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IN Too

The Man with the Palsy | Salvation vs. Miracles: How do you see Jesus? « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    How do we see Jesus? Is Jesus our Saviour onto eternal life in fellowship with God? Or, Is Jesus a tool to fix problems in this life? When faced with life's problems what do we want from Jesus? Do we want exercise our faith or ease our flesh? Do we want His "strength to be made perfect" in our "weakness"?
IN Too

Jesus' Return: Responsibility, Righteousness and Reality « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Recently, there was yet another controversy about the time of Jesus' return. Sadly, many people were misled into thinking that May 21, 2011 would be that date and were deeply disappointed and confused when they found out they were misinformed. It is easy, and quite tempting, to be dismissive of these forlorn followers, but empathy and reflection are far better responses.
IN Too

Jesus and the Declaring Devils: Fanfare Foments Furor not Faith « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    If the people of Capernaum refused to believe Jesus when He identified Himself as the Messiah, do you think they would have believed it if the devils declared it?? Certainly not, it would just have been a bigger spectacle. Likewise, anyone who refuses to accept Jesus as Saviour now, will reject Him even if demons jumped up and declared him to be the Son of God.
IN Too

Swaddling Clothes: Gift-Wrapped Salvation « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    This Christmas, let us never lose sight of this fact: that He was born to die so that we who are dead could live. In the exultant celebration of Jesus' birth, remember that the gift God gave us is Jesus' death.
IN Too

Excellent Knowledge « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    "I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord." ~ Philippians 3:8 Spiritual knowledge of Christ will be a personal knowledge. I cannot know Jesus through another person's acquaintance with him. No, I must know him myself; I must know him on my own account. 
IN Too

Gone Fishin' « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    When Jesus calls you/me into ministry (any kind of ministry; Romans 12:4-8), what will be our response?Will we immediately make the step of faith? Or will we hold back (making the usual excuses)?When Jesus makes the call, do we have our minds set for service?
IN Too

Nothing but the Blood! « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Some treat the blood of Christ as nothing special, they say it was no different from any other blood, but that is NOT what God says in His Word… Only through faith in the blood of Christ can we be saved…
IN Too

Hope for the Future gives us Hope for the Present « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Jesus' resurrection… gives us hope that we too can live our lives unburdened by sin/sinfulness/the sin-nature. We have a hope for the present, for our day-to-day walk, that sin does not have to rule over our lives: Jesus' resurrection means we are free.
José Bortolato


    Pois isto é uma mostra de fé em um coração grato a Deus.   E esta é a vontade de Deus em Jesus, o Cristo, para nós. (I Tess. 5:18) Em tudo! Eis aí a questão. Damos graças a Deus com muita facilidade quando sentimos que fomos contemplados com boa sorte.. Dar graças quando tudo parece
IN Too

Prayer & Promises « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Jesus did not give us a 'blank check'; He only promised to deliver requests made in "His name".
José Bortolato


    HOSANA!  ROGUEM AO SENHOR! Hosana!  Que significa esta palavra?   Ela está escrita no Salmo 118:25-26 e também no Novo Testamento, em Mateus 21:9; Marcos 11:9; João 12:13, quando este termo se encaixou como uma luva, foi pela entrada triunfal de Jesus em Jerusalém, cerca do ano 29 da nossa
José Bortolato


    Quem já não pousou sua cabeça no travesseiro e ficou pensando em como ou qual será o fim das coisas que estariam ocorrendo? Algumas ocorrências atuais nos fascinam, e nos levam a querer antecipar um futuro abençoado.   Ansiamos para que os dias corram rápidos, para logo chegarmos a
    Adonias, Joabe, Abiatar, Salomão, Benaia, Zadoque, Davi, Bate Seba, Natã, complô, perdão, Jesus. are the themes included in this article.
wayne oswalt

The Valley of Baca - - Readability - 0 views

  • How have you found the road? Very easy to your feet? A green, grassy, flowery garden? a smooth meadow, with primroses and violets in the hedges, and you every now and then sitting on a stile, inhaling the breath of the May morn? or sometimes reclining on the grass, listening to the nightingale? This is not the way to heaven; you have mistaken the road. The way to heaven is through "the valley of Baca!" the valley of tears—a dry, parched, and burnt up valley, with thorns lacerating the traveler's feet; the wild beasts lurking in the dens; and Satan and his host, as armed prowlers, seeking to destroy. Depend upon it, if we find the way very smooth, very easy, very pleasing, and very agreeable, we have made a great mistake; we have not got into the right road yet. God bring those in the road who are his people, that have at present mistaken it! But you, traveler and pilgrim Zionward, have you not found it a valley of tears, have you not had cutting things in providence, heavy trials, harassing temptations, fiery darts, persecutions, sufferings from men, and above all from yourselves?
  • But David was debarred from going up to the house of the Lord. He was sitting solitary, and mourning,
  • Now while he was thus solitarily musing upon these pilgrims going upward to Jerusalem to worship the Lord in his earthly courts in Zion, his soul seems to have fallen into a train of holy and spiritual meditation. This earthly pilgrimage foreshadowed to him the pilgrimage of a saint heavenward; and thus, viewing all the circumstances of their journey, his thoughts turned upon what this pilgrimage spiritually typified; and he breaks out into this blessing upon God's worshiping people —"Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they will still be praising you."
  • ...31 more annotations...
  • Blessed is the man," he further adds, "in whose heart," that is, in whose experience, through divine teaching and divine testimony, "are the ways of them, who passing through the valley of Baca, make it a well."
  • In considering the words of the text this evening, I shall view them as the Holy Spirit has given us the spiritual clue to their import. There is a true spiritualization of God's word, and there is a false spiritualization of it
  • But we cannot build up a spiritual interpretation except the Holy Spirit has laid a foundation, nor track out a path unless he has given us a clue. But as the blessed Spirit, by the mouth and pen of David, has here given us a spiritual clue, we may follow these pilgrims in their journey up to the earthly Jerusalem, and see in it a lively representation of the true pilgrims journeying to heaven, their happy home.
  • "Blessed is the man whose strength is in you."
  • But where shall we find that man? Where are we to look for him? In what corner does he dwell? I am bold to say, that no man ever had his strength in God until he had lost all his own.
  • I am bold to say, from Scripture and from experience, that no man ever felt or ever knew, spiritually and experimentally, what it was to put his trust and confidence in God, who had not been thoroughly weaned and emptied from putting all trust and confidence in himself
  • Therefore, when David pronounces this spiritual blessing, "Blessed is the man whose strength is in you," his eye was fixed upon a certain gracious character, one who had been deeply emptied, one whose strength had been turned into weakness, his wisdom into folly, and his loveliness into corruption.
  • How are you, how am I, to put our trust in an invisible God? Can I see him? And can I put my trust in an invisible being? It is impossible, unless I have faith to see God, who is invisible.
  • Two distinct things must therefore meet in my heart, under the Spirit's secret operations, before I can come in for any share of this blessing
  • I must, first, by a work of grace upon my soul be weakened; as we read, "He weakened my strength in the way." "He brought down their heart with labor; they fell down, and there was none to help." I must be weakened by being experimentally taught that all my natural strength in divine things is but impotency and helplessness. And how can I learn this, but through a series of trials? I must have temptations; and find my strength against these temptations utterly powerless. I must have trials; and find these trials so great, that my own strength is insufficient to bear them. I must have a discovery of God's majesty, purity, and holiness, that all my strength may wither at the glance of the eye of God in my conscience. I must sink down into creature ruin, hopelessness, and helplessness, before I can ever give up the fancied idea of strength in myself
  • an is born an independent creature. It is the very breath of a natural man. "Independence" was once my boasted motto. It suits the proud heart to rest upon itself. And our rebellious nature will always rest upon self, until self has received its death-blow from the slaughter-weapon that the man clothed with linen carries in his hand. (Ezek. 9.)
  • Now this in most cases will take a series of trials to produce. We are not stripped in a day; we are not emptied in a day; we are not ruined and brought to beggary and rags in a day. Many of the Lord's people are years learning that they have nothing and are nothing. They have to pass through trial after trial, temptation after temptation, affliction after affliction, before they learn the secret of creature weakness, creature helplessness, and creature hopelessness.
  • But there is another requisite. It is not sufficient for me to know my poverty, my ruin, my wretchedness; I must have something more than this revealed in my heart. I must have another lesson unfolded to my soul by the power of God the Spirit. I must learn this sacred truth, "I have laid help upon One that is mighty." I must be taught to say, "God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever." I must know what the Lord Jesus so sweetly unfolded to the Apostle Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you; for my strength is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor. 12:9.)
  • Have you found out these two things in your heart? How many years have some here made a profession, have come to hear the truth preached, have approved of the testimony of God's servants, and have read the writings of gracious men! But have you learned these two lessons yet? first, creature weakness, helplessness, and hopelessness; to sink down into your miserable self; to be filled with confusion; to have nothing in yourselves but rags and ruin? And then, has the Spirit opened up, brought down into your heart, and unfolded to your soul that precious Mediator between God and man, "the Hope of Israel," the blessed Jesus,
  • whose strength is made perfect in weakness, that on him you may lean, in him you may trust, and upon whom you may rely to bring you safely through all? If you have learned experimentally in your conscience those two lessons—creature weakness and Creator might—the helplessness of man and the power of God—then you come in for the blessing,
  • Blessed is the man whose strength is in you."
  • I. "In whose heart are the ways of them, who passes through the valley of Baca, make it a well." David casts a glimpse here at those pilgrims who were traveling their upward journey to worship God in Zion. He marks their road, and takes occasion to spiritualize it; for he says, "in whose heart," in whose experience, in whose soul, "are the ways" of these pilgrims Zionward.
  • What are these "ways?" It is this, that "passing through the valley of Baca, they make it a well." This valley of Baca appears to have been a very perilous pass, through which pilgrims journeyed toward Jerusalem—and on account of the difficulties, dangers, and sufferings that they met with, it was named "the valley of Baca," or 'the valley of weeping,' 'the valley of tears.'
  • And is not this very emblematical and figurative of the valley of tears through which God's people journey in their course heavenward? There are many circumstances which draw tears from their weeping eyes. Depend upon it, if, in the course of your profession, you have never known anything of this valley of Baca, you have mistaken the road; you are not traveling through the true valley to reach Zion; you are taking another route which leads not heavenward, but to eternal destruction.
  • Many are the circumstances in providence that draw tears from the eyes, and cause poignant sorrow to be felt in the heart of the true child of God. Men naturally have many sorrows in their course through life. But the Lord's people seem to have a double portion allotted to them
  • They have the cares of life like their fellow-mortals; they have sources of temporal sorrow in common with their fellow-sinners. But, in addition to these providential afflictions, they have that which is peculiar to themselves—spiritual grief, burdens, and sorrows.
  • Some of the Lord's people are deeply sunk in poverty; others, have an almost daily cross from a suffering and weakly tabernacle; others, have to endure persecutions, and to receive many severe blows from sinners and severer from saints; others, have family afflictions; others are mourning over their blighted schemes, and the disappointment of all their temporal expectations.
  • But, added to these temporal trials that the Lord's people have to pass through in common with their fellow-men, they have spiritual trials that far outweigh any of a temporal nature.
  • Sharp and cutting temptations;
  • the workings of a heart deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; the hidings of the Lord's countenance; the doubts and alarms that work in their minds whether their feet are upon the rock; the fear of death, and the prospect of eternity; the harassing darts of the Wicked One; inward guilt and grief on account of an idolatrous, adulterous, and backsliding nature
  • these are but a small portion of those sorrows that draw tears from the true pilgrim's eye. It is indeed a valley of tears for the Lord's family, a "valley of Baca," which they have to pass through to reach the heavenly Zion.
  • But the Psalmist says, "Blessed is the man in whose heart are the ways of them, who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well." Here is the distinctive character of the true pilgrim. Not that he is journeying merely through the "valley of Baca;" not that his eyes are drowned in tears; not that his heart is filled with sorrows; not that his soul is cut with temptations; not that his mind is tried by suffering. But this is his distinctive feature—he "makes it a well.
  • Have we not sometimes sat at the table of the Lord, and blasphemous thoughts, filthy imaginations, horrible workings filled our minds? Have we not felt carnality, deadness, bondage, darkness?
  • There are sometimes heavenly manifestations, diving refreshments, and breakings in of the Lord's presence and favor;
  • this is the rain filling the pools. And when the rain fills the pools, then it is, and then only, that they afford any life or feeling to our souls.
  • "They go from strength to strength." It is in the margin, "from company to company." I rather think, that the meaning implied is, "they go from resting place to resting place
José Bortolato

A GRAÇA de JESUS - 0 views

    Texto-base: (João 1:14-17) " E o Verbo se fez carne e habitou entre nós, cheio de graça e de verdade, e vimos a Sua glória, glória como do Unigênito do Pai. João testemunha a respeito dEle, e exclama: ... porque todos nós temos recebido da Sua plenitude, e graça sobe graça; porque a Lei
IN Too

Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    The purpose of this page is to provide Bible study material and commentary to encourage and challenge Christians in their journey with Jesus. Please pray that God will use this blog-ministry to Glorify Himself, to strengthen the brethren and to convert the unsaved.
Cody Lorance

The Christ-Follower and the Law: We are not Under the Law - 0 views

    If Jesus came to fulfill the Law, not to cancel it, does it not mean we are still under the Law?
IN Too

WANTED!!!: Wisdom « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    When we accept Jesus as Savior and the Holy Spirit indwells us, we will have access to the wisdom of God through His Word, the Bible, and the promptings of The Holy Spirit.
IN Too

LIFE in the Kingdom of God « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Righteousness gives birth to worship, NOT vice-versa. We don't accomplish worship by deciding to perform a ritual, whether that is fasting or attending church, or anything else. Rather, our relationship with Jesus gives birth to our worship.
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