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Pablo Lalloni

Overview - freeipa - - 0 views

    "FreeIPA allows Linux administrators to centrally manage identity, authentication and access control aspects of Linux and UNIX systems by providing simple to install and use command line and web based management tools. FreeIPA is built on top of well known Open Source components and standard protocols with a very strong focus on ease of management and automation of installation and configuration tasks. FreeIPA can seamlessly integrate into an Active Directory environment via cross-realm Kerberos trust or user synchronization. Benefits FreeIPA: Allows all your users to access all the machines with the same credentials and security settings Allows users to access personal files transparently from any machine in an authenticated and secure way Uses an advanced grouping mechanism to restrict network access to services and files only to specific users Allows central management of security mechanisms like passwords, SSH Public Keys, SUDO rules, Keytabs, Access Control Rules Enables delegation of selected administrative tasks to other power users Integrates into Active Directory environments"
Pablo Lalloni

FreeIPA - 0 views

    "FreeIPA is an integrated security information management solution combining Linux (Fedora), 389 Directory Server, MIT Kerberos, NTP, DNS, Dogtag (Certificate System). It consists of a web interface and command-line administration tools. FreeIPA is an integrated Identity and Authentication solution for Linux/UNIX networked environments. A FreeIPA server provides centralized authentication, authorization and account information by storing data about user, groups, hosts and other objects necessary to manage the security aspects of a network of computers. FreeIPA is built on top of well known Open Source components and standard protocols with a very strong focus on ease of management and automation of installation and configuration tasks. Multiple FreeIPA servers can easily be configured in a FreeIPA Domain in order to provide redundancy and scalability. The 389 Directory Server is the main data store and provides a full multi-master LDAPv3 directory infrastructure. Single-Sign-on authentication is provided via the MIT Kerberos KDC. Authentication capabilities are augmented by an integrated Certificate Authority based on the Dogtag project. Optionally Domain Names can be managed using the integrated ISC Bind server. Security aspects related to access control, delegation of administration tasks and other network administration tasks can be fully centralized and managed via the Web UI or the ipa Command Line tool."
Pablo Lalloni

Getting Started With OpenAM - 0 views

  • OpenAM centralizes authentication by using a variety of authentication modules. Authentication modules connect to identity repositories that store identities and provide authentication services. The identity repositories can be implemented as LDAP directories, relational databases, RADIUS, Windows authentication, one-time password services, other standards-based access management systems and much more.
  • OpenAM centralizes authorization by letting you use OpenAM to manage access policies separate from applications and resources. Instead of building access policy into a web application, you install a policy agent with the web application to request policy decisions from OpenAM. This way you can avoid issues that could arise when developers must embed policy decisions into their applications. With OpenAM, if policy changes or an issue is found after the application is deployed, you have only to change the policy definition in OpenAM, not deploy a new version of the application. OpenAM makes the authorization decisions, and policy agents enforce the decisions on OpenAM's behalf.
    "OpenAM centralizes authentication by using a variety of authentication modules. Authentication modules connect to identity repositories that store identities and provide authentication services. The identity repositories can be implemented as LDAP directories, relational databases, RADIUS, Windows authentication, one-time password services, other standards-based access management systems and much more."
Pablo Lalloni

AWS | Amazon EC2 Container Service | Container Management - 0 views

    "Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances. Amazon ECS eliminates the need for you to install, operate, and scale your own cluster management infrastructure. With simple API calls, you can launch and stop container-enabled applications, query the complete state of your cluster, and access many familiar features like security groups, Elastic Load Balancing, EBS volumes, and IAM roles. You can use Amazon ECS to schedule the placement of containers across your cluster based on your resource needs and availability requirements. You can also integrate your own scheduler or third-party schedulers to meet business or application specific requirements."
Pablo Lalloni

Redmine - 0 views

    "Redmine is a flexible project management web application. It is cross-platform and cross-database. Redmine is open source and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 (GPL). Features Some of the main features of Redmine are: Multiple projects support Flexible role based access control Flexible issue tracking system Gantt chart and calendar News, documents & files management Feeds & email notifications Per project wiki Per project forums Time tracking Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs) Issue creation via email Multiple LDAP authentication support User self-registration support Multilanguage support Multiple databases support"
Pablo Lalloni

The HDF Group - Why use HDF? - 0 views

    "HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) technologies are relevant when the data challenges being faced push the limits of what can be addressed by traditional database systems, XML documents, or in-house data formats. Leveraging the powerful HDF products and the expertise of The HDF Group, organizations realize substantial cost savings while solving challenges that seemed intractable using other data management technologies. Many HDF adopters have very large datasets, very fast access requirements, or very complex datasets. Others turn to HDF because it allows them to easily share data across a wide variety of computational platforms using applications written in different programming languages. Some use HDF to take advantage of the many open-source and commercial tools that understand HDF. Similar to XML documents, HDF files are self-describing and allow users to specify complex data relationships and dependencies. In contrast to XML documents, HDF files can contain binary data (in many representations) and allow direct access to parts of the file without first parsing the entire contents. HDF, not surprisingly, allows hierarchical data objects to be expressed in a very natural manner, in contrast to the tables of relational database. Whereas relational databases support tables, HDF supports n-dimensional datasets and each element in the dataset may itself be a complex object. Relational databases offer excellent support for queries based on field matching, but are not well-suited for sequentially processing all records in the database or for subsetting the data based on coordinate-style lookup."
Pablo Lalloni

User-Managed Access (UMA) Profile of OAuth 2.0 - 0 views

    "User-Managed Access (UMA) Profile of OAuth 2.0"

OpenAM Administration Guide - 0 views

  • An authentication service confirms the identity of a user or a client application.
  • OpenAM is most frequently used to protect web-accessible resources. Users browse to a protected web application page. An agent installed on the server with the web application redirects the user to OpenAM for access management. OpenAM determines who the user is, and whether the user has the right to access the protected page. OpenAM then redirects the user back to the protected page, with authorization credentials that can be verified by the agent. The agent allows OpenAM authorized users access the page.
Pablo Lalloni

DRBL - 2 views

    DRBL (Diskless Remote Boot in Linux) is a solution to managing the deployment of the GNU/Linux operating system across many clients. Imagine the time required to install GNU/Linux on 40, 30, or even 10 client machines individually! DRBL allows for the configuration all of your client computers by installing just one server machine. DRBL provides a diskless or systemless environment for client machines. It works on Debian, Ubuntu, Mandriva, Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS and SuSE. DRBL uses distributed hardware resources and makes it possible for clients to fully access local hardware.
Pablo Lalloni

Keycloak - 0 views

    "Open Source Identity and Access Management"
Pablo Lalloni

Microservices and PaaS - Part I | ActiveState - 0 views

  • Instead of building software that resembles our existing organizations, we should figure out how we want our software to look, then build the organization around that. Or reorganize it if it's already in place.
    • Pablo Lalloni
      Las implicancias de esta idea en nuestra organización...
  • When deploying a new feature, enhancing or fixing an existing capability, or deploying an experimental line of code, the previous code remains available and accessible. New code is deployed alongside the old code, with mechanisms in place to instantly route to one or another version.
  • Importantly, the old code is not replaced, but remains part of the system, and is kept running. If, as is often the case, the widespread introduction of the new feature results in unforeseen consequences, the feature flag can be toggled off, and the old version is instantly used instead.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • In a microservices architecture, an application is comprised of a number of small, independent composable services that interact by way of an external published protocol, such as REST, or a messaging service.
  • Each service is focused on an individual targeted business capability, and thus its scope is minimized. For functionality out of scope, the microservice calls out to other microservices via the published protocol.
  • Small independent microservices can be built using the technology best suited for their requirements. No longer does every application component need to be built on a common company-mandated language and framework such as Java/Spring or Ruby on Rails.
  • Similarly, there's no reason to standardize on a single persistence layer across an entire application. Some microservices might best be served by Redis, others by Oracle.
  • Each microservice can be updated independently, no longer requiring the entire application to be redeployed.
  • Microservices drastically improve the time required to push out a new update, allowing a much more agile development process.
  • Many organizations consist of specialized silo teams (UI, database, API, etc) where costly handoffs and intercommunication are required to coordinate all the pieces of application construction. These handoffs cause overhead, and the need for them should be eliminated.
  • With small teams, each focused on an individual microservice, Netflix enables developers to push code to production, instead of getting mired in a complex deployment process involving several teams.
  • With microservices, the old IT mindset just doesn't work.
  • A centralized IT department cannot possibly cover the wide array of technologies spanning all microservices.
  • Instead a DevOps structure, where each team is responsible for the management of the corresponding microservice, is essential.
  • Enable developers to concoct systems of their choosing with minimal or no interaction from IT, management, VPs, hardware or other groups. "Self Service" is one of the major capabilities offered by the cloud and there's every reason to take advantage of this.
  • Now, IT can be considered as a cloud API available to the developer on-demand 24x7, instead of a complex, process-mired division hidden behind obscure process.
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