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Connor P

Gale Power Search - Document - 0 views

  • In Frankenstein, however, isolation only leads to despair. Readers get the distinct feeling that Victor's inquisitive nature causes his emotional and physical peril because he cannot balance his intellectual and social interactions.
  • Not surprisingly, Walton's ambition to conquer the unknown moves him, like it does Victor, further away from civilization and closer to feelings of isolation and depression.
    This source shows the isolation that appears throughout the novel in both of the main characters live. It depicts Victor's and Walton's alienaton from society as they both become self absorbed in their own interests. They desert their families and the interactions with societies as they try to aim for their own selfish dreams
Evan G

shsaplit - How Racism Prevents the Invisible Man from Attaining Goals and his Identity - 1 views

  • the Invisible Man felt that in order to reach his goals he had to have a white lifestyle and was insecure within his true culture. This hindered his goals because he was trying too hard, and once he accepted who he was and where he came from, including his culture and the foods that came with it, he could begin to grow and become the person he once wished to be.
  • He never realized that the brotherhood was bound for nowhere and they were just averting him from achieveing something greater. They treated him unequally such as any other negro in the civil rights movement or the Jews in the holocaust, he was an unheard voice.
    Discusses direct correlations between quotes from IM and the racist impact they have upon him. As seen in the case of the yams, it is only after IM decides to accept his own culture and past that he can have his own identity. Until then, he is still trying to live white. Also, back to the theme of oppression, the Brotherhood was acting in the name of blacks, yet truly just held IM back, hovering inches from success, in order to ensure that he never gets his fully deserved recognition or rights.
Connor P

Gale Power Search - Document - 0 views

  • The work tells of Malcolm's rise from a life of crime and sin to deliverance through his conversion to the Nation of Islam, then his repudiation of that sect in favor of a more inclusive vision of world and racial unity.
    This shows that Malcolm X grows from his early ignorance to control his own destiny. His maturity is finally acheived as he grows to make his own decisions. X never looks back from this point on.
Ellen L - 0 views

    "When we are born we are conscious only of ourselves, we are the universe. We perceive little  other than our basic needs, and if these needs are met we are content. As our consciousness  expands we become aware of a world outside ourselves. We discover that there are people,  places, and things around us, and that they fulfill our needs" "Most children, through experiences over a period of time, come to realize that the outside  world cannot provide all their wants and needs. They begin to supplement what is given to  them with their own efforts." This article discusses how children grow to self sufficiency when they realize their is more to the world than their own selfish needs. We see, however, that in AILD almost none of the characters grow out of this childish ideology.
Travis F

60 in 60: #28 - Christine de Pizan's The City of Ladies (Penguin's Great Ideas) - 0 views

    This is the only part of this article that pertains to "A Room of One's Own" but it reinforces Virginia Woolf's main point throughout her novel. "It struck me as telling that de Pizan thinks of constructing a city of one's own much as Virginia Woolf thought of constructing a room of one's own-and, in part, for the same reason: so much of what men do imposes upon and impedes women that a natural thought is simply to find a place apart, where men's presence cannot bring to bear their baleful influence."(Jeff VanderMeer)
Travis F

From A Room of One's Own to A Literature of Their Own - 0 views

    A good essay written about A room of one's own
David D

In Virginia Woolf's footsteps, a room of one's own - 0 views

    Virginia Woolf talks about how a woman needs a room of one's own in order to write. But what about the room that Virginia Woolf wrote in herself? This source talks about the house that she lived in when she wrote the book and how it is getting sold by her family.
Evan G

Horrific life experiences helped shape Malcolm X | Share News - Local Canadian, Caribbe... - 0 views

  • Recognizing that the name he was given at birth was forced on his ancestors by the White people who at some point had owned his ancestors
  • Louise Little, traumatized by the horrific murder of her husband, cheated of the insurance money she should have received at his death and unable to find work to support her children was further victimized when the government imprisoned her in a mental institution, seized and scattered her children into various foster homes.
    Source discusses the name trouble: the blacks are given names by their white slaveholders. Links to IM---blacks cannot find their own identity if they are being named and depersonified by the whites! Also discusses Malcolm's mom, who suffers, like IM, to the point of losing her mind and sanity, all at the hands of the white oppressors. 
Ellen L

An Appeal to the Conscience of the Black Race to See Itself by Marcus Garvey - 0 views

  • It is said to be a hard and difficult task to organize and keep together large numbers of the Negro race for the common good. Many have tried to congregate us, but have failed, the reason being that our characteristics are such as to keep us more apart than together. The evil of internal division is wrecking our existence as a people, and if we do not seriously and quickly move in the direction of a readjustment it simply means that our doom becomes imminently conclusive.
  • The Negro must be up and doing if he will break down the prejudice of the rest of the world. Prayer alone is not going to improve our condition, nor the policy of watchful waiting. We must strike out for ourselves in the course of material achievement, and by our own effort and energy present to the world those forces by which the progress of man is judged.
  • The Negro needs a nation and a country of his own, where he can best show evidence of his own ability in the art of human progress. Scattered as an unmixed and unrecognized part of alien nations and civilizations is but to demonstrate his imbecility, and point him out as an unworthy derelict, fit neither for the society of Greek, Jew nor Gentile.
    This highlights some of the ideals of Marcus Garvey. These strongly influenced Malcolm X's views on what his race should do.
Zaji Z

Video: Money Makes a Woman Go Round - 0 views

    This is sad. What Woolf describes in her essay, that a woman must have means and money to be able to think freely, one would think that a woman in a modern society, where no continent is neglected of technology and accessible tools for the creative space, is able to share her own thoughts and words to express her mind. No-- her concerns nearly a century ago ring true today, women are commodities, sold to slavery, prostitution, forced marriage, social censorship, many women of the world are trapped in a system constantly exploited by men. 
Willie C

A Room of One's Own - 0 views

    "The conditions that are favourable to imaginative work are discussed, including the right relation of the sexes. Finally an attempt is made to outline the present state of affairs and to forecast what effect comparative freedom and independence will have upon women's artistic work in the future"
    This source outlines Woolf's authorial purpose in the novel which includes to describe the limitations that one sex or social class will have when trying to do certain jobs and activities.
David D

A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf - 1 views

    This source basically describes the book, but poses the questions that were the underlying purpose of Woolf in writing it. Shows how Woolf was a pioneer in gaining women rights and that A Room of One's Own is still relevant today, "every time individual creativity comes into conflict with the demands of a very commercial world."
Emily S

At Issue, Womens' rights - 0 views

    This article covers the debate over whether or not women should be allowed to participate in combat in the military. Like In a room of one's own, it is a matter of social inequality. At the time a room of one's own was written, women we're considered not good enough to be writers. Perhaps in the future, women will be considered good enough to participate in combat.
Sarah Sch

A Room of One's Own - 0 views

    "The conclusion of A Room of One's Own puts forward Woolf s famous idea that the mind of the artist is androgynous, which means that there is a little bit of the masculine in every feminine brain, and vice versa."
    "Victorian mores had, at least until the turn of the century, dictated the "proper" female roles of wife and mother, dutiful daughter, and overall gentle angel in the house."
    This article discusses the main attributes of "A Room of One's Own" such as plot, themes, and authorial purpose. At Woolf's time, society perceives men as the superior gender and therefore society grants them more opportunities than women to succeed. Woolf's issue with this unfair treatment is the driving force in her piece of writing. Woolf also introduces the idea of the balance of feminism and masculinity in both genders. A person is not able to write great literature when their gender is pervading their writing.
Ben R

Long-Term Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect - 1 views

  • Difficulties during adolescence. Studies have found abused and neglected children to be at least 25 percent more likely to experience problems such as delinquency, teen pregnancy, low academic achievement, drug use, and mental health problems (Kelley, Thornberry, & Smith, 1997). Other studies suggest that abused or neglected children are more likely to engage in sexual risk-taking as they reach adolescence, thereby increasing their chances of contracting a sexually transmitted disease (Johnson, Rew, & Sternglanz, 2006). Juvenile delinquency and adult criminality. According to a National Institute of Justice study, abused and neglected children were 11 times more likely to be arrested for criminal behavior as a juvenile, 2.7 times more likely to be arrested for violent and criminal behavior as an adult, and 3.1 times more likely to be arrested for one of many forms of violent crime (juvenile or adult) (English, Widom, & Brandford, 2004). Alcohol and other drug abuse. Research consistently reflects an increased likelihood that abused and neglected children will smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol, or take illicit drugs during their lifetime (Dube et al., 2001). According to a report from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, as many as two-thirds of people in drug treatment programs reported being abused as children (Swan, 1998). Abusive behavior. Abusive parents often have experienced abuse during their own childhoods. It is estimated approximately one-third of abused and neglected children will eventually victimize their own children (Prevent Child Abuse New York, 2003).
  • These include costs associated with juvenile and adult criminal activity, mental illness, substance abuse, and domestic violence.
    This source discusses the harmful physical, mental, and psychological effects of child abuse upon kids. Abused kids are much more likely to turn into criminals, turn to violence, or become pyschopaths than other children. Just like Perry, no matter how soft and feminine kids appear, the worse treatment they receive at home, the more anger they bottle up inside.
    Mentions some of the physical and mental detriments of being raised in a neglectful home, and considering perry thought of himself as his fathers slave, it would be fair to say he was in some way shape or form neglected, and that even if the effects dont seem obvious they can effect social behavior...
Sarah Sch

(6) mental child abuse and neglect - 0 views

    "In addition, parents who psychologically abuse their children are often narcissistic (self-absorbed) and feel that raising children gets in the way of their own lives and the things they would rather be doing."
    "Families in which psychological maltreatment occurs are usually dysfunctional in some way and lack good communication skills. "
    This article further examines the effect of parental neglect on children and the potential causes of parental neglect. One leading cause of parental neglect is the resentment a parent feels due to the restrictions having a child places on their life. Another cause is the self-absorbedness of the parent. These two causes are seen with Perry's mother and father. Perry's father neglects Perry's needs as a child when he drags Perry from town to town on his own whim.
Evan G

Discrimination against blacks linked to dehumanization, study finds - 1 views

  • many Americans subconsciously associate blacks with apes.
  • society is more likely to condone violence against black criminal suspects as a result of its broader inability to accept African Americans as fully human, according to the researchers.
  • stressed that dehumanization and animal imagery have been used for centuries to justify violence against many oppressed groups.
    Although this doesn't 100% directly address IM himself, this study by Stanford has swagger! It's a direct, fascinating study which ought to disappoint whites with their own behavior. Apparently, the majority of whites relate blacks to apes and gorillas, which is not only disrespectful, but also dehumanizes them. As a result, by likening blacks to animals, more whites are prone to tolerate anti-black violence, or, at least the usage of cruel words, such as Nigga, which offend and further dehumanize African Americans.
Evan G

Books of the Times - 1 views

  • befuddled hero's adventures among the "brothers" area fine demonstration of thought control, party discipline, duplicity and treachery.
  • But his role as a man acted upon more often than acting, as a symbol of doubt, perplexity, betrayal and defeat, robs him of the individual identity of the people who play a part in his life.
    Discusses the Brotherhood's effects upon IM. Although supposedly designed to boost visibility and rights of black men, the party really only bends the thoughts, discipline, and lives of its followers to its own gain. Like Bledsoe, the Brotherhood bleeds the black men dry in order to keep them oppressed, while the top Brothers, white brothers, profit and thrive.
Evan G

What makes Ellison's Invisible Man Invisible? // - 1 views

  • The white people of the nation, especially in the South, see the narrator as subhuman - to them, the narrator is a worthless piece of trash
  • What will a black child think if, while growing up, the slogan, "If you're white, you're right" becomes embedded in his mind?
  • At the same time, though, Jack sees the narrator as little more than a tool and cares only that he can assist his organization, the Brotherhood.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Indeed, the narrator is becoming someone else – the man the Brotherhood wants him to be
    This source discusses the dehumanization of IM. Constantly, people use IM for their own benefit, and manipulate him to do their will. He is seen as an asset, even by the Brotherhood, the very organization which is supposed to be fighting invisibility. Over time, his identity is so manipulated and bent to the will of others that by the epilogue, IM has lost track of who he himself is supposed to be.
Evan G

Is The White Man The Devil? - 0 views

  • You so-called Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans has allowed an enemy to control your mind. You have allowed a devil to control your mind.
  • The so-called white man decides what is taught to you in school and these so-called institutions of higher learning
  • You Blacks and Hispanics are killing each other in the ghettos now because this white devil has you one against the other and his ways have become your way.
    Like the pre-Mecca Malcolm, this guy rages against whites, calling us the devils, just like Malcolm X! He brings up valid points regarding the mind control enforced by whites upon other minorities. Whites rule the education systems of America, as well as most of the media, so it is easy for them to decide what to teach to other races. Also, as blacks and other minorities acclimate and Americanize, they lose the sense of their own culture, and are 'whited out' so to speak.
    Not all of "us" are white!
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