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scott stringe

Start fresh with a clean installation of Windows 10 - 0 views

  • The tool installs Windows using the capabilities and requirements of the media creation tool.After the clean install, Windows Defender will help keep your PC secure. Learn more.Looking to reset your PC to your factory image instead? See Repair & recovery for more options.Want to see all your apps in Windows 10? Learn how here.Signing in with a Microsoft Account? Visit Get Started with Windows 10 page for instructions.Use OneDrive to store your files? See how to save files to OneDrive by default in Windows 10.You can find apps that come standard with Windows 10 here.Other Windows 10 questions? Get help here.Your PC manufacturer contact can be found here.
    rt fresh with a clean installation of Windows 10 This page is applicable to the tool described below in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update. We recommend that you instead to use the newer Fresh Start feature that was introduced in the Windows 10 Creators Update to start fresh with a clean installation of the latest version of Windows 10.
scott stringe

Clam Sentinel - 9 views

    THIS COMBO ( the Clam - Virus scanner & Sentinel ) IS KING! Running this combo along with the Microsoft security essentials and Defender has proven through much testing on my part, a great security option. The Clam pair uses virtually no resources, updates daily or more automatically, unbeknownst to the user until a balloon pops up and says it is done! My favorite perk is the log files created in Sentinel. One can determine exactly what has transpired on a system by reviewing these logs. Every system change is recorded and time stamped, so if a issues comes up one can note the time and date then find down to the task what has happened, what files were involved which makes easy work figuring out where the offense came from! Using this combo requires some attention to the scan engine when installing programs & updates of some products. They will be quarantined unless clam-Sentinel it is set to "monitor only" or Stop the engine temporarily from quarantining the files it catches... Download links are below, the setup is painless (defaults are perfect when installing so just start the install up and hit enter "bap bap bap" until it starts the install... > >"<< Good Luck! (note: before any of the Microsoft code will install or work "Windows Genuine Advantage" needs to be in compliance!) (find and download Windows Defender if you don't see it after installing the essentials)
scott stringe

How to Install and Run Windows 10 On a Virtual Machine - 0 views

    How to Install and Run Windows 10 On a Virtual Machine Want to test the beta version of Windows 10 without compromising your fully functional operating system? Here's how to do it.
scott stringe

Install Google Play Store on Fire Tablets, Super Easy Method - YouTube - 0 views

    installing Google Play Store on an Amazon Fire Tablet. Great tablets likely the best, only migrating away from the advertising machine it was developed to do is a real struggle. Access to the play store is what I desired, finally coming across the right info, a specific file, and the exact procedure for for getting past the many ways Amazon has in place for foiling these desires of opensource love!. got mine doing what I like it to do using google service's. Amazon has a meaN hold on their tablets, they don't let go... short of totally rooting the thing then building up from a non-proprietary android OS - Expect Shenanigans! Control of the FIRE, it's web service provider, & configuration modes and blocks require constant attention and actions...
scott stringe

Download Windows 10 - 0 views

    Create Windows 10 installation media
scott stringe - Please select a device category - 0 views

    one stop driver shop - $30/yr or "non automatic" version - free / install program and yeah.....  it's cool :)
scott stringe

Clam Sentinel - 0 views

    an awesome companion for the "clamwin' scanner. this is very powerful offering control of one's OS by use of its logs! It is good at catching the "bastards" before the game starts, blocking files which try to install or change the system operating core or user preference's. Tumbs-Up!
scott stringe

Download Windows 10 - 0 views

    Download Windows 10
scott stringe

Adobe - Flash Player - 0 views

    • scott stringe
      Verify Flash Player Version at this link :_
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