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Garrett Eastman

Disciplinary integration of digital games for science learning - 0 views

    From the introduction: "In this paper, we focus on theorizing the design of digital games to support the learning of core scientific concepts and representational practices. Theoretically, we consider two frameworks: Knowledge in Pieces (or KiP) (diSessa 1993; Hammer 1996; Sherin 2001; Clark et al. 2009) and Science as Practice (or SaP) (Pickering 1995; Lehrer and Schauble 2006a; Duschl et al. 2007). While KiP is a theory about the structure of human knowledge, SaP is a theoretical perspective about the development of scientific expertise. Grounded in the history of science, SaP argues that the development of scientific concepts is deeply intertwined with the development of epistemic and representational practices (e.g., modeling). We report how these theoretical frameworks have shaped the design of our digital games for learning Newtonian dynamics across an extended design experiment. We show how shifting from KiP to SaP as the underlying theoretical anchor has ena bled a shift from designing games that focus on conceptual integration (Clark and Martinez-Garza 2012) to games that focus on disciplinary integration. Whereas conceptually integrated games integrate the targeted conceptual relationships directly into the mechanics of the core game environment, disciplinary integration extends conceptual integration by incorporating disciplinary practices as well as conceptual relationships into the mechanics of interacting with, manipulating, or navigating the core game environment. "
Garrett Eastman

Investigating the Solution Space of an Open - Ended Educational Game Using Conceptual F... - 0 views

    Abstract: "The rich interaction space of man y educational games presents a challenge for designers and researchers who strive to help players achieve specific learning outcomes. Giving players a large amount of freedom over how they perform a complex game task makes it difficult to anticipate what t hey will do. In order to ad dress this issue designers must ask : what are students do ing in my game? And does it embody what I intended them to learn? To answer these questions, designers need methods to expose the details of student play. We describe our a pproach for automatic extract ion of conceptu al features from logs of student play sessions within an open educational game utilizing a two - dimensional context - free grammar. We demonstrate how these features can be used to clu s- ter student solutions in the e ducational game RumbleBlocks . U s- ing these clusters , we explore the range of solutions and measure how many students use the designers' envisioned solution . Equipped with this information, designers and researchers can focus redesign efforts to areas in the game where discrepancies exist between the designer s' intention s and player experience s."
Garrett Eastman

Game Conceptualization and Development Processes in the Global Game Jam - 0 views

    Abstract: "The Global Game Jam provides a unique opportunity to study time-constrained game development at a massive scale. We administered a free-response survey to 2013 Global Game Jam participants about their game development process. Categorized responses show: (a) participants use diverse in- spirations; (b) set goals for their personal bene t, the im- pact on game players, and structure of the game system; (c) rarely employ traditional prototyping; and (d) evolve their games by scoping down many ideas, grounding a vague idea through implementation, and iteratively expanding a sim- ple core game. We discuss next steps to gain more in-depth information about design processes"
Garrett Eastman

Designing a Mobile Game to Teach Conceptual Knowledge of Avoiding "Phishing Attacks" - 0 views

    Abstract: "Phishing is a form of online identity theft, which attempts to appropriate confidential and sensitive information such as usernames and passwords from its victims. To facilitate cyberspace as a secure environment, phishing education needs to be made accessible to home computer users and mobile games enable embedded learning in a natural environment. Previously, we have introduced a mobile game design that aimed to enhance avoidance motivation and behavior to protect against phishing threats. This paper focuses on a design that develops the conceptual knowledge that is necessary to combat phishing threats, home computer teaching users about phishing emails and web addresses. The prototype game design is presented on Google App Inventor Emulator."
Garrett Eastman

Beyond Badges & Points: Gameful Assessment Systems for Engagement in Formal Education - 0 views

    Abstract: "This symposium bri ngs together a range of gameful assessment designs at different levels of formal education to explore how gameful design might lead to greater student engagement and improved learning outcomes. We use the term "gameful assessment" to describe assessment fr ameworks or approaches that employ game design principles to foster student motivation and learning. The symposium examines systems in both K - 12 and higher education, and considers both the conceptual underpinnings of these systems and the design space of current tools developed to make it easier for instructors to implement gameful grading systems. Data related to the success (and struggles) of each system will be discussed."
Garrett Eastman

A Conceptual Design of Multi-Agent based Personal Quiz Game - 0 views

    Abstract: "In recent years, there has been a dramatic proliferation of research concerned with game based learning and intelligent system s . Although the intelligent agent bas ed system has existed for many years, only recently its surge of mainstream popularity motivated researchers to acknowledge its educational value. With the increasing usage of game based learning, reliability requirements for intelligent system s or multi - a gent system s have become more critical. Quiz game is one of the game types which is easy to develop and not restrict ed by any specific subject and any people . And the m ulti - agent based system is flexible and saving resource . Hence we integrate the quiz gam e into multi - agent system s , we called it m ulti - agent based quiz game and also d evelop a framework to build personalized assessment game . For the instructor, they can understand student's playing situation and experience . For the students, they have p ersona lized assessment game . In this paper, we proposed a framewor k of multi - agent based Quiz - MASter , and describe each service from each agent briefly."
Garrett Eastman

eMedOffice: A web-based collaborative serious game for teaching optimal design of a med... - 0 views

    Abstract: "Preparing medical students for the takeover or the start-up of a medical practice is an important challenge in Germany today. Therefore, this paper presents a computer-aided serious game (eMedOffice) developed and currently in use at the RWTH Aachen University Medical School. The game is part of the attempt to teach medical students the organizational and conceptual basics of the medical practice of a general practitioner in a problem-based learning environment. This paper introduces methods and concepts used to develop the serious game and describes the results of an evaluation of the game's application in curricular courses at the Medical School."
Garrett Eastman

A serious gaming approach to content elicitation for FCO-IM - 0 views

    From the introduction: "We introduce the FCO-IM modelling methodology and some of the short comings we perceive. Next we introduce some theories. First we introduce the notion of serious gaming. Then we move on to the Game Design Theory as proposed by Järvinen, augmented by a view on goals for serious gaming. These theories helped us generating the framework for a serious game. Next we introduce the concept of Focused Conceptualisation. This theory helped us shaping the contents of the game. In the final section of this chapter we will discuss some previous attempts by students to design a serious game for FCO-IM and how we want to make a new contribution towards this field. In chapter 3 we unified the theories by creating a first design. We do not exhaustively describe these first designs, but only the genesis and design choices made at the start and during the process. This work culminates into a final design in chapter 4. The final design consists of a global description of the game, a more detailed description and an abbreviated "rulebook". The rulebook can be compared to the rulebook of a board game. It is intended for someone already familiar with the game. The detailed description can be viewed as a thorough reference guide for first time players or players seeking clarification. This final design was subjected three test sessions. We realize this is not a whole lot. But the objective was to see whether the approach is workable. Exhaustive testing was not part of the scope. We gained some valuable insights nonetheless. In chapter 5 we derived a generic conceptual model for dialogue games. We present a framework that can be used to create dialogue games for a number of different purposes. We hand one the basic tools, make one's own game. This can be viewed as a basic game engine as it is found in the video gaming industry. Chapter 6 will recap our design question and discuss if and how this design question has been answered. This includes insights gaine
Garrett Eastman

Adaptivity in Educational Games: Including Player and Gameplay Characteristics - 0 views

    From the abstract: "This paper focuses on adaptive approaches in educational games and discusses various player and gameplay characteristics that can be integrated in a framework that conceptualizes player-centered adaptivity in educational games."
Garrett Eastman

Stealth Assessment in Digital Games - 0 views

    "This paper presents the theoretical foundations of and the research methodologies for designing, developing, and evaluating stealth assessments in digital games. ... There are four main sections in this paper. First, we discuss problems with existing traditional assessments. Second, we review evidence relating to digital games and learning. Third, we define and then illustrate our stealth assessment approach with a set of assessments we are currently developing and embedding in a digital game (Newton's Playground). The stealth assessments are intended to measure levels of creativity, persistence, and conceptual understanding of Newtonian physics during game play. Finally, we discuss future research and issues related to stealth assessment in education."
Garrett Eastman

Model Driven Game Development - Case Study A MTC for maze game prototyping - 0 views

    "In this paper we present an ap- proach for serious game development, based on the model-driven game development techniques. Our approach aims at reducing the complexity of game design and implementation by separating the conceptual envi- ronment of the game and its concrete implementation.We rst de ne the abstract models that characterize the structure and behavior of the game. Then, with the software architecture model and the platform-speci c model, we transform the abstract models into concrete implementations. The resulting prototypes are generated completely (100%)."
Garrett Eastman

Game design tools: Time to evaluate - 0 views

    "ABSTRACT The art form of the video game has a very idiosyncratic reliance on the process and practice of its designers. We work with creative and computational problems that form a web of deep complexity. And yet, as I have noticed in my professional practice as a game designer, we do not use tools to support our design process. For more than a decade, designers and researchers have argued for the development and use of both conceptual and concrete tools. To this end, formal and semi-formal game design models have been proposed and, more recently, experimental software-based tools have been developed by the research community. To date, however, none of these tools or models have been adopted into mainstream practice within the game design community. In this paper I argue that it is difficult, if not methodologically flawed, to assess the work in the field of game design support without more qualitative data on how such tools fare in actual game design practice. Evaluation research would be an essential contribution towards answering the question of whether - and if so, how - these experimental formal models and tools can support and improve the game design process."
Garrett Eastman

Philosophy of Universal Games Design - 1 views

    Abstract: "The philosophy of information is the area of research that studies conceptual issues arising at the intersection of computer science, information technology and philosophy. Universal design is a concept that emphasizes the importance of non-specialized features in things and environments. As participation in gaming increases around the world and across a larger part of the population, the path towards achieving universal design and change of attitude in our mind is clear but requires that we think globally and frame the issues a little differently. This article aims to see universal design concept; its principles, uses, design processes, from a philosophical view point in terms of games design. It concludes by arguing that universal design of games is not a style but an attitude of accepting the difference and responsibility of ours and also proposes what needs to be done for upholding universal game design concept. "
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