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Esfand S

KeyRange - 0 views

  • public final class KeyRangeextends java.lang.Objectimplements java.lang.Iterable<Key>, Represents a range of unique datastore identifiers from getStart().getId() to getEnd().getId() inclusive. The Keys returned by an instance of this class have been consumed in the datastore's id-space and are guaranteed never to be reused. This class can be used to construct Entities with Keys that have specific id values without fear of the datastore creating new records with those same ids at a later date. This can be helpful as part of a data migration or large bulk upload where you may need to preserve existing ids and relationships between entities. This class is threadsafe but the Iterators returned by iterator() are not.
Esfand S

Entity ID and keyName identification scope - Google App Engine for Java - 0 views

  • 'm guessing your tests were run locally because the counter in the local datastore does indeed have datastore scope.  The scope of the counter in the prod datastore, however, is parent key + kind.  This is described here: If it's important to you that the scope of the generated ids match between dev and and prod please file an issue.
  •                 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();                 KeyRange range = ds.allocateIds("a", 2);                 for (Key key : range) {                         sb.append("\n a " + key.toString());                 }                 range = ds.allocateIds("b", 2);                 for (Key key : range) {                         sb.append("\n b " + key.toString());                 }                 Key parentKey = KeyFactory.createKey("c", 1);                 sb.append("\n c " + parentKey.toString());                 range = ds.allocateIds(parentKey, "d", 2);                 for (Key key : range) {                         sb.append("\n d " + key.toString());                 }                 System.out.println(sb.toString());
  • The URL I posted earlier in the thread explains it, but here's a little bit more detail: A parent entity plus a kind defines an id-space, so entities with the same parent and the same kind are guaranteed to have unique ids.  For example, if you have an Entity with Parent:A Kind: Person Id: 10 you are guaranteed that no other entity with Parent A and Kind Person will be assigned an Id of 10.  However, an entity with a different Parent and Kind Person or an entity with Parent A and a different Kind _can_ be assigned an Id of 10.  The datastore pre-allocates batches of ids across multiple servers under-the-hood, so you can't make any assumptions about the Id that will get assigned in terms of contiguousness.  The only safe assumption is that the id will be unique for that Parent/Kind combination.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • No, you can't count on generated IDs being contiguous or monotonically increasing.
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