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IN Too

"Germophobia" « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Yes, it is true that many dangerous diseases can be transmitted through direct or indirect contact. But, while germs may harm the body, sin and sinfulness definitely harm the soul; making us unclean, defiled, before a pure and holy God.,, just as accumulated germs will eventually make our bodies sick, an accumulation of 'sin germs' will eventually make our souls, hearts and minds sin-sick too. We MUST wash them away regularly with God's Word!
IN Too

The Man with the Palsy | Spiritual vs. Physical: How do you see yourself? « R... - 0 views

    Our physical state (healthy or sick, rich or poor, thin or fat, red or yellow) neither qualifies nor disqualifies us for entrance into the Kingdom of God: the ONLY thing that matters is our Spiritual state: whether our sins have been forgiven. If God forgives your sin, then you are in.
IN Too

Healed for Saviour-Service, not Self-Service « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    It is easy for us to fall into a rut where we see God as 'Mr. Fix-It'; where we call on Him to remove problems from our lives so that we can accomplish the goals we had set for ourselves. Rather, we should call on God to remove problems from our lives so that we can accomplish the goals He has set for us.
IN Too

People are More Precious than Protocol « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    God loves us every day, and every moment of every day. He wants us to come to Him with our burdens and troubles, to commune, to fellowship, to talk with Him every day, and every moment of every day.
IN Too

Jesus and the Declaring Devils: Fanfare Foments Furor not Faith « Reflections... - 0 views

    If the people of Capernaum refused to believe Jesus when He identified Himself as the Messiah, do you think they would have believed it if the devils declared it?? Certainly not, it would just have been a bigger spectacle. Likewise, anyone who refuses to accept Jesus as Saviour now, will reject Him even if demons jumped up and declared him to be the Son of God.
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