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Luís F. Simões

HP Dreams of Internet Powered by Phone Chips (And Cow Chips) | - 0 views

  • For Hewlett Packard Fellow Chandrakat Patel, there’s a “symbiotic relationship between IT and manure.”
  • Patel is an original thinker. He’s part of a group at HP Labs that has made energy an obsession. Four months ago, Patel buttonholed former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan at the Aspen Ideas Festival to sell him on the idea that the joule should be the world’s global currency.
  • Data centers produce a lot of heat, but to energy connoisseurs it’s not really high quality heat. It can’t boil water or power a turbine. But one thing it can do is warm up poop. And that’s how you produce methane gas. And that’s what powers Patel’s data center. See? A symbiotic relationship.
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  • Financial house Cantor Fitzgerald is interested in Project Moonshot because it thinks HP’s servers may have just what it takes to help the company’s traders understand long-term market trends. Director of High-Frequency Trading Niall Dalton says that while the company’s flagship trading platform still needs the quick number-crunching power that comes with the powerhog chips, these low-power Project Moonshot systems could be great for analyzing lots and lots of data — taking market data from the past three years, for example, and running a simulation.
    of relevance to this discussion: Koomey's Law, a Moore's Law equivalent for computing's energetic efficiency
Dario Izzo

The chips are down for Moore's law : Nature News & Comment - 4 views

    Super lol for all those who abused of the law in their slides / opinions / decisions ..
    I used the law in some slides :-)! This sentence is more or less the summary "The end of Moore's law is not a technical issue, it is an economic issue,". As Moore's himself recognized last year, the Moore's law itself is a pretty wild extrapolation of one exponential growth when there were only 5 experimental points. It is remarkable however how the semiconductor industry grabbed this and made every single effort to make it true. This effort was rewarded by turning semiconductor industry into one of the most important industries worldwide. Now these are challenging times indeed, and "when tide is gone, we realize who was swimming naked"...
    The "law" is one of the most successful concrete predictions of the technological future... Still very impressive and a lot more long-lived than Moore had probably ever dreamed of :)

Silicon Valley celebrates Moore's Law 50 years anniversary - 2 views

    A bit late, but it is very interesting and instructive to listen to Gordon Moore's words "It almost doubled every year (...) so I said in the next 10 years it's going to continue to double every year, we are going to go from 16 components on a chip to 16 000. Pretty wild extrapolation!". This extrapolation (exponential with only 5 initial points) is now well-known and is one of the things that changed the World, it is pretty amazing how this "wild" futuristic vision came true.
    A great source is also the blog from Chris Mack ( who is a semicon pioneer and publisher of many books on the subject. He wrote an article for IEEE Spectrum on Moore's law and its future. Find it here,
    Whenever I think about moore's law and extrapolating like that I end up back at this xkcd comic
pacome delva

Physics - Power laws in chess - 3 views

  • Finding power laws has now become de rigueur when analyzing popularity distributions. Long tails have been reported for the frequency of word usage in many languages [2], the number of citations of scientific papers [3], the number of visits (hits) to individual websites in a given time interval [4], and many more.
    Is there such a law for the technology used in satellites ?

Physicist Derives Laws of Thermodynamics For Life Itself - Technology Review - 2 views

    The laws of thermodynamics must apply to self-replicating systems. Now one physicist has worked out how

New rules for robots backed by European Parliament committee - 1 views

    The European Parliament's Legal Affairs Committee voted in favour of a resolution calling for new laws addressing robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) to be set out to sit alongside a new voluntary ethical conduct code that would apply to developers and designers.

New Test of the Gravitational Inverse-Square Law at the Submillimeter Range with Dual M... - 1 views

    "The experimental result shows that, at a 95% confidence level, the gravitational inverse-square law holds (|α|≤1) down to a length scale λ=59  μm"
    Very cool experiment! Impressive. Newton sure got an epiphany...
Luís F. Simões

The Secret of Ant Transportation Networks - Technology Review - 2 views

  • Just how ants create the highly efficient network of trails around their nests has never been fully understood. Now researchers think they've cracked it
  • They say the structure of ant trails can be entirely explained if the ants's response to a pheromone droplet concentration is linear. "One ant will turn to the left in proportion to the difference between the pheromone it has on its left side and the pheromone on its right," say Perna and co. They also point out that this is exactly what Weber's law predicts.
  • Ref: :Individual Rules For Trail Pattern Formation In Argentine Ants (Linepithema Humile)
    from the abstract: "Using a novel imaging and analysis technique on experimental data we estimated pheromone concentrations at all spatial positions in the experimental arena and at different times. Then we derived the response function of individual ants to pheromone concentrations by looking at correlations between concentrations and changes in speed or direction of the ants." [...] "agent based simulations based on the Weber's Law response function determined experimentally produced results compatible with those reported in the literature and reproduced the formation of trails."
    Nice article!

Culturomics Looks at the Birth and Death of Words - - 0 views

    very nice work indeed. Here's Slashdot's summary, with additional links: Physicists Discover Evolutionary Laws of Language
    this is the study I was talking about over lunch ...

The Pacific free trade deal that's anything but free | Dean Baker | Comment is free | g... - 0 views

    Frightening! In reality, the deal has almost nothing to do with trade: actual trade barriers between these countries are already very low. The TPP is an effort to use the holy grail of free trade to impose conditions and override domestic laws in a way that would be almost impossible if the proposed measures had to go through the normal legislative process. The expectation is that by lining up powerful corporate interests, the governments will be able to ram this new "free trade" pact through legislatures on a take-it-or-leave-it basis.

[1110.3763] A search for the analogue to Cherenkov radiation by high energy neutrinos a... - 1 views

    Sante: did you see this?
    Maybe a stupid question: The authors argue with the results obtained by Cohen and Glashow [2]. In [2] ist was stated that superluminal neutrinos should lose energy by producing photons and e+e- pairs. This should be observable. These conslusions are based on known physics (I guess), i.e. on the laws valid for subluminal conditions. How reasonable is it to apply (i.e. to assume the validity of) the same laws for superluminal particles?
Dario Izzo

UK mulls tough laws against internet 'trolls' - 2 views

    Hilarious!!! This is stupid / useless in so many ways, I cannot even start listing them ....

First flat lens focuses light without distortion - - 0 views

    Physicists in the US have made the first ultrathin flat lens. Thanks to its flatness, the device eliminates optical aberrations that occur in conventional lenses with spherical surfaces. As a result, the focusing power of the lens also approaches the ultimate physical limit set by the laws of diffraction.
    Really nice indeed! The new flat ultrathin lens is different in that it is a nanostructured "metasurface" made of optically thin beam-shaping elements called optical antennas, which are separated by distances shorter than the wavelength of the light they are designed to focus. These antennas are wavelength-scale metallic elements that introduce a slight phase delay in a light ray that scatters off them. The metasurface can be tuned for specific wavelengths of light by simply changing the size, angle and spacing between the nanoantennas. "The antenna is nothing more than a resonator that stores light and then releases it after a short time delay," Capasso says. "This delay changes the direction of the light in the same way that a thick glass lens would." The lens surface is patterned with antennas of different shapes and sizes that are oriented in different directions. This causes the phase delays to be radially distributed around the lens so that light rays are increasingly refracted further away from the centre, something that has the effect of focusing the incident light to a precise point.

An optical lattice clock with accuracy and stability at the 10-18 level : Nature : Natu... - 0 views

    Progress in atomic, optical and quantum science1, 2 has led to rapid improvements in atomic clocks. At the same time, atomic clock research has helped to advance the frontiers of science, affecting both fundamental and applied research. The ability to control quantum states of individual atoms and photons is central to quantum information science and precision measurement, and optical clocks based on single ions have achieved the lowest systematic uncertainty of any frequency standard3, 4, 5. Although many-atom lattice clocks have shown advantages in measurement precision over trapped-ion clocks6, 7, their accuracy has remained 16 times worse8, 9, 10. Here we demonstrate a many-atom system that achieves an accuracy of 6.4 × 10−18, which is not only better than a single-ion-based clock, but also reduces the required measurement time by two orders of magnitude. By systematically evaluating all known sources of uncertainty, including in situ monitoring of the blackbody radiation environment, we improve the accuracy of optical lattice clocks by a factor of 22. This single clock has simultaneously achieved the best known performance in the key characteristics necessary for consideration as a primary standard-stability and accuracy. More stable and accurate atomic clocks will benefit a wide range of fields, such as the realization and distribution of SI units11, the search for time variation of fundamental constants12, clock-based geodesy13 and other precision tests of the fundamental laws of nature. This work also connects to the development of quantum sensors and many-body quantum state engineering14 (such as spin squeezing) to advance measurement precision beyond the standard quantum limit.

Physics Limericks - 0 views

    Always check your units! Your units are wrong! cried the teacher. Your church weighs six joules - what a feature! And the people inside Are four hours wide, And eight gauss away from the preacher! How Fermi could estimate things! Like the well-known Olympic ten rings, And the one-hundred states, And weeks with ten dates, And birds that all fly with one... wings. For things moving free or at rest, Observe what the first law does best. It defines a key frame, Inertial by name, Where the second law then is expressed.

Why starting from differential equations for computational physics? - 1 views

    "The computational methods currently used in physics are based on the discretization of differential equations. This is because the computer can only perform algebraic operations. The purpose of this paper is to critically review this practice, showing how to obtain a purely algebraic formulation of physical laws starting directly from experimental measurements."
Thijs Versloot

Solar singlet fission bends the laws of physics to boost solar power efficiency by 30% ... - 2 views

    Chemists at UCR have found a way of turning a single photon into two excitons, by a process known as singlet fission. By doubling the yield of excitons in a solar cell, you theoretically double the number of electrons produced and could lead to having a max theoretical efficiency of 60% or more in an (organic) solar cell See also DOI: 10.1021/jz500676c - "Singlet Fission: From Coherences to Kinetics"

Testla energy Tesla Motors - 2 views

    tesla announcing home batteries at 350$/kW
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    Good stuff, no way it will be done in the netherlands however due to the 'equal-return' law in place here still that puts the price of returning to the grid equal to the costs of buying. The costs of this law are enormous however and energy companies would love to get rid off it, and it will in the upcoming years most likely. I wonder however if that makes sense on a regional/national level, returning to the grid on that scale produces a more stable supply. Why store for personal use only?
    Let's do some simple maths... Here in UK, example "economy 7" tarif yields night kWh approx. 12 pence cheaper than during day. Let's say the goal is to store energy equivalent to running a 2kW storage heater for 6 hours during the day. We need 12 kWh, so 12 times $350 this means need to spend approx. 1920 pounds for batteries. Time to break even at ROI: 1920 / 0.12 ~ 7.3 years... And this is assuming using the heater 365 days a year, and quite an expensive tariff (prepaid). SIWB :-)
    Also need to take into account that battery capacity tends to go down with time and usage
nikolas smyrlakis

Complex network study of Brazilian soccer players - 0 views

    looking a bit back to small world nets bibliography I bumped into that. quote: The probability that a Brazilian soccer player has worked at $N$ clubs or played $M$ games shows an exponential decay while the probability that he has scored $G$ goals is power law. (!)

Global Innovation Commons - 4 views

    nice initiative!
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    Any viral licence is a bad license...
    I'm pretty confident I'm about to open a can of worms, but mind explaining why? :)
    I am less worried about the can of worms ... actually eager to open it ... so why????
    Well, the topic GPL vs other open-source licenses (e.g., BSD, MIT, etc.) is old as the internet and it has provided material for long and glorious flame wars. The executive summary is that the GPL license (the one used by Linux) is a license which imposes some restrictions on the way you are allowed to (re)use the code. Specifically, if you re-use or modify GPL code and re-distribute it, you are required to make it available again under the GPL license. It is called "viral" because once you use a bit of GPL code, you are required to make the whole application GPL - so in this sense GPL code replicates like a virus. On the other side of the spectrum, there are the so-called BSD-like licenses which have more relaxed requirements. Usually, the only obligation they impose is to acknowledge somewhere (e.g., in a README file) that you have used some BSD code and who wrote it (this is called "attribution clause"), but they do not require to re-distribute the whole application under the same license. GPL critics usually claim that the license is not really "free" because it does not allow you to do whatever you want with the code without restrictions. GPL proponents claim that the requirements imposed by the GPL are necessary to safeguard the freedom of the code, in order to avoid being able to re-use GPL code without giving anything back to the community (which the BSD license allow: early versions of Microsoft Windows, for instance, had the networking code basically copy-pasted from BSD-licensed versions of Unix). In my opinion (and this point is often brought up in the debates) the division pro/against GPL mirrors somehow the division between anti/pro anarchism. Anarchists claim that the only way to be really free is the absence of laws, while non-anarchist maintain that the only practical way to be free is to have laws (which by definition limit certain freedoms). So you can see how the topic can quickly become inflammatory :) GPL at the current time is used by aro
    whoa, the comment got cut off. Anyway, I was just saying that at the present time the GPL license is used by around 65% of open source projects, including the Linux kernel, KDE, Samba, GCC, all the GNU utils, etc. The topic is much deeper than this brief summary, so if you are interested in it, Leopold, we can discuss it at length in another place.
    Thanks for the record long comment - am sure that this is longest ever made to an ACT diigo post! On the topic, I would rather lean for the GPL license (which I also advocated for the Marek viewer programme we put on source forge btw), mainly because I don't trust that open source is by nature delivering a better product and thus will prevail but I still would like to succeed, which I am not sure it would if there were mainly BSD like licenses around. ... but clearly, this is an outsider talking :-)
    btw: did not know the anarchist penchant of Marek :-)
    Well, not going into the discussion about GPL/BSD, the viral license in this particular case in my view simply undermines the "clean and clear" motivations of the initiative authors - why should *they* be credited for using something they have no rights for? And I don't like viral licences because they prevent using things released under this licence to all those people who want to release their stuff under a different licence, thus limiting the usefulness of the stuff released on that licence :) BSD is not a perfect license too, it also had major flaws And I'm not an anarchist, lol
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