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Eumom Louise

For You | After Childbirth | Pelvic Floor Exercises | Eumom - 0 views

    Many women find they leak urine especially after having a baby, and part of the reason could be weak pelvic floor muscles. Ideally, you should start these pelvic floor exercises while you are pregnant, if not before. Doing pelvic floor exercises helps your muscles to stretch during labour and spring back into shape afterwards.
Eumom Louise

For You | After Childbirth | Pampering | Eumom - 0 views

    It's amazing how relaxing an aromatherapy bath can be. Once your baby is fed and asleep, run yourself a bath with a few drops of your favourite essential oil and relax. Forget about the pile of ironing that needs to be done or the housework you didn't have time for: these things are not important.
Eumom Louise

For You | After Childbirth | Relaxation | Eumom - 0 views

    Your new baby is the centre of your world and you'll be totally preoccupied with catering for his/her needs. Don't overlook your own needs, however. Feeling good about how you look is important, so make the time to pamper yourself a little - you deserve it.
Eumom Louise

For You | Preparing Your Home | Eumom - 0 views

    There's so much to think of and plan when you are preparing to bring your tiny new baby home. How should you decorate the baby's room? How do you make sure it is safe and child friendly? What kind of furniture, cot and feeding chair to buy?
Eumom Louise

For You | New Mom Tips | Mother Knows Best | Eumom - 0 views

    Now that you're a mum, don't miss out on the reassurance and advice your mother and/or your mother-in-law can offer. After all, years of experience bringing up babies and children must count for something! But what happens when your views are poles apart? Does mother really know best?
Eumom Louise

For You | New Mom Tips | Bonding | Eumom - 0 views

    All women feel differently after giving birth, and while some bond with their baby at first sight, others may not experience this initial attachment and love, possibly because they are just so tired, or feel a bit under the weather or tearful.
Eumom Louise

For You | New Mom Tips | Single Mother | Eumom - 0 views

    If you're a single mother, then there may be times when you'll find it difficult to cope without the benefit of an extra pair of hands. The demands on a single parent can be quite high, and you may also feel sad about not being able to share the magic moments that you have with your baby with a partner.
Eumom Louise

For You | Body & Childbirth | Bleeding | Eumom - 0 views

    Although vaginal bleeding occurs in up to 20-25% of pregnancies in the first trimester, in over 50% of these cases the pregnancy can advance successfully and result in the birth of a healthy baby.
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