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Air Power: New Device Captures Ambient Electromagnetic Energy to Drive Small ... - 2 views

    article written a bit as if they had invented rectennas ... they are used since the 60s (Brown powered a small helicopter via 2.45 GHz ... and Kaya-san has showed wireless power transmission via advanced rectenna's at almost every SPS conference since 20 years ...
Nicholas Lan

Hands-on with the Muse brain sensing headband -- the most important wearable of 2014 (e... - 4 views

    interestingly it looks like a subject could wear it all day while doing normal stuff "I got my hands on an early version of Interaxon's brainwave reading headband, the Muse, and I think this could be the most important wearable of the year. And that's saying a lot, considering I've seen 2014′s entire lineup for health tech at the Consumer Electronic Show as well as a few undisclosed athletic devices slated for later this year."
    ..."alerts the users with sights and sounds when they are producing brain waves associated with calm and focus." ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! YOU ARE CALM AND FOCUSSED! :-D
    indeed the app that comes with it sounds really lame but it comes with an sdk
Nicholas Lan

UK promises commercial spaceport 'by 2018' with 6 of 8 potential locations in Scotland - 0 views

    not sure what to make of this. seems like an odd change of direction "Spaceports will be key to us opening up the final frontier of commercial space travel," said Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander at the announcement of the new sites. Mr Alexander hinted that the plans could lead to Scotland becoming the home of the UK's commercial space ambitions, even as the Scottish government warns that only independence will secure a successful space industry for the country.

First Terahertz Amplifier "Goes to 11" - 2 views

    Guinness World Record breaking, "first radio amplifier operating at terahertz frequencies could lead to communications systems with much higher data rates, better radar, high-resolution imaging that could penetrate smoke and fog, and better ways of identifying dangerous substances, say the researchers who built it". Built from HEMTs (High Electron Mobility Transistors) made of InP (Indium Phosphide), this is a new milestone on the road to the THz applications.

In a new round of testing, NASA confirms yet again that the 'impossible' EMdrive thrust... - 4 views

    Engineer Roger Shawyer's controversial EM Drive thruster jets back into relevancy this week, as a team of researchers at NASA's Eagleworks Laboratories recently completed yet another round of testing on the seemingly impossible tech.
    I like this just because it will end up on Thijs' desk :D
    Interesting that the new comes in... Yahoo Finance :). Another more complete article

Steel Treatment Paves the Way For Radically Lighter, Stronger, Cheaper Cars - Slashdot - 2 views

    my old question: how could we use it for space?
    It will depend on the alloys used, I am not sure but bainite might magnetic and I am not sure if nickel alloy based (stainless) steels can be processed at this low temperature... Metallurgist RF?

Embodied Logic: Researchers Build Artificial Venus Flytrap - Tech Briefs - 1 views

    Nice story telling. (watch the video) The materials are actually cool, but the venus flytrap pitch (hinting at a biomimetic success) or the embodied intelligence speech are "a bit" of a stretch,

Quantum Blockchains Could Act Like Time Machines - 3 views

    Blockchains, now with more buzzwords!
    Time travel! Finally. Can we also use it for antigravity?
Marcus Maertens

Will California's New Bot Law Strengthen Democracy? | The New Yorker - 1 views

    California wants to force bots to reveal their identity in communication.
Athanasia Nikolaou

How the NSA Identified Satoshi Nakamoto - Slashdot - 1 views

    The source is anonymous

How AI could help make Wikipedia entries more accurate - 0 views

    Now this sounds pretty useful
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