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IN Too

Jesus and the Declaring Devils: Fanfare Foments Furor not Faith « Reflections... - 0 views

    If the people of Capernaum refused to believe Jesus when He identified Himself as the Messiah, do you think they would have believed it if the devils declared it?? Certainly not, it would just have been a bigger spectacle. Likewise, anyone who refuses to accept Jesus as Saviour now, will reject Him even if demons jumped up and declared him to be the Son of God.
IN Too

Tackling Temptation « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    It is crucial for every child of God to realize that satan is always on the prowl to destroy the testimony of Christians by throwing temptations into their path. The devil knows our weaknesses sometimes better than we even do! And, He will keep hitting on those areas of our life to try and make us stumble.
IN Too

Believing is Seeing « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    …in spite of our utter hopelessness to be as good as God intended us to be, His strength and grace and love overshadow every distraction and weakness with a light that will nourish and guide us all of our days if we dare to walk in it. Even when the Enemy has us so shortsighted that we stumble at every step, God's arms are still there: still holding us up…
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