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Susie Highley

Tech With Tia - LiveBinder - 0 views

    Letia Cooper's "Super LIvebinder Site" Her livebinders are filled with fabulous resources for teachers and students.
Susie Highley

Classroom 2.0 LIVE-February, 2011 - 0 views

    A livebinder on a classroom 2.0 Live presentation on Livebinders!  many great examples.
Susie Highley

Joquetta Johnson's LiveBinders Shelf - 1 views

    Joquetta is an outstanding media specialist.  This is her livebinders shelf.
Susie Highley

Carolyn Starkey's Trends in School Librarianship Shelf - LiveBinders Shelf - 0 views

    A great example of creating a shelf to house several different livebinders on a topic (can include binders created by others)
Susie Highley

livebinders4teachers / FrontPage - 0 views

    Livebinders created this wiki to assist teachers in using their site.
Susie Highley

Knowledge 2.0 - LiveBinder - 2 views

    Great livebinder that explains how search should go beyond google.  Gives other research tools and explanations.
Susie Highley

Tools for Building Your PLN - LiveBinder - 1 views

    Excellent Livebinder with resources for rationale for building a PLN, tools and ways to find other educators to connect with.. Created by an Evansville educator
Susie Highley

LiveBinders Blog - 3 views

    This blog offers many helpful tips in using LiveBinders.
Susie Highley

"Web 2.0" LiveBinders Shelf - 0 views

    Livebinder owners tweeted this link to see many great collections of 2.0 tools.
Susie Highley

TheresaMcGee's LiveBinder Shelf - 2 views

    Good example of a shelf in Livebinders
Susie Highley

LiveBinders - the Knowledge Sharing Place - 1 views

    Includes tutorials the Livebinders people have created themselves.
Susie Highley

S.U.P.E.R. - LiveBinder - 0 views

    Livebinder of resources to support CCSS at each level. While Indiana doesn't use CCSS, some of these could still be very useful to us. Accompanied a liveclass20 webinar on 3-7-15
Susie Highley

#notataasl - LiveBinder - 1 views

    Very thorough livebinder of proceedings at AASL17 in Phoenix. Includes many presentation links and other resources
Susie Highley

lperkowski's LiveBinders Shelf - 0 views

    Nice example of a librarians Livebinders of resources
Susie Highley

Web Tools for Teachers by Type - LiveBinder - 5 views

    Great list== all in a livebinder.
Susie Highley

Grant Writing for Librarians and Teachers - LiveBinder - 0 views

    Livebinder with many Grant tips
Susie Highley

Social Media in the Classroom - LiveBinder - 2 views

    Elaine Plybon's livebinder on social media use in the classroom.  This includes sites that simulate social media tools.
Susie Highley

Classroom 2.0 LIVE-February, 2011 - 0 views

    This was a great webinar about using Skype in the classroom. Classroom 2.0 Live is now creating a Livebinder for each presentation. (They are at noon on Saturdays.)
Susie Highley

An Educator's Guide to Twitter - 1 views

    An example of a livebinder, this one used to collect twitter resources.
Susie Highley

Sample Student Book Report-6th Grade - 0 views

    This is an example of a student book report using livebinder.  (The adult who helped was the student's mom)
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