Huawei Smartphone Online Deals - 0 views
The new Huawei multimedia and Smartphone with highly inventive technology has hit the market. So why to wait for any other handset ? Grab your favorite one and stay connected !
The new Huawei multimedia and Smartphone with highly inventive technology has hit the market. So why to wait for any other handset ? Grab your favorite one and stay connected !
Techvedic | Tech reviews | Products: Bloodhound SSC 1000mph Supersonic Car - 0 views
Bloodhound SSC 1000mph Supersonic Car- Engineers from the swansea University, college of Engineering team are engaged on the supersonic automobile project - The bloodhound SSC for quite some time now. in a very recent paper, that they printed within the Journal of Automobile Engineering, they've described the aerodynamic characteristics of traveling at 1,000 miles per hour. what's being referred to as the foremost most enjoyable and dynamic engineering challenge, the bloodhound SSC project is gripped the eye of all automobile enthusiasts over the planet. once driven at such an implausible speed, simulations currently show however the automobile shall deal with the supersonic rolling ground, rotating wheels and ensuing shock waves in shut proximity to the test surface.
Online hiring challenges | Ways to tackle jobs | Pinhopes - 0 views
Today employers face multiple challenges with traditional online hiring portals such as:
ü Escalating cost of accessing candidates database which is largely unused
ü Time-consuming candidate search and review process
ü Hard to zero-in on the right resource
ü Limited branding options
Needless to say, all the above factors slow hiring online which delays bringing candidates on-board. To help employers tackle these online recruitment problems, Pinhopes - a new-age online hiring destination, has introduced innovative profile filtering features, video based online hiring process, multiple branding avenues combined with cost-effective payment option. Here are the key differentiators which help employers hire 3x faster:
Get relevant applications from interested candidates - Every time
Unlike existing online recruitment portals Pinhopes doesn't deal in database business which means employers are not required to search for right candidates, in a database which is largely unused. Instead employers get relevant applications directly from active job seekers for a job opening, without putting much effort.
No tedious candidate search process - Advanced built-in search bubbles best ta