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Janet Hale

Building Capacity From Within (Complete) - 0 views

    This is the a series of blog posts by Mike fisher about harnessing the internal talent of a school district. When a school system decides that they really want to affect change and systemic improvement, it's important to tap into the most valuable resource they have: each other.
Janet Hale

Educational Leadership:Supporting Beginning Teachers:Now That I Know What I Know - 0 views

  • Test scores are also way up, but not because of drilling; it's a natural by-product of a higher-functioning community.
    "Looking back at his first disastrous year of teaching, a veteran shares what he's learned. It takes a village to raise a competent teacher, but I didn't know that as a rookie. Descending P.S. 85's stairs to pick up my students on September 8, 2003, my first day as a real 4th grade teacher in the Bronx, I thought I had things figured out. I was 22 and newly graduated from New York University, a prestigious institution where-just as in high school-I'd earned top grades. The New York City Teaching Fellows, a selective alternative certification program, had accepted my application and deemed me qualified to teach in a high-needs public school. Up to then, I'd done pretty well as a student, so I expected that teaching-just a stone's throw from studenthood, I thought-would offer me a similar equation: effort + intelligence + people skills = success I loved kids, had a career-teacher mom, and was willing to dedicate myself full-time to my students. How wrong could it go?"
Janet Hale

The Learning Connection Login INDIANA - 0 views

    Providing data, resources, and tools to support student achievement
Janet Hale

Large national study strongly links educational leadership to student achievement | e! ... - 0 views

    "A new study released today, the largest of its kind, offers important new evidence affirming the strong connection between what school leaders do and student achievement - and sheds new light on what effective leadership involves. The conclusions in the report, Learning from Leadership: Investigating the Links to Improved Student Learning, by researchers Kyla Wahlstrom and Karen Seashore Louis from the University of Minnesota College of Education and Human Development and Kenneth Leithwood and Stephen Anderson from the University of Toronto, have broad implications for the understanding of how leadership affects learning across the United States."
Janet Hale

10 Tips for Managing Information Overload - 0 views

    Yesterday at the BLC conference I presented on how to manage information overload. Together we looked at the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment for this all to prevalent problem. Here is a list of 10 things you can do to keep your Online life under control."
Janet Hale

Twitterfall - 0 views

    livestream of Twiter posting based on Hashtags
Janet Hale

Are teens more capable than we think? - Curriculum21 - 0 views

    "Consider the work of Dr. Robert Epstein and his call for a new look at the "child-adult continuum." Dr. Epstein calls for a return to more natural relationships between our children and adults, something we may have lost as we've developed the modern idea of "adolescence." Dr. Epstein raises the essential question, "Are teens more capable than we think?""
Janet Hale

School Leadership and Student Outcomes: Identifying What Works and Why Best Evidence Sy... - 0 views

    "The big finding of the BES is that when school leaders promote and/or participate in effective teacher professional learning this has twice the impact on student outcomes across a school than any other leadership activity. New Zealand principals spend less time on those activities that make most difference than many of their international peers."
Janet Hale

Kotter International - 8 Steps for Leading Change - 0 views

    "The 8 Step Process 30 years of research by leadership guru Dr. John Kotter have proven that 70% of all major change efforts in organizations fail. Why do they fail? Because organizations often do not take the holistic approach required to see the change through. However, by following the 8 Step Process outlined by Professor Kotter, organizations can avoid failure and become adept at change. By improving their ability to change, organizations can increase their chances of success, both today and in the future. Without this ability to adapt continuously, organizations cannot thrive. Dr. Kotter has proven over his years of research that following this 8 Step Process will help organizations succeed in an ever-changing world. "
Janet Hale

Langwitches Blog » We don't need more Leaders - 0 views

    "We don't need more leaders… we need more first followers."
Janet Hale

Leadership Principles | Connected Principals - 0 views

    "Author and Leadership Consultant, Ken Blanchard, wrote in one of his books, "Everything rises and falls on leadership." I couldn't agree more. However, I don't think this has anything to do with positional leadership, but more about leadership principles. There are a number of people I consider leaders, from students to global dignitaries and everyone in between. I have learned and continue to learn what leadership is by observing others and reflecting on my own behaviors as a leader. Following are my most important principles that define leadership and how each principle is present or in the works at Gahanna Lincoln High School: Vision, Relationships, Clear Expectations, Communication, Team Work & Service, Accountability, and Learning."
Janet Hale

3D School Leadership - Steven Weber - 0 views

    "As we enter 2013, teachers and administrators will reflect on the school's existing strengths and weaknesses. High performing schools ask questions such as, "Which students are struggling? What will we do to support them in 2013?" New Year's Day is a time when people around the world establish new personal and team goals. Among the most common personal goals are weight loss, financial goals, spending time with those you love, and volunteerism. How can school leaders capitalize on this transition from 2012 to 2013? How can goals drive the work of teachers and schools?"
Janet Hale

Michael Fullan Affirms the Power of Collective Efficacy - Learning Forward's PD Watch -... - 0 views

    "At a learning session I attended recently, Michael Fullan announced that, after reviewing John Hattie's research on practices with the most significant impact in schools, collective efficacy is the new winner. Once again, we have evidence that harnessing the power of the group rather than relying solely on the individual is key to unlocking the full potential of educators and students in schools. Collective efficacy -- educators' belief that in working together, they have the capability to improve significant challenges in schools -- doesn't just happen when systems or schools offer educators the opportunity to collaborate. According to Fullan, four conditions are essential to create collective efficacy."
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