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Derek Chauvin case: George Floyd honored in Minneapolisahead of trial - 17 views

    What do you guys think about this?
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    I think that they're doing an amazing job at peacefully trying to get justice for George Floyd, they mentioned a group called Mother's Love who were standing outside of the trial I think and were handing out flyers and offering emotional support.
    I'm glad that the trial is finally underway. I just wonder how they found unbiased members to make up a jury? You'd have to be living under a rock to have not heard about this case and formed some kind of opinion. While I do believe the officer is in the wrong, he still deserves the right to a fair trial, and I'm wondering how fair this trial will be since it's such a public matter and so personal to so many.
    I'm glad the trial is finally happening, I wonder if the person who shot George Floyd will be guilty
    I believe that George Floyd had an extremely unreasonable death and he didn't get his deserved rights. I also believe that a remembrance should be in order to remind us that we have protection against things like this.
    The continuous protest throughout the trial is something that is going to keep the light on this important issue. The trial is going to stay focused on and true justice will be served for George Floyd.
    I'm glad that they found the person that killed George Floyd guilty.
    I'm glad that they found the person that killed George Floyd and found guilty.
    It is good that he was convicted of all the crimes charged against him. I couldn't imagine the outcome being different.
    I'm glad that justice was served and that Derek Chauvin was convicted of all the crimes against him. Let's just hope that other people like George Floyd will get their justice too.
    I'm glad he was actually found guilty since there have been many times before where justice hasn't been served and they go free but this is good progress.
    It's good that he was found guilty, he 100% was guilty. George Floyd didn't have the greatest past but that was no reason enough for him to be murdered.
    I think it's good that he was finally found guilty. I'm glad that some justice was served in this case unlike many many others that deserve it.
    I think it's good that finally after a year Chauvin was finally found guilty, finally some justice.

Justice Department challenges North Carolina transgender law - - 3 views

    "The Justice Department has sent a letter to the North Carolina governor and state university system leaders notifying them that the state's transgender law violates the U.S. Civil Rights Act, according to a Justice Department official."
    North Carolina has set a new transgender law that prohibits people from entering a bathroom that is different from their biological sex. The Justice Department is challenging this law and how it goes with our nations rights.

Virginia move to abolish death penalty part of broader wave of change - - 27 views

    Do you guys think the death penalty should still be around?
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    It's hard to say because it's not right to take someone's life. I'm sure morality is a big part of why they're taking the death penalty away in Virginia. However, I've watch a lot of true crime shows to know that there are evil people in this world. Serial killers kill for fun and have no compassion for victims. It gets to the point where one wonders if they deserve their life because they've caused so much destruction. So, I guess, there's too many factors for me to have a set opinion.
    I do think that the death penalty still has its uses. Though it is still flawed the most recent method of lethal injection is still done incorrectly so I believe that once we find the most reasonable way it should be in play.
    There are so many different factors that go into whether the death penalty is appropriate or not. Part of me thinks that if you do something horrible enough it's fair for people to want to take your life in exchange for what was taken from them. But part of me says that it's the coward's way out, that rotting in jail for the rest of their life is better than being able to just die and get away from it. You look back on cases like that of Jeffrey Dahmer and think "wow, why didn't he get the death penalty?", but he was beaten to death by fellow inmates later on in his sentence, so either way he was going to die. You look back at Ted Bundy and the horrific murders that he committed and you're glad he got the death penalty, right? A life for a life, it seems fair. There are just so many things that go into it and it's so personal and complicated for everyone.
    I think that if somebody did something where they truly do deserve the death penalty then it should stick around for those terrible people who only harm society.
    I think the death penalty shouldn't be a thing anymore. Even this woman who lost her father at a young age doesn't want her father's killer to receive the death penalty. She wants justice, however not in the form of the death penalty. It should no longer exist anyway, it's cruel and people should have to pay for their crimes.
    I agree yet disagree with the death penalty. First, I would say that it would give certain families who are for it justice for loved ones that were lost or hurt. Second, I would say that it would prevent future crimes from occurring if that person only had received a life sentence. On the other hand, I would say it is an "easy out" and certain families could be against it for that reason. Additionally, if that person was wrongfully killed, that would be completely on the court system and no justice would be served, it would be a longer, more "drug-out" process.
    I agree with Allison. The killing of a perpetrator is not justice. The death penalty is outdated and should be abolished.
    I think the death penalty should still be a thing but I think that they need to change what crimes fit the death penalty.
    I think the death penalty should remain however I think it should only be if you killed another person on purpose or multiple people.
    I think it shouldn't be abolished because there are still many criminals out there that have done several bad things and but I also think that the death penalty should change the crimes it's in.
    I understand that there are bad people in the world and that the death penalty is sometimes used on those people. However, I believe that the death penalty is not morally right. The methods that are used can be flawed and not always go right. In the end, it's difficult to pick sides because I can see both reasons as to why it should or should not be used.
    I agree with Sydney, I don't think the death penalty is morally right. Even though there are awful people in the world, killing them doesn't bring justice to the people they've hurt.
    The death penalty I feel is an oxymoron on its own. How are you going to prevent killing by killing? It makes no sense. I feel if the crime was super severe, maybe the family of the family could come up with a punishment. I just don't think it should be allowed, especially if it is for a petty crime. We are the only developed nation in the world that still has the death penalty.
    They should punish the people that do bad things instead of giving them the death penalty because death is not scary
    I think that the death penalty is a sort of necessity. If we don't have it, then murders and serial killers will be able to live, even though they contribute nothing to society.
    I think that if someone committed a terrible crime such as murder or rape, the death penalty is reasonable. How can you let someone of that nature still live? I personally believe it would be giving them what they deserve, prevent it from happening again from that same person, and save jails money rather than basically giving them free food and shelter. Of course with major restrictions on why someone should get it, but I think it should most definitely still be around.
    I have mixed emotions about the death penalty. I know some families would consider the death penalty justice for those who have lost loved ones due to a murder or something of that sort. I also believe life in prison can have more of an effect on the person who committed the crime and they would have to think about what they did for the rest of their life knowing they will no longer have freedom. I don't really have a definite stance on the subject.
    I dont agree with the death penalty. I dont think that they should have the power to take someones life away. And in some cases people used be given death penalty for things that they did not even do. I think that a life in prison is would be better because the wont be free they wont have a life anymore and they will die there. and in my opinion that is a good punishment.
    I think the death penalty should still be around. There are some extremely disgusting or disturbing things that people could do that deserve death. The only problem is that they need to be 100% sure the person is guilty so they don't kill someone for no reason.
    I believe that the accused should be able to decide between life in prison or death in these situations.
    I think the death penalty should still be around. Personally if I had one of my family members killed I would want the killer to have to suffer for life in prison rather than not having to face their consequences. The death penalty is just way of reassurance to make sure they wont do anything bad again.
    I believe that the death penalty has its uses in certain situations like on terrorists or mass killers. It's simple they killed many and it shouldn't be allowed to happen again and that's the cruel but necessary action. If someone that I cared about was gone because of someone id want my peace.
    I think they should have kept it for certain times where it was the best course of action.
    I think that the accused should be able to choose between life in prison or the death penalty.
    they should not have the death penalty anymore. If someone does something really bad, they should get life in prison because they will forever suffer.

GOP Seeks Revenge on Pro-Equality Iowa Supreme Court Justices - 0 views

    Is it appropriate for the Legislator to "punish" the Judicial, or even the Executive, branch because of a disagreement in what is right or wrong? Is it appropriate to target only specific justices instead of applying the salary cut to all of the justices? I wonder if some of the legislators are holding on to this issue for longer than needed? The Varnum v. Brien decision was over four years ago, yet legislators are still trying to "punish" the justices for that decision.

Bus tour to oust gay marriage decision judge makes stop in Johnson County today - The D... - 3 views

    I'm glad that an organization like the Iowa Bar Association is standing up for Justice Wiggins and trying to inform people what a retention vote really should be about. It makes me wonder if the US Supreme Court would have made any of their unpopular decisions if they were to be put up for a retention election. I also commend Justice Wiggins and the other three Justices who where voted out last time for choosing not to campaign and keeping politics out of the judicial system as much as they can. I plan on voting to retain Justice Wiggins because I don't believe that he has done anything to lose his position as a Supreme Court Justice.

No, Justice Scalia, Overruling Roe, Criminalizing Sex and Killing Inmates Are Not 'Abso... - 2 views

    Conservative Justice Antonin Scalia routinely pretends that his approach to the law is merely to follow the clear language of the Constitution, and anyone who does not reach the same conclusions he does must be doing it wrong.
    Just.... Wow.... How can someone find the constitution so easy? Either, he has spoken to the dead and found out what the founding fathers believe on gay marriage, or he is inserting his own beliefs into this.

Justices see racism in inmate's death sentence - 4 views

    "The Supreme Court heard the first of several cases on its 2016 docket involving racial discrimination Wednesday and left little doubt: The justices know it when they see it."
    Buck needs better lawyers. I hope they do not execute him. I hope the justices can clear this up.
    It made me kinda angry when it said that he got a death sentence instead of life imprisonment,because he would be more dangerous in the future because he is black. That makes no sense to me. the color of your skin doesn't effect the person you are or at least it shouldn't. Any person can be violent.

Amy Coney Barrett: what will she mean for women's rights? | Law | The Guardian - 3 views

    I'm not surprised Trump decided Barrett was put for this spot. She's not preaching the same things Ginsburg did, Barrett's voice and privilege will not to justice for Ginsburg. That's honestly so disappointing.
    Barrett and Ginsburg are two totally different people and Trump had found that Barrett was best fit for this position. He has all of the power to do so and put whoever he feels has the best fit for this
    Ginsburg's voice and impact on America are tremendous and forever will be as is any Justice to hold the position of the supreme court. Barrett like any justice does her job serving the court, it shouldn't be a battle upon if one justice is better than the other or if Barrett taking the seat of Ginsburg was too soon or disrespectful when in reality the seat was going to be taken one of these days. Barretts did her job and although it might not be as impactful as Ginsburg she's doing what she was sworn in to do, serve the country and the constitution to its highest level.

Voters retain Justice David Wiggins - 0 views

    Voters retained Justice David Wiggins on the Iowa Supreme Court, following a heated campaign to remove him from the bench. Wiggins, 61, needed a simple majority of votes to stay on high court. With 83 percent of Iowa's 1,689 precincts reported, Wiggins had 54 percent.

Supreme Court divided on Obama's immigration actions - 1 views

shared by kadenroen on 19 Apr 16 - No Cached
    Conservative justices questioned Obama's authority to use executive actions to shield some 4 million undocumented immigrants from deportation. Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito seemed particularly concerned with language in the administration's guidance that said the program's recipients would be "lawfully present," which they suggested would contradict immigration law.

Justices to hear 'Hobby Lobby' case on Obamacare birth control rule - - 0 views

    "U.S. Supreme Court, in a high-stakes encore to the health care reform law known as Obamacare. The justices will hear oral arguments Tuesday in a dispute involving contraception coverage and religious liberty."

The Ethics Complaints Against Justice Brett Kavanaugh Were Dismissed - 0 views

    "A panel of judges concluded that Kavanaugh is no longer covered by the judiciary's disciplinary system now that he's a Supreme Court justice."

A heavily fortified Minneapolis awaits verdict in Chauvin trial - POLITICO - 14 views

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    Both side are going to pull their own narritive for who or what killed George Floyd however it is weird to see how the defense of the office pulled in the racial difference between the two.
    Justice has been served in this case but if there was true justice George Floyd would still be alive. This is a good step but it's not nearly enough.
    I don't think we should celebrate the bare minimum of putting away a murderer. While he is locked up, there are so many other's out there spreading the same harm and sharing the same narrative towards their fellow comrades. So many officers get away with a plethora of crimes, and some just stand by and watch. There can't be any"good ones" if they stand by and watch it happen without saying a word when they have the power to do so.
    I agree with Sarai. There is so much racism that takes place in the police force, the death penalty, the government, and our overall society. People have fought against racism for decades. And winning one case, while it may be a starting point, is not something to celebrate when people of color have struggled so much.
    I think it is good that we locked him up but I also think we need to do more about this kind of stuff. This stuff seems to happen often and something needs to be done about it.
    Something needs to be done, so something like this doesn't happen and more lives can be kept.
    The fact that a guilty verdict for Chauvin was even a surprise is a very bad thing it's good that there's finally some progress though.
    It seems like no one tried to help him, but that's what I'm thinking about from reading this passage.
    I personally don't understand how people thought he would be not guilty. There is so much evidence proving him guilty, yet many were still shocked. My primary issue with the case is how it took someone to be killed for light to be shed on racism. There isn't complete justice, but we are getting pushed in the right direction.
    It's obvious that this man needed to be punished for his actions and no one should be shocked. Watching the video of George Floyds last few minutes was awkward and seemed inhuman and could have easily had been stopped regardless of the struggle he was giving or the drugs he was on, that officer killed him. He spent the last few minutes of a precious life begging for mercy and that was it. So Chauvin is getting the treatment anyone else would get.
    It is crazy how some people do not see Chauvin in the wrong. This was complete discrimination against him and this should not have happened. Punishments are necessary for him and he took a life from a family that could never be given back or forgiven, when he could've handled the situation in a more fair, civil way.

Justices will soon decide whether to take up same-sex marriage appeals - - 7 views

    I'm not sure if we as a society, are prepared for such a big idea to be handled. The Justices are going to, if they take up the case, make some major leaps and bounds for the community, or pretty much end same sex marriage. If the court does take up the case, I am going to want to follow it extremely closely.
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    I think that it is time for the Supreme Court to rule on this issue. This is an issue that is important to a minority group that has never really been ruled on by the Supreme Court. I personally want to see how the Court applies the Loving v. Virginia case to one or all of the cases they may hear. I just don't expect anything until after the election in November because it has become an important issue this election cycle. Payton I don't think that the Supreme Court could end same-sex marriage. Marriage licenses are left up to each individual state and I can't imagine any possible outcome that would result in the Supreme Court taking away a State's right to issue a marriage license to whoever they want to grant a license to. I can see them saying there is no right to marry at the federal level or that the Federal Government doesn't have to recognize same-sex marriages but I don't see them telling states that they can't issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple if the state wants to.
    Jeremy, what I am saying is that same sex marriage, if ruled against, will have almost no chance of reversing the choice for a very long time. Based upon our constitutional values though, I doubt that they will rule in favor of those that oppose same sex marriage though.
    I'm still like . . . trying to figure out why exactly some people hate the idea of gay marriage so much and want to make sure that it's not legal. I mean, even if it's for religious reasons, like their religion doesn't support gays and lesbians, it's not like they would be getting married in their church or that they even want to. It doesn't affect those against gay marriage at all. It really only affects gays and lesbians and it makes them happy.
    I think whatever the outcome and effects of the ruling will be a new direction in our lives as Americans. I'm interested in how this will effect us in the future.
  • I know I got a little confused about why some people think same sex marriage marriage is bad and I found this to be very helpful in understanding it.
    I, myself, do not agree with gay marriage, or being gay at all. But that is my personal beliefs. I don't want people to try to tell me that I'm wrong, because I'm not saying I am right. I know this is a big issue in the U.S and it does need to be addressed, but I do think it is more of a state issue. As for gay marriage, it will probably be passed to be legal, and that's fine because it really doesn't affect me, I am straight. But from a conservative viewpoint, here is why some don't agree with gay marriage, not just because of religion. It is because it defeats the whole sacredness marriage was and still is meant to be. To me it is for man and wife. Not man and man or woman and woman. I am not intending to offend anyone at all, if someone wants to be gay, then be gay. I will not discriminate, I just will not support it, because I don't agree with it.
    You do realize that times have changed, right? And there are a lot of things that have changed as times have gone on, like gender roles, for example. It used to be that women were raised to do all the housework and mothering and such because "things were meant to be that way". Meanwhile, men were raised to fight and work on the farms because "things were meant to be that way". Now women, while payed less, are allowed to have jobs and have gotten the right to vote, but even so still have to fight to gain and keep other rights. Honestly, unless you're white, straight, and male, you haven't really gotten rights until sometime in the late 19th /20th century, and for some in the 21st century. Also, how would a homosexual relationship ruin the sacredness of marriage? When you really consider it, marriage isn't all that sacred, especially these days because there's money and materialism involved, and then of course sex too. Of course, sex is okay so long as you're married, but if you're not married and you've had sex, it's considered immoral, according to society. And even though people these days marry for love, those things are still involved in it. And if marriage is sacred, then why are divorces allowed? Aren't sacred things supposed to be protected no matter what? Divorce obviously doesn't protect marriage. It just ends marriages. If marriage was considered sacred then divorces wouldn't be allowed, and divorce is necessary at times.
    I think that if a man and a woman hate each other but still have more rights to get married than two homosexuals who actually love each other, then we should definitely legalize it!
    Whoa, I never said anything about the roles of men and women, sex or divorce. I was stating my opinion on gay marriage, and I will continue to do so in this comment. Again, not intended to offend anyone, just my take on what I think about gay marriage and being gay in general. Kirstina, you just proved my point for me that being gay isn't right by saying it depends on how people are raised that changes how they will be like when their older. So are the way people are raised now, affecting if they are gay or straight? If someone were told tell me that people are born gay, I would say they are wrong. (I'm bringing this up because that is probably what you and many viewers believe) Here's why, when you're a little kid, you don't think about which gender you like. You think about having friends with whoever and don't even know about how to take friendship further than that, as a child. There is no gene in your body that makes you gay.Plus, no one that says they're gay, knows until they are teens or older. That is because they observe how others are, think about how they are treated by the opposite gender and make their decision. And why are there all of the sudden so many gay people? Why weren't there any back then? Not because it wasn't allowed, because it wasn't not allowed, it was just unheard of. It's (to me) because it isn't natural. It is a life CHOICE that people have made for their OWN reasons. Some for attention, some to fit in, some because they can't find someone of the opposite sex that is interested in them and some for reasons I don't know. People are put on this Earth to make more people, just like animals are here to live, provide for people and make more animals. Two men or two women physically cannot make more people. Man and man and woman and woman are not meant to be together. What is and/or was meant to be can't change. Because whatever is meant to be is just meant to be and you can't change that, no matter what time in history it is. Gay marriage d
    Gay marriage does ruin the sacredness of marriage because a married couples are supposed to stay together, reproduce, carry on the human race, and be a happy family. I know, sounds a little far fetched in this modern day, but if America could go back to that, this country would be so much better off. I'm not saying divorces don't happen, or are wrong because my parents are divorces and my mom is remarried and that doesn't make them bad people. But I am saying that they made a mistake somewhere and did, in turn affect the sacredness of marriage. Divorces should not be illegal, but people should think twice before getting married. Also, I'm not trying to squash the dreams of gay couples, or tell anyone that I'm right and their wrong, that is not my intention.
    Alex I would just like to point out a few things you may have over looked or may not have known. The first thing is that there aren't "all of the sudden so many gay people?" There have been homosexual and bisexual people throughout history. One example is the first gay couple to be joined by Civil Union in the world, in Denmark, in 1989 and had been in a relationship 40 years prior to their Union. The reason we don't hear much about homosexuality in history is because it used to be a crime that if found guilty of being homosexual you could be put to death or thrown in jail for it (the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has more information on this particular subject). It is reasonable, then, to believe that homosexuals would keep their homosexuality to themselves as to protect themselves from violence. Another thing you seem to overlook is that there are heterosexual couples who "physically cannot make more people," for one reason or another without using alternative methods such as surrogates and/or in vitro fertilization. that still enjoy the benefits and legal aspects (such as inheritance and the right to hospital visits and end of life decisions for their spouse) of marriage. These same options are also available for Same-Sex couples and they have the option to have children that are the biologic child of one of the parents just like families where one of the parents is infertile. Homosexual behaviors have also been observed in natural populations in a large number of other animals have shown homosexual behaviors while observed in their natural habitats and also in unnatural locations such as zoos. So to say that homosexuality is unnatural ignores that these observations have been made in the "natural" world. The finial thing that you brought up was about when people form, or in your words "choose", their sexuality. The American Psychological Association says that a persons sexual orientation can start to form in middle childhood and early adolescence a
    Alex . . . you totally missed my point with me saying how people used to be raised. This is what I said: "And there are a lot of things that have changed as times have gone on, like gender roles, for example. It used to be that women were raised to do all the housework and mothering and such because "things were meant to be that way". Meanwhile, men were raised to fight and work on the farms because "things were meant to be that way". Now women, while payed less, are allowed to have jobs and have gotten the right to vote, but even so still have to fight to gain and keep other rights." I was merely giving that as an example of how times have changed and how things have changed. If women and nonwhite races can get rights over time, then why can't homosexual people? That doesn't seem fair. Marriage has now become a legal thing, and even if you don't want to, you have to accept it as it is - a legal thing that's nowhere near sacred. So what's so bad about gays having the the same legal rights to get married and all the legal things that come with it? Also, at dinner tonight, my dad told me that marriage used to be a property thing. Women/wives used to be considered property and not human beings. African Americans became slaves of the American white people, and therefore were also property. Now slavery is illegal, and marriage happens between two people who love each other and are willing/want to be legally bound. Also, therefore marriage has never been sacred. I also agree wholeheartedly with what Jeremy said.
    Guys, Alex gave her opinion, she even said in her that is her personal belief, and that she didn't want anyone trying to tell her that she was wrong. She stated her opinion, you don't have to kill her through a website, It is her opinion, lay off.....
    I am glad to see opinions on both side of this issue in the comments (lots of good information in many posts and "food for thought"). Thanks for being respectful in your comments! To continue the discussion, Americans are almost equally divided on gay marriage. Here is the most recent poll data to see how we have changed our opinion since 1996...
    In all reality, gay marriage being a possibility to be legalized, is very interesting. Our constitutional founders, from what many anti-gay's claim, say that the founders were all religious, and did not support gay marriage. The problem with that is the constitutional wording, freedom of religion. Another issue is separation of church and state, this the facts Mr. Pregon gave are interesting, but can we say the religion is a reason as to why gay marriage should/should not be legal? Something funny, although probably irrelevant, is the idea of a church for the gay community to worship as they please, and is accepting of gay marriage. Form some sort of religion out of this, and by that, the gay community can simply do as they please, and get married as they want just by the basis of our constitution. I don't know why, but that thought just came to mind.

Gay parents battle 'the Iowa anomaly' - 0 views

    "In Iowa, gay couples have been able to get legally married since 2009, when the state's supreme court upheld a lower court ruling striking down a gay marriage ban. But the Iowa Department of Public Health has refused to grant birth certificates that list both spouses in a gay marriage as the legal parents of newborn children. That decision has left families in legal limbo, and it led to a lawsuit that has thrust the gay rights debate right back to the state's supreme court." I'm interested in hearing what the Iowa Supreme Court says about this. I also wonder how the three new justices will vote. This is the first major issue concerning gay marriage after three Iowa Supreme Court Justices lost their positions in 2010 and were replaced.

Same-sex marriage's big day in court: What's at stake? - U.S. News - 0 views

    "It's going to be a big week for the Supreme Court as justices hear two landmark same-sex marriage cases on consecutive days."
    The fact this argument is still happening is seriously ridiculous. I love how people can preach that racism is awful and that we shouldn't have racists, yet they are totally fine with taking away the rights of Americans because of sexual preference. America? Smh

Iran confirms death sentence for web programmer - 8 views

    Iranian Court Upholds Death Sentence for Software Designer:  is charged with "insulting the sanctity of Islam" and "corruption on earth," because his photo-uploading software was "used by a porn website without his knowledge" Pretty sad "justice system" in Iran.
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    This shows exactly how uncivilized the middle east is and just how messed up their judicial system is!
    And we thought SOPA was terrible...
    This is awful! The death sentence is a little much..
    the united nations should throw out a warning at these guys.
    Where is the UN.... I agree with Broxton... they should be doing more.

Man Arrested For Facebook Threat After Glenwood Melee - 3 views

    "He allegedly made statements on Facebook Sunday night seeking vigilante justice in connection with the disturbance that occurred earlier in the evening in Glenwood."

Man indicted for three Alexandria, Virginia, murders over past decade - 2 views

shared by karlie704 on 09 Sep 14 - No Cached
    (CNN) -- A West Virginia man has been indicted in the murders of three Alexandria, Virginia, residents over a decade. A grand jury returned a 10-count indictment against Charles Severance, 53, for the shooting deaths that investigators determined earlier this year were linked to one killer.
    That is really sad that just now they found the man that did this. Hopefully justice is served for the three victims and their families can be at peace.
    A West Virginia man was linked to killings earlier this year.
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