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Greg O'Connor

Calm Talk for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), i... - 0 views

    ""Use your words," I hear a parent tell their child... This augmentative assisted communication tool (AAC) helps children talk about their feelings and behaviour. Calm talk also helps children practice self-calming strategies through a variety of activities. All children can benefit from this app, including those who have ASD, ADD/ADHD, speech and language impairments and intellectual impairments. Developing children's emotional intelligence is fundamental for life. Calm Talk was developed by an Educational Therapist who needed a tool to help children with social and behavioural difficulties."
Patti Porto

Voki Creates Ad Free Site For Education… Plus 20 Ways To Use Talking Avatars ... - 0 views

    "The new Voki Educational Web Site includes ideas, networking, and explanations that bring talking avatars to the educational stage. At first glance it appears to be void of advertising, quite a feat since Voki For Education is still free. Next, the educational page has resources that will get everyone in education talking. One resource to check out is the important facts for education. As in all Web 2.0 sites used in education, this is an important read. Next, you may wish to view a collection of lesson plans that include thoughts for using Voki in the classroom. Ideas include all subjects and levels from primary school to the university classroom. Another valuable area is the Teacher Corner."

TextSpeak TS Series - 0 views

    talking keyboard talks & speaks text for speech impaired as portable speech AAC talking keyboard and TTS aid
Patrick Black

App Store - Word Wizard - Talking Movable Alphabet & Spelling Tests for Kids - 7 views

    "Word Wizard - Talking Movable Alphabet & Spelling Tests for Kids"

District 287 | Click n Talk - 0 views

    universal app ($2.99) "talking photo album"
Kathleen N

Sydspeak, Inc Home of the Talk to Me 100 - 0 views

    Talk To Me 100TM provides a core vocabulary of high frequency use words easily accessible in all environments to those individuals needing verbal communication Requires 3 AAA batteries and has a $59 price tag!

Downloads - android-daisy-epub-reader - Open reader for DAISY 2.02 Audio Books - Google... - 1 views

    This is a collaborative project to create an open-source electronic book reader that will support various formats including DAISY and EPUB content. Currently the software is limited to supporting DAISY 2.02 format 'Talking Books'. DAISY / EPUB reader requires a minimum of version 1.5 of Android (also known as 'cupcake'). When the application is installed on a device with version 1.6 or later with TalkBack installed, the navigation of files and folders on the SD card is spoken. The application can be downloaded from the Downloads section of the project site:

The AutoVerbal Talking Soundboard speaks for those who can't - 13 views

    I think it may be worth noting that AVTS is not written by anybody connected with AAC or autism or special education or even disability, as far as I can tell. Whether that's relevant to the application's future is something we will only know in the future, but I have more faith in the integrity and the security for the future applications where the writers have a strong connection to disability in some way. Looking at the other applications by this company they're things like "Ringtones Uncensored" and other apps which use text-to-speech for amusement rather than utility. That doesn't mean the app is bad or that it won't be supported going forward, but personally it gives me much less faith in the app's long-term support.
Patrick Black

Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds | Video on - 6 views

  • Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds
  • Temple Grandin, diagnosed with autism as a child, talks about how her mind works -- sharing her ability to "think in pictures," which helps her solve problems that neurotypical brains might miss. She makes the case that the world needs people on the autism spectrum: visual thinkers, pattern thinkers, verbal thinkers, and all kinds of smart geeky kids.

JISC RSC Scotland N&E: EduApps - 0 views

    MyStudyBar to the EduApps Family. MyStudyBar continues the EduApps philosophy of free and open source software to support teaching and learning and is a free alternative to similar commercial programs which use a floating toolbar to support literacy. AccessApps provides a range of solutions to support writing, reading and planning, as well as sensory, cognitive and physical difficulties. TeachApps is a collection of software specifically designed for teachers or lecturers. LearnApps , as its name implies, is specifically designed for learners. All learners or students can benefit from LearnApps. MyStudyBar is our new kid on the block, providing a suite of apps to support literacy. Currently we host over 90 open source and freeware software applications which can be entirely used from a USB stick on a Windows computer. Download now ... Select the bundle of applications which best suit your individual needs. Click here for a full list of applications and comparison of bundles on offer . MyStudyBar MyStudyBar Description Similar to popular commercial programs which use a floating toolbar to suppor literacy. Includes applications for mind mapping, screen masking, word prediction, talking dictionary, text-to-speech, voice recognition and more Version MyStudyBar for Windows XP MyStudyBar for Windows Vista and 7 Download Size 117MB 117MB Extract Size 235MB 235MB USB Stick 256MB+ 256MB+ AccessApps, LearnApps and TeachApps AccessApps LearnApps TeachApps Description A range of e-learning solutions to support reading, writing, and planning as well as sensory, cognitive and physical difficulties A range of applications with learning in mind (including some games) Includes applications specifically for developing and testing learning materials Full Version

Grembe iPhone Apps - 2 views

    iCommunicate, iConnect, iReward, & My Pictures Talk

Javier Algaba Borrego - 2 views

    Talk4Me ($.99)

iPads May Help Children with Autism Communicate - 2 views

    Behavior Tracker Pro, Proloquo2Go, iAssist Communicator, Learn to Talk

Danny's Wish - It's All About Giving - 2 views

    "Since Apple released the iPad on April 3, 2010, there has been daily news buzz about its overnight success and the many wonderful uses for the Autism community. The iPad employs new alternative communication methods and learning applications providing Autistic children with enhanced communication, independence, daily life skills, and developmental growth.  Most important to me, the iPad gives those without a voice the chance to be heard. My son is without speech, and uses Tap to Talk, to communicate. This application uses picture identification to create sentences that are spoken aloud. My biggest wish has always been to hear my son say 'I love you,' and because of this recent technology, I finally can!"

SoundBytes: NoteTeller 2 Talking Money Identifier - 0 views

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