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Chloe Anister

About BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain - BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain | BP ... - 0 views

    " BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is t is a leading online resource for businesses and entrepreneurs. This Blog aims to support businesses and people considering putting up a business, as well as to provide access to relevant information and services. It contains vital information, support and services for you and your enterprise. it doesn't matter whether you work for a private company or are on your way to building one.  BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is t is all for credibility and accuracy so the editorial team led by pros sign on to a strict code of conduct. Up-to-date and practical, BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is the first place to check online when you are in need of tips and relevant market trends."
Chloe Anister

Disclaimer Of BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain - BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spa... - 0 views

    "Your access to, use of and reliance on BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain  and content accessed through BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain  is entirely at your own risk. BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain  (including, without limitation, the websites, programs, services, forums and content accessed through the websites, programs, services and forums) is provided on an "as is" basis without any warranties of any kind. All express and implied warranties (including, without limitation, warranties of merchantibility, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of proprietary rights) are expressly disclaimed. Kindly consult your financial advisor or stock broker to verify the accuracy and recency of all the information prior to taking any investment decision. While due diligence is done and care taken prior to uploading the stock price data, BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain  is not liable for any information errors, incompleteness, or delays, or for any actions taken in reliance on information contained herein. News reports and feature articles in BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain  seek to present an unbiased picture of developments in the markets and the corporate world. Actual developments can turn out to be different due to circumstances beyond  BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain 's control and knowledge. BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain  does not take any responsibility for investment or bsiness decisions taken by readers on the basis of reports and articles published in the newspaper. Wthout limiting the foregoing, BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain  also disclaims all warranties for or with respect to: (a) the security, reliability, timeliness, accuracy and performance of BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain  and content accessed through BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain ; (b) computer worms, viruses, spyware, adware and any other malware, malicious code or harmful content or components accessed, r
Chloe Anister

Terms of Use BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain - BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spai... - 0 views

    "BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain may post changes to the TOU at any time, and any such changes will be applicable to all subsequent access to or use of  this Blog. We may make changes to these terms and conditions at any time. Changes will be posted here and are effective immediately. Regularly reviewing this page ensures that you are always aware of the terms and conditions for your use of the site. BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain also has the right in its sole discretion to limit, modify, interrupt, suspend or discontinue all or any portions of  * at any time without notice. CL and CL Representatives shall not be liable for any such limitations, modifications, interruptions, suspensions or discontinuance, or any purported losses, harm or damages arising from or related thereto. By accessing or using  BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain, you accept and agree to this "Terms of Use" or "TOU". If you do not accept and agree to all provisions of the TOU, you may reject the TOU by immediately terminating all access and use of  this Blog, in which case any continuing access or use of  BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is prohibited. BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is intended and designed for users 18 years of age and older, and access or use by anyone younger is not advised. The collection of BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain users' personal information (including but not limited to email addresses, IP addresses and telephone numbers) is not done for any purpose. The content of this Blog, including information, tools and links, is provided free of charge and is intended to be helpful to the widest range of businesses. BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain reserves the right to exclude a particular user from a service, and/or delete their details, if they abuse it (which could include, but is not limited to, hacking, submission of obscenities, fraud or the spreading of computer viruses). We may also make changes to a service w
Rob Roose

Huolimattomuus ja tulovero petosten - 2 views

    Swiss bank UBS's German subsidiary is under investigation by local prosecutors for purportedly abetting tax fraud. Bank employers allegedly helped investors to hide money pass revenue departments' authorities by transferring it to Switzerland, says Peter Lintz. Reported the investigation on November 8, 2012, Stuttgarter Nachrichten said illegal fund transfers reached well into 2012, money was being moved invisibly via an internal clearing account at UBS's German branch into Switzerland. Source not specified by the paper. Electronic data and other hundreds of thousands materials that were confiscated in UBS's Frankfurt offices that were raided in May are currently being analyzed by Mannheim prosecutors. The legal inquiries were intended for unknown representatives of UBS's German division. Some of the bank's customers are also among targets, added Lintz. As a result Swiss banks have been subject to investigations into tax evasion in the United States and Europe, throwing Swiss banking secrecy, enshrined in the republic's laws and traditions, into jeopardy. Bank refuses to comment about the issue rather late Wednesday of the same year they emailed a statement trough a spokeswoman stating that the bank is already "cooperating with authorities" but denies to comment on ongoing legal procedures. A number of French offices of UBS were searched as part of a probe into alleged aiding of tax evasion earlier this year. In some other issues involving UBS, they deny media reports telling wealthy Germans to move funds to Singapore and other money centers ahead of a Swiss tax deal due to come into force in January. Since 2009, UBS has closely examined "framework conditions" for business with over 60 countries including Germany and taken steps to adjust or improve the rules wherever necessary, the spokeswoman said.
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    your articles are highly appreciated from me and some people i know, good work.
    bp spain holdings, barcelona madrid news Jos olet yksi niistä ihmisistä, jotka ovat sekoittaa huolimattomuudesta ja veropetosten ero et ole yksin, monet ovat näiden kahden levy. Laiminlyönnistä ole asianmukaista huolellisuutta välttää aiheuttaa vahinkoja tai menetyksiä toiselle henkilölle. Mutta huolimattomuudesta vie aikaa osoittaa. on velvollisuus huolehtia huolenpitovelvollisuus olosuhteet toiminnan tai toimimattomuuden olosuhteissa vastaaja ei täyttänyt tavanomaista hoitoa, joka järkevä ihminen pitäisi olosuhteissa (rikkominen) Kantaja on kärsinyt vammoista tai menetyksistä järkevä ihminen olosuhteissa kohtuudella odottaa ennakoivan (vahinko) vahinko johtui rikotaan tulli (syy) Nyt mikä on tulovero petoksia, veropetosten ilmenee, kun yksittäiset, liiketoiminnan tai yrityksen omistajat tarkoituksella tuottaa tietoa niiden veroilmoitukset verovelat määrän rajoittamiseksi. Veropetos on pohjimmiltaan liittyy vääristelemänsä tai salaamansa tiedot veroilmoituksen joudu maksamaan koko vero velvoite. Noudattamatta lakisääteinen väärentäminen tai tiedottamatta jättäminen on vastoin lakia. Väittäen vääriä vähennykset, väittäen henkilökohtaisista kuluista kuin liiketoiminnan kuluja ja ole raportointi tulot ovat esimerkkejä veropetoksia. Onko huolimattomuudesta tai veron petos? Veroprosentti on erittäin monimutkainen aihe, jota monet meistä ei voi helposti ymmärtää. Maallikon aikavälillä huolimattomuus on vain rehellinen virhe. IRS voi yleensä erottaa, jos virhe johtuu huolimattomuudesta tai tahallisesta verolainsäädännön kiertäminen. Veropetosten syntyy, jos: bp spain holdings, barcelona madrid news Liioittelua vapautukset ja vähennykset Asiakirjojen väärentäminen Salaaminen tulojen siirtoa Pitämällä kaksi kirjaa Käyttämällä väärennettyjä henkilötunnuksen Väittäen poikkeus jota ei ole riippuvainen Tahallaan pienemmiksi tuloja Eivät maksa veroja, jotka Taha
    It's good that they have made something like these.
Miranda Krausse

BP energie Outlook 2030 toont de toenemende Impact van onconventionele olie en gas op d... - 0 views

    Sterke groei van de productie van onconventionele bronnen van olie en gas zal een grote impact hebben op globale energiemarkten voor 2030, en herdefiniëren van verwachtingen voor grote economieën en globale opnieuw in evenwicht brengen de handelsstromen, volgens BP's nieuwste energie Outlook 2030, gepubliceerd vandaag. Dit is de derde jaarlijkse editie van Outlook, waardoor BP's weergave van de meest waarschijnlijke ontwikkelingen in de wereldwijde energiemarkten tot 2030, op basis van up-to-date analyse en rekening houdend met de ontwikkelingen van het afgelopen jaar. Vorig jaar Outlook leidde de weg aan te tonen hoe Noord-Amerika dreigt te worden zelfvoorzienend in energie. Dit jaar Edition review dichter bij de revolutie in leisteen gas en olie-strak station Amerikaans energie heropleving fenomeen, met inbegrip van haar wereldwijde vooruitzichten.De algemene verwachting de vooruitzichten van groei van de mondiale vraag naar energie tot 2030 is weinig veranderd van vorig jaar, met etterspørsele naar verwachting op 36% hoger in 2030 dan in 2011 en bijna alle de groei uit opkomende economieën. Imidlerti verwachtingen het patroon van de levering van deze groei is sterk, wijzigen met onconventionele leisteen gas bronnen-o dichte olie met zware olie, en biobrandstoffen - zijn een steeds belangrijker rol spelen, en in het bijzonder transformeren energiebalans van de Verenigde Staten.Verhoging van de productie van onconventionele bronnen van olie-tight oliemarkten, oliezanden en biobrandstoffen-zijn verwacht om al te geven een nettotoename van wereldwijde olie-aanbod in 2020, en meer dan 70% van de groei tot 2030. 2030 Zou toenemen productie o matigen vraag dat de Verenigde Staten 99% zelfvoorzienend met netto energievraag in 2005 er is waren slechts 70 onafhankelijk van de buitenwereld. Op hetzelfde moment met steile economische groei, grote opkomende economieën zoals China en India worden voortgezet toenemende mate afhankelijk van energie-import. Deze onde
Laura Hermans

Partnere i det Karibiske Havet - bp holdings madrid spain articles, news articles hong ... - 1 views

  • bp holdings madrid spain articles, news articles hong kong
Gerard Lincoln

BP Energy Outlook 2030 viser økende Impact av ukonvensjonell olje og gass på ... - 1 views

  • bp holdings news press release articles Starkes Wachstum in der Produktion aus unkonventionellen Quellen von Gas und Öl haben einen großen Einfluss auf globalen Energiemärkte bis 2030, Neudefinition der Erwartungen an den großen Volkswirtschaften und Umstrukturierung der globalen Handelsströme nach BP neueste Energy Outlook 2030, heute veröffentlicht. Dies ist die dritte jährliche Ausgabe der Aussichten, die BP Blick auf die Entwicklungen am ehesten in der globalen Energiemärkte bis 2030, basierend auf aktuelle Analyse und Berücksichtigung der Entwicklungen des vergangenen Jahres enthält. Letztjährigen Outlook führte den Weg zu zeigen, wie Nordamerika in Energie Autarkie dürfte. Diese Ausgabe wird stärker die Revolution der Schiefergas und engen Öl - das Phänomen fahren Amerikas Energie Wiederbelebung - einschließlich seiner globalen Perspektiven untersucht. Von Outlook allgemeine Erwartung für das Wachstum in der weltweiten Energienachfrage bis 2030 ist wenig Nachfrage 36 % im Jahr 2030 über 2011 voraussichtlich aus dem letzten Jahr geändert und fast alle das Wachstum kommt aus Schwellenländern. Jedoch sind Erwartungen des Musters des Angebots dieses Wachstums stark verlagert, mit unkonventionellen Quellen - Schiefergas und engen Öl zusammen mit Schweröl und Biokraftstoffe - spielen eine immer wichtigere Rolle und insbesondere die Energiebilanz der USA transformieren. Wachsende Produktion aus unkonventionellen Quellen des Öls - enge Öl, Ölsand und Biokraftstoffe - wird voraussichtlich alle die net Zunahme der weltweiten Ölversorgung bis 2020 und mehr als 70 % des Wachstums bis 2030 zu bieten. Bis 2030 führen zu Steigerung der Produktion und Moderation der Nachfrage in den USA wird 99 % Selbstversorgung mit Netto Energie; 2005 waren es nur 70 % autark. Mittlerweile werden mit Fortsetzung steilen Wirtschaftswachstum, wichtigsten Schwellenländer wie C
    Great post, hope to have this kind of post again tomorrow.thanks:)
    Sterk vekst i produksjon fra ukonvensjonelle kilder for gass og olje vil ha en stor innvirkning på globale energimarkeder til 2030, og redefinerte forventninger for store økonomier og rebalansering globale handelsstrømmer, ifølge BPs siste Energy Outlook 2030, offentliggjort i dag. Dette er den tredje årlige utgaven av Outlook, som setter ut BP syn på de mest sannsynlige utviklingen i de globale energimarkedene til 2030, basert på up-to-date analyse og tar hensyn til utviklingen av det siste året. Fjorårets Outlook ledet an i å vise hvordan Nord-Amerika er sannsynlig å bli selvforsynt med energi. Årets utgave undersøker nærmere revolusjonen i skifergass og tett olje - fenomenet kjører USAs energi vekkelse - inkludert sine globale utsikter. Outlook samlede forventning om vekst i global energietterspørsel til 2030 er lite endret fra i fjor, med etterspørselen forventes å være 36% høyere i 2030 enn 2011 og nesten all vekst kommer fra fremvoksende økonomier. Imidlertid forventninger mønsteret av tilførsel av denne veksten skiftende sterkt, med ukonvensjonelle kilder - skifergass og tett olje sammen med tung olje og biodrivstoff - spiller en stadig viktigere rolle, og i særdeleshet, transformerer energibalansen av USA.
walane chatiers

BP Holdings- bp holdings news press releases - 0 views

    Mercedes verzwakt als u wilt terugnemen- QUORA (Mercedes weakens to take back the premium crown-Arto, bp holdings sweden ) - - bp holdings news press releases bp holdings Sweden Als de wereldwijde luxe auto verkoop wedstrijd begon, Mercedes-Benz verder gedaald met de rivalen BMW en Audi. Gebukt onder een niet-aaneengesloten strategie in China, de lethargisch uitbreiding van instapmodellen en een veroudering S-Klasse sedan, blijft de once-dominante luxe naamplaatje stevig op de derde plaats. De genoemde auto verkoop wedstrijd sleepte de Mercedes verkoop kloof met tweede geplaatste Audi die binnen een jaar meer dan verdubbeld. Een analist, Christian Ludwig met Backhaus Lampe in Dusseldorf zei dat Mercedes van zelfgemaakte problemen zijn. En dus met dit, het zal moeilijk voor Mercedes te bereiken van de nummer 1 plek terwijl anderen niet upgraden slapen en houd op nemen aantal benaderingen te blijven op de top. Op de eerste negen maanden van 2012, Mercedes uitgebracht 964,900 auto's en sport utility vehicles. De 5 procent winst niet gelijke tred houden met rivalen, wat betekent dat het vertraagde Audi door 132,600 voertuigen van van 53,900 een jaar geleden. De kloof No. 1 BMW groter 41 procent tot 145.000 voertuigen, volgens de gegevens van de autofabrikanten uitgebracht door BP bedrijven Blog. Mercedes heeft een achterstand zijn rivalen sinds de bovenste plek in het segment van luxe auto verloor hij van BMW in 2005. De Daimler-eenheid verkoop zal hebben geavanceerde 19 procent door middel van dit jaar, vergeleken met een sprong van 31 procent door BMW en een toename van 70 procent door Audi in de afgelopen zeven jaar, volgens IHS Automotive schat.
Jones Curies

bp holdings news press releases | Bestrijding van fiscale fraude, BP Holdings - 1 views

  • bp holdings news press releases Problemen met betrekking tot fiscale fraude blijven wonen en zelfs verergert. Inspanningen zijn nu volledig gericht op de kwestie van de BTW-fraude prioriteren. Het debat over BTW-fraude is opgedeeld in 2 hoofdgebieden: 1. De conventionele maatregelen ter versterking van de bestaande BTW-stelsel. 2. Meer verstrekkende maatregelen tot wijziging van het systeem, namelijk: o een mogelijkheid voor lidstaten om een algemene verleggingsregeling; o belasting van Intra-communautaire transacties De Commissie gemaakt een nieuwe groep van deskundigen met de lidstaten, de deskundigengroep "Anti fiscale fraude strategie (ATFS)", met het oog op de technische discussies over de conventionele maatregelen voeren. Het BTW-stelsel is niet voldoende om te bestrijden een BTW-fraude binnen een interne markt. Er is behoefte om een groter systeem om te hebben een harmonie- en toename van de samenwerking tussen de staat en de mensen te verbeteren. De Commissie stelt voor om maatregelen ter versterking van het bestaande systeem. Insinuaties van belastingontduiking en doel incompetentie voor meting van inkomen zijn significant. Systematische verkeerde interpretaties van bron van inkomsten geven misleidende kijk op inkomen verdeling en herverdeling profielen. bp holdings news press releases RELATED ARTICLES
Euphraxia Evvie

BP Holdings: How can I lower my taxes? - 1 views

  • bp holdings, bally price holdings news Income from investments… The income you earn from investments is added to your income from all other sources. As a result, each additional dollar of investment income is taxed at the highest rate applicable to your total income. If for example you know that you make high income this year and your income is expected to drop next year, it very well makes sense to defer the sale of your investments to the year when your marginal tax rate will be lower. Pension plan and other payments… The same can be said about taking money out of your pension plan (401K, IRA, etc.). Taking a lump sum out of your pension plan can easily move you to higher tax bracket; therefore, if you have the option to take your lump sum later in a year when your total annual income is lower, it may impact your tax liability significantly and positively. Income from reinvestments… Another example is the taxation of income from reinvestments. If a couple (filing separately) has investments in the name of the higher-income-earning spouse, then the investment income is likely to be taxed at a higher rate than it really needs to be. So called Income on Income tax strategy can be used to reduce the tax rate which is used to tax income from reinvestments. If you earn income and transfer it to your spouse, you as the transferring spouse will have to tax it. If this income generates some income while it is in your spouse's hands, the attribution rules assign this income to the transferring spouse for taxation purposes. The transferring spouse has to pay taxes in this income. However, the good news is that this income becomes the capital of the spouse receiving it and can be reinvested in the receiving spouse's name. The income earned on this reinvested income (that is the Income on Income) is not attributed back to the transferring spouse. The spouse being in the lower tax bracket will tax this incom
    magazine is a kind of thing about which i want a lot of information, and i am very thankful of this site which gives me lot of information regarding jrf. i loved it.
alfredd hanskie

Work At Home Jobs: How to Avoid Getting Scammed - BP HOLDINGS MADRID SPAIN WIKIA | well... - 1 views

    BP HOLDINGS MADRID SPAIN WIKIA What to do so you don't get taken by common work at home job scams: Internet ScamBusters #62 Today we'll focus on Part 2 of our series on home-based business scams and work-at-home scams. If you missed Part 1 in last month's issue on the Top 10 scams of this type 10 Tips on Avoiding Work At Home and Home Based Business Scams 1. Never, NEVER pay for the chance to work!' This is the cardinal rule. You should treat working at home just like you would treat working for an employer at their place of business. If you were going for a job interview in the 'real world,' how would you react if the interviewer asked you to pay $50 or $100 to land the job, for starter materials, or for a 'good faith' payment to make sure you were serious about the business? You'd think it was absurd. No legitimate company charges employees a fee for a job. Whenever you're asked to pay for the chance at a job, or information about work-from-home jobs, you know it's a scam. Home-based businesses, on the other hand, may require start-up costs to cover investments, materials, franchises, or other items. As we state in the next step, check things out before you pay anything. 2. Check out the business before you pay anything.' Have you heard of the business that's soliciting your money? If not, check them out carefully. Make sure they have a physical address and a phone number. Call to see if it's a real phone number. Do a search on to see if you can find any positive or negative comments. Check references carefully. Some warning signs of scammer companies: They use free Web hosting services (such as Tripod or Geocities). They use free Web email services (such as Yahoo! Mail or Hotmail). They use Post Office boxes for mailings and don't disclose their real addresses. They won't give you a telephone number where you can contact them. 3. Use your credit card to make purchases.' This sounds counter-intuitive, but if you are going to buy a
Miranda Krausse

bp madrid spain holdings-BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain-Multiply-Newsvine - 0 views

    Description:BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is t is a leading online resource for businesses and entrepreneurs.This Blog aims to support businesses and people considering putting up a business, as well as to provide access to relevant information and services. It contains vital information, support and services for you and your enterprise. it doesn't matter whether you work for a private company or are on your way to building one.BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is t is all for credibility and accuracy so the editorial team led by pros sign on to a strict code of conduct.Up-to-date and practical, BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is the first place to check online when you are in need of tips and relevant market trends. Status:FreeLanguage:EnglishType:Public (group is listed in Multiply directory of groups)Category:BusinessMembership:Membership is open to all Multiply users.Content:Group content may be viewed by non-members.Group members may post: Blog, Photos, Video, Calendar, Reviews, Links, Notes and Products.Posts are not moderated. Related article:
Rize Taylor

Wirtschaft, $13 Mrd. nicht aus Haushaltsmitteln Reiz in 12-14 Monate zu erhalten - 1 views

    Neu-Delhi: Die indische Wirtschaft satte Verbrauch Ansporn sich 13 Milliarden US-Dollar (ca. 70.000 der Rs Crore) in den nächsten 12-14 Monaten aufgrund von Wahl-Spendings und der Regierung direkten Vorteil Transfer Scheme erleben dürfte, hat ein neuer Bericht gesagt. Gemäss der Bericht von Brokerage und Kapital Marktforschungsunternehmen Achse Hauptstadt hat die geschätzte 13 Milliarden USD-Impulse "nichts zu tun mit den kommenden Haushalt". "Dies wird ein Ergebnis von USD 8 Milliarden Umfrage 'Anreiz' sein 13 Staaten Wahlen zur Nationalversammlung ihren Höhepunkt in den allgemeinen Wahlen Zeugen werden. Diese Ballung von Wahlen in kurzer Zeit und die daraus resultierenden Umfrage Ausgaben sagte wichtige Auswirkungen für den Verzehr in FY14, "es. Zusätzlich 5 Milliarden USD Wert direkt zugute kommen-Übertragungen wird geschätzt, dass in den nächsten 12-14 Monaten auftreten, sagte der Achse-Hauptstadt Bericht Co-Autor von Sachchidanand Shukla und Shiv Nanda. "Diese Regelung (DBT) deckt 34 Systeme ab sofort (durch LPG und Kerosin Subventionen, Stipendien, Alter / Silie, Renten und MGNREGS) und Bargeld würde direkt an den Begünstigten Bankkonten gutgeschrieben", so der Bericht. Beachten Sie, dass die sinkenden Zinsen und ein Budget zur Ankurbelung des Konsums zusätzliche Tailwinds werden, Axis Capital sagte das Ausmaß der Wahl Ausgaben und die "im Vorfeld der Wahlen Gelage" hat positive Auswirkungen auf mehrere Verbrauch konzentriert Sektoren. "Wir erwarten Auto, Medien, Telekommunikation, Konsumgüter, Schnaps und weiße Ware eine ungedeckte Nachfrage wegen der Stimulus zu sehen", sagte er.
    I say nice job for those folks.
Liesbeth Femke

BP Holdings - Spanish corruption scandal rumbles on as euro economy 'turns corner' - as... - 0 views

    Good morning, and welcome to our rolling coverage of the eurozone financial crisis, and other key events in the world economy. The unfolding corruption allegations in Spain continue to dominate the agenda, after helping send European stock markets sliding yesterday. El País, which broke the story last week, reports this morning that Spain's anti-corruption prosecutor is holding a wide-ranging investigation into claims that senior members of the ruling People's party, including prime minister Mariano Rajoy, received secret, illegal payments over many years. The prosecutor, it says, is comparing the PP's last 13 years of public accounts with the 'secret accounting system', which El Pais claims was created by treasurer Luis Bárcenas. According to El País the investigation will consider whether any individuals, or the PP, committed tax fraud by not declaring secret payments, and whether limits on political donations were breached.
nerea arreguin

International BP Madrid Holdings: Spanish PM publishes tax returns amid kickbacks scandal - 1 views

    (Reuters) - Spain's prime minister published his tax returns on Saturday in a bid to quell reports he and other conservative politicians received secret cash payments but the opposition said many questions remain unanswered. The government's website posted tax authority documents detailing Mariano Rajoy's income and tax payments from the past ten years. His ruling People's Party (PP) also revealed four years of financial accounts on Friday, in another attempt to put the matter to rest. The scandal, centered on ledgers supposedly made by a former party treasurer, have cut support for the PP to the lowest level on record and pushed up borrowing costs just as it seemed Spain was getting to grips with a financial crisis that had raised questions about the future of the euro zone. Former PP treasurer Luis Barcenas has described as fake handwritten ledger entries published on January 31 by El Pais newspaper purporting to show payments funded by construction firms made to PP leaders including Rajoy. Rajoy has said the payments were not made and that the party is organizing an external audit into the affair. The opposition Socialists said the published accounts of Rajoy and the PP did nothing to explain the Barcenas papers. Socialist spokeswoman Soraya Rodriguez said Spaniards wanted more than Rajoy's tax records. "Spaniards are fed up of waiting for answers that never come," she told journalists in Valladolid on Saturday. Cayo Lara of the United Left party said the publication of the accounts was meaningless as members of parliament have to declare their assets in any case. The tax returns do not cover the first half of the period of entries in the ledgers published by El Pais, which run from 1990 to 2009.
    Thanks for the writeup. I definitely agree with what you are saying. I have been talking about this subject a lot lately with my father so hopefully this will get him to see my point of view.
walane chatiers

wereldwijde luxeauto: madrid economic news bp holdings - 0 views

  • bp bedrijven Zweden Als de wereldwijde luxe auto verkoop wedstrijd begon, Mercedes-Benz verder gedaald met de rivalen BMW en Audi. Gebukt onder een niet-aaneengesloten strategie in China, de lethargisch uitbreiding van instapmodellen en een veroudering S-Klasse sedan, blijft de once-dominante luxe naamplaatje stevig op de derde plaats. De genoemde auto verkoop wedstrijd sleepte de Mercedes verkoop kloof met tweede geplaatste Audi die binnen een jaar meer dan verdubbeld.
Katharina Adelheyd

BP HOLDINGS - emploi allemande atteint le niveau le plus élevé depuis la réun... - 0 views

    Emploi allemand est à son plus haut niveau depuis la réunification, il y a plus de 20 ans, l'Office des statistiques a déclaré mardi, rehaussant les espoirs que la demande intérieure sera compensée des exportations plus faibles dans la plus grande économie européenne. Certaines personnes 41,9 millions travaillaient en Allemagne au quatrième trimestre de 2012 - le plus haut niveau dans n'importe quel trimestre depuis l'est et Allemagne de l'Ouest réunis en octobre 1990, selon les premières estimations de l'Office des statistiques. La population de l'Allemagne a augmenté dans ces années-là, mais pas de façon substantielle. L'image d'emploi contraste fortement avec la situation dans certains des pairs de zone euro qui luttent de l'Allemagne comme la Grèce et l'Espagne, où environ une personne sur quatre est au chômage.
mary campbridge

Washington Post BP Holdings Madrid Financial Reviews: Wal-Mart freaking ut om... - 1 views

  • "Vel, vi bare hadde en av disse ukene her på Walmart U.S. Hvor er alle kundene? Og hvor er deres penger? " På fredag, Bloomberg utgitt et par interne e-post fra Wal-Mart ledere panikk om selskapets verste salg start i sju år, "en total katastrofe," som en putte den. Execs tilskrevet lønn skatt fottur som sparket på januar 1, kutte median familiens take - home lønn ved ca $1000 i år Wal-Marts nedgangen. Så hvis du sliter med Wal-Mart, betyr det at alle andre bør bekymre? Det er to måter å se på dette. Først er at dette er en forferdelig tegn. Wal-Mart utgjør en stor del av den amerikanske økonomien-2,3 prosent av BNP i 2006-som mange analytikere ser på det som en nøkkel bellwether. Matt Stoller skrev en glimrende post i fjor på dette emnet: På grunn av sin skala og bemerkelsesverdig mengden data har selskapet faktisk mer detaljert data om økonomi enn de fleste makro-økonomiske prognosemakere. Som Fed styret guvernør Randall Kroszner sa i et møte i juni 2006, Walmart tjenestemenn "effektivt vet hva retail salg er før tallene rapporteres fordi deres salg er så høyt korrelert med generelle detaljomsetningen." Stoller kjemmet gjennom transkripsjoner av møter fra Federal Open Market Committee gjennom årene, og fant at Wal-Mart var ofte advarsel om tegn på problemer i økonomien lenge før noen andre: I 2004 begynte Walmart advarsel av høye energipriser, og at forbrukerne var "likviditet-anstrengt". Selskapet så i salgstall som forbrukerne ble stadig mer levende lønnsslipp til lønnsslipp. I 2005, selskapet begynte å bekymre deg om en "merkelige" situasjon-forbrukeren ble tappet ut, men salget og Walmart kunne ikke finne ut hvorfor. Dette var et snev av kreditt boble, men Fed ignorert det. Med andre ord, ta hensyn til Wal-Mart. De vet ofte noe resten av oss ikke. Men hvis tungsinn ikke er noe for deg, det er en annen m
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alodia becker

Dette fiscale : Chargement avant: BP HOLDINGS - Dailymotion - 0 views

    Ce qui est un libéral à faire ? Au moment même que le président Obama et ses alliés démocratiques au Congrès sont déplacent activement à satisfaire deux des plus chères vanités gauchistes - confiscation des armes à feu et une amnistie générale pour des millions d'immigrants illégaux - malheurs économiques continuent à élever leur tête laide. Déjà ébranlé par des hausses d'impôts massives que peu d'américains attendaient encore, le pays attend maintenant le résultat de l'autre moitié du débat falaise budgétaire - la décision apparemment impossible à couper réellement les dépenses du gouvernement. En mai, quelque chose devra être fait au sujet du plafond de la dette, bien que les républicains du Congrès ont réussi à coup pouvant fiscal particulier, juste un peu plus loin sur la route. Et pour couronner le tout, l'économie a commencé une fois de plus, un contrat avec les chiffres du quatrième trimestre de 2012 vers une baisse de 0,1 % stagnante, selon le département du Commerce. Cette mauvaise nouvelle est venue un jour après que le gouvernement a annoncé une forte baisse de la confiance des consommateurs à la fin de l'année, effaçant efficacement tous les gains putatifs pour 2012. La récession qui a commencé avec la grande récession broie et, avec aucune fin en vue, ce qui incite de nombreux américains à se demander où la dépendance apparemment incurable de notre gouvernement, la dette excessive des dépenses, impôt randonnées et expansion de ses propres pouvoirs mènera finalement. L'administration Obama et son courtisan-économistes ont été prompts à rejeter les chiffres économiques de TR4 lamentables comme conséquences des aberrations ponctuelles, comme une baisse de plus de 20 pour cent dans les dépenses de défense de la fin de l'année, en prévision d'un relèvement fiscal tournages. Mais comme nous allons appuyer sur coupes budgétaires sont à venir - automatiquement, dans le cadre de
raine smith

Hong Kong bare etter fastlandet i avslag av gjennomsiktighet - bp holdings internationa... - 1 views

  • I å foreslå å skjule identitetskort numrene på selskapets styre fra offentligheten, tar den Hong Kong regjeringen en stor baklengs skritt bort fra gjennomsiktighet. Men ved å gjøre det, er det bare følgende fastlandets bly. Hong Kong regjeringens plan, som styret ikke lenger ville ha til å avsløre deres identitet kort nummer i selskaper registret, er tilsynelatende drevet av en bekymring for deres privatliv. Merkelig, det bekymringen var ikke en stor faktor i de innledende konsultasjoner om regelen, som hevdet at "misbruk av ID-numre ikke oppfattes for å være et stort problem i Hong Kong". På den annen side, advarte konsultasjon avisene at "begrense tilgang til identifikasjonsnumre kan frata publikum av et middel til å entydig identifisere enkeltpersoner, og kan gjøre det enklere for uærlig å unnslippe kreditorer eller annen måte engasjere seg i svindel". Denne konklusjonen ble støttet av tidligere registraren av selskaper, som erklærte "forslaget om å tilbakeholde nøkkelinformasjon på styret vil hindre tredjepart identifisere og kontakte direktørene i selskaper... Hvis vedtatt, de nye bestemmelsene vil undergrave prinsippene for ansvarlighet og åpenhet som ligger i hjertet av Hong Kongs selskapsrett og vil svært negativt påvirke Hong Kongs bildet som en stor internasjonal virksomhet og økonomiske sentrum". Gitt ytterligere motstand fra profesjonelle organer som Law Society, Institute Certified Public regnskapsførere og foreningen av banker, kan det være vanskelig å forstå hvorfor tjenestemenn er så satt på går fremover og omfavner tetthet. Men i å snu ryggen på kommersielle åpenhet, den Hong Kong regjeringen er bare følgende en trend som fastlandet offentlige tjenestemenn vedtatt år siden. Ved å foreslå å skjule selskapets styre identitet kort nummer, den Hong Kong regjeringen er bølgende ut velkommen mat til... korrupte
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