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Fatal Cop Shooting of Teen in Berkeley, Missouri Sparks Clashes - 24 views

    Although death is always sad, they recovered a handgun at the scene so the kid wasn't innocent obviously, and if people wont accept that he wasn't innocent that's there point of view and that's them but they cant go starting like a racism war because of that. Theirs facts then there's the like made up and some people find it hard to see which ones which
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    I don't think the people of Berkeley, Missouri had a right to protest against the shooting of teenager, Antonio Martin. In the video the teen was armed and aiming at the police officer so the officer did what he had be trained to do. Like the mayor of Berkeley says, "Some people die because the policeman initiated. Some people die because they initiated it. And at this point, our review indicates that the police did not initiate this".
    The boy that was killed had a weapon on him, and the video does show him raise his hand at the end, but there's no reason they should start a riot, he was in the wrong.
    The rioting over this is ridiculous, before making such actions and accusing the wrong person is very naive and immature I think. These people did not know the truth, they just assumed because of what happened in Ferguson. Ultimatly the officer was defending himself, the boy pulled the gun on him first. This was purely an act of self defense, there is no reason for rioting.
    It is always a tragedy when a young person dies especially when it happens like this. I understand that people are mad and have the right to have freedom of speech, but they weren't there and they also have to look at the evidence. A handgun was recovered from the scene. The cop did what was needed and probably feels bad enough that this happened he doesn't need more people to tell him he was wrong. People need to look and listen before they go and riot.
    It's unfortunate that this shooting happened so close to Ferguson, if it hadn't I don't think there would have been such a big riot. But I don't see the police officer being at fault since there was a gun. I agree with the article when it says there are no winners going out of this
    The cop maybe could have settled the situation differently, but the rioting and throwing bricks and setting a fire work off near a gas station is unacceptable. You can protest all you want but you can't hurt the people that are trying to protect you.
    It's unfortunate that these types of riots are happening and it's to blame on race and ignorance. It's also sad it happened so close to Ferguson, but in this case the boy clearly wasn't innocent himself. The young boy had a gun on him and did raise his hand, and an officer will go to any lengths to defend himself and other citizens around. There shouldn't be riots over this situation because the boy was in the wrong. Not every situation that involve two different colored people is unjust because of race.
Bryan Pregon

Wearing a mask at a riot is now a crime - Canada - CBC News - 1 views

    "A bill that bans the wearing of masks during a riot or unlawful assembly and carries a maximum 10-year prison sentence with a conviction of the offence became law today."
Bryan Pregon

George Floyd killing: Minneapolis on edge again as historic trial set to begin | George... - 4 views

    "One of the most significant police trials in US history begins on Monday and as the former officer who killed George Floyd stands before a judge, a jury and the world, many in Black communities in Minneapolis are braced against the dread of justice not being served."
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    I think that if the officers don't get sentenced the correct amount of time they deserve, more protests could break out and many people will be upset.
    I think no matter what happens there will always be a protest or riot no matter what the decision is. The topic is so controversial that people will do anything to try and make their opinion right.
    No matter what people are going to be upset. Protests and riots will take place all over the country. There are so many different opinions and there will be so many clashes of opinions. I'll be interested to keep an eye on the news and what's going on, especially in bigger cities where the protests got kind of wild.
    I think that no matter what happens people will be upset and will want to protest and riot. There will be no decision that can please everyone therefore there won't be an end to this any time soon.
Payton Whiteaker

Gaming causing issues - 1 views

    There is a game called League of Legends that was developed over 2 years ago. This game is gaining massive popularity, primarily because those who succeed enough at this game get payed to play. For example, George Liu, a 23 year old resident of California makes over 500 dollars a day to play this game for 6 hours a day, 4-5 days a week. This is not even the highest they pay. Similar to sports, this is a team game. Recently, like all sports, they began to hold a 3 week "season playoff" game in which the winning team would receive 1 million dollars (Split between 5 people), and anyone who made it to the finals, left with at least 5 grand in there pocket, not to mention an all expenses payed trip to 3 locations in which they would host the game play. Sounds like fun right, getting payed to play a game you like? What's not fun, cheating. North America's #1 team was eliminated the first game, by the Korean team. Many claim the game play to be unfair, claims of map hacking, and many other claims of cheating have been made. So, an internationally popular game is taking away prize money which will be donated to charity, but the issues of this are so dramatic. So many opinions have been formed, that this is getting a little out of hand, over a game.
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    This is interesting... There are a couple of games that have done promotions where players can make money by playing, however I rarely hear about a game that does anything even remotely close to this. From reading the report/official ruling, there was a lot of screen hacking going on. I'm not really sure why it is possible for the players to screen hack, (aka screen cheating) but I suppose it is possible that there is a good reason. I will have to look into this in more depth to see what all is going on, but this strikes me as extremely interesting.
    I find it interesting that there are over 11million accounts active every month, and more then half of them are from America. This means that about about 1 in every 56 people play this game in the united states. Knowing that this is expanding, (And 11million accounts before published in the popular game informer magazine) I am curious to see if this game is going to cause some sort of international relations to develop, for better or worse. It would be interesting to say the least, that gaming fixed the issues between north and south Korea, primarily since both countries were in the season finals for this game.
    That would be pretty interesting to read in a history book, but from the way this article sounds, it seems like the game could only make international relations worse, assuming the different countries were on different teams. (I suppose were they a single team, it could certainly bolster better relations of a few nations)
    i think its crazy how much funding there is toward this game. i can understand the riot because people can get passionate about anything, but they're spending a lot just for a single game.
    It's a world-wide competitive game. I mean, I see football players making more then these guys are giving away. Alex, the American teams nationality was from the same nation that had beat them.

Baltimore mom smacks masked son amid riots - - 1 views

    In video captured by CNN affiliate WMAR, the woman is seen pulling her masked son away from a crowd, smacking him in the head repeatedly, and screaming at him. As he tries to walk away, she follows him, screaming, "Get the f--- over here!" Eventually, he turns toward her, his face no longer covered.
Sydney Wilson

Michael Brown's stepfather sorry for outburst - 20 views

    (CNN) -- Michael Brown's stepfather says he's sorry for his emotional outburst to demonstrators after learning a police officer wouldn't be indicted in the teen's death. But he says he's unfairly taking heat for the rioting that followed.
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    While i disagree with everything that is going on in Ferguson, I think it is very nice that he apologized, i really understand his anger not because of the courts decision but just the main fact him stepson is dead. I can't say i could react any other way.
    I think that if Michael Brown's stepfather could say that he's sorry for saying those things because he cares a lot about Ferguson that he doesn't want it to go down in flames then they could stop having this uncivilized riots it won't do anything except get yourselves in trouble.
    I understand the reasoning behind his apology, and why he shouldn't have acted the way he did. I don't think anybody would've acted any different if their stepson had died. Now granted they did take things a little too far, but it was only out of anger and "raw emotion" as Louis Head stated.
    He shouldn't have said what he did, even though he was emotional for the decision about the indictment of officer Wilson, and he realizes that, but people do things on their own he didn't physically make them set fires. So, he shouldn't be blamed for what others did.
    I think the apology was appropriate as well as needed. I believe in him coming out and saying this will be the beginning of the decrease in Ferguson.
    The emotional outburst is understandable, but to have such an outburst that it can be threatening, is too far. I'm glad he apologized, but he should of never said those threats in the first place.
    I think that is was good to apologize. Everyone does speak out of anger and in this situation I'm sure a lot of people are speaking out of anger. Almost everyone is acting out of anger right now.
Bryan Pregon

Acquitted again by Senate, Trump still a powerful force in Republican politics | Reuters - 31 views

    There are MANY issues to discuss in this article. Now that the Impeachment trial is finished, I am interested to see what your thoughts on this process are and if you have any predictions of the future of politics for Donald Trump and the Republican party!
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    Because of all of the people who are in the Republican party, and very strong with their beliefs in this party, I feel that future elections are going to have more Republican votes and we will have the same thing happen with what happened with Donald Trump. I feel that Trump will make some sort of comeback with his belief that the election was rigged with the fact he did not "win" and will make another appearance in politics or any other form of big media.
    The Republican Party is a joke. Over the past four years, it has turned into the party of Trump and little else. I fully expect, nothing else considered, that he will run for president again in 2024. Unfortunately, politics aren't much better on in the Democratic party. Due to the influx of "Never Trump" Republicans being welcomed with open arms into the Democratic Party, they've been shoved further to the right than ever before. America lacks an opposition on anything but optics. I expect American politics to take a hard right-wing turn in the next few years, or at minimum America's swing to the right will continue in full-force.
    I fully expect Trump to run again for president in 2024 as well as an exponential amount more in votes towards the republican party.
    I will expect Trump to run again in 2024 if or after the people see that voting him out of office goes and if they like this better then i dont think he will.
    I expect that Trump will more then likely end up running for president again. You can see that the people currently in power don't want that because of how hard they are trying to impeach him so he can't run again.
    I think that the amount of power he has over the republican party is insane. It makes sense that a lot of Republicans would vote for him but because the ones that went against him received immediate backlash it makes me wonder if truly people voted for what they truly wanted or ensure that they still had a positive image.
    i think trump is smart enough to know that he does not have a chance of winning in 2024. I also disagree with Brandon, saying the republican party is a joke could make a few people mad, that would be like saying the democratic party is full of snow flakes. these are people beliefs while we may have different ones we still need to respect one another. Respect is key in this world its time we start showing some.
    I think Trump did a lot of monumental things throughout his presidency (not all for good reasons). Although I wouldn't doubt him to run again for president in the future I think he knows he wouldn't win. I think he has caused problems that will last for years to come. Trump holds a lot of power within the Republican party and has always made sure it's been known. I think people are genuinely scared of him due to the power he holds. I don't want someone running my country that is feared by its people.
    I agree with everyone who says that Trump will likely try to run again at some point. When he left office, he even said something about how he would try to be in politics later again. He still has a lot of supporters who will try to get him into office. However, if he didn't win this election, especially against Biden, I don't think he'll win another. In 2024, most Gen Zs will be able to vote, and based on what I've seen on social media, a lot of young people are not agreeing with Trump. Therefore, I doubt he would win popular vote and- most likely- he won't win electoral vote either.
    Great to read comments so far... does anyone want to give thoughts on whether you think the Republican party leaders will embrace the Trump voter-base to avoid having him run as a third party in 2024 (which could split the support they need to defeat Democrats)
    I think the Republican Party will be forced to embrace the Trump voter-base. If Trump was to create his own party, I think there's a very real possibility it could become more popular than the republican party. As the article stated, 70% of Republicans believed that Trump being acquitted was the right decision which is a very large majority. This alone shows that he still has a lot of his influence in the party, but his run as a republican president was marked by him tailoring the party to fit around him and not necessarily the actual ideals of the Republican party. The amount of people he got to to the capitol off of just one rally illustrates their attachment to him rather than the party. So if Trump was to detach himself from the party then since his voter-base is attached to him rather than the party they would very likely come with him and undoubtedly take an irreparable number of voters from the republican party, but in worst-case scenario takes a majority leaving Trump on top of the Republican party.
    I disagree with what Jackie said about how Trump won't have a chance against Biden in the next election because in the past president Stephan Grover Cleveland served two term that were not consecutive. So it is possible it's probably just more difficult.
    I think that Trump is going to run again maybe in the next election, saying he'd be in politics again in the future. He just made a mess of everything, if he does run again, I doubt he'd become president since this election showed there were more people against him rather than with him. This whole impeachment thing is just whack.
    I don't completely understand the Freedom of Speech compared to the Inciting of a Riot. I think that what he said invited the people to the capital and was inciting it, but if you compare that to having the freedom of speech, then why can he say this and not get in trouble. Anyways, even if he hadn't completely incited the riot, he was continuously tweeting about how the "patriots" were doing nothing wrong... okay... His video which he had released was considerably compared to someone speaking to children reminding them that he "loved" them and to be safe. He was trying to "cover" it up by putting out the video by making it seem as if there were no consequences to their actions and to just leave as if what they weren't doing was illegal. I think that if the voters were able to vote anonymously, that the outcome would have definitely turned out much different.
    i agree with the people saying trump will try to run again but i think his chances of winning are very low despite the fact that he still has tons of supporters. i think the only way trump would win is if Biden really messed things up in these next four years.
    I would not be shocked if Trump runs again but it might be a little harder for him. We will see how Biden does for the next four years. If he does goof things I'm guessing more people will like him more.
    I agree with the people saying that Trump will run for president again in 2024. He may have a lot of people that hate him, especially people of power that influence the majority of people, but he has many supporters as well. This makes his chances of winning lower. But also, I think that by that time more people may choose him after Biden being president because already, people regret voting for him after new revelations.
    The reason Donald Trump has so much power and influence over the Republican party is that to republicans he was the last "hope" with the Bush's not being eligible and with no predecessors, Trump was easily able to take the spot of the GOP frontrunner in the 2016 election and with a very split four years that brought the country to more diverse levels(falls on both party lines) Trump's impact was easily picked up by republicans, look at MO Sen. Hawley who was one of the congressional leaders on Jan. 6th who voted to overturn the election results and the impeachment trial just recently. No matter if Trump runs we know he will stay in the political light and his influence will be heavily given to republicans in congress and the GOP front runner for 2024 wont be to far from Trumps ideology.
    I also agree with the ones saying that Trump has extreme power over the Republican party. We all know he said he was going to try again to get back on the reelection path. He might be very supported by his own party but it doesn't mean that others will
    I agree that Trump will run for president in 2024. But even though he has power over the Republican party, I think it'll be harder for him to win. After the whole situation with the capital building, I think some of his supporters have been rethinking their support of him.
    I agree that Trump will run for president when he gets the chance again but it is hard to say if he will even be president again after what he did with the capital.
    Trump said he will be running for president in 2024. I believe it's going to be hard for him to win After the capital situation because it showed he's not accountable for his actions
Bryan Pregon

Obama's candid reflections on race - - 7 views

    "A majority of Americans now say relations between blacks and whites have worsened since Obama took office."
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    I don't agree with this quoted statement because as bad as racism use to be, it has gotten better for sure. There will never be peace between blacks and whites, but there is a certain level of being equal either way.
    I don't think that all republicans were against Obama solely because of his race, some people did just disagree with him. However, I do think that some people did take that into play. In the article a close representative said 'He recalled a moment when a powerful Republican said to him, "you know, we don't really think you should be here, but the American people thought otherwise so we're going to have to work with you.""
    I disagree with this quote because I don't not believe racism has gotten worse since a time period like 1960. The problem is that the media has gotten so corrupt it makes it seem that way.
    I believe it has worsened since he has been in office. With a black president it kind of gives them a better chance to protest. I believe once Donald Trump is president they would have less a chance and less riots.
    I think that the tension between blacks and whites haven't got any better since Obama entered office, but the relations between blacks and whites now are better than they have ever been in America.
    I feel like race is only a problem when an incident has been taken out of proportion, if something happens to a white person not many people care but if a black person gets hurt everybody goes crazy, so people just need to chill, people normally don't intentionally try and hurt another person, accidents occur people just need to think more rationally rather than personally.
    I agree with Bradley. The relations between blacks and whites have gotten way better then what they used to be.
John Cooper

Riots in Cairo continue to threaten U.S. embassy - 1 views

    From what I have heard, the security at the embassy that the ambassador was killed in may or may not have been lacking, which would have been a major oversight.
Bryan Pregon

Government shutdown: What you need to know - - 1 views

    "Here's a quick Q&A to get you caught up on what happened on Monday and what to expect going forward."
    The way the U.S. is taking this really shows how much we rely on our government, and how much people take for granted in our every day lives. I'm surprised that there haven't been any major riots because of all the effects this could have if this shutdown continues.

After weeks of calm, Ferguson erupts again over burned memorial - 2 views

    (CNN) -- Five people were arrested as tensions flared again in Ferguson, Missouri, with people threatening officers, shooting at them, throwing rocks and bottles, and one person tossing a Molotov cocktail at a parking structure, police say. Two officers were injured, one struck by a rock below the eye, Capt.
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    I wondered what happen.
    I hope they(the looters) don't use this second riot to steal from uninvolved people again.
    Ever since this event had happened, has caused people to not be so trusting of police.

Ferguson Commission Shines Light On Racially Divided St. Louis - 3 views

    When Michael Brown was shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Mo., last August, his death set off riots and violence - and posed deep questions about race relations in America. The Ferguson Commission, appointed by Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon, was tasked with finding some answers.

Ferguson turns into tinderbox once again after new details leaked. - 0 views

    Brown's blood was found on officer Wilson's uniform and in the police car, which supports the claim that there was a struggle that justified use of deadly force. If there is not an indictment of the officer, there are fears that the riots in Ferguson will spiral out of control.

Shia LaBeouf Arrested After Allegedly Attacking 25-Year-Old During Anti-Trump Protest - 33 views

    Shia LaBeouf was arrested in New York early Thursday during a protest against President Donald Trump after he allegedly attacked a 25-year-old man - and video of the entire incident was posted online. The 30-year-old actor was taken into custody around 12:30 a.m.
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    Not only did Shia have the courage to do this, but he kept going which was his mistake, and all outside the museum with his art in it. This could lead to multiple up riots, maybe even more violence. But Shia got off about scott free.
    If you don't know the background of Shia, you wouldn't understand why he went off like that. First off, the man he was yelling at was a neo nazi. He had said 1488 which is a reference to Hitler and the holocaust. Shia is Jewish, his name literally means praise god in Hebrew. Shia may have gone too far if it were just a common mistake, but when your ancestors have been killed in WW2, you're not going to be happy. He shouldn't have been arrested, the white supremacist should've for representing hate.
    I agree with Deven the man was just picking a fight and he got exactly what he wanted, nothing against Shia.
    I think it was wrong for that person to say that to Shia LaBeouf, that guy just want to see how mad he would get, most did it on purpose.
    I think that the guy got what he deserved. Maybe Shia shouldn't be so aggressive towards opposing sides of politics, like supporters, protesters, ect, but you can't fix or control somebody else's behavior and beliefs. So, since the man was pushing Shia's rage on and on, Shia snapped, and I believe the man got what he deserved.
    Everyone has there opinions and beliefs obviously and everyone is not going to get along, when you act out and hurt people for expressing there opinions you cant expect to not get punished. Especially when your around lots of people, you can't expect to not do or say anything.
    Shia could've used less violence but in a way I don't blame him because the man was saying things that were really bad and offended shia.
    I agree with Deven and Sydney. The man was representing hate and picking a fight. Shia wasn't all innocent but I don't blame him for his actions
    This is an example of growing tension between groups. nation seems divided by pro and anti trump people. the fact that people are speaking their mind is a positive, the fact that our president is causing so much negative uproar so early into his term is a negative.
    him using violence only builds support towards the opposite cause.
    The young man was representing hate and picking a fight. Shia wasn't innocent but I don't blame him for what he did.
    I agree with Jake, this fight shows the nation being further separated between pro-trump people and anti-trump people.
    I agree with Lauren that the man was picking a fight and I also don't blame Shia for his actions either.
    I don't think it was right for Shia to do what he did but I don't blame him and I see why he did what he did.
    I think this is kind of stupid, Shia should have had the self control not to get into that type of interaction especially because he's a well known person it kind of puts a shadow over him in some ways
    Shia should of had some self control, but I see why he did it and don't blame him as well.
    I agree with Deven. The Neo Nazi was just trying to pick a fight because he knew Shia's background. I understand why Shia did what he did but maybe he does deserve some type of consequence for his actions. Even though the man was trying to pick a fight Shia could've easily just been the bigger person and should've had the self control to walk away.
    The man he attacked shouldn't have said what he said so I think Shia was justified to do what he did. The man was asking for it.
    I don't blame Shia for fighting this man. Shia could have taken care of it in a different manner but it was out of reaction and the man was pushing his limits. Shia should have not been taken into custody for this.
    I think he did nothing wrong, he was defending what he stood for and the Neo Nazi was saying unfair things.
    I think maybe hitting him was going far but he was telling this man to knock it off by what he did to him which is because ti disrupts the social environment. That wasn't the place for someone to talk about hitler and i think it was fine that he taught that man a lesson.
    I don't think Shia is wrong for fighting the man, but she could of did something different then fighting him.
    I agree with most of the comments above, The man that Shia attacked should have not said anything to him because the guy just wanted a reaction from him. Also Shia was in the wrong for attacking the man, he could have just walked away and not put his hands on the man.
    I believe that the comments of the man who claimed victim were wrong. However, everything comes down to perspective. The whole debate is whether or not Shia being arrested for assault was right or wrong. Both sides are at fault. Shia should have had more control especially due to his celebrity standing. Everything a celebrity does is under close inspection and is able to be blown way out of proportion. The man was obviously saying the things he was to get under Shia's skin. However, assaulting someone with physical scrathches being documented is immature. Be the bigger person and walk away.
    Shia LaBeouf attacked a 25-year old man for saying "Hitler did nothing wrong" outsid eo ghis museum. I believe he could have handled the situation better than the way he did, i understand he was sticking up for what he believes in but he could have approached the guy a different way.
    With all due respect, I don't believe that most people saying that he should react differently would handle the situation peacefully. You'd be outraged if there was a genocide of Christians that had happened not even a century ago, and a random stranger (knowing you are of that religion) said something similar to "Hitler did nothing wrong", you'd be livid. It is essentially implying "they deserved it." Yes, he has a right to share his opinion. But opinions are more along the lines of "I prefer coffee over tea", not "I think that Jews are less than human, therefore Hitler did nothing wrong because they deserve to die." But it's not simply that, it goes beyond the Holocaust. Jews were the world's scapegoat for CENTURIES before the Holocaust. They've been targeted for centuries, and if I were religious and devoted to my religion and somebody said that to me. I'd more than likely react the same way. Yes, Shia deserved to be punished, he assaulted the dude. But the other guy had it coming for egging him on at what was supposed to be a peaceful protest.
    I think the man was trying to pull a publicity stunt on the actor because he's aware of some of his past actions and he purposely tried to get a rise out of him. Was it legal? Yes. Was it Right? No
    I agree with Reed, the person did this to get a rise out of the actor.
    The protester was clearly trying to upset Shia enough for him to attack him. Because once that happened, he was arrested and it was put all over the news, making him look like he attacked an innocent person for absolutely no reason.
Bryan Pregon

Ban Trump? Not so fast. Florida is about to pass a law to stop Facebook and Twitter fro... - 11 views

    "Ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to… Football World Reacts To Michael Vick's Current 40 Time One of the nation's largest states is taking on Big Tech.  Pause Current Time 0:13 / Duration 7:08 Loaded: 7.04% Unmute 0 Fullscreen VP Harris speaks out in support of Newsom as he faces recall election Click to expand Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is likely to sign into law a bill that would prevent social media companies Facebook, Twitter and Google's YouTube from "deplatforming" politicians such as former President Donald Trump."
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    I disagree with the bill that prevents companies, such as Facebook and Twitter, from banning politicians. According to the bill, companies would have to notify people that their post will be removed/censored seven days before. I think that's too much time. The Capitol riot occurred within hours, not days. Also, it would also suggest that politicians are "special" and can get away with hateful posts for some time.
    I don't think they understand the first amendment only covers government institutions. They always site freedom of speech for things like this but companies have no reason to hold up that standard, they can censor any content they want because they aren't government institutions.
    I don't think this bill should be put in place. Like Jackie said, it makes it seem like politicians are special cases, and that they don't have to follow the online guidelines that we all follow.
    Florida shouldn't be able to control media outlets at all because they are all private entities that aren't affiliated with politics.
    I don't think that Flordia should be able to do this. They shouldn't be able to regulate what a privately own company does when a person using their product violates their rules.
    I completely agree with this idea. Social media cannot stop the president/ politicians from spreading their ideas and opinions as they shouldn't be able to for anyone else. They should get treated the same and if anything is better for us as people to see what they post and get better/ easier insights on their personal views. We have the right to know our president's views and they have the right to express them. Especially since so many people are on social media it helps educate people better than just reading what the news say that they say.
    I dont agree with this becuase it's dumb why would a state be able to control what a private owned company does or doesn't do.
Bryan Pregon

McConnell Votes To Dismiss Trump Impeachment Trial As Only Five Senate Republicans Side... - 10 views

    This process took too long to complete before Trump left office. Now some feel that finishing the Senate trial is a waste of time. What do you think?
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    McConnell is an utter ghoul. Trump, even in the long tradition of criminal presidents, is in a whole 'nother league, and absolutely should be tried for his many, many crimes. The idea that just because he's out of office shouldn't be a factor. That would be like saying a hitman shouldn't be tried for murder just because they quit.
    impeaching trump is only going to hurt the Biden admin, the first 100 days are they most important but now with the senate trial people are going to be more focused on that then the thing Biden is doing
    If you label Trump as a criminal then you would have to label every other politician as one as well. The fact that he's not in office not only makes him a civilian but trying him at the federal level, just to block him from running again in 2024 is pointless and a waste of congressional time. As well as the American government needs to put the focus on other things than an ex-politician, let's start worrying about getting money to the American people and getting vaccines out.
    If the Senate does not vote to impeach Donald Trump it will prove that a President has the power to do whatever he wants as long as his/her party is in the majority. Also, I know that if President Biden was to do the same thing and literally incite a riot on the Capitol then house republicans and republican voters would be calling for impeachment. No matter what party you are, doing what Former President Trump did is disgusting and justice has to be served.
    Just like the last impeachment, this one is a waste of time. We need to focus on the US and not Impeaching Trump. Given the current situation, we do not have the time to impeach Trump. If we impeach him it's going to be another 3 months of wasted time just like the last impeachment.
    I feel like people tend to judge Trump on how he acts rather than what he has done. Yeah he acts childish but if he's done good things why cant he be credited for it.
    I think they should not try impeaching again because now that Trump is out of office they don't have to worry about whatever he does. America has several other huge problems and needs to focus all of its attention on getting life back to normal before worrying about a man that's not in any federal position.
    Commenting of what ndvorak said here. I do, in fact, believe most politicians are criminals. Every politician that has not tried to use their powers to quell deaths during Covid, or tried to stop our shipments of weapons to Saudi Arabia, or tried to stop our use of drone warfare, they have blood on their hands.
Bryan Pregon

Donald Trump impeachment trial: what you need to know | US news | The Guardian - 1 views

    "Donald Trump's unprecedented second impeachment trial begins on Tuesday 9 February in the Senate. He is the first US president to be impeached twice, and it is the first time an impeachment trial has been held against a former president"
    In trumps rally he never openly said that his supporters should have stormed the capitol he said that they should "Fight like hell" and "Peacefully and "Patriotically Make your voices heard". A second impeachment isn't necessary.
    Um, I think a second impeachment is very needed. Trump may have done good for the economy and we can thank him for that, but as a person he is horrid. The thing he says, does, posts, etc, he acts like a little 14-year-old girl and I would rather my country not be run by a child. Him being impeached TWICE says enough. The things you have to do to be impeached even once..
Michael Keller

Kayleigh McEnany on 'lawless cities': Rare to hear Democrat governor 'nakedly admit to ... - 0 views

    This is pretty biased, but what do you think? I honestly just want the riots to stop, there's a big difference between peacefully protesting and exercising your amendments and burning down buildings and people's livelihoods for "justice".
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