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6 Ways Lean IT Can Help Enterprises - Creative Safety - 0 views

    Lean has been helping companies streamline their production, eliminate waste, and generally improve the way things are done for many years. Initially, the concepts behind lean were primarily used only in companies and facilities that were directly involved with physical product creation, such as manufacturing plants, factory floors and things of this nature. However, over time the lean methodologies have been adapted and implemented in almost every other type of business, ranging from health care to information technology, and many more. When done properly, lean can help improve virtually any work environment to help eliminate waste, improve communication, and to help ensure that the products or services being developed are indeed something customers will be interested in. For instance, when working in an information technology environment, it is important to be able to understand how lean strategies can be implemented, and why they are so important. The following are some of the most significant reasons why lean IT strategies should be taken seriously by any company that uses technology in their business (which is almost all of them!). Lean Promotes Ownership One of the things about lean strategies in an IT environment is that virtually every task completed is owned by an individual. Even if a person does not do all the work for a particular project, he or she will be directly responsible for overseeing it. This creates a sense of ownership, which can help in a variety of ways. It will give other teams a single point of contact for obtaining updates, providing feedback, or requesting changes. This will also allow the owner of a specific project to drive the progress directly, rather than having to rely on large committees or other types of groups to receive pertinent information. It is important to note that just because one person owns a process or project does not mean that he or she can simply dictate things to other groups. Instead, that person is there to

Moringa Powder Health Benefits of Dead Sea Moringa Powder You Never Know - 0 views

    Health Benefits of Dead Sea Moringa Powder You Never Knew: Dead Sea Moringa powder is extracted from a plant that is packed with vitamins, minerals, fats, and proteins. Since ancient times, this powder has been used to fight malnutrition in countries across Asia and Africa. Extracted from a plant that thrives in the Himalayan Mountains or the Dead Sea, this tree is helpful as it contains healthy stuff like natural antioxidants. This tree that produces this powder also has as much iron as spinach, which makes it so interesting to learn about since this essential mineral is required in the body to make red blood cells. The health benefits of Dead Sea Moringa powder include: It Detoxifies: The powder is used to purify water due to its coagulant agents that attach themselves to hazardous bacteria and harmful compounds. It also helps to remove harmful compounds and toxins in the body. Detoxification comes with many benefits for your digestive system and skin appearance. Fights iron deficiencies: Lack of enough iron in the body can cause anemia, leading to death. Thanks to this powder from an exotic plant, you can restore your iron levels by making it a recipe in your favorite beverage, like tea. Apart from being a good source of iron, sea moringa helps replace lost energy in the body. Boosts Immune System: Dead Sea Moringa powder has been shown to be effective in boosting the immune system in men. The powder is also packed with essential nutrients that help men maintain their body weight and remain healthy. This powder is not for specific people, as it benefits the rich and the poor. In this powder, you will find over 90 nutrients and plenty of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It is also loaded with fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, which boost many functions in the body. Regulates blood sugar: Estimates have it that more than 25 million people suffer from diabetes in the U.S., but if the same were done in the whole world, perhaps the results would be

Kaizen Continuous Improvement - Ten Tips - Creative Safety - 0 views

    Ten Tips to Help You with Your Kaizen Continuous Improvement Strategy The Kaizen methodology encourages ongoing efforts to ensure continuous improvement throughout a facility. This improvement can come in many forms including waste elimination, improved efficiency, safer work environments and much more. To simply say that a facility is employing Kaizen strategies, is essentially meaningless if you don't have any concrete action items you are following. Whether you're just getting started or you are looking for ways to reinvigorate a Kaizen strategy that is not effective, the following ten tips will be very helpful. Each one can give you ideas on what you can do encourage improvement and allow that improvement to grow and expand long into the future. Tip #1 - Harness the PDCA Strategy One of the key concepts used in Kaizen is the "Plan-Do-Check-Act" strategy. This is a quality model that can be used when implementing any type of improvement in the facility. As you might expect, the PDCA strategy is a cycle of ongoing improvement that should never end. The steps are as follows: Plan - This step is where you identify an area where improvement is possible and make an initial strategy on what chance should be made to realize the desired improvements. Do - Implement the change, but only on a small scale. This may mean having one department make the change in some situations or for larger corporations, having one facility make the update. During this step it is also very important to be gathering as much data regarding the change so it can be properly evaluated. Check - Review the results of the change including the data that was collected. Looking to see if they had the desired impact or not is critical to know whether you should move forward with rolling the change out to other areas. Act - IF the data in the check step points to a success, it is time to push the change out on a wider scale. Once the change has been successfully implemented you wi

Reducing Risks and Hazards in the Workplace - Creative Safety - 0 views

    The Adventure of Reducing Risks and Hazards in the Workplace Whenever starting a new job, it can be difficult to figure out exactly what you should be doing, and how it needs to be done. When I started working at a new facility as a safety manager, I began my first day with a meeting with the facility manager. The meeting was set up so he could tell me what was expected of me in my new role, and provide other details of the job. I was quite surprised when the meeting took less than two minutes, and the only objective I was given was to 'reduce risks and hazards in the workplace.' I asked for some clarification or guidance in what exactly he was looking for, but he simply said that I was hired to improve safety, and he was leaving the task of finding out how to do it in my hands. He gave me a sheet of paper with some information about what resources I had available, including my annual safety budget and told me to get to work right away. I should point out there that I had several years experience as a safety manager at a large company, which is why I was brought in to this new facility. The facility had recently been cited by OSHA for a variety of safety hazards, and there were even some fairly severe injuries that occurred in the previous months. The facility owners made it clear that safety was a priority for them, and they were willing to do whatever it took to pass inspections, and keep the employees safe. Planning My Safety Program While that initial meeting was unique, to say the least, I was also quite excited about the opportunity. It is quite rare that a safety manager is given such flexibility, and I wanted to make sure the manager wouldn't regret that decision. I got to work right away planning my safety improvement program. OSHA Safety Sign Guide I wanted to make some quick changes to help improve safety in the short term, and then also plan out ways to create a culture change within the facility so everyone would be more safety focused. I kne

Awkward Postures - Five Postures to be avoided in the Workplace - 0 views

    Eliminating Awkward Postures For most companies, the work that employees perform on a daily basis can be quite physical. This type of physical labor can lead to a wide range of injuries. Of course, to improve on workplace safety it is important to do all you can to help reduce the amount and severity of these types of injuries. One easy place where you can start is with the different postures that employees take while performing their day to day activities. In many cases, they put themselves in awkward postures, which increase the risk of injuries to the back, neck and other parts of the body. Fortunately, there are typically alternative ways to do things or even tools that can do those tasks for them so they can avoid injury. According to OSHA: Working in awkward postures increases the exertion and muscle force an employee must apply to complete a task and compresses tendons, nerves and blood vessels. In general, the more extreme the postures the more force is needed to complete the task. Examples of awkward postures include performing overhead work, bending or twisting to lift an object, typing with bent wrists, and squatting. The important thing is helping to identify the awkward postures, and help find alternatives for the employees. The following five positions should be removed from the workplace as much as possible so that employees can complete their work with as little risk for injury as possible. 5 Awkward Postures that Should be Avoided 1. Working with Arms above the Head The first awkward posture that is commonly seen in workplaces is trying to complete tasks with your arms above the head. There are many examples of this, some of which could include holding up a board while it is secured in place, or even painting a ceiling. Any time you are working with your arms over your head, you are putting added strain on your back. In addition, your arms are going to fatigue much more quickly than they would in a more natural position. This can put you at r

How to Start a Health and Safety Management System - Safety Blog and News - Informing t... - 0 views

    Your facility probably has many written safety procedures-hazard communication or emergency response, for example-but do you have a comprehensive health and safety management system (HSMS)? OSHA mandates many kinds of safety plans, but there is no federal mandate regarding a health and safety system that covers all other safety plans (though some states do require one). This system governs how safety works in your facility and gets everyone involved. If OSHA doesn't require an HSMS system in your state, then why bother implementing one? While a safety system does require a lot of work, the benefits are numerous. Not only will employee morale improve, the number and severity of injuries will be reduced and production may actually increase. Safety, it turns out, is good for business. OSHA also recognizes businesses that have used effective HSMS to achieve lower-than-average injury and illness rates through their Voluntary Protection Programs. Data suggests companies that have developed these kinds of safety systems have seen positive results. According to OSHA: "Companies in OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program, VPP, all of whom have implemented comprehensive safety and health management systems, experience lost workday incidence rates that are 60% to 80% lower than their industry counterparts. They also experience reduced absenteeism and turnover, improved productivity, and lower Workers' Compensation costs. Safety and health management works and adds to the company's bottom line profits." Getting a health and safety system started at your workplace takes a lot of legwork, so let's take a look at how to begin and how to get everyone from management to employees on the work floor involved. Management Leadership Business-Meeting-1 For a health and safety system to be effective, it can't just be left entirely up to a safety manager. Management needs to set the tone for the program and demonstrate their commitment to it by providing necessary polic

GHS Label Information - Creative Safety - 0 views

    GHS Label Information When it comes to labels, few are better known than the GHS labels (even if people don't always realize that is what they are called). GHS, or the Globally Harmonized System, is an international set of standards that are agreed upon to help ensure people from across many industries and around the world are all using universally recognized standards. This includes standards when it comes to the classification and labeling systems used for dangerous chemicals. The GHS labeling standards are used by regulatory agencies as well, including OSHA. While GHS is not itself a legal regulatory agency, most companies are required to follow their standards in this area because of the fact that their standards are adopted by governmental bodies. Common GHS Terms Whether reading GHS labels or making them, it is important to be aware of some terms that are commonly used. SDS - Safety data sheets are required to go along with most GHS labels. These data sheets can provide more detailed information about chemicals and other potentially hazardous materials. Class - Different types of hazards are broken up into different classes. Gasses that are under pressure would be one class. Acids could be another, just to give some examples. Hazard Groups - Hazardous materials are broken down into three groups, environmental, physical and health. Hazard Statement - Hazard statements are standardized to describe specific hazards. These statements give brief but essential pieces of information about the items being labeled. Precautionary Statement - This is a statement that provides instructions on how to avoid dangers when working with these materials. Signal Words - Signal words are DANGER and WARNING. Danger is to indicate a higher level of risk, while warning is for when there is a potential for harm but it is not quite as serious. Pictogram - Pictograms are the visual representation of specific risks. Typically they will just be a black image that is ea

What's the Best Anti Aging Vitamins and Supplements for Men and Women? - Youngevity Aus... - 0 views

    For many years, stress, poor nutrition and many other unhealthy habits have been affecting our wellbeing and lifespan, causing the cells in our bodies to age rapidly.Modern research and technology has allowed for a new breakthrough in Anti Aging, finding that specific vitamins and supplements can help extend the lifespan of cells in our body, slowing the ageing process. This has caused many researchers around the world to search for the best Anti Aging Vitamins and Supplements. One such researcher, Dr Joel Wallach, has devoted his 50 year career to finding the best vitamins and supplements to enable men and women to stay healthy, vital and youthful looking right into their 80's and 90's. Fortunately for the rest of us he has put his best Anti Aging products into one pack that delivers a saving of over $100 - and can even return you another $144 cash back - but more about that later! What are the Best Anti Aging Vitamins and Supplements for both Men and Women? Imortalium, the most advanced anti-aging supplement to date that nutritionally helps extend the lifespan of telomeres; the biological clocks found within our cells. Telomeres form the protective ends of almost every DNA chromosome, keeping each chromosome from deteriorating. The longer and healthier the telomere strand is in a cell, the greater the health and Anti Aging benefits. Specific Telomere health promoting nutrients found in Imortalium are: Vitamin D3 which helps with leukocyte telomere lengthening which can help prevent aging and age-related disease.* Ascorbic Acid which promotes the suppression of oxidative stress , slowing down age-related telomere shortening.* Vitamin B6 which contributes to the maintenance of telomeres by reducing oxidative stress and inflammatory reactions.* Vitamin E which increases the lifespan of telomeres.* Zinc which promotes telomere lengthening enzyme activity while also promoting telomere shortening activity in problematic cells.* SuperOxide Dismuase (SOD)

Hazard Communication - 1910.1200 - Safety Blog and News - Informing the Working Communi... - 0 views

    Improving Hazard Communication in the Workplace Hazard CommunicationIf you're looking for ways to improve the overall safety of your facility, one of the best places to start is with an evaluation of your current hazard communication standards. According to OSHA, hazard communication violations are the second most commonly cited violations, as of 2012. In 2012 there were 4696 citations given in this one area alone. Sadly, very little has been done to change this problem over the past several years. Understanding how your facility communicates any type of hazard, and working on ways that can be improved, is an important part of keeping everyone safe. One of the best places to start is to review the OSHA regulation on this topic, which is titled, "Hazard Communication - 1910.1200." This will give you all the requirements that you will need to follow in order to keep people safe, and avoid any citations. Key Points in Section 1910.1200 After reviewing the entire section on this topic, you will want to go back and really focus on a few key points. These are some of the areas where most of the citations were given out, and also where some of the biggest risks exist. The following key points will be great places to start when it comes to improving the way your facility handles hazard communication: 1910.1200 (b)(2) - This is the section that covers how you need to communicate hazards that apply to any chemical that exists in a way that employees could become exposed to it. This applies to both normal exposure, and exposure during a foreseeable emergency. 1910.1200(b)(3)(i) - In this section, it details the requirements a facility has concerning the labeling of chemicals that come into the facility. Specifically stating that the labels may not be removed or defaced. 1910.1200(b)(4)(iii) - This area explains in detail that employers need to provide employees with sufficient training on how to react to a potential chemical spill. This includes how to

AED & CPR - Creative Safety - 0 views

    People today work 40+ hours per week, meaning they are spending about half of their waking hours at work. Given the total number of hours employees are spending at work, it is inevitable that some of them will experience serious medical problems while at the facility. When this happens, employers have a responsibility to be able to contact the paramedics right away, and to provide the initial care until professionals can arrive. In the event of respiratory or cardiac arrest, it may be necessary to perform CPR or even use an AED. Providing instruction to employees on how to use an AED, and how to properly perform CPR is essential. Some companies will offer the training to everyone in the facility, and others will only train a select few. The important thing is that there is someone who can respond to emergencies, and help keep the person alive until the paramedics can arrive. What is CPR? CPR, or Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is one of the most commonly seen emergency procedures. It is performed on television all the time, and even in real life it is far more common than most people might think. While it might look easy to perform on TV, the fact is, it needs to be done with proper technique or it can cause a lot of damage. Fortunately, training people to properly perform CPR is fairly simple, and doesn't take very long. In many cases a full CPR class can be given in a half of a day, and the employees in the class can become certified to perform this life saving procedure. During the training classes, employees will learn when they should attempt CPR, and how it should be performed. Some interesting things that employees will learn include: CPR is done to help push the blood through the body when the heart is not beating. Keeping the blood circulating will prevent damage to the heart, brain and other vital organs. Rescue breathes are actually optional. While most people surveyed believe that breathing into the mouth of the victim is the most important part of

Confined Space Entry Permits - Safety Guidelines Hidden In The Cracks - 0 views

    Confined Space Entry Permits - Safety Guidelines Hidden In The Cracks Dangerous, confined spaces are the stuff of horror films and cringe-worthy moments on screen, and there's a reason. Depictions of people trapped in a confined space not only play on a natural human tendency toward claustrophobia, but they also reflect a very real danger in the workplace. As such, OSHA has implemented a system of "confined space entry permits," hoping to help increase worker awareness and avoid common types of injury and death associated with working in a confined space. In this blog post, we'll cover everything from the definition of a confined space, to the details of a fully developed entry permit system. What Is A Confined Space? While the question may seem elementary, OSHA does adhere to strict definitions for confined spaces; this is important to know as a safety professional, as you'll need to be aware of which spaces require you to adhere to OSHA protocol and which don't. Basically, a confined space has to be a place that's large enough for a person to work and perform their job within, but is not intended for long term occupancy by workers. The third and final criteria is that the space has limited means of entry and exit. In short, the space is a place that someone can fit and work in for a limited time, but which impairs mobility and might be difficult to enter and, more importantly, exit quickly. What Is A Confined Space Entry Permit? Sometimes, confined spaces have additional potential risks and hazards that go above and beyond just their shape and size. In these cases, OSHA requires that permits are filed before a worker enters the space. Here are OSHA's additional criteria that indicate the necessity of a permit: The space contains or could contain a hazardous atmosphere The space is comprised of or contains a material that could engulf a worker who enters. The space has any kind of "internal configuration" that might present an additiona

10 Reasons Why Industrial Labeling is Important - 0 views

    Improve Organization and Efficiency with Industrial Labeling Industrial labeling is an essential activity in any facility, and for many different reasons. For example, it can help to improve safety as well as organization and even efficiency. In fact, proper labeling can benefit almost every measurable area of the facility. If you don't already have a proactive labeling policy within your facility, look at the following ten points to see why it is so important. 1. Regulatory Compliance One of the most important reasons why you need to focus on proper industrial labeling is that it is often required by organizations like OSHA. If you are using certain hazardous chemicals, for example, you will need to have the containers labeled using the proper industry standards. In addition, you must put these types of labels on any products that contain these chemicals before you ship them out. There may be other regulations where you need to have proper labeling too. Machines and pipes that use or transport hazardous items will often need to be properly labeled. Even if it is just steam that is being transported, you should likely have it clearly noted so nobody accidently burns themselves while working in the area. 2. Tracking Maintenance Tasks Many facilities will use industrial labeling to distinguish different machines or vehicles within the facility. This is much easier to use than checking the VIN or serial number each time, and it can make scheduling the maintenance of these items much easier. If you have an industrial label maker, you can print off a label that has a bar code or other easily identify mark. This can then be scanned by the maintenance team every time they change the oil or perform any other type of work. This can help them to log all the activities they have done, and even make it so all their activities are tracked through computer programs. However you decide to actually track and store the information, you will find that having each machine ta

What No One Tells You About Pipe Marking - Creative Safety - 0 views

    Ok, let's be honest here. Unless you are a safety professional, or you work closely with safety professionals, the chances are that no one has really told you anything about pipe marking, right? But for those of us lucky enough to work in this industry, it quickly becomes all too clear that there is an endless amount of information available about this very narrow topic. Unfortunately, about 99% of the information that people learn about pipe marking is just reiterating the standards and regulations that are put out by OSHA and other regulatory bodies. Now, make no mistake, this information is absolutely critical to learn and follow. The fact is, however, that there are A LOT of other things that someone who works with pipe marking should know. We've put together some helpful tips, tricks, information, and advice that covers a wide range of pipe marking related topics to help ensure your pipe marking strategies are as effective as possible. If you have any other 'secrets' of pipe marking that you don't see here, please contact us below so we can help pass them along in the future. Choose Your Materials Wisely Everyone knows that you can't just use the normal label materials that are basically paper with a little glue on the back, which you might buy at Office Depot. There are, however, lots of different types of industrial labeling materials out there, and picking the right one for the right area is essential. Here are several essential points to be aware of: Pipe Materials - Did you know that normal vinyl labels can cause corrosion on pipes made of nickel and stainless steel? If you have this type of piping, make sure you opt for labels that are identified as 'low halide' to avoid this potentially disastrous risk. Know the Weather Risks - When labeling outdoor piping, you need to keep weathering in mind. Most label materials are water-proof, but the constant change in temperature, humidity, wind, and more can really be rough on pipe markings

Safety Lean Manufacturing - 5 Ways to Combine Safety and Lean - Lean Challenge - 0 views

    Improving and Implementing Safety Lean Manufacturing Safety Lean ManufacturingWhen people look at facility improvement opportunities they often look at process improvement methodologies, such as Lean Manufacturing. Another thing that is commonly reviewed is facility safety improvements. In many cases, however, they don't see that using lean manufacturing techniques can often also provide safety improvements. Thinking about safety lean manufacturing will allow you to make improvements throughout your facility in a way that will not only reduce waste and increase profitability, but also help improve safety at the same time. The following are five examples of how lean can directly improve safety within your facility. According to DesignSafe's document on, Integrating Safety and Lean Manufacturing Safety must not be viewed as a separate activity that is a non value-added effort with objectives contrary to lean concepts. Elimination of waste can also be interpreted as the elimination or minimization of risk that adversely affects wasted human resources and lost time from injuries. Lean imperatives of faster, better, and cheaper must encompass the issue of running safer as well. Safety Lean Manufacturing - Top 5 ways to Combine Them 1. Eliminate Overproduction to Reduce Unnecessary Interaction with Machines Safety Lean Manufacturing OverproductionOne important focus for lean manufacturing is the elimination of over production. While this is mainly done to help eliminate waste, it will also make for a safer facility because people won't be working on the machines as much. Any interaction with the machine is an opportunity for an accident, so this is a good move for safety too. Look also at the fact that when people are spending more hours working at a machine, they are likely to be more fatigued, which increases the risk for accidents and injuries. 2. Listening to Employees Improvement Ideas One of the trademarks of a good lean manufacturing program is t

No Makeup Tricks For Gorgeous Look - 0 views

    The first step to mastering a no-makeup look is to change your inner perception of yourself, to accept the way you look, and to show yourself love and appreciation. If you think you are beautiful just the way you are, and accept yourself unconditionally, everyone else will see you and feel the same way about you as you do. And that is when these tricks come in handy, to help you achieve that makeup-free, gorgeous look. Take care of your body to take care of your skin. Eat healthy for glowing skin First things first, you should alter your eating habits and stick to a nutritious diet to achieve healthy skin. Add more fruits and veggies to your meals and include foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids (such as flax seeds, walnuts, fish, sweet potatoes, etc.) and high in protein (eggs, lentils, chickpeas, beans, chicken, etc.) Drink more water Hydration is very important for the look of your skin and your health in general. If you drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day, it will help you flush out toxin from your body, and as a result, you will have blooming skin, plus you will feel better. Try to carry a bottle of water with you all the time to remind yourself to drink more water throughout the day. Also, a good way to stay hydrated and flush out the toxins is to add cucumbers, lemons, zucchini, mint leaves, etc. and make detox water. Be more active Taking up a sport is essential for your physical and mental health. Exercising benefits your skin because it helps your body get rid of toxins through sweat; it improves your blood circulation, increases the amount of oxygen, and provides a boost of endorphins that all affect your skin. Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate Exfoliation is the key to radiant skin, and it should be a vital part of your skincare routine. Give your skin a helping hand to get rid of the dead cells and renew itself with regular exfoliation (twice a week is perfect) because the excess of dead cells can lead to clogged pores, acne, and pimples. Aft

Radiate Beauty with Dead Sea Minerals Skin Care: A First-Page Solution - 0 views

    Keeping our skin healthy is an important part of a modern lifestyle, as it not only makes us look better but also feel better. too, as we get older we have to be more careful about what we put on our skin. There are numerous products on the market that promise to nourish your skin and provide it with various vitamins and minerals, and many of these products contain lab-created, unnatural chemicals. None pack in as many different benefits as Dead Sea minerals. Because products using Dead Sea based salts (or other forms of the minerals) contain such a high concentration of vitamins and minerals, they're able to have a greater nourishing and beautifying effect on the skin than other products. The biggest problem that people face with their skin is that of moisture levels. Some people suffer from dry skin, which can be itchy and sore, and others suffer from skin that's too oily, which can be unsightly and cause pores to become clogged, leading to acne. Just living a normal, everyday life can cause the skin's natural balance to become unstable, and the best way to deal with these very common problems is by applying and using products that contain minerals found in the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea minerals that are helpful to skin maintenance are boron, bromine, calcium, iodine, lithium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, strontium, sulfur and zinc. Boron: helps to reduce and relieve symptoms of dry, flaky skin. Bromine: relaxes the nerves under the skin, calms facial muscles and works as an anti-inflammatory substance to reduce swelling and puffiness. Calcium: helps to protect and regenerate skin cells and cells under the surface of the skin. Iodine: helps skin cells in their everyday functions and metabolizing processes, which means that they stay healthier for longer. Lithium: enables other minerals to have a greater effect on the skin, and is especially useful in helping to reduce flakiness. Magnesium: probably the most useful mineral for skin, as it a

Award Winning Beauty: Discover the Best Dead Sea Products from Israel - 0 views

    The Dead Sea, often referred to as the "Salt Sea," is a natural wonder situated between Israel and Jordan. Known for its exceptionally high salt concentration and mineral-rich waters, the Dead Sea has attracted visitors for centuries seeking its therapeutic and cosmetic benefits. Over time, the region has become famous for its range of skincare and beauty products, harnessing the Dead Sea's unique properties. In this article, we'll delve into the world of Dead Sea beauty products from Israel and help you discover the best ones that have earned international acclaim. The Magic of the Dead Sea Minerals Before we dive into the products themselves, it's essential to understand why the Dead Sea is a source of such potent skincare ingredients. The Dead Sea is rich in minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium, and, most notably, sodium chloride. These minerals are renowned for their abilities to nourish the skin, improve blood circulation, and reduce inflammation. When incorporated into skincare products, they offer a myriad of benefits that have won over beauty enthusiasts worldwide. Choosing the Right Dead Sea Products With a plethora of Dead Sea products flooding the market, it can be challenging to discern the truly exceptional ones from the rest. To help you make an informed choice, let's explore some of the best Dead Sea products from Israel that have gained recognition for their effectiveness and quality. Dead Sea Mud Masks: One of the iconic products from this region, Dead Sea mud masks, are renowned for their deep cleansing and detoxifying properties. These masks draw out impurities, unclog pores, and promote a healthy complexion. Look for masks that are rich in Dead Sea mud and free from harsh chemicals. Dead Sea Salt Scrubs: Dead Sea salt scrubs are fantastic for exfoliating the skin. They remove dead skin cells, leaving your skin smoother and more radiant. The minerals in the salt also help hydrate and revitalize your skin. Opt for scrubs with natural oil

The Art of Crafting Luxurious Dead Sea Salt Blends: Tips and Recipes - 0 views

    Crafting luxurious Dead Sea salt blends Dead Sea salt is renowned for its exceptional mineral content and is known to benefit the skin and provide relaxation. Creating your own Dead Sea salt blends can be a delightful and rewarding experience, allowing you to customize your skincare and bath products to your liking. In this article, we will explore the art of crafting luxurious Dead Sea salt blends, providing you with valuable tips and delightful recipes. The Wonders of Dead Sea Salt Before delving into the world of crafting Dead Sea salt blends, it's essential to understand the unique qualities that make Dead Sea salt so special. Located between Jordan and Israel, the Dead Sea is one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth, packed with minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium. These minerals offer a wide range of benefits for the skin and overall well being. Dead Sea minerals benefits in the salt blends Magnesium: The Skin Soother Magnesium, a superstar mineral found abundantly in the Dead Sea, is known for its soothing properties. It has the ability to calm irritated skin, reduce redness, and alleviate skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. When infused into salt blends, magnesium helps create a soothing and invigorating scrub that exfoliates the skin while promoting a sense of relaxation. Calcium: The Skin Rejuvenator Calcium is another essential mineral found in Dead Sea salt blends. It plays a pivotal role in maintaining healthy skin by promoting cell renewal and regeneration. Calcium-infused salt blends can help slough off dead skin cells, leaving behind a smoother, more youthful complexion. Additionally, calcium aids in the absorption of other beneficial minerals, enhancing the overall efficacy of the salt blend. Potassium: The Hydrator Potassium is vital for maintaining proper skin hydration. It helps balance moisture levels, preventing dryness and promoting a supple, radiant complexion. When incorporated into salt blends, potassium-

Safety in the Workplace: Big Safety for Little Cost - Creative Safety - 0 views

    There are many areas in life in which we employ little tactics to help improve safety. For instance, we wear our seat belts to help stay safe while traveling in a vehicle and we also make sure our shoes are tied so we don't trip and fall while out and about. These safety actions are almost automatic as many people don't even have to think about doing them, they just happen out of pure habit. Not only do these little safety practices help to keep us safe, but they also add to the safety as others as well. For instance, if a person working in a warehouse is walking around with untied shoes, he or she could slip and fall and essentially bump into and take down another employee as well. Safety practices when done correctly really have an impact on almost everyone, especially in the workplace. There are many different small safety practices or items that can be done or utilized to help greatly improve the safety for everyone. It is important to remember that safety isn't always expensive. Sometimes safety is just about keeping a shoe tied, or hair pulled back. Here are some safety tips that won't break the safety bank: · Training - This one is my favorite. The truth is, we can add all the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) we want but it won't really mean much unless the employees have been properly trained about safety. Employee training should always be the first line of defense against workplace hazards. Furthermore, training is cheap and can often times be 100% handled right in house. · Add Some Gloves - It is estimated that nearly 25% of workplace injuries involve the hands and fingers. Avoid this type of injury through the utilization of proper safety gloves. Gloves are effective as they provide a barrier between the hand and harmful elements such as chemicals, high temperatures, and items which may cause cuts or lacerations. Gloves are very cost-effective and are often an easy practice to implement. · Goggles aren't just for Swimming - I

Safety Myths We Could All Live Without - 0 views

    Safety Myths We Could All Live Without Safety MythsI'm going to level with you today: There's a lot, and a mean a metric ton, of misinformation when it comes to safety in the workplace. The more experience you have, the more and more you discover which of the things you've been told actually seem to hold up to the action of a real workplace, and which advice becomes clearly idealistic and less useable. That said, why can't we just skip past the clutter? Why do myths about the nature of safety and accident prevention continue to circulate when experienced practitioners know them to be complete bologna? To be honest, I can't answer that, but hopefully what I can do is more useful; in this article, we're going to go over some common workplace safety myths and dissect them so that, with a whole lot of luck, they won't leave anyone's lips ever again. Accidents Happen Safety Myths AccidentsFirst of all, yes, accidents do happen… but the statement itself is dismissive, and suggests that some things are just out of our control. The problem with this sentiment is twofold. First of all, it's a slippery slope: If you decide one thing is out of your control, it's easier to accept that another thing might be as well. Before you know it, you're leaving too much up to chance and not enough up to your problem solving skills. The second problem is that the idea that accidents just "happen" of their own accord is silly and untrue. There is always something you can do, and you should always be actively improving your safety by finding these things as they come along. One counter example to this that people sometimes come up with is a case in which an employee does something really boneheaded and gets themselves into a dangerous situation. "Isn't that kind of out of my control?" one might ask. Actually, there are two possible situations here: 1. The worker deliberately put themselves in harm's way for some unknown reason. In this case, a resu
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