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Bright Ideas

popplet - 0 views

    A great tool to explore ideas and thoughts visually and collaboratively.
Bright Ideas

Through global lenses @wfc | Finland, Florida and Australia - 0 views

    You may remember reading about Whitefriars College teacher librarian Tania Sheko's collaborative learning project using Flickr. The project has now concluded and a few of the students have shared their thoughts, reflections and ideas about what they loved most about the project.
alexandra francisco

Share and mark up documents online | crocodoc - 0 views

    Invite anyone to collaborate on PDFs, Word documents, and PowerPoint slides
Bright Ideas

eT@lking: Retribalizing, Literary Style: Virtual Book Clubs and Bookcast | Bright ideas - 0 views

    McLuhan predicted we'd have to leave the bookworld behind to be "with it" in the electronic world but with social media we can do it all. Learn about an evolving virtual book club model, online or inworld, that culminates with the screening of collaboratively produced bookcasts, multimedia aesthetic responses to books.
Bright Ideas

RealTime Health - Home - 0 views

    RealTime Health: the digital health network is a collaboration between The Le@rning Federation, The Chronic Illness Alliance , Aboriginal Medical Service of Western Sydney, Asthma Foundation of Victoria, Australian Hearing, Diabetes Australia - Vic, Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria, Orygen Youth Health and SANE Australia.
Bright Ideas

YouTube - Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh) - 0 views

    Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh)
Bright Ideas

Social Learning: an explanation using Twitter - 0 views

    Social Learning: an explanation using Twitter
Bright Ideas

International Strategy for Disaster Reduction - 0 views

    International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Bright Ideas

A virtual excursion to the zoo and online PD to start off Term 3 | Bright ideas - 0 views

    A virtual excursion to the zoo and online PD to start off Term 3
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