated translational physician uses novel therapeutics based on:
Matti Narkia

Safety Study of Seneca Valley Virus in Patients With Solid Tumors With Neuroendocrine F... - 0 views

    Safety Study of Seneca Valley Virus in Patients With Solid Tumors With Neuroendocrine Features This study is currently recruiting participants. Verified by Neotropix, September 2008 This is the first study in man of Seneca Valley Virus, a virus which seeks and kills certain tumors in non-human model systems. Subjects in this trial will be patients with advanced cancer displaying certain specified neuroendocrine features, pathologically; they will have exhausted standard methods of treatment for their tumor. The primary purpose of the trial is to determine if the virus may be administered safely. Additional purposes are to learn about the distribution of the virus in the body, the elimination of the virus from the body, the immune response to the virus and whether the virus might have some beneficial effects upon the tumors which the patients have. The first patients will be treated with low amounts of virus and subsequent patients may receive higher amounts. At the end of the trial, it is intended to select a dose for further study.
Matti Narkia

Berberine suppresses in vitro migration and invasion of human SCC-4 tongue sq... - 0 views

    Berberine suppresses in vitro migration and invasion of human SCC-4 tongue squamous cancer cells through the inhibitions of FAK, IKK, NF-kappaB, u-PA and MMP-2 and -9. Ho YT, Yang JS, Li TC, Lin JJ, Lin JG, Lai KC, Ma CY, Wood WG, Chung JG. Cancer Lett. 2009 Jul 8;279(2):155-62. Epub 2009 Feb 28. PMID: 19251361 doi:10.1016/j.canlet.2009.01.033 There is increasing evidence that urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play an important role in cancer metastasis and angiogenesis. Inhibition of u-PA and MMPs could suppress migration and invasion of cancer cells. Berberine, one of the main constituents of the plant Rhizoma coptidis, is a type of isoquinoline alkaloid, reported to have anti-cancer effects in different human cancer cell lines. There is however, no available information on effects of berberine on migration and invasion of human tongue cancer cells. Here, we report that berberine inhibited migration and invasion of human SCC-4 tongue squamous carcinoma cells. This action was mediated by the p-JNK, p-ERK, p-p38, IκK and NF-κB signaling pathways resulting in inhibition of MMP-2 and -9 in human SCC-4 tongue squamous carcinoma cells. Our Western blowing analysis also showed that berberine inhibited the levels of urokinase-plasminogen activator (u-PA). These results suggest that berberine down-regulates u-PA, MMP-2 and -9 expressions in SCC-4 cells through the FAK, IKK and NF-κB mediated pathways and a novel function of berberine is to inhibit the invasive capacity of malignant cells.
Matti Narkia

Berberine : Information on Uses, Dosage & Side Effects on - 0 views

    "Berberine is a bitter-tasting, yellow, plant alkaloid with a long history of medicinal use in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. Berberine is present in the roots, rhizomes and stem bark of various plants including Hydrastis canadensis (goldenseal), Coptis chinensis (coptis or goldenthread), Berberis aquifolium (Oregon grape), Berberis vulgaris (barberry), and Berberis aristata (tree turmeric). Berberine has also been used historically as a dye, due to its yellow color. Clinical trials have been conducted using berberine. There is some evidence to support its use in the treatment of trachomas (eye infections), bacterial diarrhea, and leishmaniasis (parasitic disease). Berberine has also shown antimicrobial activity against bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans, helminths (worms), and chlamydia (STD). Future clinical research is warranted in these areas, as well as cardiovascular disease, skin disorders, and liver disorders.
Matti Narkia is a fraud - The DCA Site - Updating You on DCA and Cancer - Dichloroac... - 0 views

  • is a scam A new scam site has popped up. This site has all the hallmarks of the previous scammer, who remains at large. Whether it is him or another person, this one is a fake.
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