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Skeptical Debunker

'Crawler Town,' an epic LEGO city on wheels | DVICE - 0 views

  • As it should, Crawler Town has its own little backstory: Crawler town roams the barren wastes of a post steam-punk world after cataclysmic climate change do to excessive coal use. Several such cities exist but Crawler town is the most popular due to the Aero 500 hydrogen fuel cell Air races that are held. Many people travel the wastes to Crawler town for vacation and to enjoy rare luxuries like Pizza, fresh vegetables and Beer. Travelling the wastes in search of minerals and aquifers ( vital for survival) the mobility of the city keeps it away from the vicious sand storms of the wastes Hell, living in a wasteland doesn't sound so bad! Check out more in the gallery below.
    Dave DeGobbi's mind-blowing Crawler Town should have its own movie written around it. If there are any fans of Borderlands out there, it's heavily reminiscent of Baron Flynt's massive rig-turned-city, the Thor.
fishead ...*∞º˙

Bacon Turtles: The Perfect Food Group? - Geekologie - 0 views

  • This is a group of Cheesy Bacon Turtles after sunning themselves in the oven. They look pretty disgusting but I'm sure like they taste like a little salmonella-y slice of heaven. Just don't tell the Ninja Turtles I said that (I still owe Michelangelo for the last bag we split).
fishead ...*∞º˙

Beer Monopoly: Pass Go, Get Drunk. | Sloshspot Blog - 0 views

    "Monopoly can be a lot of fun. Beer is always fun. Monopoly and Beer can be very fun together. We used our imagination of what it would be like if the properties on a Monopoly board were types of beers - ranging from worst/cheap to best/expensive. The following game board is what we came up with: (click image to enlarge) "
fishead ...*∞º˙

British pub fights get safer with new design glasses (Designophy - Newslog, www.designo... - 0 views

  • Drunken pub fights in Britain are set to get safer with the invention of a strengthened beer glass that health authorities hope will cut the huge bill for treating inebriated brawlers. The traditional pint glass -- which holds just over half a litre of beer and is favoured by drinkers across Britain -- has been redesigned so it is harder to smash, said Design Bridge, the company behind two prototypes. And even if the new models are smashed, the dangerous shards of glass are held together by a layer of resin, said the company when at a launch event Thursday.
fishead ...*∞º˙

Beer can strengthen bones, study suggests - Wine - NZ Herald News - 0 views

  • Expand Drinking the odd pint may help prevent bone fractures, according to a US study. Shrink Drinking the odd pint may help prevent bone fractures, according to a US study. var bigImgSrc = ''; $(".enlargeOverlay").css({opacity: 0.9}); function ExpandArticleImage() { // if the big image hasn't been loaded yet load it and give this function as the callback if ( !$("img.articleImageBig").attr('src')) { $("img.articleImageBig").load(function(){ExpandArticleImage();}); $("img.articleImageBig").attr('src',bigImgSrc); } else { $("#articleImageSmall").hide(); $("#articleImageBig .eventBind").attr("href", "javascript: return false;"); $("#articleImageBig").animate( { width:"460px" }, { queue:false, duration:500 } ); $("#articleImageBig .articleImageBig").animate( { width:"460px", height:"230px" }, 500, null, function() { $("#articleImageBig .enlargeOverlayBig").show(); $("#articleImageBig .eventBind").attr("href", "javascript: ContractArticleImage();"); }); } } function ContractArticleImage() { $("#articleImageBig .eventBind").attr("href", "javascript: return false;"); $("#articleImageBig .enlargeOverlayBig").hide(); $("#articleImageBig .articleImageBig").animate( { width:"220px", height:"147px" }, { queue:false, duration:500 } ); $("#articleImageBig").animate( { width:"220px" }, 500, null, function(){ $("#articleImageBig .eventBind").attr("href", "javascript: ContractArticleImage();"); $("#articleImageSmall").show(); $("#articleImageBig").hide(); }); } It may not be uppermost in the minds of pub goers eager to slake their thirst, but could aid negotiations on the domestic front. A regular pint, it turns out, helps strengthen the bones and prevent fractures in old age (so long as you don't drink too much of it and fall over). Beer is a significant source of silicon, which is a key ingredient of the diet that helps to improve bone mineral density.
fishead ...*∞º˙

Robotic Spider Melds Legos and 3-D Printing | Gadget Lab | - 0 views

  • Lego’s programmable robotics set Mindstorms is a fun toy for computing enthusiasts but if you really want to take it to the next level, check out Mark Weller’s project. Weller, a machinist and technician at the McCoy School of Engineering at Midwestern State University, combined milled plastic pieces with the basic Lego Mindstorms set to create a robotic spider that can crawl and turn. “I wanted to open students’ minds to go beyond ‘let’s put the parts together and program the robot,’” he says. “This project is more than sticking the wheels on a Lego set.” The school uses Lego Mindstorms to introduce freshman students to robotics.
fishead ...*∞º˙

Make: Online : Lego iPad - 2 views

  • As soon as the iPad was announced, Lego fans wondered what it would look like in brick form. Check out the homage by Joe Meno, editor of AFOL bible BrickJournal.
    and now, a tablet that actually has MORE functions than the iPad.
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    Ya think?
    Sure--it's interactive, you can reorganize your desktop at any time, and building new apps is free and easy, as long as you have the right building blox. No battery issues, and peripherals are a simple plug-and-play option. You can even increase the screen-size. Try that with an iPad.
fishead ...*∞º˙

442 - Distilled Geography: Europe's Alcohol Belts « Strange Maps - 1 views

  • It matters where we are, for it helps determine who we are. Or, as the quote often attributed to Napoleon states: Geography is destiny. That destiny extends to drink, as demonstrated by this map. Where we are determines to a statistically significant degree what kind of alcohol we prefer. Or is it the other way around: the kind of alcohol preferred is determined by the place where it is produced?
  • This map shows Europe dominated by three so-called ‘alcohol belts’, the northernmost one for distilled spirits, a middle one for beer and the southernmost one for wine. Each one’s existence and extension are a mix of culture and agriculture.
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  • The Wine Belt covers the southern parts of Europe, where wine has historically been an important industry and an everyday commodity:
  • The Beer Belt comprises areas where beer has been the alcoholic beverage of choice since times immemorial:
  • An interesting co-explanation for the prevalence of beer in southern parts of this belt is the relatively weak cultural influence of the Roman Empire on these places. The Wine Belt indeed conforms to a large extent with the territory formerly occupied by Rome, with notable exceptions in areas with large Slavic or Germanic migration (the Balkans, southwestern Germany, northern France respectively), where beer predominates (although often overlapping with wine). The Vodka Belt occupies what’s left of Europe, to the east and north:
  • Beer has since surpassed wodka as the most consumed type of alcohol in Poland.
fishead ...*∞º˙

Chocobacon! : Ninjas Killed My Family - 3 views

    A pictorial Instruction Sheet for reproducing this wondrous creation.
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    Looks delicious?
    lol. I'll try anything once. Can I buy a package of these dual breakfast-desert treats online? They'd make a great valentine's day gift.
    @Pom: Sure--just send me your credit card number, and I'll be happy to ship you a fresh home-made box of organically farm-raised pure pork goodness hand dipped in the finest Belgian chocolate. For nominal fee, you can join our Chocolate Bacon of the Month Club, where each month, you receive a new package of bacons and chocolate from around the world. And act now (because you know we can't do this all day) and we'll include a frikkin' glowstick for free.
fishead ...*∞º˙

10 Weird Beer Facts - Weird Worm - 0 views

  • 3. People will do anything for Beer Seriously, they will. During Prohibition in America people took to drinking hair tonic and posing as members of the clergy to get alcohol. Sometimes people come together on a large scale in the never ending quest for free beer. In Australia on Easter weekend in 2001, a beer truck blew a tire and overturned into a river. The driver was able to escape but his cargo sank to the bottom of the river. Hearing about the accident, people gathered at the scene, some in full scuba gear, and spent the entire weekend recovering the beer. One man managed to get 400 bottles. Did they return it to the company? Of course not. Despite a warning from police that what they were doing was theft, the divers took off with the whole lot.
  • 7. The World’s Oldest Brewery It’s a terrible stereotype that Germans are all huge beer drinkers. However, their country of 80 million did until just a few years ago have more breweries than the 300 million strong USA. They also lay claim to the oldest brewery. Located in Bavaria, Weihenstephan Abbey has been making beer since 1040. That’s almost 1000 years of continuous beer production. While it hasn’t been a religious house in 200 years the brewery is still in operation.
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fishead ...*∞º˙

Where Are We With The Price Of Inputs In Early 2010? - A Good Beer Blog - 6 views

    "Inputs. Or as the Teutonics might say "ingapüts". It's the short form for the costs of things that go into your beer. When the price of hops and malt went north in October 2007, we started reminding ourselves that when we are told costs have gone up we better check whether prices in fact have gone up."
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    @ francois--here's the BEST mindmap I've ever seen!
    Well, if it speaks to you, I mean if you really understand what this graph says, then I suppose it's a good mindmap for you. My favorite maps, the ones I use, contain much more text, and are done with Freemind, which provides very little graphical support to do things like this.
    I think it's because the visuals of arrows showing causal relationships, and the bubble groupings of the various influences, along with the variations in size for each element to indicate relative 'weight' in the equation. I dunno--I just thought it was an interesting way to arrange the different factors into a meaningful organization. Now I'm thirsty.
Kurt Laitner

IEEE Spectrum: Necessity is the Mother of Invention in Nanotech - 2 views

    a breakthrough in beer temperature management (BTM)!
    Well done! Great for after tennis matches!
fishead ...*∞º˙

YouTube - Beer Is Good For You ♫ - 0 views

  • Beer Is Good For You ♫
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    thanks to lynn for digging this one up.
    Catchy lyrics ... When is Lynn coming on over?
    she wrote that she's been having computer issues and for some reason diigo doesn't work on her machine, but supposedly, that's being fixed. I think she's just intimidated by having to type two i's next to each othe whenever she has to log in.
fishead ...*∞º˙

Burger Kng Goes for the Gusto: Beer and Fries | TrafficCourt - 0 views

  • The No. 2 burger chain in the world might be hoping to become No. 1 with the help of a little booze. Burger King will soon begin offering moderately-priced beer at select locations in the U.S., according to a story in The New York Daily News. Earlier this year, the chain already opened its first so-called Whopper Bar in Orlando, Fla.: a restaurant with a smaller footprint than a regular Burger King joint and limited menu options. That location does not yet serve beer. But a Whopper Bar that is about to launch in Miami Beach, Fla. will. Additional Whopper Bars, all featuring beer on the menu, might be in the works for New York, Las Vegas and Los Angeles.
    I wonder if they'll have legos to play with too?
    How about eggos too? Eggos, legos, and beer. The heavenly breakfast.
fishead ...*∞º˙

pomlover (pomlover)'s Public Profile in the Diigo Community - 6 views

    need to add another category here... :) Hi POM!
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    Welcome, Pom!
    Hi guys. I'm stumbling around this powerful place tryin' to figure out how to use it for personal gain :)
    @POM--check out your list of 'followers' and click on them, then follow back. Once you start following people, we can add you in to some of our extended "conversations" in messaging. Lots of neat-o stuff going on. Can't wait to have your participation! (we need more intriguing charts and graphs).
    Thanks for the guidance Rick.
fishead ...*∞º˙

One in four teens think bacon comes from sheep | - 0 views

  • If your child comes back from the shops with a lamb chop instead of the the breakfast rashers you requested, don’t be too surprised. More than a quarter of teenagers believe bacon comes from sheep, not pigs.
    They also think that Miami, Fla. is in the Northeastern USA, also!
fishead ...*∞º˙

Make: Online : Awesome Mindstorms tank video - 0 views

  • Awesome Mindstorms tank video

    The model itself is extremely sophisticated. It packs, among its other components, a HiTechnic gyro sensor, presumably to help it stay vertical, Segwaylike. As an added bonus, the video itself is very slick and engaging. Both are the work of Greek Lego fan NeXTSTORM. [via TheNXTStep]

fishead ...*∞º˙

On Lego Pandora, Everyone Gets Along Just Fine - Avatar - Gizmodo - 0 views

  • On Lego Pandora, Everyone Gets Along Just Fine I'd like to give a tiny Golden Globe to all the fine people who put together these incredibly detailed Avatar Lego dioramas. That's my kind of 3D.
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