Stop Stressing: the STOP Method
Fringe (Photo credit: † Jimmy MacDonald †)
9) Half-Marathoners from Ottawa, Gatineau & Area: stats and pics (Kristine - Maria) (Photo credit: ianhun2009)
Copyright © 2010-2013 Larry Tobin
Stress is a universal part of the human condition. In short, just about everything in our lives can be a source of stress. The key is not avoiding stress, but learning how to filter what kinds of stress we allow to affect us, and to stop the influence of the worst sources.
However, in some cases one of the worst sources of stress is the voice in our own heads. It really is true that we can be our own worst critics. We talk ourselves into giving up on important projects, belittle ourselves, and sabotage our good, healthy habit-building progress with unhelpful language and private doubts. While a healthy dose of constructive self-criticism can help anyone, we frequently end up taking things too far and miss out on many otherwise good opportunities to build strong habits for ourselves.