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Obama to huddle with Democrats on protecting his signature health care law - 13 views

    President Obama will meet behind closed doors Wednesday morning with congressional Democrats to map out a strategy to defend the Affordable Care Act and other health care policies - the very day Republicans will begin debate on getting rid of the sweeping 2010 health-care law.
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    Obamacare has been sometimes helpful but it has also crashed our country.
    What exactly did it do to "crash" our country, and how did it do so?
    I agree with Landon, in many ways, Obamacare has crashed our country, but it is always to look at the solutions to our problems, our options, and most importantly, look optimistically at the ways Obamacare has helped us. I think a big one is children can now stay on their parents' insurance until age 26. It has helped 5.7 million young adults over the past five years!
    they meet on how to defend the act and how to help it protect other forms of people.
    "Other executive actions, including those providing new safeguards for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans and curbing greenhouse gas emissions linked to climate change, could also come under fire" this in addition to obamacare being repealed does not make much sense to me. Along with the anti abortion deal. It seems like this is less of a "whats best for america" situation and more of a " erase obama and his administration" kind of deal. not a fan
    I agree with Landon, and Jamie. In many ways obamOcare has helped us, but it hasn't in others.
    Obamacare has done nothing but ruin the country by raising the price of healthcare, Obamacare should be removed and let healthcare actually be affordable.
    Obamacare has done nothing for us. Prices are through the roof. its not affordable at all. You cant keep your health insurance company. They tell you who you have. Drugs are more expensive. We need a full repeal and replace!
    Maybe Obamacare has ruined things in our country but there is also a lot of positive things it has done.

Group pushes for teen tanning ban - 1 views

    A lot of money will be lost if this is followed through with and alot of angry girls under the age of 18
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    Tanning causes skin cancer. This will benefit health and prevent girls from looking like basketballs
    if people want to increase the chance of getting skin cancer then they should be allowed to tan because its a choice just like anything else
    I think that its more of a personal choice and if parent let their kids do it so be it. I don't see anything wrong with it.
    Not sure of my opinion on this topic yet, but I thought this was an ironic statement... "Doctors, however, said it's not about the money. It's about health." It seems more and more, those two issues are tangled up in our health care debates.
    I totally agree with Joe!
    Tanning= Skin Cancer I also think that it is their choice they know the risks and It would cause a lot of controversy over money and lets admit white is not cute
    Brushing your teeth = Weakens you enamel. Should we ban teens from brushing their teeth simply because it can harm them? It's (in my opinion) a matter of choice.
    "You just didn't want to stick out in a crowd being white" That's the problem right there. We've got a bunch of teenage girls, whose reasoning capabilities aren't fully developed and who quite literally aren't as capable of comprehending long term effects as adults are who have been convinced that it isn't okay to look like themselves. Our society has been convinced to believe that normal, or natural, can't be attractive. Society convinces women that to be attractive they have to be tan and then offers them an easy way to become tan. A way which, incidentally, causes cancer. But teenagers don't comprehend the risks well, and are only concerned with trying to make themselves attractive. And let's just admit it, orange is not cute.
    Also, I don't know about the rest of you, but I think cancer might be a little worse than possibly having weaker enamel.
    @Peyton you cant even compare this to brushing your teeth. Brushing your teeth gives you way more benefits over a "weak enamel" I'd rather have a weak enamel rather than have brown teeth with holes in them, and i'd rather be white and cancer free than look like an old leathery football.
    Im not racist. but pale is not cute that's why so many people tan.
    You should have gone with pale is not cute in the first place, and that would just be weird if everyone tanned. Everyone would look the same in a way.
    i think if your tanning the its at your own risk. its not like people haven't heard what could happen if they tan
    tanning beds are an unnatural way to tan and people should just wait till summer to tan again but either way tanning in the summer outside or in a bed is still dangerous and will lead to someone getting skin cancer.
    Going back to Jessica's comment: I'm a pale teenage girl, but I'm perfectly content with my skin color. Other girls, however, aren't and it's comments like that that force young girls to tan and be at a higher risk of getting skin cancer. I'm not attacking you, Jessica, I'm simply giving my opinion.
    There's nothing wrong with being tan or pale. It indicates nothing other than how much time it appears you spend in the sun. And yes, this will cause businesses to lose money, but as for the girls who want to be tan year-round, there are other options that would probably actually be healthier, such as tanning lotions, bronzer, actually going out in the sun, etc. Or maybe they should work to make tanning beds safer so that the risk of skin cancer decreases. Maybe the tanning salons could work to sell tanning lotions and bronzers and spray tans so that they don't loose as much money.
    okay i gave my opinion too Natalie and if your fine with it then okay i just said i wouldn't like it and a lot of girls don't either that's why they tan i was being sarcastic in my comment

Massachusetts judge rules for inmate's sex-change surgery - 3 views

    A federal court judge on Tuesday ordered Massachusetts officials to provide sex-reassignment surgery for a transsexual prison inmate, after determining that it was the only adequate treatment for the inmate's mental illness.
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    I think that from the physiological stand point this court case makes seance. How ever I think that our tax dollars should not be used to make this medical procedure happen.
    This is a very odd case to say the least. This prison inmate is at 13x the risk of a sexual assault as the average inmate. So, the question is, is the protection of a near-insane murder worth tax payer dollars? I don't think so, but something has to be done about the inmates safety, perhaps being placed alone, or with people of the preferred gender of the inmate? In the event of tax payers paying, is it really that much? The government comes up with about $2,650 billion yearly from income tax alone. To add on, it is really not that often that this expensive of a situation arises. Is it really that big of a deal for something that almost never happens, but may help someone in the near future?
    This may be what's "best" for the inmate, but he/she (no offense intended, I just don't know what to call them) murdered someone. Don't you think that a murderer should in some way "pay" for what they've done. They don't deserve the best, but they also don't deserve to be sexually assaulted. Also, tax payer dollars should not go towards things like this, that money is for the betterment of the community and/or the country. To fix the sexual harassment problem, the inmate should be put somewhere alone. Yet, another question rises, what about all the other inmates (male or female) who are sexually assaulted? We can't worry about them all, plus they're in there for a reason, they don't deserve tax money to go towards protecting them whenever they put others in danger that led them to be in prison. So, the answer is no, it's not worth it. It's not tax payer's problem.
    if this person wanted to become a women then wouldn't they prefer men? which means that if they are 13 times the risk, wouldn't that be a good thing since they like guys? well if it was a rape then i understand but there are sometimes in prison when it isn't a rape or sexual assault, both want to do it. in that case that person should consider themselves lucky to be around guys all the time.
    haha what if this dude was just really straight and thought that if he gets a sex change that he will be placed with da lady's so he wouldn't be around all da dudes n stuff .
    I agree with Payton just place her alone if its for her safety. If its for her mental condition send her to a prison mental health facility.
    I just don't understand how a PRISON INMATE is allowed that luxury of sex change surgery. Especially considering the price and how much it really is causing taxpayers
    I personally think that this was a great decision. I believe that a person's mental health is the most important aspect in the road to any sort of recovery. Even though the transgender inmate did commit a murder, she deserves to have the resources to stabilize her well-being. Should the rest of America have to pay for it? Perhaps not, but I don't mind helping out someone who desperately needs it. Although, I guess that depends on your belief on the importance of mental health.
    Jenny, this is really not a matter of sexual interests. If this person wants a sex change, it may be because of this sexual interest, but then again, it may not. They may simply want to be a female. The funding should come from the inmate, but the inmate cannot earn funds while behind bars, perhaps the inmate should be allowed to work up to being allowed to have a sex change operation.

Could a beard be bad for your health? - 2 views

    As CBS2 New York's Alice Gainer reports, there are a few health issues a man should consider before he starts growing a beard...

El Paso and Dayton: Does Trump's five-point plan to end gun violence make sense? - BBC ... - 15 views

    Ending gun violence sounds like a great idea, but when it talked about video game violence, trying to put an end to violence in video games won't work because it's really not the problem. People make people violent, not video games.
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    ^ I agree with this. Another thing to add onto that is how violent video games are everywhere, but the US is the only one with gun problems this serious.
    Gun violence is based around one issue, mental health. Everyone is trying to point fingers at videogames because it is a very easy target for mental health but it isn't the problem at all.
    While Trump's ideas may sound good on paper, most of them will very clearly not succeed. Others, like the video game example, are just ridiculous. The exception being mental health institutions, with which we may need now with our better understanding of mental health.
    I agree To Jaxon. It would be a good idea.....but it is not video games that is casing gun violence
    Stopping gun violence, is a good idea in some ways. It talked about the many video games have that influence the gun violence. People choose their own actions, and people make them choices. No one can stop yourself besides yourself. Video Games do not influence any kind of crimes.

Ryan promises to keep government open - and makes no promises on health care - 1 views

    "House leaders told GOP lawmakers Saturday that they plan to devote their energy in the coming week to keeping the federal government open, conspicuously avoiding an immediate commitment to take up health care despite pledges to do so by conservatives and the White House."
    "The demand for border funding, as well as a push for a vote on health care, has become a surprise to Democrats, who have been working for more than a month to create a spending bill that would keep the government open through the end of the year on September 30."

Health secretary Price disputes idea that many will lose coverage under GOP bill - 0 views

    WASHINGTON -- Trump administration officials mounted a strong defense of the Republican health care bill Sunday, insisting that it will increase coverage, reduce costs and leave no one worse off. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price defined success on NBC's "Meet the Press" as "more people covered than are covered right now, and at an average cost that is less.

What a Joe Biden presidency means for taxes, health care, housing, student debt - and a... - 7 views

    I've heard many things about Biden being president, most predominantly gas going up and Kamala Harris taking over for Biden which I kinda see happening. I feel like they'll say Biden's mentally unfit or bring up the Hunter Biden stuff and Harris will take over.
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    Hopefully, this new president will give America a chance to turn over a new leaf and repair the damages that had been previously done.
    Hopefully he make us wear mask everyday then corona is gonna over.
    I think a lot of people are going to struggle with the price inflation and it's going to be a little rocky.
    I'm hoping that we'll be able to see more progress and actions towards covid, climate change, and more from this new president.
    I personally was hoping for Biden to win, but after hearing some things and doing more research it's unclear. No one is perfect, but I can say all we can do is hope for the best. I just hope for my generation he will help us in the long run for our future.
    I agree with Michael, that Kamala Harris is going to take over for Biden. I also think that raising taxes for the people who make over $400,000 a year is not fair.
    i am glad that biden is going to broadened health care coverage and student loan forgiveness i think this will help many poeple
    I think health care is going to help many people, but the fact that people that make a certain amount of money, have to pay higher taxes, is not fair.
    I also think that a lot of people are going to struggle with the prices inflating. But I just hope that with Biden being president more people can be tolerant with each other since no one was doing then when Trump was in office.
    I think that people who make a certain amount of money shouldn't have to pay more taxes, it's not fair.

Hobby Lobby: The First Martyr Under Obamacare? - 0 views

    Someone posted this, but it wasn't possible to comment
    First point: I fail to see how denying a single cell the chance to go through mitosis is abortion. It's no more aware than bacteria. Also, the author is referencing the morning-after pill. For some reason there's a lot of confusion about how the morning after pill actually works. It prevents the egg from joining the sperm, or depending on where the woman is in her cycle, prevents the ovaries from releasing eggs. Contrary to what pro-life proponents apparently believe, conception does not happen immediately after having sex. If using the morning-after pill is abortion, we may as well call abstinence abortion. Secondly, "the mandate requires private citizens who are also employers to purchase private goods (health insurance services) with private money from non-government companies." This is clearly written by a sensationalist. What it really means is that a company has to use its own money to provide healthcare. (And everyone seems to be forgetting that employees don't just receive healthcare plans for free). There is a difference between being a private citizen and being an employer. Owning a public company and employing people is about as far from private as you can get. "Requiring private citizens to pay for abortifacients is more akin to requiring the Amish to use their own money to purchase weapons from a private gun dealer or be forced into bankruptcy. Or kind of like forcing anti-pornography legal scholar Catharine MacKinnon to buy pornography for her law students." This is simply ludicrous and shows that the author clearly doesn't understand what a business is. It's a corporation, it employees people, it isn't a private citizen. I will admit that if Hobby Lobby employed only people who were in complete agreement with the beliefs of the owners I would support them in their case. However, the reality is that many of Hobby Lobby's employees don't share the exact same beliefs as the owner. And it would in fact be illegal for Hobby Lobby to choose their employ
    ees because of their beliefs. And the last time I checked, in America we don't make people follow certain religions or beliefs. In fact, the law isn't supposed to be based in religion. I know it sounds shocking, but it actually isn't okay to force a religion on people, or to make everyone live in accordance with one belief system, which is exactly what Hobby Lobby, and everyone who argues against this provision in the new health care law, is trying to do. Lastly, the author says repeatedly that this law essentially discriminates against Christians, which is a complete lie. Christians is a broad term. There are Christians who believe in all kinds of birth control and then there are those who think all birth control should be outlawed. There are even Christians who get abortions. So, and this is a message to anyone who writes articles of this kind, stop saying just saying Christians. Tell the truth and call yourself a Fundamentalist. Saying Christians make it seem like the majority of people who believe in Jesus Christ agree with you, and they don't. You're a minority, and you need to accept that. And maybe read a little about how our government works. It's a majority rules system.

Clinton defends herself against charges her campaign lacked transparency - 0 views

    Hillary Clinton defended herself Monday against charges her campaign lacked transparency about her health, saying she's "already met a high standard of transparency" in disclosing her health records and plans to return to the campaign trail "as soon as possible."

Ryan says rekindled health-care talks in 'conceptual stage' - 0 views

    "House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said Tuesday that Republicans are in the preliminary phase of an effort to restart talks over a stalled health-care bill, but he did not commit to a timeline for resolving the differences that sank the measure last month."

White House Issues Veto Threat For 'Keep Your Health Plan' Bill - 1 views

    "The White House released a statement Thursday evening saying President Barack Obama would veto a bill introduced by Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich) which would allow individuals to keep their health plans that had been canceled under the Affordable Care Act."

Minnesota Dept. of Health approves medical cannabis for Alzheimer's patients - Story | ... - 7 views

    "Patients certified to have Alzheimer's will be eligible to enroll in the program on July 1 and can begin receiving medical cannabis on August 1. There are currently 13 qualifying conditions for cannabis treatment on the state's list."

Trump's war on trans Americans is about to face a counterattack. - 1 views

    "n the coming weeks, the administration will launch its next attack on trans rights by announcing the revocation of a landmark regulation that protects transgender people from discrimination in health care. The Department of Health and Human Services will argue that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors and hospitals from turning away transgender patients, or insurance companies from refusing to cover gender-related treatment. This time around, however, civil rights advocates are prepared to fight back. In fact, they've already laid the groundwork for a two-pronged legal attack to maintain the ban on anti-trans health care discrimination."

Divided Senate Republicans Turn to Health Care With a Rough Road Ahead - 1 views

    "So the Senate majority leader's decision to create a 13-man working group on health care, including staunch conservatives and ardent foes of the Affordable Care Act - but no women - has been widely seen on Capitol Hill as a move to placate the right as Congress decides the fate of President Barack Obama's signature domestic achievement."

Sex offenders sue state after being denied leftovers from their Satanic feast - 17 views

    "They allege DHS officials are infringing on their religious freedom by refusing to let them keep the leftovers from their "Night of Transformation feast," and by blocking access to written materials dealing with blood rituals, spells, vampirism and nudity."
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    I think this is wrong, I don't think they have a right to sue. They were told the rules before they had their little event, which I don't think they should have gotten in the first place. They just didn't like that the rules were enforced, and now they are mad. They shouldn't get the luxuries that we do because they are serving time for their crimes.
    I don't think they have the right to sue the state. first of all, they were well aware of the rules before this event took place. It's also a health and safety issue with food being taken back to the living quarters. They are just mad they can't enjoy more of the luxury food they were given. Even though they are paying for the choices they made. So, they shouldn't have the right to sue.
    I think they can cry about it. They didn't deserve anything in the first place. :D
    I don't think they have the right to sue the state, I might have read this wrong but I didn't see anything about the state doing something that would offend them.
    I don't think they can win this because it's not infringing any rights.
    They shouldn't be able to sue the state because of Timer and Manner restrictions and they do put other people at some sort of state they shouldn't be. It's morally wrong and that can play a role in their case.
    Definitely an interesting headline. The claimants (being unjudgemental) feel that they had a religious act violated by the Government. It's a complicated manner because in a way the government did technically interfere with their religious freedoms because the Iowa Department of Human Services put the rule in place that inmates can´t take food into rooms for health reasons centrally not intending to block their freedom but instead concerned about safety and health. I think that even though in a way the claimants do have a point that their creepy and gross religious feast was blocked by the government I also think the rules that were put in place to protect everyone in the prison. Old food can cause sickness, rancid smells, and pests so it Could interfere with other inmates that had nothing to do with the group and therefore I think that the Iowa Department of Human Services is in the right and should win the case.
    They shouldn't be able to sue the state because of Timer and Manner restrictions and they do put other people at some sort of state, they shouldn't be able to do that!! It's morally wrong and that can play a role in their case.
    i think if they got their way with this then it causes problems with other prisoners trying the same thing.
    They aren't allowed to enact on their religion if it prohibits others from doing day to day tasks and also hurts/kills others
    i agree with sarai. i guess you can worship whomever or whatever you choose. Also, when you are feasting for a "ritual", aren't the foods only used at that time? i mean traditionally... i don't know.

US Administers First COVID-19 Vaccine to Front-Line Workers | AllSides - 9 views

    I think this is a good thing giving the vaccines to people who need it most right now like health care workers.
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    I'm not too sure how I feel about the new vaccine. I've heard things about it and to me it just seems suspicious. There are so many diseases in the world that scientists have spent years up on years researching and still having made a vaccine. In just one year we have a vaccine for Covid-19. that's just a little suspicious to me.
    im glad the vaccine it out and there giving it to people who need it I'm glad health care workers are getting it I know sence I'm young and have a good immune system it will be awhile tell I get it but that okay
    I think it is good that the vaccine is now ready for use. It is also good that health care workers are getting it first because I feel like they have the highest chance of getting covid due to being in the hospital around many sick people.
    I think the vaccine is too dangerous, there have already been people who volunteered to take it and they basically became paralyzed. Also, I think it came out way too fast vaccines usually take years to test and make sure theyŕe safe to use and actually work. Yes, the vaccine may work but that doesn´t necessarily mean it´s safe.
    What if they don't work and we just end up getting all our nurses killed with the vaccines? Jk I don't think they'll kill people but I also have my suspicions on how it was made so fast.
    I think it is good that we have a vaccine and are giving it to the people who need it first.
    I think it's really great that we are able to give our frontline workers the sources they need to be able to keep helping and taking care of the pandemic. And although it was kind of fast for a vaccine to have been made, I'd like to believe that it will help.
    I'm glad that the people who need it the most are getting it at this time.
    As the people who are in constant contact with the people with Covid, I'm glad that frontline workers are getting the vaccine first. However, we need to remember that this is a vaccine, not a cure.

Fact check: 1964 law does not create religious exemption from masks - 17 views

    People shouldn't be using religion as an excuse not to wear a mask unless they prove that their religion does, in fact, say no masks.
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    I think it should be up to yourself to decide whether or not you want to wear a mask.
    Though I respect the foundation and practice of religion I don't think that it should be used to put lives as risk by not wearing your mask in public and potentially exposing tons of people to the virus.
    I think religion could be a factor, but they shouldn't use it when it comes to risking other people's health in public and exposing others and yourself; If they are going off of religion itself and not having anything to prove that masks are against their religion. It is important to be respectful and polite to others in public by wearing a mask.
    i think everybody should wear mask.
    I think that everyone should have to wear a mask not just to protect yourself but other people as well. Religion should not be a factor in wearing a mask and keeping people safe in the long run. Not wearing a mask is selfish and could harm other people when around other people it should be a polite common courtesy.
    I think everyone should wear a mask. You could spread covid and harm others because of your decision not to wear one.
    I think it should be up to you if you want to wear a mask or not.
    Wearing a mask should be an option, no one is forced, but people should consider other's health.
    I agree with oli; people should not be using religion as an excuse to not wear a mask unless they can prove their religion does not allow masks. That is disrespectful and selfish to use religion as an excuse if you cannot prove your religion does not allow it. Honestly, everybody should wear a mask it's not that hard, we're all going through the pandemic together just because you think it's too uncomfortable shows your unwillingness to consider others well beings.
    Everyone should wear a mask, not only to protect themselves but others too. Not wearing a mask is incredibly selfish. Unless they can actually prove it is against their Religion to wear a mask, then they should be wearing one.
    everybody should wear a mask. if you wear mask, it's law risk to get corona.
    I think people shouldn't use religion to get out of wearing a mask. The mask itself is not to protect yourself, it's to protect the ones nearby. It's just common courtesy.
    Protecting your religious rights is important but you have to be considerate of everyone else as well especially in a time of panic global issue.
    I believe wearing masks should be one's choice if they want to or not because at the end of the day it's their body their choice and if you say people should have to wear one in the safety of others than many other laws should be revoked like the Rowe vs wade because abortion is killing another human being bc its an inconvenience to the mother so someone should not have to wear a mask because its an inconvenience to them
    I think that If we all are required to wear masks, then even if you are religious, you should too. You shouldn't use your religious views as an excuse to not wear it. We are all required, so we all are going to. I understand where you should be able to choose on if you want to wear one or not, and I'm all for that, but until they say it's your choice, then you should be following the rules and wearing a mask, for the safety of the people that could get really sick from catching the virus.
    I think religion should not be a reason to not wear a mask. How do religion and a mask relate?
    I think the fact that masks are required for our health shouldn't be an issue with a religion they are both used for a different reasons which both are important.
    I think it should be up to yourself to decide whether or not you want to wear a mask.
    Wearing masks not only helps you but others around you. It shouldn't be up to your religion to keep others safe. This is a world wide pandemic, why is wearing a mask that big of a deal. Including when it comes to the conversation of religion.
    I think people should just wear masks for the safety of them and others, I get it sucks, but it would suck more if someone was dying because you didn't wear your mask, or even worse if you were dying because you didn't wear it.

Free condoms for your 12-year-old? California health council can help - 3 views

    (CNN) -- With just a few clicks of a mouse, kids as young as 12 can have free condoms delivered to their doors in California. And that idea is garnering mixed reactions from Californians.
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    Better be safe than sorry.
    i think that 12 year olds should not be able to buy condoms there should be a certain age limit.
    i think you should be able to get condoms no matter how old you are. if you are haveing sex you should be safe.
    Safe sex is the best way to go. If your thinking about sex at any age, you should make sure you have condoms no mater what.
    Perhaps parents, guardians/ and or teachers should encourage kids not to make those choices until they are old enough to handle the consequences (aka, wait until their married. You wont have to deal with pregnancies or emotional stress)
    No one that young needs to engage in sex but if they do they need protection and not have many partners it seems to me that people are having to many partners.
    I dont think anyone that young needs to have sex they should be getting a free pack of craynos not condoms
    i dont think they should be able to but yes i do belive that they do need to learn about pertection ... but no they dont need them
    I agree with Hannah, they should not be getting condoms at 12 that is way too young to even be thinking about doing that kind of stuff. But I also agree with Spencer, they should be taught about protection that way when the time comes MANY years later, they know what the right thing to do is.

white house proposes contraceptives compromise - 2 views

    the government shuld not have to provide free birth control for women if their not going to use methods of not getting pregnant
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    re:patrick -- perhaps I misunderstood your comment, but outside of abstinence what "other methods of not getting pregnant" are there besides medical birth control options? Like other articles posted here, I was as interested in reading many of the comments on the NYTimes site after the article, there were very compelling arguments on each side. I found myself siding with many who said that employers should not get the choice to opt out of providing this coverage. This was one such post: "Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in blood transfusions. Does anyone believe for one second that we would be debating whether a Jehovah's Witness-owned company should cover blood transfusions for its employees? I seriously doubt it--which means that the debate we are having is not actually about religious freedom at all. It's about whether contraception is an essential part of women's health care, just like blood transfusions."
    i agree with Patrick if women don't wont to get pregnant they should stay to the precautionary treatments to not become pregnant
    I think this page will help you boys understand a little more about what birth control actually is: Personally, I think that it should be covered by insurance. Besides being a popular contraceptive, it control many different hormones in a woman's body. It's used to cure things like ovarian cysts, and irregular periods. It can relieve those pesky cramps that you get on your period, or just at random points of the month. It will clear your acne, and even help prevent cancers. And, the hormones being consumed by taking the pill, can balance our emotions, possibly making us more tolerance of ignorance towards women's health. The church aspect of this story is, in my opinion, ridiculous. Them refusing to cover a product that would help their employees be healthier, prettier, nicer, and more likely to remain cancer free, is unreasonable. Just because the typical use is frowned upon by their religions, doesn't mean it's right to make their employees spend their hard earned money on measures to maintain a healthy body, that could be covered by their companies insurance.
    I don't see why taking measures to prevent a pregnancy is so bad. People are always saying that teenagers are getting pregnant at a young age when the truth is, maybe these girls can't afford it. No, they should not be having sex so young but sometimes you have to face the fact that girls are having sex at a young age and instead of turning a blind eye, they should take measures to prevent the pregnancy from happening. Just like Kirsten said, it does more than just preventing pregnancies. Some girls need it and can't afford it.
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