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Today's Meet - 0 views

    This tool allows you to set up a personalized room for backchannel conversations. Perfect for workshnops or teachers that are looking to get a backchannel conversations going without the headache of a username/login, etc.
    Perhpas we should try this at our nest meeting???

Education 2.0 - Edmodo - Free Private Microblogging For Education - 0 views

    Edmodo could be a solution for teachers looking to start a basic vle in their classroom. I wonder if you can customize Edmodo to be fully functional for an entire learning community?
Rhys Daunic

FRONTLINE: growing up online: parenting in the internet age | PBS - 0 views

shared by Rhys Daunic on 28 Apr 09 - Cached
  • But the point here is not cutting kids off from something; it's teaching them how to use it responsibly and safely and how to express themselves appropriately.
  • I think to raise a child in the 21st century without the skills of how to walk through an online social networking site is irresponsible for a parent. But that doesn't mean that at age 13 your child should be on there, no holds barred, completely unregulated. My argument is that around the age of 16, I think teens are ready to be on there, with limited amounts of time, with a lot of guidance from their parents, and a lot of guidance that started maybe four years prior to that.
  • I think we all need to be thinking more about ethics, about citizenship, and in fact the term "online safety" is probably becoming obsolete or should be.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • ethics
  • Not just because of copyright theft or cut-and-paste plagiarism, but also because of cyberbullying and the self-protective aspect of ethics that really has come into play on the social web.
  • fear is bad.
  • tap their expertise and ask them what they're doing online,
  • It's really hard to control what our kids are doing online.
  • help them develop their own critical thinking
  • you check and make sure the person you're sending the text message is really the person you wanted to send it to, instead of mistyping it and have something end up in the wrong hands
  • We teach them to use emoticons: little smilies or something else to let people know they're kidding, because no one can see your expression online.
  • Apply common sense
  • Things we already know -- don't talk to strangers; don't tell secrets to strangers; don't take candy from strangers -- ... all of these things apply exactly online. If I can get parents to step back and stop being afraid of the technology they can keep the kids safe. They don't need a class on this stuff. They just need to stop panicking, talk to their kids, and be in charge.
  • [In the 1950s, the psychologist] Erik Erikson called adolescence a time of "identity consolidation," and so what teens are doing is going around and trying on these different identities. ... So in a way the social networking sites are this digital representation of what we think of as adolescence. ...
  • migrated to Facebook ... do so out of concerns about privacy,
  • They need to know how to keep themselves safe online, they need to think about the information that they're putting out there, and they need to be able to have discussions with their parents about it. The most well-rounded teens I've talked to have said, "Oh yeah, my parents have seen my MySpace site, and they're fine. They don't check it or anything, but I've showed it to them." ... They have the privacy to put what they want to put on their site, but they're okay enough with what they're putting on the site for the parents to look at it. And I think that their parents do need to be involved in that sense.
  • learn from your kids. You need to ask them why they're doing this, why it's important, and you need to ask questions. You need to ask moral questions -- have you thought about this? What would happen if this? What about this situation? -- and go through these situations, ... giving examples, learning from your experience to help them, but not by force.
  • good parenting has immunized kids against a certain amount of this problem. ...
  • our research shows that giving out personal information and having social networking Web site [accounts] do not put kids at risk. ... It's really what they do when they get a solicitation or they have a contact with somebody who begins to propose some of these things.
Rhys Daunic

The K-5 Custom Search Engine Project! - 1 views

    • Rhys Daunic
      sign up here as a contributor with your google account. then email to let me know, and I'll approve you.
    Become a "contributor" and add your kid-friendly favorite resources. Then have your K-5 students learn search strategies with results limited to teacher-approved sites.

Kids' Vid Storyboard Group Home - 0 views

    This tool, developed by Kid's Vid looks like it has some excellent features for creating a storyboard. Plus it allows you to save the initial storyboard and come back to it later via login.

StoryTop Story Maker -- The Online tool for storytelling - 0 views

    Simple, easy-to-use storytelling tool. I was able to get something going in about 1 minute.

Classroom Organization Sites - 0 views

    Massive list, links, etc.. with resources ranging manaing the 1-computer classroom to whole class lab settings.
Rhys Daunic + Skitch = fast and fun screen capture and image sharing. - 0 views

    easy screencapture, photo capturing software that allows you to add text, graphics, or doodles to it. easy upload option as well.
Rob Manning

Lifehacker - The Importance of Monitoring Your Online Reputation - Online identity - 0 views

    Interesting read with some good links on how to monitor your online footprint.
Rob Manning

Lifehacker - Five Best Screen Capture Tools - Screen Captures - 0 views

    Five screen capture tools to consider. Now all we need is a free one that allows for easy annotation of video screencasts.

Education World ® Technology Center: Managing Technology: Tips from the Experts - 0 views

  • Always run through a technology lesson before presenting it to the class -- and always have a back-up lesson prepared in case the technology fails.
  • Type directions for frequently used computer operations -- opening programs, inserting clip art, printing documents, and so on -- on index cards, laminate them, and connect them with a circle ring. Keep a set next to each computer.
  • If you're a language arts or foreign language teacher using Microsoft Word, teach your students how to use the Text to Table feature.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Appoint classroom technology managers
  • When working on lengthy technology projects, print out step-by-step instructions. Include some that say "Save your work; do not go any further until you help your neighbors reach this point."
  • Turn your classroom into a museum. After a lesson using presentation software, allow students to walk around the room and view everyone else's work
  • Post a list of all your rules for technology use in a visible place
  • Attach plastic hooks to monitors to hang headphones on when they're not being used.
  • Have students turn off their monitors when you're giving directions.
  • Type PLEASE WAIT FOR INSTRUCTIONS on 8½ by 11 papers, laminate them, and tape one sheet to the top of every monitor
  • When working in a computer lab, assign each student a computer.
  • Have each student keep a Tech Folder for storing ongoing technology projects
  • When students are working on small group technology projects on classroom computers, divide the tasks so some students are working on the computers while others are working at their desks on another part of the project
  • Provide a sign-up sheet for the computers. When one group is finished using the computers, they must notify the next group that it's their turn.
  • Set up teams of computer helpers,
  • Never assume you know it all! Offer a free pencil to any student who teaches you something you didn't know.
    effective tech management techniques
Rene Hahn

Welcome to the Webby Awards - 0 views

    Some interesting sites here - especially interesting to see what is considered 'web 2.0' and cutting edge by.....hmmm, by lotsa folks!

the Awesome Highlighter >> Highlight text on web pages - 0 views

    Looks like an interesting tool for highlighting the web.

Gizmodo - The World if Technology Stopped 20 Years Ago - Ads - 0 views

    A new Visa ad playing in Australia examining a world in which technology never miniaturized nor went wireless.

Tips for using the Internet as a teaching tool - Phoenix Arizona news, breaking news, l... - 0 views

  • Joan Cooney, Co-Founder of the Sesame Workshop, states that “Now is the time to turn the new media that children have a natural attraction to into learning tools that will build their knowledge and broaden their perspectives.”
  • Parents are raising “digital natives” who are spending more and more time (upwards of 1 hour and 41 minutes, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation survey) and are reading on the Internet, sparking debate on just what it means to read in this digital age.

101 Tools and Resources for Authentic Learning Enviroments - 0 views

    Excellent list of emerging tools that are changing the landscape of learning communities.

Your PLN Home - Your PLN - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 13 Apr 09 - Cached
    Excellent wiki dedicated towards uncovering how one goes about developing a Personal Learning Network (PLN).
Ken Ellis

Teachers TV | Thousands of education programmes on TV and online - 0 views

    Thousands of education videos on TV and online, an invaluable resource for any busy education professional.
    This looks great, Ken. I have been looking for an alternative to Teacher Tube for awhile now.
    Ones I've seen are Pommie, but worthwhile. Useful to use for individual teachers or for discussion at a school PD. Huge variety of topics covering Across-the-school situations to specific subject areas

Encyclopedia of Educational Technology - 0 views

    The Encyclopedia of Educational Technology (EET) is a collection of short multimedia articles on a variety of topics related to the fields of instructional design and education and training.
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