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IN Too

He's an On-Time God, Yes He Is: A True Story of God's Perfect Timing « Reflec... - 0 views

    Sometimes God chooses to let us walk through the storm so that we can learn that He will never leave us or let a situation be more than we can handle with His help. And sometimes He just plain steps in and fixes everything better than you could possibly have dreamed. Sometimes it happens in a moment, sometimes after years of patient waiting. We'll never see it if we don't let Him work, if we don't step back in faith and let God be God.
IN Too

Walk Within the Love of The LORD « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    There are many, many things that we are taught from the time we are born; but to truly grasp the love that Christ has for us is by far the very most important.
IN Too

Lessons from the Barnyard « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    The story of the shepherd seeking his lost sheep became very, very real to me that night, and I'm not ashamed to admit that those stupid lost hens brought me to tears of humility. Do we not do the same to our Heavenly Father? He shows us green fields, and we race back to the emptiness of what's familiar… even those with years of experience in walking with God, we can be caught unawares. All of us, at some time or another, stray away from God's best, and need the Shepherd to come find us. 
IN Too

When "The Thrill is Gone" « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    David confessed his sins to God unreservedly, without excuse, and sought forgiveness. But David didn't stop there. For him, forgiveness was not "enough"…
IN Too

Believing is Seeing « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    …in spite of our utter hopelessness to be as good as God intended us to be, His strength and grace and love overshadow every distraction and weakness with a light that will nourish and guide us all of our days if we dare to walk in it. Even when the Enemy has us so shortsighted that we stumble at every step, God's arms are still there: still holding us up…
IN Too

Excellent Knowledge « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    "I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord." ~ Philippians 3:8 Spiritual knowledge of Christ will be a personal knowledge. I cannot know Jesus through another person's acquaintance with him. No, I must know him myself; I must know him on my own account. 
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