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  • We believe that APIs are about to enter the second growth spurt. APIs will evolve from not just interfaces and integration enablers into the rockets that propel enterprises towards innovation and market dominance. Here are three key trajectories that will lead the next API evolution and revolution.
    Modern, RESTful APIs are not considered standard, table stakes and expected out of any new project, effort, application, system, service or product. It has become so normal to talk about developer interfaces, developer adoption, application development and innovation in the same breath as APIs that a distinct effort to build APIs for a new product or service seems out of place and abnormal. APIs are the defacto standard of app development. So where do we go from here? We believe that APIs are about to enter the second growth spurt. APIs will evolve from not just interfaces and integration enablers into the rockets that propel enterprises towards innovation and market dominance. Here are three key trajectories that will lead the next API evolution and revolution. Innovation - Starts, and Ends with APIs All modern technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, ChatBots, Analytics, BlockChain etc. begin and end their stories with APIs. APIs are what enables the communication between front-end user interfaces and the backend technology services. All new machine learning capabilities offered out of the big four tech companies have seen the light of day through APIs. Intent & Sentiment extraction, Topics, Categories, Summarization, Image Recognition, Entity Extraction etc. are all capabilities powered by Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing that is ultimately being delivered as APIs to application developers. Similarly, ChatBots are typically designed to get the user entered text, use an intent API to determine intent and then use a service API to respond to the user conversationally or with a service. Clouds - Multi-Cloud, Hybrid Cloud As the big three cloud providers grow their market share and attempt to attract attention, increasingly, enterprises need to think about how they minimize their risk by building in the flexibility to switch their cloud provider if and when they need. In addition, hybrid architectures or a cloud migration
pintadachica - 0 views

    According to the Insurance Information Institute, 40% of businesses affected by a natural or human-caused disaster never reopen. When disaster strikes, consumers can only wait so long before moving on to another supplier or service provider if you are not able to get operational in time. Insurance might help to recover some of your loses, but it will do little to replace your customers. More importantly, the safety and well-being of your employees as they cope with disaster is a hefty task in itself to take on. In light of recent events, many organizations are left wondering, are they ready and prepared when disaster strikes? So just what does it mean to be ready? Investing in a preparedness program can make all the difference in the world when disaster strikes and promote an internal belief that your company is ready for disaster when it strikes. This policy should reflect the mission and values of your organization that can be implemented seamlessly throughout the company. Focal points of your preparedness program should detail specific goals including: The overall safety and protection of your employees, visitors, and any other persons that may be at your facility when a disaster occurs. Don't forget to account for persons with disabilities and special needs. Keeping customer service operations functional Protection of assets, both in the physical and electronic form Environmental protection and contamination prevention Companies image and reputation Having a team to help continue the improvement and implementation of your program is vital to its success when needed. Your team should meet regularly to continue the development and focus of the program. Each individual will have their own role and responsibilities when disaster strikes, a proper preparedness program will identify these, insuring an accountable team to help in the recovery process. How do you know what to plan for? It's impossible to predict what the next disaster will be, but accounting f
Hvantage Technologies

Mobile App Development Company - Hvantage Technologies Inc, USA - 0 views

    Hvantage is leading Mobile App Development Company in the USA. We have a dedicated team of mobile app developers. We provide application development services for Android, iOS & more other platforms.

Can you transform into a tech company? - The AI Company - 0 views

    Transforming into a tech company has become top of mind for executives in all major industries. It is clear that modern technology will fundamentally alter what and how business is done in every domain, sector, and industry. This has led to a call to arms in every enterprise to understand how they can transform into a tech company. The Tech Company Magic Tech companies have fine-tuned the art of bring new digital products and services to the market, quickly, efficiently and effectively and understanding customer feedback to iterate and improve. This capability makes them incredibly agile and leads to faster experimentation that is cheaper and involves less risk. In turn, this enables them to bring new capabilities to the market and even if all do not succeed or get traction, a few do and that drives innovation, customer satisfaction, and growth. From the outside, tech companies appear to be massive juggernauts that are unstoppable and able to crush everything in their path. The 'Non-Tech' Technology has been leveraged in every sector and industry, however, it has almost always been treated as a means to an end, something that is required but never the real value driver for the customer. This has led to the typical organizational structure in enterprises into "Business", "Operations" and "Information Technology". The "Business" arm generates value for customers, the "Operations" team carries out the requirements of the Business team and the "Information Technology" team provides the systems (databases, network and compute) required to "keep the lights on" for the Operations and Business Teams" This structure served enterprises well in the last decades as customers did not have an alternative to directly working with the enterprise and this fortified the value supply chain and also established a hierarchy of sorts within the enterprise where the business looked down upon operations who looked down upon technology. The purpose of

Don't Reinvent The Wheel - The AI Company - 0 views

    One of the top reasons for digital innovation and transformation failures can be summarized as the enterprise trying to reinvent the wheel. This is the tendency of the enterprise to attempt to create technology, platforms, and applications that have already been implemented, scaled, optimized and almost perfected. This tendency almost always ends up a failed one as it does not create any net new value for the enterprise but comes with a massive opportunity cost as the enterprise spends crucial resources on reinventing the wheel than innovating for the customer. How The Wheel Is Reinvented Nontechnology enterprises can get trapped in a reinvent state where they conclude that homegrown technology is the only path towards customer and business value. This in itself is not entirely false however the type of enterprise and their decision-making process along with the capabilities they have in house have a very large impact on the success of the strategy.eRaaadada Reinventing the wheel happens when a non-tech enterprise discovers a technology trend towards much later in the hype cycle almost towards the end when the technology is hitting the mass market and decides to recreate or reinvent its own version of the technology. This is often done with the assumption that with some investment, the enterprise can have a home grown version of technology or platform that is designed specifically for its needs and is thus a better fit. However, enterprises assume that the state of the technology will remain constant and while they are attempting to home grow a version that can match the current state of the art. In reality, the state of the art shifts and the enterprise is not able to bridge the gap. Who Reinvents The Wheel Typically, technology teams often decide to go down the path of reinvention when they are allowed to make technology upgrade or technology creation decisions without business KPIs and cost constraints i.e. clear success criteria with fixed cost and clear ti

Angular 2+ shows nice looking custom alerts and messages - 0 views

    You can hire Angular developer in Noida from Web Idea Solution with sound Skills in Angular Web application development. Our Dedicated Angular developers are not just to develop application for one particular industry instead they are expertise in the various business verticals.

6 Ways Lean IT Can Help Enterprises - Creative Safety - 0 views

    Lean has been helping companies streamline their production, eliminate waste, and generally improve the way things are done for many years. Initially, the concepts behind lean were primarily used only in companies and facilities that were directly involved with physical product creation, such as manufacturing plants, factory floors and things of this nature. However, over time the lean methodologies have been adapted and implemented in almost every other type of business, ranging from health care to information technology, and many more. When done properly, lean can help improve virtually any work environment to help eliminate waste, improve communication, and to help ensure that the products or services being developed are indeed something customers will be interested in. For instance, when working in an information technology environment, it is important to be able to understand how lean strategies can be implemented, and why they are so important. The following are some of the most significant reasons why lean IT strategies should be taken seriously by any company that uses technology in their business (which is almost all of them!). Lean Promotes Ownership One of the things about lean strategies in an IT environment is that virtually every task completed is owned by an individual. Even if a person does not do all the work for a particular project, he or she will be directly responsible for overseeing it. This creates a sense of ownership, which can help in a variety of ways. It will give other teams a single point of contact for obtaining updates, providing feedback, or requesting changes. This will also allow the owner of a specific project to drive the progress directly, rather than having to rely on large committees or other types of groups to receive pertinent information. It is important to note that just because one person owns a process or project does not mean that he or she can simply dictate things to other groups. Instead, that person is there to

How to make a mobile game app in 2021 - 0 views

    Are you a developer looking out for ways to develop a mobile game application? There are millions of trends in the market that we must have seen developers following & making into use! You would be amazed to read that developing a mobile game is a typical task because intuitive thinking is required from the start till completion.

Top-notch Web Design And Development ServicesĀ  - SolutionHow - 0 views

    Web design and development is an umbrella term, unfolding a lot of job roles beneath it. You would be amazed to see that web design and development somehow related to web designers, web developers, marketers, and quality assurance engineers responsible for taking the project from initial to start smoothly!

Elite Web Design And Development Services - TheOmniBuzz - 0 views

    If we talk about elite web design and development services, the market has drastically changed in the past few years. People are more towards AR and VR-based applications with high-end security. So yes, choosing the best web design and development company for your development needs is very important!

Android App Development Company - Quality Attributes & Processes - 0 views

    Android app development company works following a holistic approach. The designers, developers, and marketers work together, to collectively achieve the goal. Cydomedia is a known digital solution provider offering sleek, and flawless android app development services. It takes complete responsibility for the application's sleek user behavior & functionalities.

The Guidelines For Website Design And Development - Cranford, NJ Patch - 0 views

    The website design and development industry are growing massively because of the growing technology trend and people's interest in going digital. There are different guidelines related to website design and development that people consider trustworthy.

Top Web Design And Development Agency In United States - cydomedia - 0 views

    If you're looking out for the best and fantastic web design and development agency in the US, then you're at the right place! Many web design and development agencies claim themselves to be the best in town. However, very few know the quality of their offered work to the customers.

Top Tricks For Android App Development - cydomedia - 0 views

    Android app development is another most widely growing trend in the market. Mobile app developers are high in demand because of the changing trend and the massive demand for applications from clients internationally.

The Factors That Influence Mobile Game Development Cost - 0 views

    Mobile Game Development Cost is commonly interpreted as the production cost. However, there are various factors that influence Mobile Game Development costs.

Future Proofing for Agility - The AI Company - 0 views

    A lot has been said about agility and the need for enterprises looking to innovate and disrupt to build agility. Agility, at the same time, also gets confused with the process of scrum. Small and large teams get enamored with the idea of scrum and mistake the process with the state of being agile. This is often more detrimental to the enterprise and can often create more process and not enough real agility. What is Agility Agility is the efficiency with which an enterprise executes and delivers on its objectives and goals. Agility is the ability to react to changes in goals, feedback from customers and shifts in strategy. Agility, from the outside, looks like a predictable stream of value delivered by the enterprise that matches and exceeds the needs of the customer. Organizational agility requires agility at multiple levels within the enterprise to drive the insights that can channel and align the efforts of the entire organization by leveraging data and information to make quick and informed decisions. Business Agility Business and customer-facing employees need to achieve "Business Agility". This is the ability of these employees to react to business critical in real time if needed and have access to the latest information at any decision point. Business Agility enables users to reduce the latency or lag between a need in the market or of the customers and when they are able to service the need. Decision Agility Analysts and data scientists creating the insights to drive decisions require "Decision Agility" i.e the ability to easily discover, leverage and use data for analytics and insights through any and multiple tools and channels. Analysts and data scientists need to produce insights that reduce the time and effort required to convert data into information and insights that are required to drive key decisions and actions. Development Agility Application developers and data engineers need the ability to easily generate, collect, access and deli

Beware of Technology Congestion - The AI Company - 0 views

    Technology Congestion is a not a recent phenomenon but the urgency around Digital Innovation and Digital Transformation has brought it front and center. Technology Congestion is a point in the Digital Journey where multiple technology initiatives, executed in parallel become entangled with each in a state where none of the initiatives, hampered by inter dependencies, prioritization, and cost, is able to complete, make progress and deliver business value. Modern Experiences Require Multiple Technologies Building a consumer driven, customer centric experience that truly delights and moves business KPIs requires several technologies to come together in almost a magical experience. This means that not on boarding and deploying multiple technologies is not an option or possibility. Enterprises have to build competencies in multiple technologies (and they have multiple strategic options to do so) and this can be a daunting task. Managing Technology Dependencies Often, an app-centric methodology requires a complete focus on the user and customer's experience. Delivering that experience can requires technologies that leverage each other or are inter-dependent on each other. Inter-dependencies can be sequential i.e. Technology A is required to be installed and operational before Technology B can be initialized. Inter-dependencies can also be matrixed i.e. a service X might require service Y to be complete and Service Y requires Technology B. Inter-dependencies can also be circular where System M feeds information into System N and System N, in turn, provides feedback to enable System M to iterate and improve. Innovation To A Screeching Halt Technology congestion can stall innovation. Sorting out dependencies can delay innovation and new product development and cause the enterprise to become anti-app-centric. The net impact is lost time and energy in technology installation and deployment with less than ideal focus and attention on customer value and user experience.

Skateboarding, The AI Company and the Autolearn Boost - The AI Company - 0 views

  • What is common between skateboarding and learning to skateboarding & autolearn.aiā€™s AI platform. Lots, turns out. Consider the process of learning to skateboard. One repeatedly tries a move with the skateboard. You look at if you can land the move. If you do, you try a different move. if you donā€™t, you slightly vary something in your technique; maybe you try a different center of gravity or angle your legs slightly differently or move your arms differently. Rinse. Repeat. As the skateboarder tries different variations, the ā€œlearnā€ the intricacies of every move and slowly improve. The more time, the more variations and the more analysis they do, the faster they learn and get better. Over time, one can go from a novice to an expert, having built a massive repository of insights and training that help the brain leverage the learning to control the brain that in turn controls the muscles, bones and body weight to effortlessly skateboard. The AI Companyā€™s platform is designed to mimic the process of learning to skateboard. However, instead of sequentially repeating the learning task, the AI platform enables automatically parallelizes the learning process by simultaneously trying out each possible variation for each move and then parallelizing learning multiple moves at the same time. This massive parallelization is accentuated by the automatic selection of the most optimal and accurate insights (AI models) that learn the best in the context of the problem at hand. The best AI models are automatically deployed to production, stored in a very secure form and can be leveraged in traditional app development or in the development of intelligent smart contracts (AutoLearnā€™s SmartChain). Imagine learning a skill instantly by parallelizing your learning so that you can try out the millions of variations, learn from them and ingest the learnings instantly. This is the AutoLearn boost.  With The AI Companyā€™s AI, you are able to reduce what traditionally in data science would take upwards of a year and multiple data scientists to mere days through the automated training, selection and deployment of the best AI models out of 1000s of variations generated in parallel by AutoLearn. Not only do you reduce the time taken to go live with AI, because of the automation and the efficiency maximizer in AutoLearnā€™s AutoAI, you are guaranteed the best possible AI model. This is not guaranteed in a manually driven data science practice!
    What is common between skateboarding and learning to skateboarding &'s AI platform. Lots, turns out. Consider the process of learning to skateboard. One repeatedly tries a move with the skateboard. You look at if you can land the move. If you do, you try a different move. if you don't, you slightly vary something in your technique; maybe you try a different center of gravity or angle your legs slightly differently or move your arms differently. Rinse. Repeat. As the skateboarder tries different variations, the "learn" the intricacies of every move and slowly improve. The more time, the more variations and the more analysis they do, the faster they learn and get better. Over time, one can go from a novice to an expert, having built a massive repository of insights and training that help the brain leverage the learning to control the brain that in turn controls the muscles, bones and body weight to effortlessly skateboard. The AI Company's platform is designed to mimic the process of learning to skateboard. However, instead of sequentially repeating the learning task, the AI platform enables automatically parallelizes the learning process by simultaneously trying out each possible variation for each move and then parallelizing learning multiple moves at the same time. This massive parallelization is accentuated by the automatic selection of the most optimal and accurate insights (AI models) that learn the best in the context of the problem at hand. The best AI models are automatically deployed to production, stored in a very secure form and can be leveraged in traditional app development or in the development of intelligent smart contracts (AutoLearn's SmartChain). Imagine learning a skill instantly by parallelizing your learning so that you can try out the millions of variations, learn from them and ingest the learnings instantly. This is the AutoLearn boost. With The AI Company's AI, you are able to reduce what traditionally in data

The Long & Short Of An AI Strategy - The AI Company - 0 views

    Much has and needs to be said about an enterprise's AI strategy. Artificial Intelligence or AI is considered a fundamentally disruptive technology similar to the steam engine, electricity etc, a technology that will be pervasive and absolute in its impact on the world and its inhabitants. The ability to find hidden patterns to predict the future or detect a behavior has massive implications across the world, in every industry, sector, and domain. When faced with this realization, enterprise's can find themselves stuck, paralyzed and unsure about how to proceed. The field of AI is decades old already and the early success stories have been practicing AI for multiple years already with the tech industry leading the way. How can an enterprise that has no experience and competency in this area let alone lead the technology or even leverage it appropriately to drive business value? When developing the AI strategy, two ideas are paramount. First, this a fundamentally disruptive technology and the enterprise will need to establish it as a core competency for the foreseeable future. Not doing so will not be an option. Second, a long-term plan to success is superseded by the need to drive quick wins and small successes not only to build confidence but use real-world experience to develop and hone that skill. The Short-Term AI Strategy The short-term AI strategy should focus on driving immediate business value through enhanced customer experiences that leverage any field of AI be it machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing etc. Driving the usage and deployment of AI in front of an end user making them smarter, productive and better informed can pay rich dividends by not only helping the enterprise can real-world experience, but it can also give a perception boost to the company as being innovative and cutting edge. However, most importantly, this can highlight and promote the success and potential of AI in the enterprise and encourage a snowball eff

Platform Commoditization: How not to get sidelined by commoditization - The AI Company - 0 views

  • The Risk of Building Platforms: Cost of Marketing & Support
    The cutting edge platforms for today will be the commoditized platforms of tomorrow. As the technology matures and evolves, the previous generation of technology becomes easier to build and deploy enabling a rush of vendors to capitalize on it by making it accessible to the largest possible customer base. This puts enterprises in the nontechnology sectors in an awkward position. Often not ready to consume the latest and greatest technology due to parts of their stack unable to leverage new technology and requiring upgrade to and deployment of the stepping stone technology, these enterprises have to choose between vendor lock-in in a multi-year software and service contract or risk building and implementing a version of the older technology in-house. Business Drivers of Infrastructure-as-a-Service The biggest risk in building technology platforms in-house is the risk of commoditization. The argument played out with the debate over internal vs. public clouds. Initially, enterprises were hesitant to leverage public clouds with several of them opting to build internal, private clouds. Building a cloud is hard. Operating and maintaining a cloud is even harder. Ensuring that the cloud is running on and leveraging the best in class technology requires dedication to the cause. This is often missing in non-technology enterprises by design given they are driven by different and separate business drivers and considerations. A cloud service provider is motivated to ensure the best in class service and technology because that drives revenue for them. An enterprise whose main business is not offering cloud or software services will not be motivated by the same drivers and thus there will be an inherent difference in their approach and success with building and delivering an internal cloud. Business Drivers for Platform-as-a-Service The same argument (public vs private clouds) applies to platforms. Building the best in class platforms that offer the ability to develop cuttin
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