Comparative Study of QoE Measurement Techniques - 0 views
Garrett Eastman on 29 Jan 13Abstract :"Quality of experience (QoE) is a measure of the customer's experience with a service. In an online gaming scenario, players expect the experience to be realistic, continuous and precise. It is important to know not just the end user's experience but also the probable cause of the experience, good or bad. Understanding the cause is essential for improving the game design via a feedback loop, which in turn con- tributes towards game longevity. We begin by focussing on two broad categories of the QoE measurement tech- niques for gaming scenario, subjective and objective measurement. We then study two frameworks, One-Click[4] and Perceptual View Inconsistency[5] from the perspec- tive of the scenarios in which they can be applied, their ability and more importantly, their inability to measure certain aspects of end user experience, and the diculties encountered while applying these techniques. Subsequently, we try to propose a sim- ple scheme in which both of these techniques can be used to complement each other in a real life scenario, and get the best out of both."