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Bright Ideas

YouTube - Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh) - 0 views

    Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh)
Bright Ideas

The 2010 Social Networking Map / Flowtown (@flowtown) - 0 views

    It is very interesting to look at social media use in terms of country populations; this could be useful to share with colleagues and students.
Bright Ideas

eT@lking: Retribalizing, Literary Style: Virtual Book Clubs and Bookcast | Bright ideas - 0 views

    McLuhan predicted we'd have to leave the bookworld behind to be "with it" in the electronic world but with social media we can do it all. Learn about an evolving virtual book club model, online or inworld, that culminates with the screening of collaboratively produced bookcasts, multimedia aesthetic responses to books.
Bright Ideas

Allen & Unwin - For teenagers - 0 views

    Social media site for publishers Allen and Unwin. Great way to promote reading to your students.
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