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So here's how today started out... - Creative Safety - 0 views

    So here's how today started out… We got an email from a guy who took issue with one of our recent infographics, 10 Astonishing Facts About Arc Flash. Here's what he wrote: "Have you seen the commercial for the insurance company that uses the premise "If it's on the the Internet, it must be true"? I have still not seen the source of these statistics. The Capschell report is what all of these websites, all of which involved in the business of Arc Flash for profit ($$$$), including yours, use without merit. […] Even NFPA 70E does not not cite the source of the statistic regarding "2000 injuries per day". Don't just give me another website that says that again, show me source (ie the study) that produces those statistics. I am not, by any means, attempting to reduce the importance of arc flash, arc flash studies or PPE. I just have a problem when companies use these types of statistics without regard to the source or veracity of the information. Fear Mongering is the term that come to mind. It's on the internet so it must be true." I believe whole-heartedly that our marketing team did a significant amount of research on Arc Flash prior to creating this infographic, and I don't believe the intent of our marketing team to promote or perpetuate bad information. However, I can understand this person's sentiment, and I wanted to know myself what the real numbers were. So, the hunt for accurate data began. Before I go further, it should be addressed that our infographic says that there are 2,000 injuries each year, not every day. Still, where did this figure come from? I started searching to uncover where the 2,000 injuries per year came from. I asked the marketing team for their source, and they provided me with the official NFPA 70E 2012 Handbook. In Annex K(3), it states plainly that 2,000 people a year are injured as a result of arc flash. But, as our accuser points out, there is no citation. Because this is NFPA, a standardization or

Short Circuit Analytic version 1.0 - Creative Safety - 0 views

    The new Short Circuit Software version is now available. TORONTO, ON - ARCAD Inc. is helping create a safer working environment for repair service people and electrical maintenance workers who service electrical systems by providing on-line and PC based software for short circuit and arc flash hazard analysis. The arc flash software will help a business meet OSHA, NFPA 70D, CSA Z462 regulations and code requirements. SCA V1.0 (Short-Circuit-Analytic) software performs available fault currents calculations in three phase electric power systems. The program will take into consideration electrical parameters of the power supply as well as the power distribution system including cables, bus ducts, transformers, utility, motors, generators, etc. The software will automatically convert the entire system into a unique unit from which the short circuit current at each point is calculated. Because the process is simple and efficient, it will save a business money and time. Short Circuit Analytic Capabilities are as follows: Computes contributions from generators and motors Prints out multi-page single line diagrams Calculates available 3-phase short circuit currents within your power distribution system Saves calculation results and equipment data Compliments ARCAD software for arc flash hazard analysis and labeling Should you encounter any problem installing or running SCA V1.0, contact and they will assist you in identifying and resolving the problem.

A Comprehensive Look at Construction Safety - Safety Blog and News - Informing the Work... - 0 views

    Every time you step onto a construction site, there are countless hazards that you can come across in just a matter of seconds. That is why construction safety is not something that should be taken without serious diligence and precaution. Whether you are working on a commercial or residential site, or if you are working on a road, demolition, excavation or any other type of construction workplace, taking safety into consideration must be your first priority. Here is a comprehensive look into construction safety and why it can mean the difference between life and death if not given proper attention. Causes of Injury In 2012, 4,383 people were killed on construction sites. The math on that shows that nearly 12 deaths occur every single day around the nation. That number is incredibly high, especially when you consider the prevention that you can take to avoid death or serious injury. Of that number of people who were fatally injured in 2012, their deaths most commonly fell into one of four categories. This includes falls, being struck by an object, electrocutions, or being caught in between two objects. Falls made up for nearly 36% of all deaths, which is the most of the four categories. Second was being struck by an object, 10%, followed by electrocution and caught in between objects, 9% and 2% respectively. You will notice that that doesn't add up to quite 100%, but keep in mind that the remaining injuries that result in death are caused by other factors. But nearly 56% of all total injuries come from one of these four construction incidents. It is estimated that by being more prepared and cautious in the workplace, over 400 construction workers could prevent injury on an annual basis. While some workplace issues are still likely to occur, there is no denying that the potential of these four categories should be the first thing considered on a construction site. Importance Of Prevention The reasons that construction sites should be concerned with their safety

Measuring and Managing Customer Satisfaction - Creative Safety - 0 views

    Believe it or not customer satisfaction is somewhat of a new focus within the business industry. For many years the main focus of business was based upon staying in the black, increasing sales, growing business visibility and making a product or supplying a service that is needed or valued. However, with the changing times of our variable economy, there has been a major shift in the business mindset. Instead of focusing inward on the business and its growth and financial aspects, many companies have chosen to move their focus outward towards the satisfaction of the customer. With this innovative mindset, companies are really trying to put customer satisfaction above all else. It is actually much easier to keep customers when they are satisfied with the product or service provided than it is to go out and attain new customers. In fact, new figures estimate that it will cost a company 5 to 8 times more money to reach out and attain a new customer than to just keep a current customer satisfied. Furthermore, if a customer is satisfied with a product they will often recommend or talk highly of the product to others within the industry as well. Word of mouth is a very powerful tool during this age of online communication. With the click of a button, a person can "like" or "recommend" a product to many other people on his or her communication database.

The JIT System - Creative Safety - 0 views

    When running any sort of physical production based business, you will often have stock on hand. Instead of only stocking for a short time, there will be a "backup" supply of products that can be called upon as demand changes. This is known as "just in case" manufacturing and is highly common in most industries. However, several decades ago, the rise of lean business gave way to the concept of "just in time" manufacturing. In a just in time, or JIT, system, products are made as they are demanded and there is little to (ideally) no back-stock at any time. Why go lean? The idea behind JIT manufacturing is that one can eliminate several kinds of waste by taking away the need to keep inventory of excess stock. From now on, equate "stock" to "excess stock" or the concept of having too much on hand, because in a JIT environment "stock" doesn't really exist outside of individual orders. When you don't have to keep inventory, employees free up their time for other projects and tasks. Also, you have less paperwork to manage, and can focus on other things, like workplace safety, new profitability angles and marketing strategies, etc. Another reason to go to a JIT model is that you increase accountability of management. Because you have no inventory to fall back on in a JIT situation, inventory cannot be used as a crutch to make up for other problems. Slow, inefficient production is often masked by a stockpile of inventory, making it harder to realize certain areas of production may need improvement - these may include machine functionality, worker habits, reliability, and inadequate space management. Another huge place you save by adopting this method is in transportation. Materials do not need to be stocked at various sites and you need to do much less transporting. You will eliminate time wasted in transit when there is traffic or road congestion, and you'll even be more environmentally friendly by reducing fuel burned for shipping purposes

Executive Acceptance of LEAN and Operational Excellence - 0 views

    Introduction to Operational Excellence For most of us, Lean is a common concept by now. By extension, we're also familiar with the idea of continuous improvement; the way we run our business should ultimately be reflective of a chain of efforts to change for the better and reach more perfect efficiency. That's all well and good, but we've seen more and more businesses shying away from simply relying on "continuous improvement" in recent years and instead throwing around the term "operational excellence." While the two terms do ultimately work in tandem, and even though there's some overlap, it's important to understand where the two differ. A good way to think about operational excellence is as the answer or endgame to your continuous improvement actions, it's a state you want to attain through your workplace improvement endeavors. Unlike continuous improvement, however, where you're simply trying to 'always get better', operational excellence has a more clearly defined point where it can be said you've reached your goals. One of the biggest criteria for operational excellence is a horizontal and vertical (so throughout all levels and teams of a company) understanding of how workflow should look and how to correct problems when something isn't flowing correctly. This creates operational excellence because employees are now able to solve their own problems without relying on specialists or management, drastically decreasing downtime and putting them into a preventative rather than a reactive mode when solving problems. Furthermore, operational excellence then frees up your management and executives to focus on advertising and brand/market expansion planning and projects. In short, operational excellence allows a company to achieve continual improvement while still having the resources to put an emphasis on bottom line and market share growth. Operational Excellence Question Posed Sounds pretty awesome, right?! We think so, but you

Can you transform into a tech company? - The AI Company - 0 views

    Transforming into a tech company has become top of mind for executives in all major industries. It is clear that modern technology will fundamentally alter what and how business is done in every domain, sector, and industry. This has led to a call to arms in every enterprise to understand how they can transform into a tech company. The Tech Company Magic Tech companies have fine-tuned the art of bring new digital products and services to the market, quickly, efficiently and effectively and understanding customer feedback to iterate and improve. This capability makes them incredibly agile and leads to faster experimentation that is cheaper and involves less risk. In turn, this enables them to bring new capabilities to the market and even if all do not succeed or get traction, a few do and that drives innovation, customer satisfaction, and growth. From the outside, tech companies appear to be massive juggernauts that are unstoppable and able to crush everything in their path. The 'Non-Tech' Technology has been leveraged in every sector and industry, however, it has almost always been treated as a means to an end, something that is required but never the real value driver for the customer. This has led to the typical organizational structure in enterprises into "Business", "Operations" and "Information Technology". The "Business" arm generates value for customers, the "Operations" team carries out the requirements of the Business team and the "Information Technology" team provides the systems (databases, network and compute) required to "keep the lights on" for the Operations and Business Teams" This structure served enterprises well in the last decades as customers did not have an alternative to directly working with the enterprise and this fortified the value supply chain and also established a hierarchy of sorts within the enterprise where the business looked down upon operations who looked down upon technology. The purpose of

LabelTac 4 Starter Labeling Bundle | - 0 views

    Complete your workplace labeling projects fast with a LabelTac® 4 Starter Bundle. You'll get all the tools you'll need to start printing labels right away: a LabelTac® 4 printer, multiple colors of label supply, two colors of print ribbon, and label creation software. With this bundle, you can create indoor/outdoor labels and signs up to 4" tall and 40" long that are resistant to UV rays, water, chemicals, and other wear and tear. This bundle will simplify any labeling project and produce labels that will last 5+ years.

GHS Label Information - Creative Safety - 0 views

    GHS Label Information When it comes to labels, few are better known than the GHS labels (even if people don't always realize that is what they are called). GHS, or the Globally Harmonized System, is an international set of standards that are agreed upon to help ensure people from across many industries and around the world are all using universally recognized standards. This includes standards when it comes to the classification and labeling systems used for dangerous chemicals. The GHS labeling standards are used by regulatory agencies as well, including OSHA. While GHS is not itself a legal regulatory agency, most companies are required to follow their standards in this area because of the fact that their standards are adopted by governmental bodies. Common GHS Terms Whether reading GHS labels or making them, it is important to be aware of some terms that are commonly used. SDS - Safety data sheets are required to go along with most GHS labels. These data sheets can provide more detailed information about chemicals and other potentially hazardous materials. Class - Different types of hazards are broken up into different classes. Gasses that are under pressure would be one class. Acids could be another, just to give some examples. Hazard Groups - Hazardous materials are broken down into three groups, environmental, physical and health. Hazard Statement - Hazard statements are standardized to describe specific hazards. These statements give brief but essential pieces of information about the items being labeled. Precautionary Statement - This is a statement that provides instructions on how to avoid dangers when working with these materials. Signal Words - Signal words are DANGER and WARNING. Danger is to indicate a higher level of risk, while warning is for when there is a potential for harm but it is not quite as serious. Pictogram - Pictograms are the visual representation of specific risks. Typically they will just be a black image that is ea

Digium 1VPM064LF Echo Cancellation Module - VOIP Phone Supply - 0 views

    Sixty-four (64) Channel Hardware Echo Cancellation Module for use on TE235/236 cards. The Digium VPM064 echo cancellation module is compatible with A8-series analog cards and the TE235 T1 card. This card solves the voice echo problem commonly associated with connecting a PCI card to a PSTN. While software-based solutions are available, the Digium VPM064 is a more reliable hardware-based module. Attach this module to the PCI or PCI Express card to dramatically improve voice and audio quality. Note: compatible with 8-port A8A and A8B cards, and the 2-port TE235 card.

Safety Stickers - Creative Safety - 0 views

    The pertinent use of safety stickers and labels is a must within any industrial work environment. Safety stickers and labels serve many functions, first and foremost, they help to warn or inform employees and visitors of any specific safety concerns. Additionally, they also serve as handy informational reminders from identifying the contents within certain pipes, to showing where recycling may be located, all the way to highlighting the location of a safety eye wash station. Since the need for safety stickers is so important, yet so diverse depending upon the type of business, it may be difficult to locate all the specific stickers and labels needed. One way to easily combat the rising costs of utilizing outside retailers for safety stickers is to simply make your own. Believe it or not, printing your own safety stickers is generally faster, easier, and more cost efficient. Printing Safety Stickers If you've never considered the option of printing your own safety stickers, right now is the time to start. With advances in technology, some label printers are able to efficiently print bright and colorful, commercial grade stickers and labels. One label printing product currently on the market that rivals most others in price, quality, and ease of use is the LabelTac 4 PRO. This printer has proven time and time again to produce high-quality, dependable, colorfast labels that outperform most other safety stickers available on the market, and the best part is they can be printed in-house right from your own office. The LabelTac 4 PRO is capable of creating indoor and outdoor labels that are both weather and fade resistant. Furthermore, the ease of use with the LabelTac 4 PRO is simply impressive to say the least. It is compatible with nearly any Windows-based programs including well-known products such as Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, and Excel. However, even if you don't utilize Windows-based software the LabelTac 4 PRO comes equipped with its own easy-to-use Barte

Pipe Marking: The Basics You Need to Know - Creative Safety - 0 views

    Even though pipe marking is an essential practice when it comes to safety in any facility with exposed pipes, this practice is often undervalued and sometimes even overlooked by employers. Why? Well, it could be due to a lack of time to pipe mark or it may even be that they don't have the correct supplies to engage in pipe marking, however in many cases, it is often both of those reasons combined with a lack of knowledge concerning appropriate pipe marking. Why is Pipe Marking so Important? ANSI Makes it Easy! Instead of having each and every industrial work environment utilize different methods and rules for pipe marking, ANSI has made it quite simple by providing a set of pipe marking standards which should be in place within every facility which features exposed piping. Let's break down these standards into some smaller, bite size pieces. Color Coding: The color coding of pipes just makes visual acuity of pipes and their contents a little less complicated. According to ANSI the following colors should be used to indicate the contents. Workplace Organization Guide

The Food Industry - 0 views

    The Food Industry is a vast, multifaceted group of businesses that produce, market, distribute, and consume food. Companies in the industry cover all aspects of the supply chain, from farming to packaging. The food industry also includes beverage industries, as well.

Your Ultimate Guide to Finding Top-Quality Pet Products Online - 0 views

    Shopping for pet supplies online may be enjoyable and useful. Online shopping provides a wide range of pet products, including harnesses for dogs, collars, name tags, and other items. But how can you select high-quality products when there are so many options? You can shop for pets online with our guide, which will help you choose the best product for your pet.

5S Back to the Basics - Creative Safety - 1 views

    Facilities find that while in the beginning it was easy to identify problems, and implement solutions by following the 5S's, it gets progressively more difficult as problems are identified and eliminated.

Refrigerated Transport Services & Cold storage Vehicles provider in India - 0 views

    Refrigerated Cold storage (Reefer containers) has Massive power savings available at Affordable Hire and Running costs. Email ID: or URL:

Crystal Group Perishable cargo transportation - 0 views

Crystal Express is an initiative by the Crystal Group for transportation of less than truckload of perishable cargo. This service enables companies to transport perishable goods of quantity as low ...

Reefer containers Cold storage supply chain

started by zk7554 on 05 Feb 18 no follow-up yet

Crystal Group Cold Storage & Warehousing Company - 0 views

Crystal Group Cold Storage & Warehousing Company in India Crystal group Cold storage and warehousing facility is built keeping in mind complete logistics solution for the customer. Crystal facility...

Reefer containers Cold storage supply chain and warehousing Perishable cargo transportation

started by zk7554 on 05 Feb 18 no follow-up yet

Lean Book Reviews: How to Implement Lean Manufacturing - Creative Safety - 0 views

    I'm trying to keep up with my lean thinking, and with that comes lean reading. This stuff can be dry sometimes, but I always come away with some nugget of gold from each book I read on the subject.

SKM System Analysis, Power System Software, and Arc Flash Systems - Creative Safety - 0 views

    Our customers have had great luck printing from SKM and we recommend SKM to anyone looking for arc flash software. SKM has a great support staff and they offer lots of training seminars to help their clients in using their software. After working with thousands of clients on arc flash, we have seen SKM grow to be a large company that have always put its customers first, if you have any questions please call 866-777-1360 or click on the links below. A Brief History of SKM Software: SKM Systems Analysis, Inc. is a California-based corporation founded in 1972. They originally developed the DAPPER power system analysis software on a mainframe at the UCLA Computer Center. By 1978, DAPPER was running in time-share mode on the Control Data Corporation mainframe, and being used by engineers both in the United States and internationally. The first PC version of DAPPER was released in 1981, followed in 1983 by the CAPTOR software. A_FAULT was developed in 1988 and IEC_FAULT in 1991, to provide ANSI and IEC-909 fault calculations. SKM released Power Tools in 1995, completely rebuilding it from ground up using the latest Arc Flash development tools. The new Windows PTW line of software offers the same powerful studies that have been available in DOS, but adds greater flexibility. No other software can match SKM's Power Tools for project analysis flexibility, speed, or database integration. With over 35,000 users worldwide, no other software package has the breadth of support from the professionals in the engineering community of SKM Power Tools for Windows. From industry leaders like Cutler-Hammer, GE, Square-D and Siemens Westinghouse, to independent contractors and leaders in every industry, Power Tools is the application of choice when it comes to electrical engineering software.
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