3. Adds a new gae:start goal. This is identical to gae:run, except that it does not automatically
execute the package phase before starting the server. The intent is to use this in a project POM,
but it can also be used to start the server quickly when you don't want to rebuild the project.
Right now I just copied the RunGoal completely, except for the '@execute phase="package"'
declaration, because I didn't want to introduce conflicts in case someone else is editing
RunGoal.java. A better thing to do in the future would be to have RunGoal extend StartGoal with
an empty class that just adds the '@execute phase="package"' annotation (it can't be the other
way around, with StartGoal extending Run goal, because there's no way to override a mojo with
an @execute annotation with one that doesn't have it---it gets inherited automatically).