It is interesting that definitions differ from K-12 to Higher Ed and between Higher Ed institutions as well. These documents provide some different perspectives on the terminology:
Overview of different delivery types - myths and realities - K-12. The definition of blended is very different than what we imagine. The links to the YouTube on a f2f teacher who is not "teacher centered" and to the original video on flipped learning by the teachers in Colorado who coined the phrase are worth watching.
And this article has a great lit review of different definitions of hybrid, blended, and flipped along with a continuum of classroom delivered to totally online that might be modified to describe the definitions and percent of classroom and online as defined by your school.
Good basic definitions:
Overview of different delivery types - myths and realities - K-12. The definition of blended is very different than what we imagine. The links to the YouTube on a f2f teacher who is not "teacher centered" and to the original video on flipped learning by the teachers in Colorado who coined the phrase are worth watching.
And this article has a great lit review of different definitions of hybrid, blended, and flipped along with a continuum of classroom delivered to totally online that might be modified to describe the definitions and percent of classroom and online as defined by your school.
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