Android Essentials: Creating Android-Compliant Libraries - Tuts+ Code Tutorial - 1 views
Kiran Kuppa on 23 Jun 14For a library to be compatible with Android, it can only reference classes available as part of Android and other classes implemented specifically in the library itself.Android Libraries can contain Java classes, resources, and other project information, but not assets. They can reference other libraries and leverage third party JAR files. They have Android manifest files just like regular Android projects. However, they differ from normal Android projects in an important way: they cannot be compiled into their own application packages or deployed onto devices. They can also not be exported as standalone JAR files. Once referenced from an Android project, the library components are incorporated into the Android application that references them at build time and added to the application package. There is no need to declare the component as the library classes are rolled into the APK directly. In terms of compatibility, the Android project must have an API Level higher than or equal to the API Level set in the Android library.