A story is told by one person or by a creative team to an audience that is usually quiet, even receptive. Or at least that’s what a story used to be, and that’s how a story used to be told. Today, with digital networks and social media, this pattern is changing. Stories now are open-ended, branching, hyperlinked, cross-media, participatory, exploratory, and unpredictable. And they are told in new ways: Web 2.0 storytelling picks up these new types of stories and runs with them, accelerating the pace of creation and participation while revealing new directions for narratives to flow.
Web 2.0 Storytelling: Emergence of a New Genre (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 2 views
To further define the term, we should begin by explaining what we mean by its first part: Web 2.0. Tim O'Reilly coined Web 2.0 in 2004,1 but the label remains difficult to acceptably define. For our present discussion, we will identify two essential features that are useful in distinguishing Web 2.0 projects and platforms from the rest of the web: microcontent and social media.2
creating a website through Web 2.0 tools is a radically different matter compared with the days of HTML hand-coding and of moving files with FTP clients.
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TimeSearch History ::Home - TimeSearch - 0 views
Google Earth Gallery - 1 views
2008 Horizon Report » One Year or Less: Grassroots Video - 0 views
Rather than investing in expensive infrastructure, universities are beginning to turn to services like YouTube and iTunes U to host their video content for them. As a result, students—whether on campus or across the globe—have access to an unprecedented and growing range of educational video content from small segments on specific topics to full lectures, all available online.
Video capture, in the hands of an entire class, can be a very efficient data collection strategy for field work, or as a way to document service learning projects. Video papers and projects are increasingly common assignments. Student-produced clips on current topics are an avenue for students to research and develop an idea, design and execute the visual form, and broadcast their opinion beyond the walls of their classroom.
social networking communities that have evolved around video
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Planning for Neomillennial Learning Styles: Implications for Investments in Technology ... - 0 views
Research indicates that each of these media, when designed for education, fosters particular types of interactions that enable—and undercut—various learning styles.
Over the next decade, three complementary interfaces will shape how people learn
The familiar "world to the desktop." Provides access to distant experts and archives and enables collaborations, mentoring relationships, and virtual communities of practice. This interface is evolving through initiatives such as Internet2. "Alice in Wonderland" multiuser virtual environments (MUVEs). Participants' avatars (self-created digital characters) interact with computer-based agents and digital artifacts in virtual contexts. The initial stages of studies on shared virtual environments are characterized by advances in Internet games and work in virtual reality. Ubiquitous computing. Mobile wireless devices infuse virtual resources as we move through the real world. The early stages of "augmented reality" interfaces are characterized by research on the role of "smart objects" and "intelligent contexts" in learning and doing.
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Laptops should be disruptive of traditional education « Moving at the Speed o... - 0 views
The question should not be "Does technology fit into my traditional way of teaching my class in high school?" but rather "How can I modify and further improve the learning environment, ongoing assessment methods, and opportunities I provide students to interact with each other and our curriculum?"
We need to be asking and analyzing WHAT THE STUDENTS DID AND ARE DOING with their laptops, and perhaps even more importantly WHAT ARE TEACHERS ASKING STUDENTS TO DO with their laptops.
we have to be asking what teachers are doing with their laptops, and asking students to do with them. The importance of asking this question is vital! If teachers are merely "accomodating" learning with digital tools, rather than "transforming" or "infomating" the ways they are teaching and inviting students to learn-- then the laptops may indeed be a waste of money and energy.
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