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Rene Hahn - Perspective: Are We There Yet? Contemplating Two Generations of Technology Vision - 0 views

    "What does the iPad have to teach educational technology about how a phenomenon becomes popular and adopted? Quite a bit. First, acceptance is high, with a half-million units sold in the first week of release. Six weeks later, Apple was selling twice as many iPads per week as Mac computers. Given some recent history, this should be surprising-the idea of a tablet device has been around for at least a decade or two, but most such devices have not experienced anything close to wide adoption. However, some specific factors have paved the way for the iPad's adoption. And these factors harbor advice that educational technology would do well to heed. Prime the technology pump. The iPhone, direct predecessor to the iPad, came onto the market amid a wave of technology that permitted small packages to deliver powerful computing. This hardware, including GPS location sensors, fast and efficient microprocessors, and the evolution of touch screen technology was a necessary condition for the emergence and success of both the iPhone and the iPad generation of devices. Define (and answer) the problem. The hugely popular mobile smartphones had an equally huge problem. People hated their interfaces. A decade of frustration with labyrinthian voicemail menus and inscrutable settings had created an army of frustrated mobile phone users with enough pent-up rage to fuel a revolution. By providing a device that was easy to use, the iPhone had identified a core problem and set a new bar for its solution, one that was quickly taken up by many others. Whet undiscovered appetites. The explosion of mobile devices also created for millions the idea of constant, away-from-home connectivity. The iPhone upped the ante significantly by providing a full browsing and even computing experience, giving consumers the expectation that they should be only inches away from powerful, networked computing at all times. Provide the practice. The iPhone defined a new set of touch-based interactions. Whi
Corinne Carriero

There is More to iPads in the Classroom Than Apps - 0 views

    This blog entry talks about using iPads as a "tool to think with" and also suggests apps that support the various levels of Bloom's taxonomy.
    For those working with iPads definitely a great resource!
Rhys Daunic

The school that gives every student an iPad | News | TechRadar UK - 0 views

  • The iPad project arose from day-to-day demands within the school. As Head of Computing, a dozen iMacs were fixed in Fraser's classroom, and a dozen MacBooks were available for booking; but with teachers increasingly wanting to provide pupils with web access, pressure and demand grew.
  • Apple's tablet dealt with every problem the school had with the iPod touch: it boasted a decent software keyboard and projector connection, and Apple made office apps available for sale. On importing his own iPad from the US, Fraser was sold: "On the first day, it ran and ran. I couldn't make the battery die, and I realised this alone would transform the technology experience in the classroom."
  • The school that gives every student an iPad
Corinne Carriero

Evaluation Rubric for iPad Applications - 0 views

    This rubric can be used by educators to evaluate iPad apps they are considering for use within the curriculum.
    Good rubric (that uses components of Bloom's Taxonomy) to be used by educators to help determine the value of iPad apps.
Corinne Carriero

Want Increased Student Achievement Using iPads? | District Administration Magazine - 1 views

    Article presents compelling arguments that 1. student achievement increases when students use mobile devices consistently (inside and outside of class) 50% - 75% of day 2. need for professional development when implementing a one-to-one iPad initiative.

5 Critical Mistakes Schools Make With iPads (And How To Correct Them) - 1 views

    While we've witnessed many effective approaches to incorporating iPads successfully in the classroom, we're struck by the common mistakes many schools are making with iPads, mistakes that are in some cases crippling the success of these initiatives. We're sharing these common challenges with you, so your school doesn't have to make them.
Rhys Daunic

IPads in the classroom: The right way to use them, demonstrated by a Swiss school. - Slate Magazine - 0 views

    Most of the apps on the iPads for the lower grades are aimed at creating and expressing ideas. In addition to Explain Everything, they include MyStory, iMovie, Animation HD, Google Earth, Book Creator, Show Me, Brushes, and Comic Life. They also feature Follett Reader and Overdrive, two subscription-based services to digital book collections.
Rhys Daunic

75 Interesting Ways to use an iPad in the Classroom - 1 views

    A Google doc containing 70 apps and uses of iPads by a teacher in a classroom and with students
    Good workshop material ... Thanks
Rhys Daunic

Teaching like it's 2999 - 0 views

    Great apple/iPad ccss focused teacher blogging her day to day exPeriences in concise form. 
Rhys Daunic

Online Diagram & Flowchart Software | LucidChart - 2 views

    Collaborate on a white board through a web app. Accessible from iPad 
Corinne Carriero

iPad Recommended Educational App Lists | - 2 views

    a collection of lists of sites that provide recommended lists/reviews of educational apps.
    SIte that contains links to lots of educational iPad resources
Rhys Daunic

iPads in Education - 1 views

    Suggestions for iPad use from an apple certified educator, broken down by subject and app type.
Rhys Daunic

Teaching like it's 2999 (web version) - 2 views

    Great apple/iPad ccss focused teacher blogging her day to day exPeriences in concise form.
Corinne Carriero

New Program Pairs Educators with Free iPad Apps -- THE Journal - 3 views

    Two business men who are creating education apps and supporting students who are creating education apps have begun "The App Evaluation Program for Schools" which allows teachers to test educational apps for kids for free. "The apps, which cover everything from math, spelling, and reading to language learning, storyboard building, and puzzles, are provided by developers around the world and sent to teachers two or three times per month. Teachers receive a questionnaire after testing the app as a way to help developers improve, but Larsson stresses they are not required to fill it out."
    Seems like a nice way for teachers to get new iPad educational apps free to evaluate and then use if they find them valuable

How Students Can Create Their Own e-Textbooks On An iPad - 1 views

    Two of the most powerful apps on the iPad may be completely invisible: iBooks and the Camera Roll. However, when used together, they have the potential to create powerful learning experiences and dynamic projects.

50 Must-Have iPad Apps - 0 views

    Which ones do you use the most? Which ones do you think the list missed?

A Friendly Guide to Deploying iPads at Your School - 3 views

    Guest post by Steve Kinney. Cross posted at There is a lot to like about the iPad when it comes to using them in the classroom. It's light and fast. It turns on instantly. The battery lasts all day. Best of all, it's about half the price of a MacBook.
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