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NASA's 'electronic nose' could sniff out cancer - tech - 29 August 2008 - New Scientist... - 1 views

    maybe this would be worth looking into along with our biomemetic idea

Slashdot | Cutting-Edge AI Projects? - 0 views

    Read the first entries, are really funny. The ones tagged as "Informative" contain references that might be useful for us.

Probabilistic computing: Sacrificing Accuracy For Speed and Efficiency In Processors - 0 views

    Via slashdot. Is that new? Must be of interest for global optimisation.

Why sand is a walking robot's nightmare - tech - 09 February 2009 - New Scientist - 0 views

    A new way to move in sand. Which makes me think of the biggest challenge ever: path integration while moving on sand!

Quantum lubricant could keep nanomachines rolling - tech - 07 January ... - 0 views

    Haven't we also done some work on reversing the Casimir's force in the past?

Windows 3.x reaches end of life - 0 views

    Yes they were still being used

Italian Job conundrum solved - 0 views

shared by ESA ACT on 24 Apr 09 - Cached
    I like the 12-year-old boy solution better...

AlGaN LED´s: LED lighting as cheap as CFLs - 0 views

    GaN in the future of lighting

The man who collects Apples - 0 views

    Dedicated to the ACT Mac Geeks

Solar Company Says Its Tech Can Power 90 Percent of Grid and Cars | Wired Science from ... - 0 views

    interesting energy/SPS paper

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | 'Living plugs' smooth ant journey - 0 views

    Crazy ants.

12 crackpot tech ideas that just might work Slide: 1 - 0 views

    semantic web is here as well as AI and other ACT related ideas
Juxi Leitner

Google's Go: A New Programming Language That's Python Meets C++ - 6 views

    Big news for developers out there: Google has just announced the release of a new, open sourced programming language called Go. The company ...
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    Ugh... no operator overloading, no efficient generic programming and no lambda expressions... Only time will tell, but I don't understand who the intended audience is: I think that Python guys won't care about the (supposedly) increased performance (and you can interface C/C++ with Python easily) and that C++ programmers (I mean, the hardcore serious C++ Boost-like programmers, no the Java-like whiners :P) won't have their beloved templates pried from their cold dead hands with ease.
    yeah though I think especially operator overloading is not going to be a main problem, it is as with the JS library though quite thinkable that lots of users will switch or use it (or being put to use it...) because it is done by Google
    Having Google backing it will certainly help, even though they are presenting it as a "system level" (i.e., hard-core) language, and in that domain it is much more difficult to bullshit your way to a position of relevance. Look at Java: Sun pushed it like hell and it is certainly widely used in many contexts (corporate, web and embedded markets mostly), yet it completely failed to win the hearts of "open-source" developers (or, more generally, of those developers who are not forced to use it by virtue of some management-driven decision).
    "or, more generally, of those developers who are not forced to use it by virtue of some management-driven decision" completely agree with that!!

Japan eyes solar station in space as new energy source - 1 views

    new article about Japanese SPS plans ... in general all that is written is actually also true ....
Ma Ru

New LHC Sabotage Theory - 3 views

shared by Ma Ru on 15 Nov 09 - Cached
    I find it much more plausible than the theory of a bird bombing it with a baguette...
    The obligatory xkcd:
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