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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Natasha Luebben


Developing Empathy through Retold Fairy Tales | PBS LearningMedia - 0 views

  • Ask students to define empathy
    • Natasha Luebben
      3G: use a student's thinking and experiences as a resource in planning instructional activities by encouraging discussion, listening and responding to group interaction, and eliciting oral, written, and other samples of student thinking
  • After watching the video, discuss the following questions: What was the most memorable moment in the video? Why did that moment have an impact on you?
    • Natasha Luebben
      4E: 4E understand how a student's learning is influenced by individual experiences, talents, and prior learning, as well as language, culture, family, and community values
  • Explore the notion of perspective taking and how it leads to empathy. Ask students, Why is it important both at an individual and a more global level to understand and respect each other’s experiences? (People’s experiences inform their viewpoints.) Have students brainstorm other ways a person can use to become more aware of how another person is feeling, thinking, or behaving and why such insights are important.
    • Natasha Luebben
      4E understand how a student's learning is influenced by individual experiences, talents, and prior learning, as well as language, culture, family, and community values
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • As the groups deepen their understanding of their characters, they should write down or express their ideas through drawings. Circulate among groups and ask guiding questions to help students answer the questions. For example, “What did you read or hear that makes you write/draw that?”
    • Natasha Luebben
      7I support and expand learner expression in speaking, writing, and other media
  • Groups should take a few minutes to share and reflect on their work, either with other groups or as a class. Here are some questions to consider:
    • Natasha Luebben
      7I support and expand learner expression in speaking, writing, and other media
  • After discussing some of the core skills that are needed to be empathetic, present students with their assignment as well as a rubric. Ask them to choose a folk or fairy tale or myth and rewrite it from the perspective of a different character. (They can choose a hero or heroine, but it may be easier to choose the villain.) How would a more empathetic understanding of the character change the narrative? How would it affect the meaning of the story?
    • Natasha Luebben
      7I support and expand learner expression in speaking, writing, and other media

They're Coming to America: Immigrants Past and Present | PBS LearningMedia - 2 views

    • Natasha Luebben
      Students are asked to use their prior knowledge about what they know about immigration and this will allow the teacher to gage their level of understanding about the topic.
  • Ask for a handful of students to reveal their nationalities, backgrounds, or countries of origin.
    • Natasha Luebben
      Students are learning from their peers.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Divide your students into fivegroups. Distribute the “Immigrants: Past and Present” organizer to yourstudents. Assign each group one of the following five immigrants: 1) SeymourRechtzeit from Poland, 2) Li Keng Wong from China, 3) Kauthar from Kenya, 4) Virpal from India, and 5) Quynh from Vietnam. Ask each group to circle theirassigned immigrant on the organizer.
    • Natasha Luebben
      Students are placed in groups and use their learning to research.
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