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Pablo Lalloni

Service Component Architecture (SCA) | OASIS Open CSA - 0 views

    "Service Component Architecture (SCA) is a set of specifications which describe a model for building applications and systems using a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). SCA extends and complements prior approaches to implementing services, and SCA builds on open standards such as Web services. SCA is based on the idea that business function is provided as a series of services, which are assembled together to create solutions that serve a particular business need. These composite applications can contain both new services created specifically for the application and also business function from existing systems and applications, reused as part of the composition. SCA provides a model both for the composition of services and for the creation of service components, including the reuse of existing application function within SCA compositions. SCA aims to encompass a wide range of technologies for service components and for the access methods which are used to connect them. For components, this includes not only different programming languages, but also frameworks and environments commonly used with those languages. For access methods, SCA compositions allow for the use of various communication and service access technologies that are in common use, including, for example, Web services, messaging systems and Remote Procedure Call (RPC)."
Pablo Lalloni

Introduction - Terraform - 2 views

    "Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform can manage existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions. Configuration files describe to Terraform the components needed to run a single application or your entire datacenter. Terraform generates an execution plan describing what it will do to reach the desired state, and then executes it to build the described infrastructure. As the configuration changes, Terraform is able to determine what changed and create incremental execution plans which can be applied. The infrastructure Terraform can manage includes low-level components such as compute instances, storage, and networking, as well as high-level components such as DNS entries, SaaS features, etc."
Pablo Lalloni

Introduction - Terraform - 2 views

    "Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform can manage existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions. Configuration files describe to Terraform the components needed to run a single application or your entire datacenter. Terraform generates an execution plan describing what it will do to reach the desired state, and then executes it to build the described infrastructure. As the configuration changes, Terraform is able to determine what changed and create incremental execution plans which can be applied. The infrastructure Terraform can manage includes low-level components such as compute instances, storage, and networking, as well as high-level components such as DNS entries, SaaS features, etc. The key features of Terraform are: Infrastructure as Code: Infrastructure is described using a high-level configuration syntax. This allows a blueprint of your datacenter to be versioned and treated as you would any other code. Additionally, infrastructure can be shared and re-used. Execution Plans: Terraform has a "planning" step where it generates an execution plan. The execution plan shows what Terraform will do when you call apply. This lets you avoid any surprises when Terraform manipulates infrastructure. Resource Graph: Terraform builds a graph of all your resources, and parallelizes the creation and modification of any non-dependent resources. Because of this, Terraform builds infrastructure as efficiently as possible, and operators get insight into dependencies in their infrastructure. Change Automation: Complex changesets can be applied to your infrastructure with minimal human interaction. With the previously mentioned execution plan and resource graph, you know exactly what Terraform will change and in what order, avoiding many possible human errors."
Pablo Lalloni

Integrating Ext JS with 3rd Party Libraries | Blog | Sencha - 0 views

    "To demonstrate this idea, we'll create a wrapper component around Leaflet, an open source mapping JavaScript library created by Vladimir Agafonkin of Universal Mind. We'll use that wrapper component in an app that shows us a map and provides a button to move the map to a specified location."
Pablo Lalloni

New Relic, Docker Showcase the Coming Devops Disruption | Trinity Ventures - 0 views

  • In a pre-Docker world, companies with tremendous and evolving application demands looked to virtualization as a way of abstracting their infrastructure, but paid a tax in dollars and performance for doing so. In the future we think of Docker will take the mantle as the VMware of the devops world, with containers as the ultimate devops platform.
    "In 2010 we led the seed round for Docker (formerly known as dotCloud) for one simple reason: devops means that the way applications are packaged, deployed, and run is fundamentally changing (though Docker's business model has evolved since its early days as a PaaS vendor, the fundamental premise is the same).  Rather than requiring custom configurations and painstaking management, Docker "containerizes" applications components such that every container is lightweight and behaves consistently.  Applications and their underlying components can be programmatically deployed, managed and moved on ever-changing cloud infrastructure without a hint of operating system or hardware configuration.  In a pre-Docker world, companies with tremendous and evolving application demands looked to virtualization as a way of abstracting their infrastructure, but paid a tax in dollars and performance for doing so. In the future we think of Docker will take the mantle as the VMware of the devops world, with containers as the ultimate devops platform."
Pablo Lalloni

Flynn - 1 views

    "Flynn is two things: A "distribution" of components that out-of-the-box gives companies a reasonable starting point for an internal "platform" for running their applications and services. The banner for a collection of independent projects that together make up a toolkit or loose framework for building distributed systems. Flynn is both a whole and many parts, depending on what is most useful for you. The common goal is to democratize years of experience and best practices in building distributed systems. It is the software layer between operators and developers that makes both their lives easier. Unlike most PaaS's, Flynn can run stateful services as well as 12 factor apps. This includes built-in database appliances (just Postgres to start). Flynn is modular so users can easily modify, upgrade, and replace components. "
Pablo Lalloni

Consul Introduction - 1 views

    "Consul has multiple components, but as a whole, it is a tool for discovering and configuring services in your infrastructure. It provides several key features: Service Discovery: Clients of Consul can provide a service, such as api or mysql, and other clients can use Consul to discover providers of a given service. Using either DNS or HTTP, applications can easily find the services they depend upon. Health Checking: Consul clients can provide any number of health checks, either associated with a given service ("is the webserver returning 200 OK"), or with the local node ("is memory utilization below 90%"). This information can be used by an operator to monitor cluster health, and it is used by the service discovery components to route traffic away from unhealthy hosts. Key/Value Store: Applications can make use of Consul's hierarchical key/value store for any number of purposes including: dynamic configuration, feature flagging, coordination, leader election, etc. The simple HTTP API makes it easy to use. Multi Datacenter: Consul supports multiple datacenters out of the box. This means users of Consul do not have to worry about building additional layers of abstraction to grow to multiple regions. Consul is designed to be friendly to both the DevOps community and application developers, making it perfect for modern, elastic infrastructures."
Pablo Lalloni

Knative  |  Google Cloud - 0 views

    "Knative provides a set of middleware components that are essential to build modern, source-centric, and container-based applications that can run anywhere: on premises, in the cloud, or even in a third-party data center. Knative components are built on Kubernetes and codify the best practices shared by successful real-world Kubernetes-based frameworks. It enables developers to focus just on writing interesting code, without worrying about the "boring but difficult" parts of building, deploying, and managing an application."
Pablo Lalloni

Polymer - 0 views

    "Web Components usher in a new era of web development based on encapsulated and interoperable custom elements that extend HTML itself. Built atop these new standards, Polymer makes it easier and faster to create anything from a button to a complete application across desktop, mobile, and beyond."
Pablo Lalloni

Twitter Bootstrap - 0 views

    Simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for popular user interface components and interactions.
Pablo Lalloni

reactive-web - 0 views

    Reactive-web is a new framework for writing highly interactive and dynamic web applications. It's written in Scala , sits on top of Lift, and uses the Functional Reactive Programming library reactive-core (it's in the same repository). As in GWT, you can code the user interface in the same language as the rest of your application (except in Scala instead of Java), rather than writing JavaScript. Unlike GWT, however, you don't need an extra build step to convert your code to JavaScript. You can easily combine code that runs on the browser with code that runs on the server. And, you can declare dynamic relationships between components, like binding in Flex/JavaFX/etc. (only much more powerful).
Pablo Lalloni

Joone - Java Object Oriented Neural Engine - 0 views

    "Joone is a FREE Neural Network framework to create, train and test artificial neural networks. The aim is to create a powerful environment both for enthusiastic and professional users, based on the newest Java technologies. Joone is composed by a central engine that is the fulcrum of all applications that are developed with Joone. Joone's neural networks can be built on a local machine, be trained on a distributed environment and run on whatever device. Everyone can write new modules to implement new algorithms or new architectures starting from the simple components distributed with the core engine. The main idea is to create the basis to promote a zillion of AI applications that revolve around the core framework."
Pablo Lalloni

OASIS Open CSA | Advancing open standards that simplify SOA application development - 0 views

    "The OASIS Open Composite Services Architecture (CSA) Member Section advances open standards that simplify SOA application development. Open CSA brings together vendors and users from around the world to collaborate on the further development and adoption of the Service Component Architecture (SCA) and Service Data Objects (SDO) families of specifications."
Pablo Lalloni

Ivan Ristić: Significant SSL/TLS improvements in Java 8 - 0 views

    "Java 8 also brings many security improvements that are as important as the new language features. Of particular interest are the improvements to the TLS stack, implemented in the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) component. Why? Because Java 7 and earlier do not give you enough control over TLS termination. As a result, it was simply not possible to terminate TLS at the Java level and achieve sufficient security. The deficiencies have been addressed in Java 8. Several other key improvements ensure that Java now provides a very good TLS stack. Many of the changes will take effect as you change the JRE, even with older applications."
Pablo Lalloni

Stackato: The Platform for the Agile Enterprise - 0 views

    "Stackato is a secure, stable, and commercially supported Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that is built with and on top of various open source components such as Cloud Foundry and Docker."
Pablo Lalloni

OpenShift v3 Platform Combines Docker, Kubernetes, Atomic and More | Openshift Blog - 0 views

    "Today the OpenShift development team announced a new public Origin repo containing initial commits for our third generation OpenShift platform. This integrates work we've been doing over the past year plus in OpenShift Origin and related projects like Docker, Kubernetes, Geard and Project Atomic - all of which will become integral components of the new OpenShift. This Origin community effort will drive the next major releases of OpenShift Online and OpenShift Enterprise 3."
Pablo Lalloni

9 Docker Recipes for Java EE Applications | Voxxed - 0 views

    "A typical Java EE application consists of an application server, such as WildFly, and a database, such as MySQL. In addition, you might have a separate front-end tier, say Apache, for load balancing a number of application server. A caching layer, such as Infinispan, may be used to improve overall application performance. Messaging system, such as ActiveMQ, may be used for processing queues. Both the caching and messaging components could be setup as a cluster for further scalability. This Tech Tip will show some simple Docker recipes to configure your containers that use application server and database. Subsequent blog will cover more advanced recipes that will include front-end, caching, messaging, and clustering. "
Pablo Lalloni

URI.js - URLs in Javascript - 3 views

    "URI.js is a javascript library for working with URLs. It offers a "jQuery-style" API (Fluent Interface, Method Chaining) to read and write all regular components and a number of convenience methods like .directory() and .authority(). URI.js offers simple, yet powerful ways of working with query string, has a number of URI-normalization functions and converts relative/absolute paths. While URI.js provides a jQuery plugin. URI.js itself does not rely on jQuery. You don't need jQuery to use URI.js"
    Hola!. La vi el viernes a la manyana la libreria esta.Parece que esta buenisima. respecto a lo que yo tenia que hacer obviamente que puede ayudar con las funciones relative y absolute, pero por lo que definimos, "Construir las url's de los recursos a partir del raiz de la libreria", descarte su adopcion por parecerme de alguna forma "sobrecarga".Sea como sea, es una buena herramienta para adoptar. Buen finde.
    Me acabo de dar cuenta.... Este articulo lo pusiste el 4. Estamos a la noche del 5 y recien me notifico. No es la primera vez, y ahora sospecho que son todas las veces las que cosas compartidas en diigo que se notifican con demora. Porque sera?
Pablo Lalloni

PubStatus - WEBAPPS - 0 views

    "This document contains current data regarding the (Publication) Status of specifications being developed by the Web Applications Working Group (aka WebApps). The data is provided in several tables: 1) API Specifications; 2) Web Components Specifications; 3) Widget Specifications; 4) Recommendations in Maintenance Mode; and 5) Specs NO Longer Active."
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