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Tron legacy concept poster | Love Your Design Life by freshalex - 5 views

    Crazy Tron legacy concept poster and the various retro sci-fi posters by Tanaka13 - Créations du Net on Flickr

Designing my life: Freshalex 80's style text wallpaper - 1 views

     am a fan of all things retro. I especially like sci fi, space images. check out this wallpaper I made
Ian Yang

lines and colors :: a blog about drawing, painting, illustration, comics, webcomics, ca... - 1 views

    If you are a heavy reader or want to be one, this blog is perfect for you.
    a blog about drawing, sketching, painting, comics, cartoons, webcomics, illustration, digital art, concept art, gallery art, artist tools and techniques, motion graphics, animation, sci-fi and fantasy illustration, paleo art, storyboards, matte painting, 3d graphics
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