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Garrett Eastman

Getting Real About Games: Using Ethnography to Give Direction to Big Data - 0 views

    Abstract: "HCI scholars have been among those attracted to the study of online, computer-supported gaming. "Big Data" approaches, which analyze electronic traces left by game play, are an increasingly popular way to study it. This paper identifies basic epistemological problems in some such approaches, focusing on those that implicitly depend on the assumption that game play is fundamentally the same as other social activity. The paper explains why this and related assumptions are questionable, and why these Big Data approaches cannot establish their validity on their own. The paper then reports some results of a preliminary ethnographic study of Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs), in order to illustrate a way that ethnography can provide an initial purchase on how the underlying similarity/dissimilarity issue can be studied. It concludes by explaining how methodological triangulation, involving a dialectical discourse between ethnography, on the one hand, and Big Data and similar approaches, on the other, may be able to place Game Studies on a firmer epistemological foundation. It is the attempt to achieve such significant objectives, in particular to justify a foundational critique of a major new development in Game Studies, and to do so in a single paper, that justify inclusion of the paper in alt.chi. "
Garrett Eastman

What makes a video game fun: An investigation into the expectations of playing First Pe... - 0 views

    Abstract: "Through the use of an online discussion, this study collected the detailed perspectives of 29 'hardcore' and 'casual' gamers, regarding the topic of FPS video games. It investigates what the gamers want in a FPS by means of an online discussion which builds on the benefits of both ethnography and focus group methodologies. Since the study's main goal was exploratory, a qualitative approach was considered the most appropriate; in addition to this, the method used to collect the data was done within a grounded theory framework. This study finds that, though graphics have historically been a major factor in driving the success of a FPS video game, this is no longer the case. Gamers expect there to be a balance between the different components, with a more holistic gaming experience desired, and that too much focus on one component at the expense of another will result in an unsatisfactory video game experience. This can be seen in comments given by the participants indicating too much emphasis of the graphics quality in a FPS and not enough on story or the multiplayer aspects results in a video game which is neither fun nor praiseworthy. The latter is perceived significant as with such an oversaturation in the video game market, developers rely heavily on positive word of mouth to advertise their games. This study's main goal was to develop a better understanding of the expectations of gamers regarding FPS; in doing so, it has laid out the basis for producing a 'magic formula' for a great FPS video game. It has also highlighted several other areas which need further investigation in order to better understand the behavioural motives and actions of gamers from both 'hardcore' and 'casual' communities."
Garrett Eastman

Ethnographies of the videogame ... - Helen Thornham - Google Books - 0 views

    "gender, narrative and praxis" (July 2011, Ashgate)
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