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Jeremy Vogel

Texas judge warns of civil war if Obama is re-elected - - 8 views

    (CNN) -- An elected county judge in Texas is warning that the nation could descend into civil war if President Barack Obama is re-elected, and is calling for a trained, well-equipped force to battle the United Nations troops he says Obama would bring in.
    I'm honestly not sure whether at should laugh or cry because of this ridiculousness. So Obama is going to take over the U.S., but then he's going to "give the sovereignty of the United States away to the United Nations." Because that's what the UN does, right? It governs countries? And who exactly are Obama's "czars?" "He's got his czars in place that don't answer to anybody." I don't know if it's more worrying that Judge Head believes Obama is planning to become dictator of the U.S., or that he doesn't realize that he's implying Obama's czars don't listen to Obama, which would really mean that they are trying to take over the U.S., not Obama. And people in Texas actually support/believe this man? All I can say is that I'm glad I wasn't born in Lubbock County.
Cameron Pick

Social Security may be cut if you owe student loans - 2 views

    This kinda makes sense to do, but the people who are getting their money pulled out might not agree
    I think that it makes sense, because the money they couldn't pay at first can be put towards it now.
    I understand if they take it out to pay for your loans but if you're getting money taken away just to be taken away then I think it's wrong and should be put to good use.
jared thompson

Olympic Medal tax - 5 views

    I think its a good incentive to award money to the athletes who win. I also agree that they should not have to pay taxes because they earned that money fair and square!
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    I like how there is an incentive for athletes to win medals, but i don't think that it is right because these athletes are already competing against the best athletes in the world and if they medal in their event they are one of the best in the world. And in my mind that is all that i need as an athlete is to be known as one of the best in the world at what i do.
    Money is and always will be a good incentive to win, and taxing them is just stupid because they've have to train all their lives to do what they do, but the U.S. is still in some major debt and its only 10% so i am in for the taxes
    I think they should be taxed just like any other persons paycheck. They shouldn't be taxed any differently just because they won the Olympics.
Bryan Pregon

Privacy and Security Fanatic: Mobile Phone Surveillance Out of Control: Cops Collected ... - 5 views

    i do not think that cell phones should be watched by the police unless they have a good reason.
jared thompson

Illegal immigrants could reap more than $7B in tax credits this year, senator says - 1 views

    Illegal immigrants could receive more than $7 billion this year in federal tax credits, according to one estimate, thanks to a loophole in the law that allows them to reap the government payments with no questions asked. Sen.
    Though illegal immigrants are prohibited from receiving similar tax credits, a quirk in the law allows them to qualify for the child tax credit. And it's a "refundable" credit, meaning recipients can reap the money -- with average checks totaling about $1,800 -- even if they've paid no taxes
Jakson Cole

CNN 2012 Electoral Map -- Elections & Politics from - 6 views

    The CNN Electoral Map is CNN's best estimate of the key states that will likely decide the 2012 presidential election. The map will be updated as the campaign progresses. Use the map to predict which candidate will win each state and see who reaches 270 electoral votes first.
    This is a great example of how the upcoming election will be decided. Take a look at Iowa (one of the few states where the race is too close to call) Iowan voters will really count this election!
    Seniors this is our year to vote! our next four years of American Government is entirely up to you and who you vote for or if you vote at all. Get Obama out of office and please get someone better in. I Know that every vote counts, especially yours.
Bryan Pregon

ยป NYT Admits Every Major News Organization Allows News To Be Censored By Gove... - 0 views

    I think that there should be no problem with what they say getting out into the public. Why should they be censored when we are trying to know what kind of a person they are?
    I agree, this degree of censoring isn't just. Where's our First Amendment? And if a government official changes a quote later, then that just means they are not being genuine all the time.
    I also agree, when it comes to government officials telling the public their viewpoint, nothing should be censored or revised. The people want to know the truth, no matter what side their on. Politicians are well known as liars and crooks, why does it have to be that way?
Jeremy Vogel

What's wrong with Congress? It's not big enough - 4 views

    "But how did our national legislature get to the point where only 10% of Americans approve of its actions?" "The answer: Congress no longer represents the will of the people, and it hasn't for a very long time."
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    With the way this is set up, i think its a well though out article. at first, i thought more people, more power, but its really to let the little guy have a voice, which i think is the biggest problem with the government today. A lack of connection.. Anybody agree with that?
    George Washington warned us in his farewell address to avoid political parties. Now look at where they have gotten us. A House and Senate gridlocked in a partisan conflict in which none of the average people they are supposed to represent are even acknowledged.
    I agree with the general idea of this. I think a Congress of 3,000 people is extreme, but I definitely agree that Congress should be expanded. We have a populations of over 300 million and only 435 people in the House, and that proportion is pretty ridiculous. There is definitely a lack of connection between representatives, because it is impossible to connect with nearly a million people.
    The problem with this is that at this point it may be too late to get a smooth, efficient transition to any other form than the one we have, and the few ways there are to acheive this goal either involve massive chaos, which most find undesireable, or change so slow that we will never be satisfied with the transition's results, whether they achieve our preferred outcomes. Also, the shift could cause exploitation of congress that would be even worse for the people than our current predicament. So really, we are almost as well off just starting from the roots and reconstructing in the new way, despite the many downsides.... At least as far as I can tell. I can't say I have given the topic much thought.
    I agree with the article and these comments because the House is supposed to represent "normal" Americans and and they wouldn't be able to do that with so few representatives.
    Alex I have to disagree that the few ways to do this would cause chaos or move slowly. With the current setup we redraw districts and move them from one state to another based on population data received from the census every ten years. So lets say that today we decide to double the number of representatives to 870 starting in 2020 (the next census year). That would mean we would have 8 years to figure out the math, which can't be all that difficult in my opinion if they are able to do it every ten years when they redistrict, to find out how many congressional districts each state gets. Then when the new state district maps are drawn in 2020 after the census instead of drawing 435 districts we would draw 870. This way could work because we already move districts from state to state with population changes so states have experienced additional congressional districts being added to their district maps. I hope this made sense, it did in my head.
    It did in fact make good sense. I concede that the physical transition, so to speak, would be fairly simple, however I am more concerned that the math would not be that simple to adjust and still aquire the desired results. I can't say that I have a lot of reasonably credible sources, but as a citizen, my concerns would be that the transition would just cause the same issues, but with twice the ammount of people being paid to do the job. As far as I could tell, there is no way to be certain that the adjustment would work as desired, so my question is: do you have a method that would ensure that we would not just be paying twice the price for the same job with the comfort of more poeple doing it? I don't think I saw anything regarding that, so I hope that is a reasonable question.
    I think Congress is just bossy............ that is why they are not big enough..
Jese Ramos

Julian Assange- our latest reality show - 3 views

    By Steve Doughty PUBLISHED: 11:50 EST, 20 August 2012 | UPDATED: 11:50 EST, 20 August 2012 Julian Assange, the far left's answer to Jason Bourne, remains holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy, as far as we know.
Bryan Pregon

US debt visualized: Stacked in $100 dollar bills @ $16.394 Trillion Dollars (Debt Ceiling) - 2 views

    "US Debt Visualized in $100 BillsUnited States owes a lot of money. As of 2012, US debt is larger than the size of the economy. The debt ceiling is currently set at $16.394 Trillion, estimated to be hit around Sep 14, 2012. "
Bryan Pregon

President Obama Signs the Honoring America's Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Famil... - 1 views

    Second, the law prohibits protests at military funerals in the two hours immediately prior to and following a military funeral -- a measure, the President said, that will ensure that our servicemembers get laid to rest with "the utmost honor and respect."
Bryan Pregon

You only see what others want you to - 2 views

    You only see what others want you to
Bryan Pregon

Admiral General Aladeen on dicatorships vs democracy - YouTube - 0 views

shared by Bryan Pregon on 26 May 12 - No Cached
Bryan Pregon

Despite Objections, Prayer At Graduation Still On - 4 views

    If people feel uncomfortable praying at the graduation, then they can just not pray. They can be respectful of those who are. That is their right.
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    Doesn't sound like too many people objected, but I defiantly would.
    I think that's pretty cool, I also think it's something they should keep doing because its not like you have to do it. You can just sit their and close your eyes.
    It is your choice whether you pray at graduation or not. If you believe you should, then pray. If not, then don't do it.
    What if some one holds beliefs different from yours? If someone wanted a prayer in Hindi or Arabic, would you allow that too? What if some one followed the occult, could they then conduct a pagan ritual in front of the graduating class? Equal voice or no voice. A prayer that makes no reference to no one single religion, god, or culture is the only acceptable one.
    i agree with seamus. they do have the right and if they are not for it then you don't have to to do it.
    I think it should be your choice and if you want to you can and if you dont then you dont have to
    I want there to be a prayer that revolves around the teachings of the Satanic Bible, and any one who objects can choose not to participate while those who want to, can assist in singing the praises of the Church of Satan and our Lord Satan. It's only fair that we do both, right? That's what everyone else has been saying.
    seems fair to me, not a fan of it tho.
    Kevin does have a point... but I feel like if they would like some different form of prayer or praise, then they have the right to have that prayer, and the others should be respectful. Not saying I agree with Satanic practices at all, but they do have rights too. So if they want different ones, they should request them.
Christina Constant

First Thoughts: Bain returns - 0 views

    Bain returns as a campaign issue with new Obama TV ad... A tale of two commencement speeches: Obama gives address at Barnard College at 1:10 pm ET, while Romney spoke on Saturday at Liberty University... Team Romney targets deficit and spending... The boo birds: Pa ...
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