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Susie Highley

Social Media in the Classroom - LiveBinder - 2 views

    Elaine Plybon's livebinder on social media use in the classroom.  This includes sites that simulate social media tools.
Susie Highley

Social Media Literacy: The Five Key Concepts | Edutopia - 1 views

    Great list to help raise awareness
Susie Highley

Social Media for School Leaders | Multiple Pathways - 3 views

    Great resources on developing social media for a school.  Includes AMLE presentation slides
Susie Highley

ALSC's Great Websites for Kids - 1 views

    Great Websites for Kids (GWS) , the Association for Library Service to Children's (ALSC) online website directory, has been completely redesigned. The updated site boasts a fresh and colorful kid-friendly look and interactive social media enhancements. Clear, bright icons display subject categories and appear on every page, while eye-catching thumbnail images provide a visual preview of each great site represented. Special sections highlight Sites of the Week and Month, Most Popular pages and Top Rated selections. Prompts for each site offer "more selections like this." Visitors can actively connect with the site and further their online experience by rating sites; sharing their favorites on social media sites such as Facebook; and emailing recommendations to friends.
Susie Highley

The Art of Social Media - Power Tips for Power Users - 0 views

    This is the website to accompany a simple, powerful book about how to best use social media. Although parts of it apply more to business, there are many great tips for anyone. If you purchase the eBook version, the links are all clickable, but if you don't have the eBook or read the print edition, this can be helpful.
Susie Highley

Social Media Advertisements | U.S. House of Representatives - 0 views

    Fake ads spread by foreign countries to create disruption in the US. Site shared by Vicki Davis at ISTE18
Susie Highley

Social Media Literacy: The 5 Key Concepts | Edutopia - 1 views

    Although from 2014, gives a nice framework.
Susie Highley

Summer Poster Templates | PosterMyWall - 0 views

    great site to make social media graphics
Susie Highley

50 Teachers Who Are Social Media Stars - 1 views

    Interesting list-- includes educators from many different walks, including some in specific disciplines.  Click on a name to learn how to connect with them.
Susie Highley

Social Media and Student Learning: Using Analytics to Visualise Twitter Communication i... - 0 views

    Presentation on slide share
Susie Highley

Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: Student-Friendly Social Media Guidelines Make a ... - 0 views

    Great idea for bulletin boards or labs. ( I have a lot of blank wall space in a lab that I could fill) Her blog has many great ideas.
Susie Highley

A Teenager's View on Social Media - Backchannel - Medium - 0 views

    Interesting reviews on what and why teens are using different SM
Susie Highley

The Truth About Teens - Everything is Social Media | Hooked On Innovation - 2 views

    Great post that could be used as a basis for digital citizenship lessons.
Susie Highley

Digital Citizenship Lessons in Two Minutes or Less - 0 views

    Examples of how to positively model social media use
Susie Highley

How To Use Quotes In Your Blog Posts - The Edublogger - 0 views

    Also includes several websites you can use to create great visual quotes for social media
Susie Highley

EasyBib: Free Bibliography Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago citation styles - 2 views

    Millions of students use EasyBib monthly to cite and document the best sources used in their research. We've now made these sources searchable. What you cite, others can search. It's a virtuous cycle that improves research for all. Welcome to social research! That's right: Welcome to Social Research.
Maureen Sanders-Brunner

Common Sense Media - Programs for Educators Resources and Curriculum for Teachers - 0 views

    "Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology."
Susie Highley

15 Resources for Teaching Media Literacy | ASCD Inservice - 0 views

    You may already have many of these. (Some are for ASCD members only)
Susie Highley

Teaching 7th Graders Social Media Literacy - 0 views

    Includes several resources
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