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Willis Wee

MicroAd Aims For 10% of Indonesia's Online Advertising Market - 0 views

    Japan'€™s digital ad network, MicroAd Inc., has recently joint-ventured with start-up VC firm, PT Corfina Mitra Kreasi in Indonesia to form an online ad network
Sushil Saini

Mangalyaan - ISRO Mars orbiter mission: Everything you should know about | Techno Visit... - 0 views

    Want to know why ISRO succeeded to manage Mangalyaan spacecraft Mars Orbiter Mission at such a cheapest price? In this post, you will also read: - main objectives of Mangalyaan while orbiting Mars - Technical information about this spaceship - About another most awaited space mission by European space agency. - Interesting history of failed and successful mars missions. - Which country spacecraft entered the Mars orbit first?
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