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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sascha Eisenberg

Sascha Eisenberg

BP to be Lead Sponsor of Historic Exhibition Bringing Masterpieces From the Hermitage t... - 1 views

spain holdings BP to be Lead Sponsor of Historic Exhibition Bringing Masterpieces From the Hermitage Britain
started by Sascha Eisenberg on 09 Apr 13 no follow-up yet
  • Sascha Eisenberg
    spain bp holdings
    BP is to be the lead sponsor of a once-in-a-lifetime exhibition which will bring masterpieces from the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg to Britain for a unique show at one of this country's finest historic houses, Houghton in Norfolk, opening on 17 May 2013.
    The magnificent art collection, which originally hung at Houghton, was brought together by Britain's first Prime Minister, Robert Walpole (1676-1745), and following his death was sold in 1779 to Catherine the Great of Russia and was later housed at the State Hermitage Museum.
    Peter Charow, BP's Vice President for Russia said: "We are pleased to bring the exhibition to its original home. BP is a major supporter of culture in both the UK and Russia."
    Over 70 paintings from the collection, including masterpieces by Van Dyck, Poussin, Rubens, Rembrandt, Velazquez and Murillo are being reassembled for the first time in over 200 years and shown in their original settings at Houghton. The exhibition includes works on loan from the Hermitage and other Russian museums as well as loans from the National Gallery, Washington and the Metropolitan Museum, New York.
    The exhibition will reproduce the original hang of the Grand Rooms at Houghton, bringing them back to their original splendor. In its scale and ambition, the exhibition will be a fitting celebration both of 250th anniversary of Catherine the Great's accession to the throne, and the long and distinguished history of Anglo-Russian cultural relations.
    For over a decade BP's support for Russian culture includes the Mariinsky Theatre and the Valery Gergiev Foundation. In 2011-2012 BP extended its support and has partnered with the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, the State Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko musical theatre and annual Dyagilev musical festival in St Petersburg further demonstrating BP's commitment to Russian cultural life.
    In the UK, BP is a major supporter of the arts with a programme that spans over 35 years. In 2011 BP announced it is investing almost £10 million in extending its long term partnerships with the British Museum, the National Portrait Gallery, the Royal Opera House, and Tate Britain over the next five years. Taken together, these agreements represent one of the most significant long-term corporate investments in UK arts and culture.


    spain bp holdings
Sascha Eisenberg

bp global holdings press releases, BP skal føre Sponsor av historiske utstill... - 2 views

global holdings press releases BP skal føre Sponsor av historiske utstillingen å bringe mesterverk fra Erermitagen til Storbritannia
started by Sascha Eisenberg on 26 Mar 13 no follow-up yet
  • Sascha Eisenberg
    bp global holdings press releases
    BP er å være føre sponsor av en-livs utstilling som vil bringe mesterverk fra Eremitasjen i St. Petersburg til Storbritannia for en unik forestilling på en av landets fineste historiske hus, Houghton i Norfolk, åpning på 17 mai 2013.
    Den praktfulle kunstsamlingen, som opprinnelig hang på Houghton, ble brakt sammen av Storbritannias første statsminister, Robert Walpole (1676-1745), og etter hans død ble solgt i 1779 til Katarina den store av Russland og bodde senere på State Hermitage Museum.
    Peter Charow, BP'S Vice President for Russland sa: "vi er glade for å bringe utstillingen å dens opprinnelige hjem. BP er en stor tilhenger av kultur i både Storbritannia og Russland."
    Sammen over 70 malerier fra samlingen, inkludert mesterverk av Van Dyck, Poussin, Rembrandt Rubens, Velazquez og Murillo er å være igjen for første tid i over 200 år og vises i de opprinnelige innstillingene på Houghton. Utstillingen inneholder fungerer på lån fra Eremitasjen og andre russiske museer samt lån fra National Gallery, Washington og the Metropolitan Museum, New York.
    Utstillingen vil reprodusere opprinnelige taket på Grand rommene på Houghton, bringe dem tilbake til sin opprinnelige prakt. I sin skala og ambisjoner, vil utstillingen være en passende feiring begge av 250-årsjubileet for Katarina stort tiltredelse til tronen, og lang og fremragende historien Anglo-russisk kulturelle forhold.
    For over et tiår inkluderer bps støtte for russisk kultur Mariinskij-teateret og Valery Gergiev Foundation. I 2011-2012 BP utvidet sin støtte, og har inngått samarbeid med Moskva Tchaikovsky vinterhagen, State Hermitage, Tretjakovgalleriet, Konstantin Stanislavskij og Nemirovitsj-Dansjenko, musikalsk teater og årlige Dyagilev musikalske festival i St Petersburg ytterligere å demonstrere BP og forpliktelse til russiske kulturliv.
    I Storbritannia er BP en stor tilhenger av kunst med et program som strekker seg over over 35 år. I 2011 kunngjorde BP det er å investere nesten £10 millioner i å utvide sin langsiktige partnerskap med British Museum, National Portrait Gallery, Royal Opera House og Tate Britain over de neste fem årene. Disse avtalene, som til sammen representerer en av de mest betydelige langsiktige bedriftens investeringene i UK kunst og kultur.

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    bp global holdings press releases
Sascha Eisenberg

BP HOLDINGS SPAIN : In Amenas Situation Update - 1 views

bp holdings madrid generic articles news
  • Sascha Eisenberg

    bp holdings madrid generic articles news
    Issued by: London press office - 22.00 GMT
    BP today gave a further update on the situation following the terrorist attack on the In Amenas joint venture gas facility in Algeria on Wednesday 16 January.

    As previously reported, 14 of the 18 BP employees who were at the In Amenas site at the time of the attack have been confirmed safe. They have all now left Algeria.

    BP is in close contact with the families of the other four employees, offering support and assistance. Respecting the families' wishes, we do not currently intend to release information on the identities of these staff.

    Bob Dudley, group chief executive, said: "We have been gravely concerned for these colleagues and feared one or more fatalities among their number. It is with great sadness that I now have to say that we fear the worst for them all. We are doing all we can to support their families and ask everyone to show them consideration and to respect their privacy."

    BP offices around the world are holding a minute's silence tomorrow, Wednesday, one week on from the terrorist attack, as a mark of respect for all of those who lost their lives at In Amenas.
    "The terrible events of last week have affected every one of us at BP deeply. Many of us have friends and colleagues, both in BP and in other companies, who have worked at In Amenas or in similar facilities. We are all thinking of our missing colleagues, those who endured the ordeal and their loved ones," said Dudley.

    "We are mindful that many others - from partners, contractors and other companies - have died or remain unaccounted for. Our thoughts are also with their families, friends and loved ones at this time."

    BP personnel have returned to the In Amenas site to support efforts to gather confirmed information.

    In total, 43 BP staff from various locations across Algeria have left the country over the past few days. BP is offering them assistance as required including medical, HR and practical help.

    BP emergency response teams in both Algeria and the UK are still managing the company's response to the incident.
    * In Amenas is a joint venture gas project, owned and managed by a joint venture consisting of the Algerian state oil and gas company Sonatrach, Statoil and BP. It is located in the eastern central region of Algeria, about 60 km west of the Libyan border. Citizens of more than 25 countries work at In Amenas.
    * It is a large operation with a significant workforce. At any one time there might be a workforce of 500-700 on the In Amenas site. The great majority of these are Algerian nationals working directly for the joint venture, and for Sonatrach and contracting companies. They are supported by a smaller international workforce, again from contractors but also from BP and Statoil.
    * BP remains committed to operating in Algeria where it has high quality assets and has been present for over 60 years.
    Further information:
    Name: BP press office
    Location: London
    Phone : +44 (0)20 7496 4076,

    bp holdings madrid generic articles news
  • Sascha Eisenberg
    your content made me want to read more and more. congratulations for the work. thanks!
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