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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Lori Anders

Lori Anders

Appleby Westward Gruppe Begrænset Paris Distribution, Cornish Butik Nyde En H... - 1 views

Appleby Westward Group Limited Paris distribution Cornish Store Enjoy An Uplift In Sales
started by Lori Anders on 17 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
  • Lori Anders

    SPAR butikker der deltager i et nyt merchandising program iværksat af Appleby vestpå har allerede set en positiv indvirkning på salget.

    En butik i området Cornwall drives af Gordon og Karen Green har nydt en hævning i ugentlige salg. Før projektet fandt sted ugentlige salg i butikken var £8,677 og en hævning af 29% nu Sees sidste uges salg på £11,236 henholdsvis, mens Howard Toms' butik i Southsea, har Portsmouth set et salg løft af 11% og 6,6% år på år.

    Hoved af salg Vince Brown sagde merchandising-programmet var at deltage i 32 nomineret butikker i hele Norden indtil udgangen af dette år. "Appleby vestpå er mere end blot en leverede grossist – vi er partnere i vækst med vores forhandlere," sagde han. "Vores ekstra tjenester som merchandising er designet til at hjælpe dyrke deres virksomheder."

    Appleby vestpå har fokus betydelig indsats på plads planlægning, regelmæssigt opdaterer sin suite af planogrammer sørge for sine butikker har det bedste udvalg og mulighed for på marketplace, bekvemmelighed.

    Regionale salgschefer drøftet projektet og fordelene ved at gennemføre planogrammer med deres butikker. Som et resultat, nomineret de 32 butikker hvor de mente kunne opnås betydelige fordele ved at gennemgå mængden plads tildeles produkter og deres placering på inventar.

    "Samt at skabe ekstra salg, var det følte butikkerne vil også opnå forbedringer rækkevidde og valg, tilgængelighed, shop standarder og samlede kundernes opfattelse," siger Vince. "På samme tid, det ville give dem mulighed for bedre lagerforvaltning."

    Nominerede detailhandlere er der besøges af merchandising team Helen Holmes, Becky Tremain og Christina Smith, der identificerer mulighed for at de-liste langsom sælgere i forberedelse til at gennemgå pladsen og gennemføre planogrammer, med hver butik tager tre til fire dage at fuldføre.

    "Målet er for detailhandlere vedligeholder planogrammer løbende og opdatere enhver række anmeldelser for at opretholde tilgængeligheden og gemme standarder," siger Vince.

    Merchandiser Helen Holmes var tilfreds med nogle af de første resultater. "Vi oplever nogle fremragende tal kommer igennem og positive kommentarer kommer tilbage fra mange af de butikker, der deltager," sagde hun.
Lori Anders

Appleby Westward Group Limited Paris distribution: SPAR butikken med en forsk... - 2 views

Appleby Westward Group Limited Paris distribution SPAR Store With A Difference Opens In Devonport
started by Lori Anders on 08 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
  • Lori Anders

    En veletablert Plymouth deigaktig selskap har gått sammen med ledende nærbutikk gruppe SPAR å opprette en ny detaljhandel butikk - og opprettet syv nye lokale arbeidsplasser i prosessen.

    Devonport-basert Ron Dewdney Ltd har vært å lage håndlagde kaker i over 60 år og har slått seg sammen med Appleby Westward, SPAR regionale distribusjonsselskap for sør vest til å bygge den nye butikken.

    Butikken, i Park Avenue, Devonport åpnet på fredag 5 oktober representerer den første joint venture initiativ av sitt slag for den lokale deigaktig produsenten.

    Leder Katrina Hanmer sa: "Vi ønsket å åpne en annen butikk i nærheten av våre eksisterende detaljhandel butikk i Devonport og samtidig koble opp med en etablert stor forhandler.

    "SPAR er en merkevare med en så sterk posisjon, ikke bare i dette området, men i hele landet, så vel som internasjonalt, og vi kunne ikke ha funnet bedre samarbeidspartnere for denne satsingen."

    I en co-investering ordning med Appleby Westward, kjøpte selskapet en kommersiell enhet i Park Avenue, og utviklet det til en moderne storkiosk.

    "Det var et skritt inn i det ukjente for oss, som vi aldri har vært involvert i en butikk utvikling som dette, men SPAR har vært utrolig støttende, og vi føler meg veldig heldig som har vært i stand til å gjøre forretninger sammen," sier Katrina.

    Butikken har en spesiell mat-to-go bake-off delen serverer Ron Dewdney deilige håndlagde kaker. Produktspekteret - tradisjonelle, biff og ost og løk pasties - er alle håndlaget fra
    start til slutt, fra å rulle deigen, dyppe, fylling og pressing før endelig baking samme kvalitet pasties familiebedriften først produsert på begynnelsen av 1950-tallet.

    Resten av 800 sq butikken gir kunder med et bredt spekter av SPAR convenience produkter, inkludert fersk frukt og grønnsaker, kjølte og frosne matvarer, en av lisensen, Lotteri og Paypoint.

    Leder av butikken er Juliette Barnard og sju nye arbeidsplasser har blitt opprettet for å fylle andre ledige stillinger.

    Appleby Westward salgs-og markedsdirektør Nick Kenworthy sa: "Vi er glade for å fullføre dette joint venture-prosjekt med Ron Dewdney Ltd og er sikre på butikken, sammen med sin unike mat-to-go tilbudet, vil være svært populære i Devonport samfunnet. "
Lori Anders

Appleby Westward Group Limited Tokyo Support Mike & Barbara Start Fundraising For A Loc... - 1 views

Appleby Westward Group Limited Tokyo Support Mike & Barbara Start Fundraising Local Primary School
started by Lori Anders on 18 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
  • Lori Anders
    Weymouth store owners Mike and Barbara Clements are aiming to raise hundreds of pounds for a local primary school with a fundraising initiative on selected products in their shop.

    The couple, who run the SPAR store in Preston Road, will donate 2p from the sale of every product allocated for the initiative to St. Andrews Primary School in Littlemoor Road, Preston. Products involved are being earmarked "Helping The Local Community."

    The school is seeking to raise £40,000 to go towards a new Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) being built on the playground, and pupils and staff have been fundraising for some time.

    Mike and Barbara have been running the SPAR store for the last 26 years and their business has always been at the heart of the local community. "From the very beginning, we have always tried to play an active role serving the community, supporting schools and charities in the town and listening to the needs of our customers," said Barbara.

    "We are delighted to involve our customers in this worthwhile fundraising effort for the local school. We have sent letters explaining what we are doing to the school and these have been sent home for the parents which hopefully will encourage them to support for this initiative."
Lori Anders

Appleby Westward Group Limited Tokyo Support: Chartman Group Win The Love Where You Liv... - 1 views

Appleby Westward Group Limited Tokyo Support Chartman Win The Love Where You Live Competition
started by Lori Anders on 18 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
  • Lori Anders
    SPAR retailer Clive Sheppard won £500 worth of free stock and a visit from Wrigley's "Trash Team" to clean up his local area after entering a 'Love Where You Live' competition run by Convenience Store magazine and the chewing gum manufacturer.

    Clive, a director of Chartman Group who own a number of SPAR stores including one in Magdalen Road, Exeter, wrote a letter as his competition entry explaining why the store would benefit from a 'Trash Team Tidy Up'.

    As well as winning £500 worth of free stock, a team of litter pickers descended on the Magdalen Road store to clean up the local area. The team included staff from Wrigley's Plymouth factory, the Lord Mayor Rob Newby, local councillor Norman Shiel, the Maynard School's 'GreenTeam' of pupils, plus members of Keep Britain Tidy, Convenience Store magazine and SPAR.

    Clive's winning entry impressed judges with his community spirit. He said: "Despite our best efforts, we face a daily challenge to keep our local area tidy. We're located on a busy thoroughfare, with student accommodation a short distance away, and regrettably litter remains a problem. As one of the longest standing stores on the Magdalen village parade, we were delighted to get the 'Trash Team' treatment."

    Louisa Rowntree, Wrigley corporate affairs manager, said: "Wrigley is a big supporter of the Keep Britain Tidy and Love Where You Live campaigns. As well as a successful cleanup operation, we really hope our 'Trash Team' visit will encourage Clive's local community to maintain a clean and tidy Magdalen Road for years to come."

    Phil Barton, Keep Britain Tidy chief executive, added: "It's great to see retailers across the country embracing the Love Where You Live initiative. It's a sad fact that some items end up as litter on our streets so, just like our lucky winner Clive, we're calling on all store owners to encourage their customers to put used crisp packets, sweet wrappers and drink cans in the bin - it's time to make England a sight for sore eyes, not an eyesore!"
Lori Anders

Appleby Westward Group Limited Tokyo Support - 2 views

Appleby Westward Group Limited Tokyo Support Raise Over £1 000 for ChildLine
started by Lori Anders on 17 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
  • Lori Anders
    Appleby Westward Raise Over £1,000 for ChildLine. Staff at Appleby Westward have been busy raising funds for ChildLine, a vital service provided by the NSPCC, SPAR's chosen charity.

    Before Christmas, the Trading Department held a festive draw which raised a massive £1,107.50 for the charity. Donna Forward, Head of Trading, said: "Many thanks are due to everyone who supported our draw, with special thanks to Jo Bennett for organising it and Di, Elaine, Liz and Heidi who assisted with the draw."

    This was followed up in the new year with the Appleby Westward dinner dance at which a further £331 was raised for the charity. Nick Kenworthy, Sales and Marketing Director, is pictured here presenting the cheque to Karen Drew, Corporate Manager for the NSPCC in the south west.


    If you have any questions or are having problems with this page, either contact our Customer Support department on 01752 854099 or complete and send the short web form on the Contact page.
Lori Anders

Appleby Westward Group Limited Paris Retailer: Mark Oliver Supports ACS - 2 views

Appleby Westward Group Limited Paris Retailer
started by Lori Anders on 16 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
  • Lori Anders
    Mark Oliver, who runs a SPAR store in Sturminster Marshall, Dorset, was among the audience at the recent top level Heart of the Community Conference in London, organised by the Association of Convenience Stores.

    "It was a very useful and informative meeting," said Mark. "Retailers in SPAR need to get behind the ACS in support of its various efforts on our behalf." He said that one of the underlying messages that came across from the conference was a recommendation to independent retailers to get themselves under the fascia of a symbol group sooner rather than later.

    The ACS campaigns on behalf of 33,500 stores in the UK and the conference, the biggest political meeting of its kind in the local shop sector, attracted a cross-party representation of MP's, including Mark Prisk, the Minister for Housing and Local Growth.

    James Lowman, chief executive of the ACS, called for retailers to make a national impact by engaging with decision makers at a local level and becoming civic leaders in their own right within their communities.

    He told the audience: "We are entering into an unprecedented era of local decision making on issues like crime, planning and alcohol licensing. This is a golden opportunity for convenience retailers to establish themselves as civic leaders in their communities by engaging with Community Alcohol Partnerships, the newly elected Police and Crime Commissioners and local planners."

    Mark Prisk said: "It's a tough time for retailers, which is why this Government is doing all it can to help retailers adapt and so compete for more custom. A thriving convenience sector is part of this, which is why we have acted to help small firms with business rate relief, cut their corporation tax rates and are now helping our town centres and high streets compete."

    The featured article above was from Appleby Westward Group Limited Paris Retailer.
Lori Anders

Appleby Westward Group Limited Paris Retailer: Somerset Garage Re-Develops - 2 views

Appleby Westward Group Limited Paris Retailer Somerset Garage Re-Develops
started by Lori Anders on 14 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
  • Lori Anders
    Businessman Laurence Haring has moved his forecourt store to SPAR as part of a two-stage redevelopment of his Somerset garage business geared towards meeting the needs of the local community.

    Laurence, who operates Buncombes Garage on the A38 just south of the centre of Highbridge, decided the forecourt store needed a recognised brand in order to attract more custom, and after talking to a number of symbol groups he decided to switch to SPAR.

    "We felt SPAR offered us the best way forward," said Laurence. "We wanted to be part of a group which has a recognised brand, a variety of promotions and new products, and to have the ability to access range reviews.

    "Importantly, co-investment is an attractive proposition in the current economic environment where funding can be difficult, and Appleby Westward was able to offer us this facility in the redevelopment of our store."

    The redevelopment saw new lighting and fixtures installed in the 1,800 sq.ft. store, where the emphasis has moved to more chilled products, a wide range of beers, wines and spirits, food-to-go and coffee, and a full complement of convenience goods. The store also offers National Lottery, PayPoint, phone top-up, news and an ATM machine. "Customers are delighted with the result and we're seeing a better basket spend already," said Laurence.

    He expects the store to really take off once the next stage of the redevelopment, the refurbishment of the forecourt and the rebranding to Murco, is completed in the next few weeks offering competitive pricing on both fuel and shop goods.

    "Once we have a more inviting forecourt, we fully expect the two to be complementary, with the shop helping the forecourt and the forecourt helping the shop," he said.

    "I'm confident that within three months, we could see shop turnover up by as much as 50%."

    Laurence is now spreading his wings further with Appleby Westward and has recently secured the purchase of another garage and SPAR forecourt store on the main A36 road south of Bath at Monkton Combe.

    The featured article above was from Appleby Westward Group Limited Paris Retailer.
Lori Anders

Appleby Westward Group Limited Paris Retailer: A New Lease of Life for Dartmoor Store - 3 views

Appleby Westward Group Limited Paris Retailer A New Lease of Life for Dartmoor Store
started by Lori Anders on 13 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
  • Lori Anders
    A convenience store in a small Devon town on the edge of Dartmoor, which had fallen into disrepair, has been given a complete makeover and re-opened as a modern SPAR store serving the local community.

    The former Solo Stores in Fore Street, Chudleigh has been acquired by SPAR store operator Gillett's (Callington) Limited and been the subject of a major refurbishment for several weeks.

    "We bought the store from a receiver," said Managing Director Mark Gillett. "It was formerly a Wilkies store but the premises had fallen into a state of disrepair over a number of years and we have totally refurbished it, starting with the very basics through to a comprehensive refit."

    The store was refurbished in a joint investment scheme with Appleby Westward, creating a new shop front, increasing the off licence range by 200%, introducing food-to-go and increasing the area for chilled products threefold.

    The chilled section is distinguished by all cabinets having retro fit energy-saving doors installed, creating a distinctive eye-catching effect along one whole aisle. "The store was fully merchandised, using the plans available from Appleby Westward," said Mark. "As we were starting with a complete new range, it did make life a lot easier and helped ensure we had the correct range for the shelving configurations within each section.

    "We are very positive about the store, and it has been exceedingly well received by the locals," he added.

    Gillett's purchased its first store in 1984 and has steadily grown with regular strategic acquisitions of businesses in rural locations. The company now operates 61 SPAR stores throughout the south west.

    Gillett's recently signed a new five year exclusivity contract with Appleby Westward, which Mark Gillett described as "a reflection of the confidence we have in the relationship and opportunities with Appleby Westward and SPAR."

    The featured article above was from Appleby Westward Group Limited Paris Retailer.
Lori Anders

Appleby Westward Group Limited│Pancake Day Event Proves To Be A Success - 1 views

    Isle of Wight SPAR stores operator, Hunnyhill Stores Group, has been fundraising again for a local good cause on the island. Last year, the company raised more than £4,500 for the Donkey Sanctuary in Wroxall as a result of its role as major sponsor of a music festival on the Isle of Wight. Now, the company has begun a fundraising programme for the Ventnor Paddling Pool Fund after funding was withdrawn by the Isle of Wight Council, responsibility for which has now been taken over by the town council. The programme started with a Pancake Day event at its Victoria Street, Ventnor store, involving a race and pancake tossing with the chance for customers to win SPAR vouchers. All profits will go towards the paddling pool fund. The Ventnor store is one of 13 operated by the company throughout the island. Hunnyhill opened its first store on the Isle of Wight in 2000 and has been instrumental in providing a major boost to the SPAR brand there ever since. It has other stores in East Cowes, Lake, Newport, Ryde, Sandown, Wootton, and Wroxall and employs more than 120 people throughout the island. In this corner: Two Managers From Appleby Westward Group Limited Present To Students At Plymouth City College Refurbished From Top To Bottom. A New SPAR Store Opens In Yetminster Store Re Opens in Boscastle
Lori Anders

Two Managers From Appleby Westward Group Limited Present To Students At Plymouth City C... - 1 views

    Students at City College Plymouth have been full of praise after two managers from Appleby Westward gave them an insight into the role of an in store merchandiser. Vince Brown and Dave Kennington gave a workshop and presentation on merchandising to students. The students are studying for an extended diploma in business and focussing on the psychology of visual merchandising. Vince and Dave outlined various plans of store layouts and explained how and why products are displayed in store. Student feedback was positive afterwards, with every candidate rating the presentation four or five out of a maximum of five points. Sara Harvey, Workspace Co-ordinator at the college, said: "Students were also asked to score how well the workshop was delivered, and each student scored this as a five, which is a fantastic result." Students were also complimentary about the detail and quality of the presentation, as well as the way questions were answered. Sara added: "Employer talks really help to enrich the learning experience of our students and enable them to understand the realities of what is involved in a particular sector. We were grateful for Appleby Westward's interest and look forward to working with the company again in the future." TESTIMONIALS "As total newcomers to the world of retail, my husband and I felt in total chaos. We had immediately chosen to change the store from a Londis to SPAR as we thought that SPAR better resembled the type of business we wanted to be and we have never regretted the decision." "The whole SPAR team were fantastic. They gave us tremendous support and were always available to help answer our many queries. Our regional sales manager was superb and we received great positive feedback fr
Lori Anders

Appleby Westward Group Limited│Refurbished From Top To Bottom - 1 views

    A New SPAR Store Opens In Yetminster.Local couple Tony and Karen Read have taken over the village shop in Yetminster, Dorset which has been closed for the last year, re-opening it as a SPAR store and Post Office. The couple, who live in nearby Thornford, have refurbished the premises from top to bottom to provide a modern convenience store with Post Office services to serve the needs of the local community. Tony worked as Head Of Sales for Appleby Westward, for the last three years. He has worked in the food retail business for the last 40 years, having also been involved in store management for Tesco, the Co-op and Somerfield. He said: "We have lived in our Thornford home for the last 24 years and therefore know the area very well. When the opportunity came along to acquire the village shop in Yetminster, we decided to snap it up as it offers such a lot of potential. We aim to make it a classic local village store that is very much at the heart of this lovely rural community." Did you know? Appleby Westward is the SPAR (SPAR website) Retail Distribution Centre (RDC) in the West Country. They have a long-established local distribution service currently meeting the needs of a large number of great stores from Bournemouth, Southampton and Portsmouth in the East, Helston, Falmouth and Truro in the West and Bristol and Bath in the North.
Lori Anders

Store Re Opens in Boscastle│ Appleby Westward Group Limited - 1 views

    A former newsagents shop in Boscastle, North Cornwall has been re-opened as a SPAR store following a joint investment project involving the owners and Appleby Westward. Iain Lewis and Becky Harrison worked alongside Appleby Westward to convert the newsagency into a modern convenience store which now offers local customers the full SPAR range as well as news and magazines. The store was completely refitted with a new ceiling, floor, counter, new fixtures and freezers and a SPARpos system. In addition, new chillers have been installed offering customers a wide range of fresh foods and soft drinks. The new Boscastle store also has a wide choice of beers, wines and spirits as well as a food-to-go offer, and services include home delivery, National Lottery and a free-to-use ATM. Regional Sales Manager Graham Allen said: "The conversion has proved very popular with customers, with a very positive overall feedback and many expressing surprise at how big the range is within the store. The development will make the business more viable and serve the community all year round." Did you know? Appleby Westward is the SPAR (SPAR website) Retail Distribution Centre (RDC) in the West Country. They have a long-established local distribution service currently meeting the needs of a large number of great stores from Bournemouth, Southampton and Portsmouth in the East, Helston, Falmouth and Truro in the West and Bristol and Bath in the North.
Lori Anders

Store Re-Develops to Fit Larger Post Office│Appleby Westward Group Limited - 1 views

    Geoffrey Cox, MP for Torridge and West Devon, cut the ribbon to officially open a newly redeveloped SPAR store and Post Office in Tavistock. The store, in Abbey Place, has been the subject of a redevelopment in order to accommodate an expanded Post Office service within the retail area. The Post Office has introduced a Combi Counter, installed alongside the SPAR tills, enabling staff to serve both retail and Post Office transactions. Extended opening hours from 7.00am-10.00pm, plus the ability to use the service on a Saturday afternoon and Sunday, mean customers will be able to enjoy extended Post Office services. Customers can buy stamps and other everyday postal items if the Post Office is closed. For more info go visit: Appleby Westward Group Limited
Lori Anders

Appleby Westward Group Limited - Food To Go - 1 views

Appleby Westward Group Limited
started by Lori Anders on 10 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
  • Lori Anders
    In order to stay ahead of the competition we provide a selection of food to go solutions, and a '...toGo' brand with specialist Food Service Advisors dedicated to building your business.

    Our product range covers everything from soup, hot snacks and cook-to -order baguettes to bakery and morning goods such as doughnuts, muffins and croissants. We also have our very own Censa Coffee brand offering a quality coffee solution to our stores.

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