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Betsy Lavolette

Word and Phrase: Analyze Text - 3 views

    You can enter any text that you would like in the form at the left -- for example, a paper that you've written, or a newspaper article that you've copied from another website. After inputting the text, you can then see useful information about words and phrases in that text, based on data from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). First, it will highlight all of the medium and lower-frequency words in your text and create lists of these words that you can use offline. This frequency data can help language learners focus on new words, and it can allow you to see "what the text is about" (i.e. text-specific words). You can also have it show you the "academic" words in your text. Second, you can click through the words in the text to see a detailed "word sketch" of any of the words -- showing their definition, and detailed information for the word from COCA -- collocates (which provide meaning into the meaning and usage of the word), re-sortable concordance lines, and the frequency of the word (overall, and by genre). Finally, you can do powerful searches on selected phrases in your text, to show related phrases in COCA. In this way, this resource is like a "collocational thesaurus" to see what related phrases are most likely in different styles of English. For example, if you click on the words potent argument in the text that you enter, it will suggest alternate ways to express this (e.g. powerful or convincing argument), and it will show you the frequency of those phrases in COCA -- overall, and by genre. This will help you use "just the right phrase", based on a huge collection of native English texts.
Betsy Lavolette

Chinese Text Project - 1 views

    The Chinese Text Project is an online open-access digital library that makes pre-modern Chinese texts available to readers and researchers all around the world. The site attempts to make use of the digital medium to explore new ways of interacting with these texts that are not possible in print. With over ten thousand titles and more than one billion characters, the Chinese Text Project is also one of the largest databases of pre-modern Chinese texts in existence.

Sublime Text 3200 Crack - 0 views

    Sublime Text Full Version is a powerful text and source code editor that supports many programming languages and markup languages
Betsy Lavolette

Highlighter - 0 views

    Annotate texts online using text comments. Collaborate with other users and groups. Requires creating a free account to share the texts.
Betsy Lavolette

eMargin - 1 views

    Annotate texts online using colored highlighters, text comments, and tags. Collaborate with other users and groups. Requires creating a free account to share the texts.
Betsy Lavolette

Text Inspector - 3 views

    Text Inspector analyses the difficulty level of texts in English, giving you an instant score and detailed feedback.
Betsy Lavolette

Gloss Maker - 0 views

    Enter a text with special coding for annotations. The resulting text has clickable links that show the gloss in an area to the side of the text. You need to save the HTML page/code and put it into a webpage or LMS.
Betsy Lavolette

Readlang - 0 views

    Allows you to click on words and phrases in text and get a translation. Upload the text, or the extension allows you to use text from any website. Limitations: Free version only allows you to translate 10 phrases per day. The number of single word translations is unlimited.
Betsy Lavolette

Online Japanese Accent Dictionary - 0 views

    OJAD is an online Japanese accent database for learners and teachers of Japanese.  The goal of this tool is to enhance the awareness and understanding of the Japanese pitch accent with a suite of four features.   The words in the dictionary encompass over 9000 nouns and 3500 declinable words including verbs, i-adjectives, and na-adjectives, making it possible to search approximately 42,300 conjugations of words.  What's more, each conjugated form given in the dictionary is accompanied by both male and female audio.  This suite provides three other useful tools in addition to word search.  With Verb-Suffix Search, you can look up the accent type for a verb followed by a suffix.  With Text-Search, you can look up the accent types for words in an excerpt of text.  Lastly, with Suzuki-kun, you can predict and display the pitch contour for an excerpt of text.  We hope that you will be able to make use of these tools in your future language lessons or language studies.
Betsy Lavolette

MemStash - 0 views

    This website will email or text you at designated intervals to remind you of whatever text you choose. Good for learning vocabulary. Limitations: You need to install a bookmarklet to use this. When you use the bookmarklet, it appears not to work, but it is actually working.
Betsy Lavolette

textivate - 2 views

    Enter a text (up to 500 words) in the box. Textivate automatically generates activities related to the text, such as scrambled paragraphs and typing the missing letters.

Text Editor Online & Free Word Editor software - 0 views

    A text editor is a simple & plain online word editor software. It supports to edit your word files in Mac, Windows, and Android platforms for free
Betsy Lavolette

Reading Russian Short Stories - 0 views

    Reading Russian Short Stories is an open resource by Filip Zachoval that contains stories written in Russian by different authors in the 20th and 21st centuries, each accompanied by questions and assignments. The collection is designed for learners of Russian, including heritage learners. There are numerous texts that are suitable for novice-high or intermediate-low learners. However, the majority of these texts are more suitable for learners who have reached or are about to enter higher levels of language competence, i.e. students at intermediate and advanced levels.
Betsy Lavolette

Stoodle - 0 views

    Virtual classroom with whiteboard, text chat, audio chat. You can upload images to the whiteboard, draw, and enter text. No registration required. Words on iPads as well as web browsers. Limitations: No video chat. No option to upload a PPT or PDF.
Betsy Lavolette

YuJa - 0 views

    Group Collaboration for Learning Teams. Learning management system that includes video broadcasts, video meetings, text chat, screencasting, polling, and text messaging.

Arabic for beginners 1 - YouTube - 0 views

    Course by Lovisa Berg, Dalarna University visit for more information. Watch more on or download for free on On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:· recognize, write and correctly pronounce the Arabic alphabet as well as understand the diacritic marks (al-harakaat) that affect the pronunciation of certain vowels and consonants · acquire a basic vocabulary · understand and ask simple questions · communicate in Arabic about simple familiar subjects · use greetings· introduce themselves: family and background, interests · read short texts and write simple texts about familiar topics · recognize simple grammatical constructions and use them.
Betsy Lavolette

Acapela group - Text to Speech - 0 views

    Demo of text-to-speech in multiple languages.
Betsy Lavolette

Imperium Latin - 0 views

    Imperium is a Latin course for the twenty-first century; unique, highly resourced and written to make fullest use of modern technology. Its texts follow the life of the Emperor Hadrian, from his early childhood to his later years, as he became the most powerful man in the Roman world. Imperium is tried, tested and ready for general use, after a trialling period of six years. It consists of three course books, a Grammar and Syntax book and the all-new Imperium Latin Unseens, for advanced users. All of the texts can be ordered through Amazon but are also available as pdf files in either one of our two Site Support Packs, which can be bought by schools. Please browse this website to read more about the materials and their distribution.
Betsy Lavolette

81DASH - 0 views

    Communication app that allows students and instructors to text chat and exchange files. Text transcript can be downloaded. Instructor can delete inappropriate messages. Limitations: All users must create an account.
Betsy Lavolette

Clilstore - 3 views

    Create and use teaching units for content and language integrated learning. Include videos, audio files, and text. Text is automatically linked to a multilingual dictionary. Limitations: Does not include non-European languages.
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